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根折的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计134篇,主要集中在口腔科学、中国文学、基础医学 等领域,其中期刊论文134篇、专利文献46381篇;相关期刊87种,包括医药与保健(中旬版)、现代医院、基层医学论坛等; 根折的相关文献由287位作者贡献,包括崔国芳、张怀勤、张黎丽等。



论文:134 占比:0.29%


论文:46381 占比:99.71%





  • 崔国芳
  • 张怀勤
  • 张黎丽
  • 泰戈尔!印
  • 王楠
  • 郑振铎
  • 刘萍
  • 刘阗
  • 周伟伟
  • 常志明
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈蕾; 王莹莹
    • 摘要: 恒牙外伤根折是一种涉及到牙本质、牙骨质、牙髓组织、牙周膜韧带甚至周围牙槽骨的病损,高发于10~20岁,大多涉及美学要求较高的上颌前牙区域.对于根折的恒牙,治疗的目标是尽可能维持患牙的生理和功能的完整性,降低并发症的发生.由于根折线的位置较大程度决定了后续治疗方案及患牙的预后,临床医师多根据根折线的位置水平对根折前牙进行分类:根尖段、根中段、根颈中段和根颈部根折.采用三维成像的锥形束CT(cone beam CT,CBCT)影像学检查可最大程度避免误诊和漏诊.恒前牙外伤根折的序列治疗包括了应急治疗、牙髓活力监测和后续并发症处理.应急治疗主要包括局部麻醉、指法复位移位的牙冠、影像学检查确定复位位置、调 、弹性夹板固定4周(颈部根折固定时间可长达4个月).根折病损的修复过程由多组织参与,及时规范地处理牙根折创伤并密切随访观察,患牙预后较好,根折线越靠根尖,远期存活率越高.根折患牙的愈合方式及预后转归,除了根折线的位置外,还受诸多临床因素的影响,包括冠端牙体组织移位及移位程度、牙髓的病理状态、患者的年龄及牙根的发育情况、及时良好的复位、根折固定夹板的种类、合并其它损伤.医师需密切随访,综合判断根折线冠段牙髓是否发生感染.只有临床出现明确根折线感染征象时,才需要补充根折线冠段根管治疗.本文就根折牙外伤的分类、诊断、应急治疗、随访序列治疗,预后评估及预后影响因素作述评,以期为临床医师处理恒前牙根折外伤牙提供参考.
    • 韩淑娟; 黄丞一
    • 摘要: 目的观察上颌前牙外伤水平性根折的保守治疗效果。方法选取2015至2018年浙江大学医学院附属邵逸夫医院收治的上颌前牙外伤水平性根折患者35例,均为单发。治疗方法为患牙局麻下复位后,夹板固定,4周、2个月、6个月、1年、2年定期复诊。结果治疗后患者均按时复诊,9例患者在复诊过程中行根管治疗,24例患者牙齿活力正常,定期复查,2例患者分别于外伤后6个月、2年因牙周感染拔除患牙。本组患者保守治疗成功率94.3%(33/35)。结论上颌前牙外伤水平性根折的正确复位、夹板固定、定期随诊等序列性保守治疗方法效果较好。
    • 张丽霞
    • 摘要: 前牙大面积缺损对患者的进食活动及美观造成了严重影响,长期容易引起患者的营养不良及不良情绪的产生,进而威胁患者的生活质量[1]。由于残余牙体组织较少及薄弱,直接充填或全冠修复无法得到较好固位和稳定性的长久维持,因此临床上多推荐采用桩核冠修复,金属铸造桩是其常用材质。虽然金属铸造桩在有效固定、支持修复体方面作用确切,但是其缺点也同样明显如制作周期长、过程繁琐、容易根折及美观性差等.
    • 王玲
    • 摘要: 长期槟榔食用不但使人产生依赖性,还可能影响口腔健康.除造成软组织损害以外,咀嚼槟榔亦会导致牙体硬组织疾病,如磨耗、牙本质敏感甚至牙髓炎、根折等,以致患牙拔除,造成牙列缺损,但咀嚼槟榔者却患龋率较低.本文主要就咀嚼槟榔导致的牙齿硬组织疾病相关流行病学研究作一综述.
    • 焦连龙; 闫波; 王琦; 王树斌; 刘学军; 刘孟哲; 肖尧; 曹选平
    • 摘要: To analyze the changes of the schneiderian mucosa of maxillary sinus in the root fracture subjects using cone-beam(CBCT) and analyze the correlation of the inflammation between the root fracture and the schneiderian mucosa.50 root fracture subjects were selected and scanned by CBCT.Measuring the bottom of the sinus mucosa'thickness and the distance from root to the bottom of the maxillary sinus.All data were analyzed using statistical package SPSS18.0.The incidence rate of the mucosa thickening in the test group was 88% and the compare group was 2%,the difference was statistically significant(P < 0.05).The root fracture with apical periodontitis,the root fracture with periodontitis and the root fracture with asymptomatic had no difference among three groups.The changes of mucosal thickening were obviously found in the root fracture subjects.The closer the root of the root is from the maxillary sinus floor,it may be more likely to have an effect on the maxillary sinus mucosa%应用锥形束CT(CBCT)分析上颌后牙根折对上颌窦黏膜的影响,并对上颌窦黏膜炎症反应进行相关性研究.随机选取经CBCT扫描并诊断为一侧根折另一侧无症状的患者50例为实验组,对窦底黏膜厚度,根尖到上颌窦底的距离进行测量,并对数据进行统计学分析.实验组患者根折侧上颌窦黏膜存在增厚改变的发生率为88%,对照侧为2%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).在实验组中,根折伴根尖周炎组、根折伴牙周炎组、无其他症状根折组的黏膜厚度,差异无统计学意义.根折患者上颌窦底黏膜容易发生增厚样改变.根折后常伴有根尖周炎、牙周炎等症状,但不同临床症状对上颌窦黏膜厚度影响无差异性.根折牙根距上颌窦底越近,可能更容易对上颌窦黏膜产生影响.
    • 董少杰; 兰亭; 孔婷婷; 张辉; 白乐康; 牛林
    • 摘要: Objective To analyze the stress distribution of the weakened root dentine restored with titanium post-core crown and fiber post-core crown by finite element method.Methods The sample was scanned by Inveon Micro-CT technology from incised margin to root apex at 21 μm interval to obtain transverse data of DICOM format.The three-dimensional finite element model was created by rebuilding the morphology of maxillary central incisor with Inveon Research Workplace as well as Mimics,Geomagic and Catia software.The model was meshed and loaded to analyze the stress distribution on the weakened dentine of root by finite element method.Results The maximum stress,shearing stress and equivalent stress of the root restored with fiber post-core crown were 60%less than the stresses of the root restored with titanium post-core crown in the experiment.The stress on various parts of the root restored with titanium post-core crown was higher than that of the root restored with fiber post-core crown.Furthermore,the stress concentration occurred mainly on the labial interface of the upper 1/3 of root. Especially when the root was restored with titanium post-core crown,the stress value reached 37 .73 MPa,which was 1.9 times that of fiber post-core crown.Conclusion The finite element analysis indicates that the fiber post-core crown is better than titanium post-core crown in avoiding stress concentration and root fracture in the restoration of weakened root of maxillary central incisors.%目的 通过建立纯钛桩核冠及纤维桩核冠修复上颌中切牙薄壁残根的三维有限元模型,分析正常咬合情况下两种桩核系统修复上颌中切牙薄壁残根后的应力分布.方法 使用Inveon Micro-CT断层扫描技术以21μm最小层间距扫描上颌中切牙切缘至牙根全长,获得横断面DICOM格式数据,利用Inveon Research Workplace图像分析软件进行上颌中切牙外形重建,结合医学逆向工程软件Mimics、Geomagic、Catia建立三维有限元模型.用Ansys Work-bench软件对所建模型进行网格划分和模拟加载,利用有限元分析法比较两种桩核系统修复后牙根的应力分布.结果 纤维桩核修复组牙根牙本质最大主应力、剪切应力、等效应力峰值均比纯钛桩核修复组减少60%左右,纯钛桩核修复组牙根各区域应力值均大于纤维桩核修复组.同时,两组应力集中区域均出现在牙根唇侧中上1/3,该区域纯钛桩核组应力值达到37.73 MPa,为纤维桩核修复组的1.9倍.结论 有限元分析提示,上颌中切牙薄壁残根的两种修复方式中,纤维桩树脂桩核冠能更好地避免牙根的应力集中,从而有效降低牙根折裂的概率,可为临床薄壁残根的修复设计提供参考.
    • 陈志慧; 苏圣哲; 朱永娜; 张正; 刘道仓; 李颂
    • 摘要: AIM:To observe the effects of conservative treatment on the prognosis of horizontal root fracture of permanent incisors and the influencing factors.METHODS:37 permanent incisors with horizontal root fracture in 30 patients were treated by conservative therapy and followed-up for 3 to 34 m.The healing rate was calculated and the influencing factors of prognosis were analyzed based on the data of fracture location,root development,treatment delay and fixation time.RESULTS:33 teeth (89.19%) exhibited healing of the root fractures.Fracture location,root development,treatment delay and fixation term were not found to be related to the rate of healing.CONCLUSION:The prognosis of conservative therapy for permanent incisors with horizontal root fracture is good.Fracture location,root development,treatment delay and fixation term are not related to the healing rate.%目的:观察保守疗法治疗恒前牙水平根折的预后及其影响因素.方法:选择恒前牙水平根折保守治疗且随访3个月以上的病例30份,分析其愈合率,并依据根折部位、牙根发育情况、就诊间隔时间、固定时间分组,分析其与愈合相关的因素.结果:30份病例共有患牙37个,随访时间3~ 34个月.其中愈合33个,愈合率89.19%.根折部位、牙根发育情况、就诊间隔时间及固定时间对其愈合率的影响无统计学差异(P>0.05).结论:恒前牙水平根折保守治疗的预后较好,根折的部位、牙根发育情况、就诊间隔时间及固定时间与根折愈合率无相关性.
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