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气管造口术的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计105篇,主要集中在外科学、耳鼻咽喉科学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文95篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献149069篇;相关期刊64种,包括中国社会医学杂志、河北中医、国际护理学杂志等; 相关会议1种,包括2006北京国际睡眠医学论坛等;气管造口术的相关文献由234位作者贡献,包括R·施奈尔、秦建武、魏林等。



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论文:149069 占比:99.94%





  • R·施奈尔
  • 秦建武
  • 魏林
  • D.埃克贝格
  • I.布隆奎斯特
  • T·贝特曼
  • 刘建生
  • 刘永革
  • 廖志滢
  • 张松涛



  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 夏红萍; 张拥军
    • 摘要: 支气管肺发育不良(BPD)是早产儿最常见、最严重的并发症之一。重度BPD(sBPD)指早产儿吸入氧气治疗至少28天,在矫正胎龄36周时需吸入氧浓度>30%或应用正压通气。sBPD可引起患儿后期死亡、心肺功能不全、生长不良、认知落后和运动发育迟缓等。随着我国极早产儿救治成活率的提高,sBPD的发病率逐渐上升。由于不同患儿病理生理机制不一,引起疾病的表型存在较大差异,给临床诊治带来相当大的挑战。近年国内外诊疗共识均提出,以多学科团队合作对sBPD患儿进行综合管理。本文主要介绍中-重度肺实质性病变、大气道疾病和肺动脉高压三种表型的发生机制、临床表现,以及呼吸支持策略、气管造口术和肺动脉高压的管理。新生儿科医师加强对sBPD的关键病理生理和表型特征的认识,建立多学科团队会诊机制,采取有针对性的治疗策略,有望进一步提高sBPD患儿的存活率,改善其预后。
    • 章洁; 皮红英; 霍春暖; 张华果; 宋杰
    • 摘要: 目的 研制一种对气管内壁压力较小,且积痰不易渗漏的新型气管切开套管.方法 气管切开套管装置由套管本体和球囊组成.球囊采用弹性支撑臂将球囊膨大,使用时,在球囊中充入较少气体将球囊外侧与气管内侧进行密封,球囊便可贴合在气管内壁,球囊上方的开放容纳空间用于收集积痰.结果 该装置能够减少球囊充气后对气管内壁的压迫,方便收集并吸出积痰.结论 研制的气管切开套管装置具有一定的安全性、实用性.
    • 吴跃煌; 刘绍严
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate a simple and practical method for the repair of large tracheal defects.Methods From April 2015 to October 2017,10 patients with large tracheal wall defects after thyroid carcinoma underwent two phase repair with cervical tension free flap with modified design.In the longitudinal direction of the leakage,design two pieces of random flap outside the top angle of 45°,respectively,and the side turn double flip flap to repair the leak,outward and upward forming tension,avoid collapse after healing.Results Large tracheal wall defects in 10 cases were successfully repaired,and normal respiration and language functions were recovered quickly.With following-up of 6-30 months (the medran was 12 months),the airway kept normal ventilation,no recurrence,and 1 patient with pulmonary metastasis had a stable condition.Conclusion The modified tension free flap can be used for the repair of large defects of trachea with a good efficacy.%目的 探讨局部张力随意皮瓣修复大型气管缺损.方法 从2015年4月至2017年10月,采用改良设计的颈部张力随意皮瓣二期修复10例甲状腺癌患者术后气管壁的大型缺损.沿缺损的纵轴方向,在其外上方45°角设计两块随意皮瓣,分别翻转和侧转双层修复缺损,修复皮瓣向外向上形成一定张力.术后随访观察气管修复情况、呼吸、语言功能.结果 10例患者大型气管壁缺损,均一次获得成功修复,并很快恢复了正常呼吸、语言功能.随访6 ~ 30个月,中位随访时间12个月,气管保持正常通气呼吸功能,无肿瘤复发,1例肺转移患者疾病仍处稳定.结论 改良设计的颈部张力随意皮瓣能简单、快捷、有效地解决某些气管较大缺损的修复难题.
    • 钟贞; 赵恩民; 肖水芳; 秦永; 李简
    • 摘要: 目的 总结手术治疗侵犯气管并需行喉全切除术的颈段或颈胸段食管癌的经验.方法 回顾性分析2004-2011年手术治疗的侵犯气管并需行全喉切除、气管永久造口术的10例颈段或颈胸段食管癌患者的病例资料.根据气管受累情况将患者分为2组,病变仅累及颈段气管(简称颈组,5例),病变累及颈胸段气管(简称胸组,5例).胸组患者开胸切除病变,并行前纵隔气管造口术.对手术方式、术后并发症、术后病理、患者预后等进行分析.结果 10例患者术后随访6~76个月,中位随访时间23个月.颈组中3例患者已无瘤存活5年以上,2例死亡患者中1例于术后14个月死于局部复发,1例于术后26个月死于心肌梗死;胸组2例死于围手术期,术后存活的3例中1例于术后16个月死于局部复发,2例于术后6个月、20个月死于远处转移.结论 侵犯气管并非颈段或颈胸段食管癌的手术禁忌证.对于只有颈段气管受累的患者,根治性手术效果良好,应积极手术治疗,术后应辅以放疗.对于胸段气管亦受累的病例,尤其是气管残端小于5 cm者,手术应慎重.%Objective To evaluate the surgical treatment and outcome of cervicothoracic esophageal carcinoma with tracheal.Methods Ten cases of cervicothoracic esophageal carcinoma with tracheal invasion underwent surgical treatment between 2004 and 2011 was reviewed.Operative methods,complications,pathology,and prognosis were analyzed.Results The patients were divided into 2 groups,5 patients with cervical tracheal invasion group and 5 patients with cervicothoracic tracheal invasion.Thoracotomy and anterior mediastinal tracheostomy (AMT) were required for 5 patients with cervicothoracic tracheal invasion.The median follow-up was 23 months (ranging from 6 to 76 months).Of 5 patients with cervical tracheal invasion,3 patients survived with free of disease for more than 5 years postoperatively,1 patient died of local recurrence at 14 months postoperatively,and 1 patient died of cardiac infarction at 26 months postoperatively.Among 5 patients with cervicothoracic tracheal invasion,2 patients died during hospitalization,and 1 patient died of local recurrence at 16 months postoperatively,and 2 patients died of distant metastasis at 6 and 20 months after surgery respectively.Conclusions Tracheal invasion is not a contraindication to radical operation for the cervicothoracic esophageal carcinoma.Surgical treatment has a good outcome in cervicothoracic esophageal carcinoma with only cervical tracheal invasion.If thoracic trachea is involved,especially when the length of the distal trachea is less than 5 cm,operation should be performed with caution.
    • 胡连德; 任树北; 朱旭; 杨怀安
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨预防喉全切除术后气管造瘘口狭窄的新方法.方法 35例患者喉全切除后采用新的造瘘方法,将气管残端延前正中线切开至第3软骨环,并在第3软骨环前正中处向两侧水平切开约3 mm,气管周围游离并充分外展,将气管周围皮肤环形切除,皮肤切缘与气管纵形切口缝合.结果 所有患者术后均不需带管,亦无造口狭窄,无呼吸困难,生活质量显著改善.结论 气管正中切开扩大气管造瘘口的方法可以很好地预防喉全切除术气管造瘘口的狭窄.
    • 杜叶平; 张劲松
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate tracheostoma used in patients with abnormal posture. Methods A total of 96 critical patients admitted to our hospital from January 2005 to December 2010 were retrospectively analyzed. The patients all received normal clinical treatment and were divided into tracheal puncture group(48 cases with abnormal pasture) and tracheotomy group(48 cases with normal posture). Patients received percutaneous rotation trachea puncture in tracheal puncture group and traditional surgical tracheostomy in tracheotomy group. Vital signs and medical indices of patients in the two groups were assessed. Results Compared with tracheostomy, percutaneous rotation trachea puncture had no requirement for posture, which was safe and rapid with small damage and simple operation. Vital signs in tracheal puncture group, such as mean artery pressure(MAP), heart rate(HR) and central venous pressure(CVP) were significantly lower than those in tracheotomy group[MAP: (90 ± 12) vs (118 ± 10)mmHg; HR: (85±9) vs (106± 12)/min; CVP: (7±4) vs (9±3)cmH2O; P<0.01]. Conclusion In critical patients with abnormal posture, percutaneous rotation trachea puncture is obviously superior to traditional surgical tracheostomy and is well worth recommded clinically.%目的 对异常体位危重患者气管造口方法的选择进行评价.方法 在不影响正常临床治疗的前提下,对采用不同气管造口方法的异常体位危重患者进行回顾性总结研究,将患者分为气管穿刺组(48例)和气管切开组(48例).气管穿刺组采用经皮旋转穿刺气管造口方法,气管切开组采用传统手术气管切开方法.统计两组患者重要生命体征和医疗指标情况.结果 气管穿刺造口术较传统的手术方法损伤小、操作方便、安全、快捷,对体位要求不高,两组患者气管造口时平均动脉压、心率、中心静脉压有显著差异(P<0.01).结论 在危重患者处于异常体位时,选择经皮旋转穿刺气管造口方法明显优于传统手术气管切开方法,值得临床推广应用.
    • 郭烨
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨双管喉罩(PLMA)通气全身麻醉在甲状腺腺瘤切除术中的应用价值.方法 选取60例择期行甲状腺腺瘤切除术患者,采用机械抽样法分为PLMA通气组(P组)和气管插管组(T组),每组30例.分别记录诱导前(T1)、插管后即刻(T2)、插管后10 min(T3)、手术进行中1h(T4)、拔管即刻(T5),拔管后3 h(T6)的心率(HR)、收缩压(SBP)、舒张压(DBP)、呼气末二氧化碳分压(PETC02),并统计插管后置入喉罩困难例数、术后躁动和呼吸道相关并发症发生情况.结果 P组各时间点HR、SBP、DBP比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);T组T2和T5HR[( 110.8±4.3)、(108.5±6.1)次/min]、SBP[(127.6±9.5)、(125.6±6.9) mm Hg(1 mm Hg =0.133 kPa)]、DBP[ (76.7±5.1)、(75.2±4.1) mm Hg]与T1[分别为(83.9±4.6)次/min、(112.3±8.4) mmHg、(64.3 +4.3) mm Hg]比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),两组各时间点PETC02比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).P组术后躁动和呼吸道相关并发症发生率明显低于T组(P<0.05).结论 PLMA通气全身麻醉能安全、有效地维持甲状腺腺瘤切除术中的气道通畅,值得在临床中推广应用.
    • 唐广宁; 景建军; 侯超
    • 摘要: 目的:开展经皮扩张气管造口术(PDT)在困难气管切开患者中的应用.方法:15例有PDT的困难气管切开患者,先采用传统气管切开术(OT)逐层分离至气管前筋膜可见或可触及气管环,然后再采取PDT置入气管套管.结果:15例困难气管切开患者顺利置管,手术所用时间较单独OT缩短,患者损伤减少.结论:联合OT能够扩大PDT在困难气管切开患者的适用范围.
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