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牵引成骨的相关文献在1998年到2021年内共计207篇,主要集中在口腔科学、外科学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文181篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献76981篇;相关期刊79种,包括解剖学杂志、中华医学美学美容杂志、中华整形外科杂志等; 相关会议4种,包括庆祝建国60周年中医药名家高层论坛、第三届全国口腔颌面修复重建外科学术会议、2005国际暨第八届全国头颈肿瘤大会等;牵引成骨的相关文献由430位作者贡献,包括沈国芳、王兴、王稚英等。



论文:181 占比:0.23%


论文:5 占比:0.01%


论文:76981 占比:99.76%





  • 沈国芳
  • 王兴
  • 王稚英
  • 卢晓峰
  • 唐友盛
  • 付颖
  • 伊彪
  • 刘振东
  • 李自力
  • 吴国平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: 通过深度加热组织来治疗软组织功能紊乱的物理疗法。1.5MHz的脉冲声波以30mW/cm^(2)的强度对骨折或骨折延期愈合和/或骨不连有很好的疗效,而对刺激下颌骨缺损愈合或垂直牵引成骨无明显效果。
    • 孙蕙珺; 牟思璇; 徐淑桦; 王雪纯; 吴艳棋; 梅鹏; 王旭; 柴岗; 朱敏
    • 摘要: 目的 通过三维测量探讨牵引成骨联合两阶段正畸干预治疗半侧颜面发育不全(Hemifacial microsomia,HFM)的临床疗效.方法 选取2016年6月至2019年6月采取牵引成骨联合两阶段正畸干预治疗HFM患者10例,收集初诊(T0)和牵引器拆除时(T1)时的CT数据,通过三维测量比较患者治疗前后上下颌骨对称性的变化.结果 牵引器拆除时,上颌牙合平面高度差异有明显改善,下颌牙合平面整平并有一定程度过矫治,颏下点基本对齐正中矢状面且有一定程度过矫治,基本达到了预定的治疗目标.结论 牵引成骨联合两阶段正畸干预能够有效地治疗混合牙列期HFM患者,并且为进一步的正畸治疗创造了条件.HFM多学科综合序列治疗亦应成为新的治疗理念.
    • 李阳; 刘樱; 王吉; 曲卫国; 杨宇; 牛牧青; 于颖; 陈新娟
    • 摘要: 目的 评探讨牵引成骨技术矫治面部复杂畸形的临床疗效.方法 对复杂面部畸形采用常规正颌外科手术无法一期解决的面部畸形10例患者,采用牵引成骨技术配合正颌外科技术进行治疗.手术一期置入内置式牵引器,术后1周开始牵引;牵引结束后3~6个月再行二期手术.结果 10例患者均完成牵引成骨,所牵引成骨平均牵引长度18 mm,面部外形及咬(牙合)关系均得到明显改善.随访2~4年,疗效满意.结论 通过牵引成骨技术治疗复杂面部畸形可以达到良好的手术效果,是治疗面部复杂畸形有效的手术方法.
    • 杨亦楠; 唐晓军; 张智勇; 石蕾; 刘伟; 尹琳; 尹宏宇
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨耳髁突综合征患者下颌及面部轮廓整形的临床治疗方法.方法 针对患者受累程度不同,在数字化外科技术指导下,采用双侧下颌骨牵张成骨、上颌LeFort Ⅰ型截骨、颏部截骨整形、假体隆颏术、假体填充下颌骨区,同时配合正畸治疗等序贯综合治疗.结果 共诊治3例患者,全部患者面部轮廓改善,2例重型患者咬合功能改善、睡眠打鼾消失,治疗效果满意.结论 对于下颌骨双侧严重受累患者,可采用双侧下颌骨牵张成骨及面部轮廓整形,配合正畸治疗,对于轻度受累患者,可采用单纯轮廓修整手术,均能得到满意效果.%Objective To present the overall therapy to correct mandible deformities and modify facial contour of patients who have been diagnosed as auriculo—condylar syndrome (ACS) in our hospital.Methods We formulate effective therapeutic plan for every single patient based on digital surgical techniques.Three patient received individualized therapy,which include bilateral Distraction osteogenesis,orthodontic treatment,genioplasty,LeFort Ⅰ osteotomy,Chin augmentation with porous polyethylene implant,or mandibular contour correction with porous polyethylene implant.Results All three patients gained satisfactory surgical resuhs.Occlusal function and sleeping quality in 2 severe patients was significantly improved.Conclusions Clinical features of ACS is complex,which may range from mild to severe in different patients.Individualized therapeutic plan of comprehensive treatment should be established after facial deformity evaluation and surgical simulation based on surgical techniques.
    • 李国威; 邓天阁; 薛洋; 刘平; 胡开进
    • 摘要: Objective To reveal the role of lateral pterygoid muscle in traumatic temporomandibular joint(TMJ)ankylosis. Methods Bilateral TMJ complex trauma was performed in eight 6?month?old male sheep. Then, function of the right and left lateral pterygoid muscles was maintained(control group)or blocked(test group),respectively. At the end of the 12th week after operation, all the animals were sacrificed and TMJ complex samples were evaluated by gross observation,spiral computed tomography(CT)scan?ning,Micro?CT scanning and histological examinations. Results Gross observation revealed bony ankylosis in the control group while fibrous adhesions in the test group. Results of spiral CT and Micro?CT demonstrated that the control group showed calcified callus for?mation in the joint space and roughened articular surfaces after new bone formation,which protruded into the joint space.The maximum anteroposterior and mediolateral condylar diameters were significantly larger in the control group than those in the test group. Micro?CT also showed that the primary growth orientation of new trabeculae was consistent with the direction of lateral pterygoid traction in the control group. Furthermore,histological examination showed fibro?osseous ankylosis in the control group.However,these characteristics were not found in the test group.Conclusion The lateral pterygoid muscle plays an important role,which is similar to distraction oste?ogenesis,in traumatic TMJ ankylosis.%目的 揭示翼外肌在创伤性颞下颌关节(temporomandibular joint,TMJ)强直发病中的作用机制.方法 本研究纳入6个月大的雄性绵羊8只,双侧髁突均通过手术建立复合创伤继发TMJ强直动物模型,即手术造成双侧髁突矢状骨折、关节盘移位及关节窝损伤.此外,左侧切除部分翼外肌作为实验组,右侧保留翼外肌作为对照组.术后12周,通过用大体观察、螺旋CT扫描、Micro?CT扫描、组织学观察等方法对TMJ样本进行评估与分析.结果 肉眼观察可见:对照组发生了TMJ骨性强直而实验组仅仅是纤维强直.螺旋CT和Micro?CT结果显示:与实验组相比,对照组关节面粗糙、有新骨形成并突入到关节腔内,且关节腔内有钙化的骨痂形成;对照组髁突的最大内外径和前后径均明显大于实验组(P<0.05);Micro?CT扫描结果还显示:对照组新生骨小梁的方向与翼外肌牵拉方向一致,而实验组无此特征.组织学结果也印证了对照组关节内发生了纤维-骨性强直,而实验组仅为纤维强直.结论 在髁突矢状骨折的愈合过程中,翼外肌发挥了类牵张成骨的作用,从而参与创伤性TMJ强直的发生.
    • 刘庆成; 王敏娇; 司家文; 王旭东; 于洪波
    • 摘要: 目的:利用颅外支架外固定牵引技术,采用上颌骨前段截骨牵引的方式治疗唇腭裂继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者,探讨手术效果并进行术后稳定性的评价.方法:选取唇腭裂术后继发上颌骨重度发育不足患者15例,采用上颌骨前段截骨,颅外支架外固定式牵引器进行术后牵引,通过头影测量分析,评价其术后效果及长期稳定性.利用SPSS 13.0软件包对数据进行方差分析.结果:所有患者均顺利完成上颌骨前段截骨及颅外支架的固定,术后进行牵引,无明显并发症发生,面型及咬合关系显著改善,牵引成骨后上颌骨凸度、前牙覆盖、上颌骨长度和高度等显著增加(P0.05).而腭咽腔的深度、软腭长度无明显改变,语音功能未受明显影响.结论:上颌骨前段截骨配合颅骨外支架牵引能够显著增加上颌骨长度,同时避免了对腭咽闭合功能的损伤,降低了术后复发的风险,是一种理想的矫治唇腭裂继发上颌骨发育不足的方法.%Objective: Anterior maxillary segmental distractions (AMSD) were used recently in the treatment of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to cleft lip and palate (CLP).The aim of this study was to assess the effect and long-term outcome of AMSD. Methods: Fifteen patients with severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to CLP were enrolled in this study.They were treated with AMSD using rigid external distraction(RED).Cephalometric analysis was performed at three time points: before surgery (T1), after distraction (T2), and 2 years after surgery (T3). The data was analyzed by one-way analysis of variance with SPSS 13.0 software package. Results: All surgeries completed smoothly, and midfacial deformities were corrected efficiently. The SNA, overjet, U1-PP and PP(ANS-PNS) improved significantly after AMSD (P<0.05), mean overjet increased by 14.28 mm. Comparison of data between T2 and T3 showed no significant difference. No obvious changes of palatopharyngeal depth and soft palatal length were found. Conclusions: With the ability of increasing maxillary length,avoiding damage on palatopharyngeal closure function,and reducing risk of relapse,AMSD has become a promising procedure in the treatment of severe maxillary hypoplasia secondary to CLP.
    • 付颖; 董庆文; 李新; 王稚英; 许王汉
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨富血小板纤维蛋白(PRF)对牵引成骨(DO)区骨保护素(OPG)表达的影响.方法 将25只大耳白兔随机分5组,分别行双侧下颌骨皮质骨切开术,一侧下颌骨牵引间隙放置PRF膜,作为实验组,对侧作为对照组,分别于牵引稳定期1、3、7、14和28 d各处死一组动物,将下颌骨DO区骨块制成脱钙石蜡切片,进行苏木精-伊红染色及OPG免疫组织化学染色,细胞图像分析仪测量牵引间隙处骨痂OPG表达情况.结果 下颌骨牵引处形成新生骨,免疫组织化学OPG染色主要表达在成骨细胞的胞浆中.实验组与对照组在稳定期1、3、7、14和28 d的OPG阳性表达细胞数比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 PRF能促进兔下颌骨DO区新骨的生成,OPG可能在DO过程的早期调控组织细胞应力信号传递,发挥成骨作用.%Objective To investigate the effect of platelet-rich fibrin (PRF) on mandibular osteogenesis and the expression of osteoprotegerin (OPG) in the period of distraction osteogenesis. Methods Twenty-five mature rabbits were randomly divided into five groups, bilateral mandibular osteotomies were performed in the rabbits. PRF was implanted in one side of the mandible as experimental group. The other side of madible was taken as control group. The rabbits were sacrificed and the distracted calluses were harvested and processed for HE and OPG immunohistochemical staining on the 1st, 3th, 7th, 14th and 28th day after the end of distraction. The expression of OPG in the calluses was analyzed by cell digital imaging soft-ware. Results The regenerated bone was found in the distraction gap after mandibular lengthening, OPG was co-localized in cytoplasm of osteoblasts and newly-embedded osteocytes. Compared with the control group, the OPG-positive cell number was statistically different in the experimental group on the 1st, 3th, 7th, 14th and 28th day after distraction (P < 0.05). Conclusions Our preliminary result demonstrated that PRF increases new bone formation and has a positive effect on early bone healing. OPG may play important roles at the early stage of mandibular distraction.
    • Zhang Wenwen; Dai Hao; Zhang Chunli; Shagnguan Wensong; Wang Shu; Wu Guoping
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨下颌骨牵引成骨(MDO)过程Wnt/β-catenin信号通路拮抗剂DKK1蛋白的表达及意义.方法 将健康成年新西兰大白兔24只分为牵引组和对照组,每组12只.牵引组行双侧下颌骨截骨后放置牵引器.对照组行双侧下颌骨截骨后直接牵开5 mm,钛板钛钉固定.细胞图像分析仪测量骨痂DKK1的表达.结果 免疫组织化学染色显示,DKK1主要定位于骨痂组织的成纤维细胞、软骨细胞、成骨细胞胞质中.牵引组随着牵引启动DKK1表达逐渐增加,在术后第10天时达高峰,随着牵引张力消失,术后17~24 d表达减弱,术后31~38 d,骨细胞内DKK1表达逐渐降低,胞核、胞质染色均为阳性.在各时间点,牵引组DKK1表达均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 牵引成骨过程中,随着牵引应力激活Wnt/β-catenin信号通路,通路相关蛋白表达增强,其负性调控因子DKK1表达也随之增强,有利于牵引区新骨生成和改建重塑.%Objective To investigate the expression of Wnt/β-catenin signal antagonist DKK1 protein in callus of distraction gap during mandibular distraction osteogenesis (MDO).Methods Twenty four healthy New Zealand rabbits were randomly divided into distraction group,fracture control group,with twelve rabbits each,respectively.In distraction group,bilateral mandibular distraction models were established.In control group,after bilateral mandibular osteotomy,the two bone fragments were fixed by titanium plate and screws with a 5 mm gap.The expression of DKK1 in the distracted calluses was analyzed by cell digital imaging software.Results Expression of DKK1 was colocalized in the nucleus and cytoplasm of osteoblasts,fibroblasts,cartilageand newly embedded osteocytes.The expression of DKK1 increased following distraction activated after surgery,peaked at 10 days after surgery,the population of cells that stained for DKK1 decreased gradually.At 31 to 38 days postoperatively,DKK1 expression reduced gradually,mainly located in the osteocyte,and both nucleus and cytoplasm were positive staining.At each time point,the expression of DKK1 in distraction group was higher than that in the control group and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusions During MDO,the Wnt/β-catenin pathway is activated due to the distraction and mechanical strain on the bone.With the increased expression of Wnt-related factors,the endogenous negative feedback is enhanced to induce DKK1 expression and to regulate the activated Wnt/β-catenin pathway.This would be beneficial to the new bone formation and remodeling in the distraction gap.
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