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水平裂缝的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计213篇,主要集中在建筑科学、石油、天然气工业、水利工程 等领域,其中期刊论文182篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献69271篇;相关期刊119种,包括西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)、中国石油大学学报(自然科学版)、大庆石油地质与开发等; 相关会议8种,包括2015年全国煤层气学术研讨会、中国混凝土与水泥制品协会2012年会、第十四次全国化学灌浆学术交流会等;水平裂缝的相关文献由434位作者贡献,包括卢勇旭、崔晓芹、彭苏萍等。



论文:182 占比:0.26%


论文:9 占比:0.01%


论文:69271 占比:99.73%





  • 卢勇旭
  • 崔晓芹
  • 彭苏萍
  • 高大鹏
  • 熊健
  • 丁拼搏
  • 刘天宇
  • 孙素泉
  • 张士诚
  • 李向阳
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 夏航
    • 摘要: 本文主要针对于混凝土灌注桩水平裂缝的成因以及造成的影响进行分析,通过对工程案例的实际分析来对多种方法进行验证,提出了多种检测方式来分析水平裂缝
    • 李剑; 曾联波; 林煜; 刘国平; 曹东升; 王兆生
    • 摘要: 裂缝可以为地壳的构造演化提供重要信息.根据野外观测数据、岩心资料以及薄片观察,柴达木盆地西部新生界中发育大量的水平裂缝.这些水平裂缝主要在泥质岩中发育,具有粗糙的裂缝面,为张开缝且均被石膏充填.裂缝的形态以弧形为主,少量表现为直线形.相邻的弧形裂缝具有强烈的相互作用,并且在端部形成T形交叉.裂缝开度主要分布于1~10 mm,最大可达30 mm,裂缝的规模与密度均随地层剥蚀厚度减小和埋深增加而减小,水平裂缝在平面上仅分布于地层剥蚀严重的背斜核部区域.以上证据表明这些裂缝与地层快速抬升剥蚀过程中由于残余应力形成的垂向拉伸有关.这些水平裂缝均切割早期垂直构造裂缝说明其形成于构造挤压之后.根据裂缝充填物电子自旋共振(ESR)测年结果,水平裂缝主要分两期形成,第一期在1.8 Ma左右,第二期在0.3 Ma左右.晚期水平裂缝的规模和密度远大于早期裂缝.根据裂缝参数理论计算得到的裂缝形成时的驱动应力大小,可以推断晚期地层抬升剥蚀量大约是早期地层抬升剥蚀量的2~3倍.水平裂缝的证据表明,柴达木盆地西部地区第四纪以来经历了脉冲式的构造挤压抬升与剥蚀,且构造活动具有增强的趋势,反映了整个青藏高原第四纪以来逐渐增强的幕式构造活动.
    • 陈悦祥
    • 摘要: 借助乘积法,对地层压力影响下,分析不同均质下异性水平裂缝的压力分布及境地压力解析表达式,采用该表达式,对长时间境地压力渐近表达分析,通过渐近表达式,得到以下结论:均质无限大的周围背景下,井底压力可采用时间半对数进行表示,若对井筒储存及表皮因子分析,需以井底压力积分解表达方式,对压力积分解分析.论文对水平裂缝井试井解释方法进行阐述,对其延长油田的水平裂缝井试井解释中的应用分析.
    • 徐冰; 刘义坤
    • 摘要: 使用ABAQUS软件,建立了包含隔层和储层的层状多孔介质三维有限元模型,采用三维流固耦合实体单元和cohesive粘结单元描述岩石和裂缝的损伤行为.模拟直井水平缝的起裂和扩展以及液体滤失过程,分析得到了地质因素和工程因素对水平裂缝扩展参数的影响以及对滤失距离的影响,并进行了参数显著性分析,参数包括弹性模量、施工排量、渗透率、压力液粘度、地应力、孔隙压力和施工液量,最后利用模拟的规律认识指导实际井的压裂施工参数设计,压后效果显著.
    • 梁毅
    • 摘要: 涵洞作为构成铁路、公路立交的基本构筑物,对交通运输、排洪灌溉起到十分重要的作用,它的损坏将对铁路(公路)的正常安全通行造成严重威胁.涵洞开裂普遍为基底不均匀沉降导致的竖向裂缝,本文通过工程实例,分析在特殊地形因综合原因导致涵洞产生水平裂缝的原因分析及处理措施.
    • 王矗; 闵季涛; 张宏博; 张鑫; 窦晟
    • 摘要: Based on the finite conductivity horizontal crack and potential superposition theory,the coupled model is obtained on the wall surface of the horizontal crack.Flow pressure is studied,and the mobile phase is divided into four stages: Cracks in radial flow,linear flow in reservoir,reservoir in early pseudo radial flow and reservoir in the late radial flow.The effects of different factors on the pressure propagation are studied,which shows that with the increase of the thickness of oil reservoir,vertical linear flow duration,reservoir in early stage and quasi radial flow are delayed.With the increase of fracture flow capacity,crack radial flow stage time,reservoir vertical linear flow stage duration are prolonged.With the water vertical ratio increases,the vertical flow in the reservoir and reservoir in the early stage of linear pseudo radial flow duration are shortened,and flow more quickly into the late stage of radial flow.%基于有限导流水平裂缝及势叠加理论,在水平裂缝壁面上进行耦合,得到不稳态压力分析模型.研究了流压变化规律,并将流动阶段划分为:裂缝内径向流动、油藏内线性流动、油藏内早期拟径向流动和油藏内晚期径向流动4个阶段;研究了不同因素对压力传播的影响,研究表明:随着油层厚度增加,油藏内垂向线性流动阶段持续时间延长,油藏内早期拟径向流动阶段出现推迟且时间延长;随着裂缝导流能力增加,裂缝内径向流动阶段时间缩短,油藏内垂向线性流动阶段持续时间延长;随着水垂比增加,油藏内垂向线性流动阶段和油藏内早期拟径向流动阶段持续时间都缩短,流动更快地进入晚期径向流动阶段.
    • 张然; 李根生; 朱海燕
    • 摘要: The X-6 Formation is located at a depth of 500-700 m in the QA Oilfield and has low porosity and low permeability.Natural high-angle fractures exist in the formation.These conditions partially satisfy the requirements for a fracture network after hydraulic fracturing but may result in relatively complex fracture patterns and introduce difficulties to the fracturing design and treatment.Firstly,triaxial tests were carried out in this work to study rock mechanical properties.A two-dimensional seepage-stress-damage-coupled finite element model of the sand-and mudstone-interlayered formation was then established.Lastly,the propagation of multiple hydraulic fractures and the stress interference mechanism of the X-6 reservoir were simulated and the influences of the pumping rate,in situ stress,and fracturing fluid viscosity on the stress interference were studied.The interference mechanism of the interaction of the hydraulic and natural fracture was revealed.We found that the reservoir has complex fracture mechanical and engineering geological conditions for complex fracture generation,providing theoretical guidance for the hydraulic fracturing of the region.%QA油田X储层埋深较浅,高角度天然裂缝发育,水力压裂后形成的水力裂缝形态较为复杂,压后效果时好时坏,给压裂设计及施工带来诸多困难,急需弄清该储层水力裂缝的形态,以确定合理的压裂施工方案.首先,采用三轴岩石力学测试系统对X储层岩石力学特征进行测试,观察天然裂缝形态.其次,建立砂泥岩相间的二维平面渗流-应力-损伤耦合有限元模型,采用二次应力起裂准则作为水力裂缝是否起裂的判断依据,以幂律流来表征流体在Cohesive单元内的流动.模拟了X储层水力压裂多裂缝交错延伸的裂缝形态,探究了水力裂缝几何形态及压裂液排量、地应力、压裂液黏度对缝间应力干扰的影响,揭示了复杂多裂缝交错扩展的干扰机理,发现该储层具有形成复杂裂缝的力学和工程地质条件,为该区域的压裂改造提供理论指导.
    • 贾自力; 石彬; 周红燕; 陈芳萍; 孟选刚
    • 摘要: 七里村油田长6油藏为浅层超低渗透油藏,压裂后人工裂缝为水平缝,直井开采效果不理想.为改善开发效果,水平井的水平段设计为纵向穿越不同的流动单元,压裂后形成多条水平裂缝.基于此思路,设计了"一"字型、大斜度型和"弓"型3种形状的井眼轨迹.数值模拟计算了3种井眼轨迹的开发指标,"弓"型井眼轨迹生产效果最佳.在七平1井上开展现场试验,长622 油层实施6段压裂,分别在3个流动单元各造2组水平裂缝,水平井投产后开发效果明显改善,初期日产油、累计产油均达到同区直井的13.0倍以上.试验表明,采用"弓"型井眼轨迹可有效提高水平裂缝油藏储量动用程度,对国内同类油藏的开发具有借鉴意义.%Chang6 reservoir in Qilicun oil field is a shallow ultra-low permeability reservoir, in which artificial fractures are horizontal after fracturing and production efficiency is unsatisfactory with vertical wells.In order to improve development efficiency, the horizontal section of the horizontal well is designed so as to cross different flow units vertically and multiple horizontal fractures form after fracturing.Based on this idea, three well paths are designed including straight line shape, high deflection shape and arch shape.Development index are calculated for three well paths using numerical simulation, which shows best development efficiency in arch shape well path.Field tests were implemented on Well Qiping 1, in which 6-segment fracturing was implemented in Chang622 zone and two groups of horizontal fractures formed in three flow units.Development efficiency was apparently improved after the horizontal well was put on production, initial daily oil production and cumulative oil production reaching 13.0 times of that of vertical wells in the same area.Tests show that arch shape well path can effectively improve reserve depletion around horizontal fractures and provides basis for the development of similar reservoirs in China.
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