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深度知觉的相关文献在1965年到2022年内共计143篇,主要集中在眼科学、体育、心理学 等领域,其中期刊论文120篇、专利文献68383篇;相关期刊75种,包括父母必读、四川体育科学、浙江体育科学等; 深度知觉的相关文献由338位作者贡献,包括曹利群、高原、倪晨迪等。



论文:120 占比:0.18%


论文:68383 占比:99.82%





  • 曹利群
  • 高原
  • 倪晨迪
  • 吴晓荣
  • 曹海涛
  • 王亚良
  • 王静
  • 高康洪
  • 卢丽芬
  • 叶斯哈提·巴衣达吾列提
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 郁林荫
    • 摘要: 斜视是眼科多发病、常见病,患病率约为3%~5%。斜视是指两眼不能同时注视目标,属眼外肌疾病。正常人两个眼睛能同时注视一个目标,自由地转动,大脑会将来自两只眼睛的图像组合成一个单一的三维图像,实现人能判断目标距离人有多近或者多远(称为深度知觉)。双眼看到的是一个立体的目标。
    • 吴琳; 卢章平; 李明珠
    • 摘要: 目的 分析人对图标深度在不同类型界面中认知资源的分配。方法 通过眼动追踪实验,获得在单一深度图标集和混合深度图标集中搜索3类深度图标时的行为反应数据指标,并在此基础上收集各深度主观满意度评价。结果 不同深度图标之间搜索质量具有显著差异。在单一深度图标集中,搜索目标的深度与视觉搜索效率呈负相关。在混合深度图标集中,中等深度图标的搜索效率最高,不同深度图标对认知负荷的影响没有显著差异。此外,收集被试对3类图标的主观评价,结果显示中等深度图标具有更高的主观满意度。结论 图形深度的刺激影响人对搜索策略的选择,除把握图标个体的设计元素特性外,需同时注重不同界面环境的影响。使用中等深度的图标,可增加图标的可识别性和差异性,在混合深度图标集中能提升视觉搜索质量,并提供更好的使用体验。
    • 宋敏嘉; 李瑞涛; 杜春华
    • 摘要: 采用文献资料等研究方法,梳理我国体育学科深度知觉研究近40年的学术成果,在探讨现阶段我国体育学科深度知觉研究的发展现状及存在问题基础之上,借鉴国外深度知觉研究优势,提出发展建议。研究结果表明,我国体育学科深度知觉研究存在内容重复、手段陈旧、任务单一等现实问题。需结合国外深度知觉研究的内容、手段与任务优势。并提出今后我国体育学科的深度知觉研究可以考虑从竞赛实践出发,创新研究内容、更新研究手段、丰富研究任务等,进而提升研究结果整体生态效度,丰富体育学科在深度知觉方面的研究深度与广度。
    • 平莉
    • 摘要: 当代社会的巨大转型,极大改善了现代社会物质生活条件,塑造了人们精神面貌.但工业社会带来的压力,也给人们尤其是大学生们带来了巨大的压力与焦虑.压力与焦虑的减缓使艺术治疗成为具有普遍需求的社会实践.艺术治疗不仅仅需要关注个别艺术家特殊的精神状况,而且需要关注更多的普通民众从深度知觉的艺术欣赏中摆脱焦虑.这种实践在根本上与中国传统艺术紧密相关,中国传统艺术本身就有着身心修养引导的治疗功能.
    • 李静纯(文/图)
    • 摘要: 课堂教学需要信息的供给,这一点是肯定的。但是,我们由此还要研究,提供怎样的信息更能适合学生的学习?提供怎样的信息更能促成高效的学习?神经科学家认为,多样性有利于视觉的发展,"孩子需要信息的洪流"(Kotulak,1996),从而促进他们的深度知觉(the deep perception)。大脑有30多种不同的视觉区域,分别"负责"颜色、运动、色调和深度的视觉加工工作,单一种类、单一结构、单一价值、单一效果的信息会在很大程度上影响大脑的多样化加工运作,并对终生学习造成影响。
    • 王翠青; 任美玉; 王琪; 王利华
    • 摘要: Objective To study the correlations between the distance stereoacuity and the levels of control at different far distance fixations in children with intermittent exotropia.Methods In this prospective,non-interventional case series study,52 children with intermittent exotropia (basic,divergence excess and pseudo-divergence excess types,exodeviation angles≥15 PD) admitted to the Shandong Provincial Hospital Affiliated to Shandong University for surgery between August 2014 and March 2015 were enrolled.The distance stereoacuity was tested with the distance Randot stereotest,and the control of exodeviation was assessed at outdoor far distance fixation of 50 m,indoor far distance fixation of 30 m,and indoor distance fixation of 3 m,respectively,using the office-based 6-point control scale proposed by Mohney and Holmes.The distance stereoacuity and control scores of every intermittent exotropia child were tested 3-4 times in a single day with an interval of at least 2 hours.Nonparametric Spearman rank method was used to analyze the correlations between distance stereoacuity and levels of control at three different far distances in children with intermittent exotropia.Results The mean age of 52 enrolled children (26 males,26 females) was 7 years (range,5-12 years),and 192 groups of distance stereoacuity and control scores were got for the 52 children.Positive correlations between the distance stereoacuity and the levels of control at outdoor far distance fixation of 50 m,indoor far distance fixation of 30 m,and indoor distance fixation of 3 m were observed (coefficients of correlations;r=0.489,0.472,0.282,all P<0.001).Conclusion There are correlations between the distance stereoacuity and the levels of control at outdoor far distance fixation of 50 m,indoor far distance fixation of 30 m and indoor distance fixation of 3 m in children with intermittent exotropia,and the former two are found to be stronger than the latter one.%目的 探讨间歇性外斜视儿童远立体视锐度与注视不同远距离视标时的外斜视控制力分级的相关性.方法 前瞻性、非干预性研究.对2014年8月至2015年3月在山东大学附属省立医院眼科住院拟行手术治疗的52例间歇性外斜视(基本型、外展过强型和类似外展过强型;看远斜视度数≥15 PD)儿童进行远立体视锐度测定和看远外斜视控制力的评估.远立体视锐度测定采用Randot远立体视觉检查图.外斜视控制力评估采用Mohney和Holmes六分级法,按照由远距离视标到近距离视标的顺序分别对受试儿童注视户外50 m、室内30 m、室内3m不同远距离视标时的外斜视控制力进行分级.每例受试患儿在同一天内进行远立体视锐度和控制力分级测量3或4次,2次测量间隔不小于2h.采用Spearman相关性分析对受试儿童的远立体视锐度与注视3个不同远距离视标的外斜视控制力分级的相关性进行分析.结果 52例受试间歇性外斜视儿童中男性26例,女性26例;平均年龄7岁(5~12岁),共测得192例次远立体视锐度和各注视距离控制力分级结果.间歇性外斜视儿童的远立体视锐度与注视户外50 m、室内30 m、室内3m视标时外斜视控制力分级的相关系数r分别为0.489(P<0.001)、0.472 (P<0.001)、0.282 (P<0.001),间歇性外斜视儿童远立体视锐度与注视3个不同远距离视标的外斜视控制力分级均呈正相关.结论 间歇性外斜视儿童的远立体视锐度与注视户外50m、室内30m和室内3m视标时的外斜视控制力分级均有相关性,且前两者较后者更强.
    • 郝宁; 边俊杰; 方薇; 孙冉; 董莹; 彭艳坤
    • 摘要: 目的 探究角膜塑形术对近视儿童立体视觉、动态调节功能影响及控制近视进展机制.方法 选取2015年3月至2016年3月83例(166眼)近视儿童,均接受角膜塑形术治疗,检测比较患儿戴镜前、戴镜6个月后、12个月后的裸眼远视力、裸眼近视力、裸眼近立体视锐度、动态调节功能[调节近点(NP)、调节敏感度(AF)、负相对调节(NRA)、正相对调节(PRA)]及眼压、前房深度、中央角膜厚度、眼轴长度.结果 患儿戴镜12个月后裸眼远、近视力与AF、PRA均高于戴镜6个月后,且戴镜6个月后高于戴镜前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);患儿戴镜12个月后裸眼近立体视锐度与NP、NRA均低于戴镜6个月后,且戴镜6个月后低于戴镜前,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);患儿戴镜前、戴镜6个月后、戴镜12个月后的眼压、前房深度、中央角膜厚度、眼轴长度比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 采用角膜塑形术治疗可明显矫正近视儿童视力,改善其立体视觉,控制近视进展,提高患儿眼部调节功能,且具有较高安全性,短期效果良好.%Objective To investigate the effect of corneal plastic surgery on stereopsis and dynamic regulation of myopia and the mechanism of myopia.Methods From March 2015-March 2016,83 cases (166 eyes) myopia children in our hospital were subjected to corneal plastic surgery.The naked eye distant visual acuity,naked eye near visual acuity,naked eye near stereoscopic sharpness,dynamic adjustment function [Near point of accommodation (NP),adjusted sensitivity (AF),negative relative adjustment (NRA),positive relative adjustment (PRA)] and intraocular pressure,anterior chamber depth,central corneal thickness and axial length of children before wearing glasses,wearing glasses 6 months later,wearing glasses 12 months later were compared.Results The distant and near visual acuity,AF and PRA of naked eyes after 12 months wearing glasses were higher than those after 6 months wearing glasses,and all the above indexes were higher than those before wearing glasses,with statistically significant difference (P < 0.05).After 12 months wearing glasses,the acuity of naked near stereopsis,NP and NRA were lower than those after 6 months wearing glasses,and all the above indexes 6 months after wearing glasses were lower than those before wearing glasses (P < 0.05).There were no significant differences in intraocular pressure,anterior chamber depth,central corneal thickness and axial length between children before wearing glasses,6 months after wearing glasses and 12 months after wearing glasses (P > 0.05).Conclusions Corneal plastic surgery can significantly correct the visual acuity of children,improve their stereovision,control the progression of myopia,improve the ocular adjustment function of children,and its safety is high.
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