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气体密封的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计462篇,主要集中在机械、仪表工业、一般工业技术、石油、天然气工业 等领域,其中期刊论文66篇、会议论文11篇、专利文献387053篇;相关期刊47种,包括经济技术协作信息、军民两用技术与产品、技术与市场等; 相关会议10种,包括第九届全国爆炸力学学术会议、2011年全国青年摩擦学与表面工程学术会议、第五届全国流体密封学术会议等;气体密封的相关文献由975位作者贡献,包括王玉明、迈克尔·J·奥吉利、刘青康等。



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论文:387053 占比:99.98%





  • 王玉明
  • 迈克尔·J·奥吉利
  • 刘青康
  • 张广玉
  • 李隆球
  • 贾晓红
  • 郭飞
  • 项冲
  • 黄毅杰
  • 米基雅·西尔弗
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: Angst+Pfister集团旗下MCMSpA预计弹性体密封件,尤其是氢密封发展潜力是巨大的.气体密封是一个棘手的问题.气体摩尔体积与液体相比,有完全不同的要求.由于气体可以通过聚合物的分子结构缓慢扩散,因此特殊的重点是弹性体的渗透性.MCM希望精确研究FKM和HNBR中哪种弹性体最适合于哪种功能.为了生产用于氢场合的系统,MCM的整个产品系列的渗透率由外部实验室测试.
    • 王保刚
    • 摘要: GIS开关设备是我国电网建设主要设备之一,根据国家电网建设需求,目前GIS开关设备已广泛应用到西北、东北等严寒地区,保证GIS开关设备在低温环境中气体密封的可靠性,是保障GIS开关设备安全、可靠运行要素之一。目前GIS开关设备气体密封主要分静密封、动密封两大类,通过对静、动密封件正确选择、密封结构合理设计,通过进行苛刻的高低温试验,得到符合我国主要低温环境地区GIS开关设备气体密封解决方案。
    • 陈传刚; 丁雪兴; 陆俊杰; 张伟政; 陈金林
    • 摘要: The microstructures between the relatively sliding friction pair surface-interface can reduce attrition and improve lubricity. Computational domain model of cross scale lubrication film with micro-holes and micro-grooves on static and move rings were established. The lubrication film structured grids were meshed by the software ICEM with unique block mapping technology. Then the Fluent was used for numerical simulation. Taking the working conditions of the seal as the starting point, combined with the size of the micro-modeling structure, the paper discusses the four factors: the film opening force, the leakage amount, the friction coefficient of the lubricating film and the wall shearing force. The results showed that under the same medium pressure and rotational speed, the coverage ratio of micro-holes have a greater impact on the performance of gas sealing, and the increase is 5% to 8%, the gas sealing performance can achieve the best level when the coverage ratio of micro-holes is 50%. After that, the density, depth and diameter of the friction pair interface of the model were changed according to this criterion. It was found that the density and diameter of the micro-hole could significantly improve the sealing performance by 7% to 8%. And the gas seal performance can reach the best level when the micro-hole density is 12.5%, the depth is 10 μm and the diameter is 400 μm.%摩擦副表-界面的微型结构具有减少摩损、提高润滑性能等作用.在动、静环摩擦端面开设微槽与微孔的复合微造型跨尺度润滑气膜计算域模型,利用独有block映射技术的ICEM软件进行结构化网格划分,并对流场进行数值模拟.以密封的工况条件为出发点,结合微造型结构尺寸,从气膜开启力、泄漏量、润滑气膜摩擦系数及壁面剪切力四个方面展开讨论,结果表明:在介质压力和转速相同时,微孔的覆盖比对气体密封性能影响较大,增幅为5%~8%,并且当覆盖比为50%时气体密封的性能可达到最佳.之后以此为基准改变该模型微孔的密度、深度、直径,通过研究四种参数的变化规律发现微孔的密度和直径对密封性能提升较大,增幅为7%~ 8%,并且微孔密度为12.5%,深度为10 μm,直径为400 μm时气体密封性能可达到最佳水平.
    • 吴世清
    • 摘要: 1)GB/T11023-2018《高压开关设备六氟化硫气体密封试验方法》。规定了高压开关设备六氟化硫气体密封的术语和定义、试验项目及试验方法。规定的试验方法用以测定开关设备/隔室的相对年漏气率。适用于以六氟化硫气体作为绝缘和/或灭弧介质的高压开关设备的气体密封试验。2)GB/T36144-2018《铁矿石中铅、砷、镉、汞、氟和氯含量的限量》。
    • 周小娜; 王雅鸿
    • 摘要: 重整催化剂在使用过程中活性会逐渐下降,催化剂再生是为了保持催化剂的性能良好,使装置安全、稳定、长周期运转.以并列式连续重整为例,对连续重整催化剂再生装置中的催化剂烧焦控制、催化剂提升控制、气体密封控制等典型控制方案进行了描述和分析,明确了控制器的作用方式,并给出了控制示意图.%The activity of reforming catalyst will decrease gradually during application.The catalyst regeneration is mainly to keep the catalyst in good performance to ensure equipment working in safe,stable,long time running condition.Taking a parallel CCR unit as example,typical control scheme of catalyst burning control system,catalyst lifting control system and gas sealing control system of CCR unit are described and analyzed.The action mode of controller is confirmed and the control flow chart is provided.
    • 朱启惠; 丁少鹏; 白少先
    • 摘要: 采用往复摩擦实验研究高压气体密封条件下橡胶O形圈的摩擦性能,分析密封压力大于3 MPa条件下密封压力、压缩率和橡胶材料对O形圈往复运动摩擦性能的影响规律.结果表明:高压条件下O形圈所呈现的摩擦力-位移时变曲线特征与低压条件相同,且黏滞特性明显.高压条件下随着密封压力的增加,丁腈橡胶O形圈最大摩擦力和滑动摩擦力呈线性增长,与低压下最大摩擦力存在极大值和滑动摩擦力趋于稳定不同;高压条件下丁腈橡胶O形圈的最大摩擦力与压缩率呈非线性关系,最大摩擦力存在极大值,与低压下最大摩擦力随压缩率的增大而增大不同;与丁腈橡胶材料不同,三元乙丙橡胶、硅橡胶和氟橡胶的摩擦力随密封压力的增加而逐步增加并趋于平稳,且摩擦力小于丁腈橡胶.
    • 马晓伟
    • 摘要: 为了解决套管螺纹上扣不到位、螺纹质量不合格导致的深层天然气开采过程中发生泄露的问题,开展了套管螺纹气密封检测技术研究。通过向套管螺纹连接内壁内注入高压氦气,利用套管外侧集气罩上的氦气传感器检测套管螺纹是否泄露。现场应用20口井,检测出有7口井的73根套管螺纹处发生泄漏。通过重新上扣、及时更换不合格套管等方法,规范了下套管作业标准,杜绝不合格套管入井,形成了成熟的气密封检测技术。目前,该项技术已成为大庆油田解决套管泄漏、保障深层天然气井安全开采的主导技术,已在天然气开发井全面推广应用。%In order to solve the leakage problem in deep natural gas exploration for casing thread make-up was not in place and the quality of the thread was not good,the research was carried out for the casing threads gas testing technology in Daqing oilfield,in the way of injecting high pres-sure helium into the inner sealed space of the inner wall of the connecting pipe and installing an gas collecting cover,on which there is an helium gas sensor at the outer of the casing pipe,then the leakage of the casing thread could be judged.At present,the technology has been applied in 20 wells and 73 casing threads leakage have been detected in 7 wells,then some actions were taken, such as remaking-up and replacing the casing to standardize the casing running operation,elimi-nate substandard casing into the well,forming a mature gas leakage testing technique.So far,the technology has become the leading technology to solve casing leakage and improve the exploita-tion safely in deep gas reservoir,which has been applied in the development gas wells fully.
    • 田启忠
    • 摘要: 针对通过液体介质来模拟封隔器对气体密封性这一方法的不足,设计了封隔器气体密封性能试验。将试验用模拟封隔器安装于高压筒中,高压筒置于恒温箱内,将高压筒和恒温箱通过试压管线、坐封管线和气体泄漏收集管线与密封性能试验系统连接,再由高压气源生成装置供气模拟井下高压注气过程,来验证井下封隔器对气体的密封性能,其结果更符合实际工作状况。结果表明:室内模拟试验能够为注气封隔器密封件的结构优化和材质优选做出指导方案,为注气驱油技术的推广应用提供参考。%Based on liquid medium to simulate the packer of the method of tightness,packer gas sealing performance test was designed.The packer for test was in high pressure cylinder and the high pressure was in thermostat box,which were connected with high pressure piping,seating piping,and gas leakage collector and sealing performance system.Again,high pressure source generator to imitate downhole high pressure injection to verify downhole gas sealing test,the re-sult of which could be more close to actual condition.The result showed that the in-door imita-tion test could test gas injection packer parts and the materials used in packer,which is for more use in the gas injection technology.
    • 丁峰; 付兴芳; 倪威
    • 摘要: GIS与传统敞开式电器相比有很明显的优越性.GIS普遍采用SF6气体作为绝缘介质,怎样保证产品的密封性能就显得比较重要,本文从密封性试验、密封结构、影响密封性能的因素等几个方面进行阐述和探讨.
    • 周洪信; 王洁
    • 摘要: 树脂浆料槽作为树脂生产装置离心干燥系统中的储存设备,担负着高纯度树脂浆料的存储和为后续离心工序做准备的功能。但搅拌机封产生的塑化片和碳化物影响了树脂纯度。本文介绍了将机械密封改造为气体密封的情况,改造后效果良好,提高了树脂纯度。
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