
淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1的相关文献在2000年到2021年内共计59篇,主要集中在基础医学、肿瘤学、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文59篇、专利文献1244827篇;相关期刊43种,包括中国病理生理杂志、中国实验血液学杂志、中华风湿病学杂志等; 淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1的相关文献由210位作者贡献,包括于成功、刘智胜、叶任高等。



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论文:1244827 占比:100.00%





  • 于成功
  • 刘智胜
  • 叶任高
  • 周道远
  • 姚辉
  • 张伟华
  • 张涤华
  • 李幼姬
  • 李猛
  • 王俭勤
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 林宇挺; 李伟坚; 黄培楷
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)在慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)中性粒细胞性炎症反应中的表达及其临床意义.方法:选取2019年1月至2020年12月在惠州市中心人民医院就诊的COPD急性加重期(AECOPD)患者40例作为AECOPD组,COPD稳定期患者40例作为COPD稳定组,并选取健康志愿者20例作为对照组.比较各组LFA-1与中性粒细胞性炎症因子[肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、白细胞介素-8(IL-8)、炎性蛋白胸腺基质淋巴细胞生成素(TSLP)、高迁移率族蛋白1(HMGB1)]及其相关性,并分析不同临床特征LFA-1水平及其独立影响因素.结果:三组LFA-1、TNF-α、IL-6、IL-8、TSLP、HMGB1水平比较:AECOPD组>COPD稳定>对照组,均有统计学意义(P0.05),LFA-1与IL-6、IL-8呈正相关(P<0.05).经单因素分析,吸烟、慢性阻塞性肺疾病评估测试(CAT)评分、改良版英国医学研究会呼吸问卷(mMRC)分级、慢性阻塞性肺疾病全球倡议(GOLD)分级是影响LFA-1水平的因素(P<0.05);经多元线性回归分析,吸烟、CAT评分、mMRC分级、GOLD是影响LFA-1水平的独立危险因素(P<0.05).结论:COPD患者LFA-1与中性粒细胞性炎症因子均呈高表达,且AECOPD高于COPD稳定期患者,COPD患者LFA-1与中性粒细胞性炎症因子具有一定关联性,吸烟、CAT评分≥10分、mMRC分级≥2级、GOLD分级≥2级是导致LFA-1水平高的原因.
    • 赵娅; 张松; 李媛媛; 石韵; 倪烨; 李研研; 杨洁; 刘伟
    • 摘要: 目的 观察有氧运动对高脂血症大鼠脂代谢及细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)和淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)表达的影响,初步探讨其在动脉硬化过程中的作用机制.方法 取8周龄健康、雄性SD大鼠120只,30只饲食标准饲料为正常对照组,90只饲喂高脂肪膳食,构建高血脂大鼠疾病模型实验组,并随机分为高脂饮食组(High fat diet,HF组)、PCSK9抑制剂组(HF+ SBC-115076组)、有氧运动组(HF+有氧运动组),每组30只.HF组和HF+ SBC-115076组在饲养过程中不运动,正常笼内生活,HF+ SBC-115076组每周注射PCSK9抑制剂SBC-115076(8 mg/kg)一次,连续8周.HF+有氧运动组进行每周6d、共持续8周的无负重游泳,8周后处死大鼠,心尖采血测定血清TG、TC、LDL、HDL、ICAM-1和LFA-1水平.取其胸主动脉HE染色观察主动脉病理学改变.结果 成功建立高脂血症大鼠疾病模型.实验组各亚组摄食量差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),HF组及HF+ SBC-115076组大鼠体重明显高于HF+有氧运动组(P<0.01).与正常对照组比较,HF组大鼠血清TG、TC、LDL、ICAM-1和LFA-1水平显著升高,HDL水平显著降低(P<0.01);与HF组相比,HF+ SBC-115076组和HF+有氧运动组大鼠血清TG、TC、LDL、ICAM-1和LFA-1水平显著降低,HDL水平显著升高(P<0.01).HE染色观察大鼠主动脉结构显示HF+有氧运动组内膜增厚明显改善,内皮损伤较少.结论 有氧运动能降低高血脂大鼠的血清TG、TC、LDL水平,升高HDL水平,可能通过降低血清ICAM-1和LFA-1的表达水平,改善高脂饮食导致的内膜增厚及内皮损伤,发挥抗动脉硬化作用.%Objective To observe aerobic exercise on blood lipid and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1),lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) in hyperlipidemia rats.Methods 120 male Sprague Dawley (SD) rats were randomized into the 4 groups (n =30):normal diet group (control group),high fat group (HF group),HF + SBC-115076 group [SBC-115076,8 mg/kg · w)] and HF + aerobic exercise group.Rats in HF group and HF + SBC-115076 group did not exercise during feeding and lived in normal cage.Rats in HF + SBC-115076 group recieved PCSK9 inhibitor SBC-115076 (8 mg/kg) injection once a week for 8 weeks.HF + aerobic exercise group underwent load-free swimming training 6 days a week for 8 weeks.The rats were sacrificed 8 weeks later.The serum levels of triglyceride (TG),total cholesterol (TC),low density lipoprotein (LDL),high density lipoprotein (HDL),ICAM-1 and LFA-1 were measured by apical blood sampling.Hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining of thoracic aorta to observe pathological changes of aorta.Results After modeling,there was no significant difference in the food intake levels of the hyperlipidemia rats (P > 0.05).The body weight of HF rats and HF + SBC-115076 rats increased significantly than HF + aerobic exercise rats (P < 0.01).The levels of serum lipid profile,ICAM-1,and LFA-1 were significantly different between HF rats and control rats.Compared with HF rats,serum levels of TG,TC,LDL,ICAM-1 and LFA-1 in HF + SBC-115076 group and HF + aerobic exercise group were significantly lower and HDL levels were significantly higher.HE staining showed that the intimal thickening was significantly improved in HF + aerobic exercise group with less endothelial damage.Conclusions Aerobic exercise can reduce the levels of serum TG,TC,LDL and increase HDL level in rats with hyperlipidemia.It can improve the intimal thickening and endothelial damage caused by high-fat diet by reducing the expression levels of serum ICAM-1 and LFA-1,and has anti-atherosclerosis effect.
    • 陈茜; 金璜; 孙钊; 齐宪荣; 曹国颖
    • 摘要: 目的:了解新药Lifitegrast的研究进展,为干眼症的临床药物治疗提供参考.方法:以"Lifitegrast""干眼症""淋巴细胞功能相关抗原1""细胞间黏附分子1""Dry eye disease""LFA-1""ICAM-1"等为关键词,在PubMed、Elsevier Science、中国知网、万方数据库等中外数据库中组合查询2007-2017年发表的相关文献,对Lifitegrast的药理机制、药动学、临床疗效及安全性研究等进行综述.结果:共检索到有效文献22篇.Lifitegrast是新型的淋巴细胞功能相关抗原1(LFA-1)拮抗药,通过阻止LFA-1与其配体细胞间黏附分子1结合,进而抑制T细胞激活,阻止免疫突触的形成和细胞因子的释放,减轻炎症反应,从而靶向治疗干眼症.药动学研究显示,Lifitegrast眼部给药能更多地分布于容易发生炎症的眼组织部位(结膜、角膜),眼组织吸收和全身消除均非常迅速,重复给药后在眼组织未见蓄积现象,且其全身性暴露可能性很低.临床研究显示,在Ⅱ期临床试验和OPUS-1试验中,Lifitegrast能改善基线症状轻度至中度患者的体征指标(如下角膜染色评分);在OPUS-2和OPUS-3试验中,Lifitegrast能改善基线症状中度至重度患者的症状指标(如眼干燥评分、视觉模拟评分);在SONATA试验中,Lifitegrast相关不良反应多为轻中度,且持续时间较短,尚未见该药相关的严重不良反应发生.结论:5%Lifitegrast滴眼液用于干眼症的治疗能明显改善患者的症状和体征,起效较快,且安全性良好.
    • 夏菲; 李芳; 张东波; 于成功
    • 摘要: 目的:淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1 (LFA-1)对淋巴细胞的分化、迁移及功能有重要影响.体外探讨LFA-1对iTreg细胞可塑性的影响和作用机制.方法:体外诱导产生纯度较高的野生组(wild type,WT)小鼠iTreg细胞及LFA-1基因敲除组(LFA-1-/-组),将以上2种细胞置于含有Ⅱ-6、IL-23、TGF-β的完全培养基中,于第8天通过流式检测Ⅱ-17、Foxp3共表达的情况,PCR检测STAT3、ROR-γt前后表达量的变化,ELISA检测细胞因子Ⅱ-10、Ⅱ.-17水平.结果:野生组(wild type,WT)及LFA-1基因敲除组(LFA-1-/-组)小鼠Treg细胞在炎性环境中均展现出可塑性,LFA-1-/-组小鼠Ⅱ-17/Foxp3共表达高于WT组小鼠.real-timePCR显示与WT组相比,LFA-1-/-组小鼠ROR-γ t、STAT3表达高于WT组(P<0.001).与空白对照组相比,炎性环境中Treg细胞分泌IL-17增加,分泌IL-10减少;且这种改变在LFA-1组小鼠Treg细胞中更为显著(P<0.001).结论:LFA-1可能通过影响转录因子ROR-γt、STAT3表达水平影响Treg细胞的可塑性.%Objective:It has been widely accepted that lymphatic helper T cells in the lymph system have plasticity.Treg cells,as one of the helper T cell phenotypes,can be induced in different cytokine environment and reveal the existence of plasticity.In addition,lymphocyte function associated antigen 1 (LFA-1) play an important role in the function and migration of lymphocyte differentiation.This study was aimed to investigate the effect of LFA-1 on Treg cells plasticity and the possibility mechanism in vitro.Methods:The high purity Treg cells in wild mice and LFA-1-/-mice pre in vitro,and then cultured in completely medium containing IL-6,IL-23,TGF-beta.On the eighth day,the co-expressing of Foxp3 and IL-17 was measured by flow cytometer,and the expression of STAT3 and ROR gamma t was detected by PCR.The levels of IL-10 and IL-17 in supernatant were measured by ELSIA.Results:Both of the wild mice Treg cells and LFA-1-/-mice Treg cells showed the plasticity in inflammatory conditions,but LFA-1-/-mice Treg cells revealed a higher percentage of Foxp3/IL-17 co-expressing,and the expression of STAT3 and ROR gamma t in LFA-1-/-mice Treg was also increased than that in the wild mice Treg cells (P<0.001).Furthermore,both of the two types of cells supernatants showed that IL-17 is higher with IL-10 decreasing than that of treatment,and the change is obvious in LFA-1-/-mice Treg cells (P<0.001).Conclusion:LFA-1 has the effect on the plasticity of Treg by regulating the expression of STAT3 and ROR gamma t.
    • 张敏; 李媛媛; 张东波; 于成功
    • 摘要: It has been widely accepted that Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (Fp) induces the differentiation of Treg cells.Lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1) is also involved in the differentiation of Treg cells.Aims: To investigate the effect of Fp on Treg cells and cytokines in colitis mice with LFA-1 knockout (LFA-1-/-).Methods: Twenty wild type mice and twenty LFA-1-/-mice with same genetic background were randomly divided into wild type control group, wild type treatment group, LFA-1-/-control group and LFA-1-/-treatment group.Colitis model was induced by drinking DSS solution.Mice in the two treatment groups were intragastrically administrated with Fp.General status and histopathological score were assessed.Percentages of Treg cells in spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes were measured by flow cytometry.Serum levels of IL-10 and TGF-β1 were measured by ELISA.mRNA expressions of IL-10 and TGF-β1 in colonic tissue were detected by real time PCR.Results: Compared with corresponding control groups, histopathological score was significantly decreased in wild type treatment group (P<0.05);percentages of Treg cells in spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes were significantly increased (P<0.05), serum levels of IL-10 and TGF-β1 were significantly increased (P<0.01), expression of TGF-β1 mRNA was significantly increased in wild type treatment group and LFA-1-/-treatment group (P<0.05);expression of IL-10 mRNA was significantly decreased in LFA-1-/-treatment group (P<0.01).Compared with wild type treatment group, serum level of TGF-β1 was significantly decreased (P<0.05), and mRNA expressions of IL-10 and TGF-β1 were significantly decreased in LFA-1-/-treatment group (P<0.05).Conclusions: Fp can up-regulate the percentages of Treg cells and enhance the secretion of anti-inflammatory cytokines IL-10 and TGF-β1 in LFA-1-/-mice.The therapeutic efficacy for colitis in wild type mice is superior to that in LFA-1-/-mice, which may be related to the inhibition of function of Treg cells and secretion of cytokines due to LFA-1 knockout.%Faecalibacterium prausnitzii(Fp)可促进Treg细胞的分化,淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)亦参与Treg细胞的分化调节.目的:探讨Fp对LFA-1基因敲除(LFA-1-/-)的结肠炎小鼠中Treg细胞和细胞因子的影响.方法:将同样遗传背景下野生型小鼠和LFA-1-/-小鼠随机分为野生型对照组、野生型治疗组、LFA-1-/-对照组、LFA-1-/-治疗组.小鼠饮用DSS溶液诱导结肠炎模型,治疗组小鼠予Fp灌胃.观察各组小鼠一般状况和组织病理学评分,以流式细胞术检测脾脏和肠系膜淋巴结中Treg细胞比例,ELISA法检测外周血清IL-10、TGF-β1含量,实时PCR法检测结肠组织IL-10、TGF-β1 mRNA表达.结果:与相应对照组相比,野生型治疗组结肠组织学评分显著下降(P<0.05);野生型治疗组和LFA-1-/-治疗组脾脏和肠系膜淋巴结中Treg细胞比例显著升高(P<0.05),血清IL-10、TGF-β1含量显著升高(P<0.01),TGF-β1 mRNA表达显著升高(P<0.05);LFA-1-/-治疗组IL-10 mRNA表达显著降低(P<0.01).与野生型治疗组相比,LFA-1-/-治疗组血清TGF-β1含量显著降低(P<0.05),IL-10、TGF-β1 mRNA表达显著降低(P<0.05).结论:Fp在LFA-1-/-小鼠中可上调Treg细胞比例,促进Treg细胞分泌抗炎因子IL-10、TGF-β1.Fp治疗野生型结肠炎小鼠的疗效优于LFA-1-/-小鼠,可能与LFA-1缺失对Treg细胞功能的发挥和细胞因子分泌受限有关.
    • 费先艳; 张新; 于成功
    • 摘要: 背景:Treg细胞对炎症性肠病(IBD)具有免疫保护作用,淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)参与了IBD时Treg细胞的分化和迁移.目的:探讨LFA-1调节Treg细胞对IBD疗效的影响.方法:将LFA-1基因缺失小鼠和相同遗传背景野生型小鼠各20只分别随机分为炎症组和治疗组.小鼠饮用2.5% DSS溶液诱导结肠炎模型,治疗组小鼠通过尾静脉回输体外诱导的Treg细胞.观察小鼠一般情况和结肠组织学表现,流式细胞术检测外周血、脾脏、肠系膜淋巴结中Treg细胞比例,ELISA法检测血清TGF-β1、IL-10、IL-17A、IFN-γ水平,实时PCR检测结肠组织TGF-β1、IL-10 mRNA表达.结果:LFA-1缺失治疗组结肠组织学评分与野生型治疗组无明显差异.LFA-1缺失治疗组肠系膜淋巴结Treg细胞比例显著高于相应炎症组(P <0.05);LFA-1缺失治疗组外周血、脾脏、肠系膜淋巴结Treg细胞比例显著低于野生型治疗组(P<0.05).与相应炎症组相比,野生型和LFA-1缺失治疗组血清TGF-β1、IL-10以及结肠组织TGF-β1 mRNA表达显著升高(P<0.05),IL-17A、IFN-γ以及IL-10 mRNA表达显著降低(P<0.05).野生型治疗组血清TGF-β1、IL-10以及TGF-β1、IL-10 mRNA表达显著高于LFA-1缺失治疗组(P<0.05),IL-17A、IFN-γ显著降低(P<0.05).结论:LFA-1参与了Treg细胞功能的调控,能促进Treg细胞分泌抗炎因子TGF-β1、IL-10等.Treg细胞治疗LFA-1缺失结肠炎小鼠的疗效低于野生型小鼠,可能与Treg细胞功能和细胞因子的分泌受到抑制相关.
    • 王立芹; 闫晓婷; 于学文; 褚静; 李静; 李腾
    • 摘要: 目的:通过观察细胞间黏附分子-1(ICAM-1)和淋巴细胞功能相关抗原-1(LFA-1)在早期自然流产患者蜕膜组织中的表达,探讨ICAM-1/LFA-1与早期自然流产的关系。方法采用免疫组化方法检测33例早期自然流产患者和同期妊娠的30例健康妇女蜕膜组织中ICAM-1、LFA-1的表达,用激光共聚焦显微镜( CLSM)双标检测二者关系并加以分析。结果流产组患者蜕膜组织基质细胞ICAM-1和LFA-1蛋白表达强度高于对照组(t=-3.632,P=0.001;t=-3.839,P=0.001);流产组蜕膜腺体细胞ICAM-1和LFA-1蛋白表达强度明显低于对照组(t=-2.613,P=0.013;t=-2.266,P=0.027);共聚焦显微镜下ICAM-1和LFA-1在流产组和对照组的蜕膜组织均有大部分重叠表达,在蜕膜腺体细胞流产组比对照组重合表达明显。结论 ICAM-1和LFA-1在早期自然流产患者蜕膜组织基质细胞的高表达和腺体细胞的低表达可能与早期自然流产的发生有关。%Objective To explore the correlation of intracellular adhesion molecule-1 ( ICAM-1 ) and lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 ( LFA-1 ) with early spontaneous abortion by observing the expressions of them in decidual tissues of patients with early spontaneous abortion.Methods The ICAM-1 and LFA-1 expressions in the decidual tissues of 33 women with early spontaneous abortion and 30 normal pregnant women were analyzed by S-P immunohistochemistry method, and the relationship between ICAM-1 and LFA-1 was detected by confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM).Results In abortion group the expressive intensity of ICAM-1 and LFA-1 was significantly stronger in the decidual stromal cells ( t=-3.632,P=0.001;t=-3.839,P=0.001) and weaker in the decidual glandular epithelial cells than in the control group (t=-2.613,P=0.013;t=-2.266,P=0.027).The ICAM-1 and LFA-1 expression in the decidual tissues overlapped under CLSM,and the overlapped expression of decidual glandular epithelial cells in abortion group was more obvious than in control group.Conclusion High expressions of ICAM-1 and LFA-1 in decidual stromal cells and low expressions of them in decidual glandular epithelial cells may be correlated with the occurrence of early spontaneous abortion.
    • 向兰花; 谭小平
    • 摘要: Objective]The purpose of this study is to examine the expression of the neutrophil surface adhesion molecule lympho-cyte function associated antigen 1(LFA-1)and its relationship with preeclampsia disease (PE)patients.[Methods]Between June 2012 and June 2014,50 patients with PE were selected as subjects for a research project.These patients were divided into two groups in ac-cordance with their specific medical condition:the severe PE group (20 cases),and the mild PE group (30 cases).During the duration of the experiment,40 healthy pregnant women were selected as normal control group.The mother's blood and the blood in the umbilical cord were both found to contain neutrophils and neutrophil surface adhesion molecules FLA-1 expression.Correlation analysis wascon-ducted.[Results]The neutrophil count and neutrophil surface-adhesion molecule LFA-1 positive rate in the blood of the PE group mothers was found to be higher than the control group,with the difference being quite statistically significant (P <0.05).It was also found that as the PE illness aggravated,both the maternal blood-neutrophil count and neutrophil surface-adhesion molecule LFA-1 pos-itive rate showed an increasing trend (P <0.05).In addition,maternal blood neutrophil count,neutrophil surface adhesion molecules LFA-1 positive rate in the gestational diabetes group were higher than that of group without gestational diabetes,and the difference was statistically significant (P <0.05);In another analysis of the PE group ,the umbilical cord blood neutrophil count and neutrophil sur-face adhesion molecules LFA-1 positive rate were also higher than the control group,with the difference being statistically significant once again (P <0.05),and as the PE illness aggravated,both umbilical cord blood neutrophil count as well as neutrophil surface ad-hesion molecules LFA-1 positive rate showed a trend of increased (P <0.05);Mother blood neutrophils surface expression of adhesion molecules LFA-1 positive rate showed a trend of increased positively correlated with systolic blood pressure in patients with PE (r=0.597,P =0.597).Results showed that a mother's blood-neutrophil surface expression of adhesion molecules (LFA-1)positive rate di-rectly correlated with the systolic blood pressure in patients with PE (r =0.597,P =0.597),the diastolic blood pressure also showed a direct correlation (r = 0.526,P =0.526).[Conclusion]Excessive neutrophil activation in patients with PEas well as excessive neu-trophil activation is associated with PE severity.From our findings,we can now inhibit the excessive activation of neutrophils in PE pregnancy cases in complications such as prevention and control.%【目的】探讨中性粒细胞表面粘附分子淋巴细胞功能相关抗原1(LFA-1)在子痫前期(PE)中的表达及意义。【方法】选取2012年6月至2014年6月期间50例 PE 患者为研究对象,将50例 PE 患者按照病情分为:重度 PE 组20例,轻度 PE 组30例。选择同期40名健康孕妇为正常对照组。检测母血及脐血中性粒细胞及中性粒细胞表面黏附分子 LFA-1的表达情况,并对相关指标进行分析。【结果】PE 组母血中中性粒细胞计数、中性粒细胞表面粘附分子 LFA-1阳性率明显高于对照组,且两组相比较差异有显著性(P <0.05),且随着 PE 病情的加重,母血中中性粒细胞计数、中性粒细胞表面粘附分子LFA-1阳性率呈逐渐升高趋势(P <0.05);合并妊娠期糖尿病组母血中性粒细胞计数、中性粒细胞表面粘附分子 LFA-1阳性率高于未合并组,且差异有显著性(P <0.05);PE 组脐血中性粒细胞计数、中性粒细胞表面粘附分子 LFA-1阳性率高于对照组(P <0.05),且随着 PE 病情的加重,脐血中性粒细胞计数、中性粒细胞表面粘附分子 LFA-1阳性率呈逐渐升高趋势(P <0.05);母血中性粒细胞表面粘附分子 LFA-1的表达阳性率与 PE 患者收缩压呈正相关(r =0.597,P =0.019),与舒张压呈正相关(r =0.526,P =0.026)。【结论】PE 患者存在中性粒细胞过度活化现象,且中性粒细胞过度活化与 PE 严重程度有关。因此可通过抑制中性粒细胞的过度活化对 PE 进行防控。
    • 魏军; 王炜; 唐欢; 吴晓竹; 刘彩霞
    • 摘要: 目的:通过检测重度子痫前期孕妇及正常孕妇外周血中性粒细胞计数及中性粒细胞表面黏附分子淋巴细胞功能相关抗原1(LFA⁃1)的表达水平,探讨中性粒细胞活化与子痫前期发病的关系。方法选择2013年11月至2014年2月于中国医科大学附属盛京医院产科就诊的孕产妇28例,分为重度子痫前期组(n=14)和对照组(同期正常妊娠妇女,n=14)。2组孕产妇年龄、孕周无统计学差异。采用流式细胞术检测2组孕产妇外周血中性粒细胞表面黏附分子LFA⁃1的表达情况。检测重度子痫前期组患者平均动脉压,对其与中性粒细胞表面LFA⁃1表达水平进行相关性分析。结果重度子痫前期组外周血中性粒细胞计数[(8.40±2.23)×109/L]明显高于正常妊娠组[(6.71±1.58)×109/L],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。重度子痫前期组外周血中性粒细胞表面黏附分子LFA⁃1表达阳性率[(63.25±38.025)%]明显高于正常妊娠组[(38.32±38.65)%],差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。重度子痫前期患者外周血中性粒细胞表面LFA⁃1表达水平与平均动脉压呈显著正相关(r=0.64,P=0.013)。结论重度子痫前期患者外周血中性粒细胞计数及其表面黏附分子LFA⁃1表达均较正常妊娠妇女明显升高,且与病情严重程度显著相关,提示中性粒细胞的活化参与了子痫前期发病。%Objective To check the neutrophil count and the expression of cell surface adhesion molecule,lymphocyte function associated antigen⁃1(LFA⁃1)in peripheral neutrophils in severe preeclamptic patients and normal pregnant women in order to investigate the correlation of neutrophil activation with preeclampsia. Methods Totally 28 pregnant women in the department of gynecology and obstetrics in Shengjing Hospital from No⁃vember 2013 to January 2014 were included in the study,and divided into the severe preeclampsia group(n=14),and the control group(normal pregnant women,n=14). There was no statistically significant difference in age and gestational weeks between the two groups. The expression of LFA⁃1 in peripheral neutrophils was detected by flow cytometry in the two groups. Mean blood pressure(MBP)was measured in the severe preeclamptic group,and the correlation of MBP with expression of LFA⁃1 was analyzed. Results The neutrophil count was 8.40±2.23 ×109/L in the severe pre⁃eclamptic group,significantly higher than(6.71±1.58)×109/L in the control group,(P<0.05). The positive rate of LFA⁃1 in peripheral neutrophils was 63.25±38.025%in the severe preeclamptic patients,significantly higher than 8.32±38.65%in the control group(P<0.05). The expression lev⁃el of LFA⁃1 in peripheral neutrophils was significantly correlated with mean blood pressure in severe preeclamptic patients(r=0.64,P=0.013). Conclusion The neutrophil count and the expression of LFA⁃1 in peripheral neutrophils were significantly increased in severe preeclamptic pa⁃tients compared to normal pregnant women,and significantly correlated with severity of preeclampsia,suggesting that neutrophil activation participat⁃ed in the pathogenesis of preeclampsia.
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