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波分复用(WDM)的相关文献在1999年到2021年内共计100篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、物理学 等领域,其中期刊论文74篇、专利文献29834篇;相关期刊45种,包括科技信息、深圳特区科技、科技信息(学术版)等; 波分复用(WDM)的相关文献由196位作者贡献,包括C·马洛因、G·R·索斯诺斯基、R·马科西亚等。



论文:74 占比:0.25%


论文:29834 占比:99.75%





  • C·马洛因
  • G·R·索斯诺斯基
  • R·马科西亚
  • T·J·施密特
  • 孙小菡
  • 张明德
  • 李乐民
  • A·舒克拉
  • P·简恩
  • 虞红芳
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 李俊杰; 杨玉森
    • 摘要: 近年来我国以FTTH和4G LTE为代表的固定和移动宽带业务迅猛发展,驱动我国网络基础设施取得跨越式发展,在高速大容量光纤传输技术的发展和应用方面更是领先全球.目前N×100 Gbit/s波分复用(WDM)传输技术已经普及,正在从骨干网向城域网延伸;N×400 Gbit/s WDM传输技术的部署也指日可待;介绍了N×400 Gbit/s WDM传输技术方案和标准制定情况,并对该技术的应用前景和后续发展进行展望.
    • 鲍宁海; 苏国庆; 陈静波
    • 摘要: For the requirement of surviving against double-link failures in WDM (wavelength division multiplexing) optical networks,we study and propose a recovery-time aware hybrid path protection algorithm.By introducing a constraint of service connection recovery time,as well as exploiting its characteristics of short service switching time of dedicated protection and high resource utilization ratio of shared protection,the proposed algorithm cooperates the dedicated path protection (DPP) and the shared path protection (SPP) to solve the conflict between the service switching time and the network resource utilization ratio,then,in accordance with the service level agreement (SLA),preferentially assigns protection resource for high-level services under a lack of network resource,so as to provide flexible recovery-degree-differentiated resource deployments for muhi-level services.The simulation results indicate that,compared with the traditional DPP and SPP,the recovery-time aware hybrid path protection can meet the requirement of service recovery-time threshold,while achieving a good trade-off among average recovery-time,network resource utilization ratio,and service connection recovery degree.%针对波分复用(wavelength division multiplexing,WDM)光网络中双链路失效的抗毁需求,研究并提出一种恢复时间敏感的混合通路保护算法.该算法通过引入业务连接的恢复时间约束,利用专用保护业务切换时间快而共享保护资源利用率高的特点,采用专用通路保护(dedicated path protection,DPP)与共享通路保护(shared path protection,SPP)相结合的方式,解决业务切换时间与网络资源利用率之间的矛盾,根据服务等级协定(service level agreement,SLA),在网络资源较少的情况下,优先保证高等级业务的保护资源分配,从而为不同等级业务提供灵活的区分业务恢复度的资源配置方案.仿真结果表明,与传统的DPP和SPP相比,恢复时间敏感的混合通路保护算法在满足业务恢复时间门限的前提下,能够在平均恢复时间、网络资源利用率以及业务连接恢复度性能上获得较好地折中.
    • 张宏滨
    • 摘要: 波分复用WDM(Wavelength Division Multiplexing)网络由于具有超大容量传输、节省光纤资源、平滑升级扩容等优点,因此被认为是未来骨干网的发展方向.波长资源是影响WDM网络性能的主要因素,而波长转换算法是解决网络资源合理配置和提高网络运行效率的重要途径,所以研究波长转换问题具有十分重要的意义.本文首先简要介绍了WDM网络的发展情况和研究波长转换算法的重要意义,接着总结前人在波长转换算法上的研究成果,然后结合前人理论成果,提出关于波长转换问题的两条定理并给出详细证明,最后对全文进行总结并确定下一步研究方向.
    • 杨立伟
    • 摘要: WDM-PON规模应用的技术难点主要集中在光器件方面,特别是ONU光源.本文对基于FP-LD和RSOA注入锁定的WDM-PON进行了分析,研究目标是实现无色的上行传输.
    • 鲍宁海; 刘翔; 张治中; 虞红芳
    • 摘要: 针对波分复用(wavelength division multiplexing,WDM)光网络的节能需求,研究绿色网络解决方案,在光网络抗毁保护问题上提出绿色共享通路保护算法.该算法通过将工作通路和保护通路隔离在不同的光纤中,并将网络中的空闲资源和备份资源切换到睡眠模式,以实现光网络的节能.与传统共享通路保护算法的对比仿真表明,绿色共享通路保护算法能够有效提高网络功耗效率,并在低负载网络中取得网络总功耗和阻塞率性能的较好折中.%Aiming at the requirement of energy saving in optical networks,this paper studies green network solutions and proposes a green shared path protection (CSPP) algorithm on survivable protection issue in optical networks. CSPP realizes energy saving in optical networks by isolating the working paths and the backup paths with different fibers and switching the idle and backup network resources into sleep mode. Simulation results show that GSPP can improve the network power efficiency with respect to the traditional shared path protection (SPP) algorithm,and achieve better tradeoff between total network power consumption and blocking probability performance.
    • 黄祥; 李端有; 耿峻
    • 摘要: 不同的光纤光栅可具有不同的中心波长,利用光通信技术中的波分复用技术,可以实现在一根光缆中同时传输多个不同中心波长的光信号,将这些不同波长的光纤光栅传感器级联在一根光缆上,构成传感器线性阵列拓扑结构,则可以实现准分布式的多点测量.将基于波分复用技术的光纤布拉格光栅传感器线性阵列测温系统应用于大体积混凝土施工过程中的温控测量,目前在国内尚不多见.通过在三峡工程升船机塔柱安全监测项目的温控测量,为延拓光纤布拉格光栅测温系统的应用范围积累了一些有益经验,也为光纤布拉格光栅测温系统应用于大型水利工程的混凝土温控测量获取了宝贵资料.%Different fiber gratings have different center wavelengths. Many center wavelength optical signals can be transmitted simultaneously through only one optical fiber cable by the wavelength division multiplexing ( WDM) technology of optical communication. The center wavelength fiber Bragg -grating sensors are cascaded on the same optical fiber cable to comprise a linear array topological structure of sensors, hence, the quasi distributed measurement of multiple points could be achieved. This technology is rarely applied to the temperature monitoring of mass concrete in China. We accumulated useful experiences and acquired valuable data by temperature controlling and measuring for the towers of the ship elevator of Three Gorges Project through fiber Bragg grating system.
    • 刘晓敏; 丁凡; 赵长啸; 熊华钢; 屠晓杰
    • 摘要: To guarantee the real-time performance of an avionic optical network, a model of avionic wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical network is built with real-time message flow matrix as the input. According to the optimized aim of minimizing the number of wavelengths in a static optical network, a method of wavelength assignment based on multi-tokens with a priority protocol is proposed, and then the analytical transmission delay expression of an end-to-end system in the optical channel is derived from the proposed protocol. The analytical results show that by using the multi-tokens protocol, the number of wavelengths is reduced by 58. 1 % as compared with tne conventional method, The protocol method optimizes the number of wavelengths, and allows their reuse in network implementation. Multi-tokens with a priority protocol can satisfy the real-time performance demands of avionic networks. A comparison between the theoretical calculation and analysis of simulation results shows that the proposed protocol has the prospect of being applied to the design and performance evaluation of avionic optical networks.%针对航空电子光网络的实时性问题,建立了航空电子波分复用( WDM)环网模型,以实时消息流矩阵作为网络的输入,依据静态光网络最小化波长数目的优化目标,提出了一种基于多令牌协议的光网络波长分配方法,并推导了航电光网络中光通道的端到端传输时延计算公式.通过对理论计算和仿真结果的分析,此协议下的波长分配方法在网络中可以实现波长重用,比传统环网的波长数目平均降低了58.1%,优化了波长数目,并且多令牌控制协议满足航空电子网络对消息实时性的要求.此方法对于航空电子光网络的设计与性能分析具有参考价值.
    • 摘要: 作为通信网最基本、也是最主要传输手段的光纤通信在应用中得到不断的发展,本文试图从几个不同的侧面,介绍光纤通信技术如何适应市场需求而不断发展的情况。
    • 王静; 王正方; 隋青美; 李术才; 李树忱; 李立平; 刘斌
    • 摘要: 针对传统的电类应变传感器防水性能差、测量精度低和不能满足巷道涌水模型试验的需要等问题,基于模型相似材料研制了一种新型光纤光栅(FBG)应变传感器。采用波分复用(WDM)技术和Fabry-Perot(F-P)腔解调技术组成FBG应变传感网络,并编写了具有实时显示和自动预警功能的系统软件。将该系统用在巷道涌水模型试验中,在巷道周围布置了14个FBG应变传感器,对巷道推进过程以及模型加载和巷道扩挖过程中围岩应变进行实时监测。试验结果表明,设计的FBG应变监测系统测量精度高,防水性能强,并且提前4 206 s成功捕获了巷道涌水前兆信息,为预测煤矿矿等涌水事故提供了一种新的有效手段。
    • 徐娟; 崔皓岩; 王静馨
    • 摘要: 本文简单介绍了几种波分复用器件,着重并绍了波分复用器件中的马赫-曾德尔干涉仪其制作方法、原理及应用现状和存在的问题.
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