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数码摄像的相关文献在2001年到2021年内共计208篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、自动化技术、计算机技术、一般工业技术 等领域,其中期刊论文122篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献116908篇;相关期刊94种,包括新营销、数字商业时代、科技新时代等; 相关会议3种,包括第8届教育技术国际论坛(ETIF2009)、中国颗粒学会第六届学术年会暨海峡两岸颗粒技术研讨会、第九届全国光电技术学术交流会等;数码摄像的相关文献由229位作者贡献,包括张辉、张韵东、谢律等。



论文:122 占比:0.10%


论文:4 占比:0.00%


论文:116908 占比:99.89%





  • 张辉
  • 张韵东
  • 谢律
  • 邓中翰
  • 金兆玮
  • 俞青
  • 古松
  • 张葵阳
  • 杨辉
  • 石红
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • 刘长煌
    • 摘要: 警用执法记录仪(Police Body-Worn Camera,PBWC),又称现场执法记录仪,是集数码摄像、数码照相、对讲、定位功能于一身,能够对执法过程中发生的现场情况进行动态、静态的数字化记录,便于搜集证据;现今的智能执法记录仪可进行无线视频传输,实时沟通,极大地提高了警务实战能力,是现代警务执法工作中非常重要的警用装备。
    • 张京爱; 李素文
    • 摘要: 随着计算机技术和人工智能的快速发展,数码摄像技术在物理实验中发挥着越来越重要的作用.在分析数码摄像技术特点的基础上,从初中物理实验、高中物理实验和大学物理实验三个角度出发,对数码摄像技术在物理实验中的应用进行了综述归纳,并对数码摄像技术的未来发展趋势进行了展望.
    • 陈希杭
    • 摘要: 视觉传达设计是视觉设计的一部分,它是一种通过可视功能传播特定事物的一种行为.对于视觉传达设计来说,它的类型范围是比较广的,包括标识、排版、插画、摄像以及平面设计等多种内容,它的目的 就是将一些有用的信息制作成"视觉符号"的模式,从而对被传达对象产生一定的影响,视觉传达设计是更偏向与交互感受的一种设计模式,中国传统元素的应用为其提供了更广阔的设计空间.本篇文章通过对视觉传达设计的主要内容以及特点进行阐述,分析中国传统元素在视觉传达设计中的意义,从而探讨中国传统元素在视觉传达设计中的具体应用.
    • 王建
    • 摘要: 在电子数据技术飞速发展的背景下,数码摄像被广泛应用到传媒行业当中。Photoshop作为图像后期处理软件,具有提高图片质量、增强图片美感的作用。文章详细阐述了Photoshop软件的具体功能,对如何将其良好地应用到摄影后期制作中这一问题展开了详细的探讨,并提出相关建议。
    • 尹大伟; 陈绍杰; 邢文彬; 黄冬梅; 刘兴全
    • 摘要: In order to study the mechanical behavior of roof-coal pillar structure body under different loading rates,the uniaxial compression tests with different loading rates were carried out on the sandstone roof-coal pillar structure bodies.Also the acoustic emission (AE) monitoring technique,digital video camera system and scanning electron microscope were used to investigate the effects of loading rate on the mechanical behavior of roof-coal pillar structure body.The results show that with the decrease of the loading rate,the macro-failure initiation strength,uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus of the structure body integrally decrease.However,both the uniaxial compressive strength and elastic modulus show an increasing trend at the loading rate of 1× 10-5 mm/s.Moreover,when the horizontal additional stress produced by native defects in coal body is larger than the tensile strength of coal body,the macrofailure initiation of the structure body will occur.And the macro-failure initiations under different loading rates all occur in the coal body as the forms of tension crack combined with partial ejection or spalling of varying degrees.Additionally,the failures of structure bodies mainly occur in the coal body and no obvious damage is observed for roof sandstone.And the splitting ejection failure mainly occurs in the coal body.At a high loading rate,the elastic energy stored in the entity bearing structure of the coal body will be rapidly released through the macro-tensile crack as a releasing channel.Thus,the failure under a high loading rate is sudden and violent.The rebound deformation of roof sandstone is also severe.The coal becomes more broken than that at a low loading rate.Finally,the fracture surface of the structure body under a high loading rate is irregularity with a lacerated shape.The fracture surface becomes smooth with the decrease of loading rate.An obvious saw tooth region is found in the fracture surface under a low loading rate.The occlusal frictions of steps in the saw tooth region resist the failure of the structure body in a certain extent and the structure body shows a relative ductile failure.%基于声发射、数码摄像机录像及SEM系统,进行了不同加载速率下顶板砂岩-煤柱结构体试样单轴压缩试验,研究了加载速率对顶板-煤柱结构体力学行为的影响.结果表明:顶板-煤柱结构体宏观破坏起裂应力、单轴抗压强度和弹性模量均随加载速率递减而递减,但当加载速率递减至1×10-5 mm/s,单轴抗压强度和弹性模量均出现了一个递增趋势;顶板-煤柱结构宏观破坏起裂是由于煤样原生缺陷产生的水平附加应力大于煤样抗拉强度而引起的,不同加载速率下宏观破坏起裂均发生在煤样部分,形成拉裂纹与不同程度局部弹射或片帮组合的宏观破坏起裂形式;不同加载速率下顶板-煤柱结构体的破坏均发生在煤样内,砂岩未发生明显破坏,煤样主要发生劈裂弹射破坏,高加载速率下储存在实体承载结构体内的弹性能将以试样宏观拉裂纹等薄弱面为释放通道而迅速释放,试样破坏呈“突发”性且砂岩回弹变形剧烈,弹射破坏加剧,煤样更加破碎;高加载速率下破裂断口凹凸不平,呈“撕裂”状,随加载速率降低,断口趋向平整、光滑且出现“锯齿区”,锯齿区台阶咬合摩擦在一定程度上抵抗了试样破坏,试样呈相对延性破坏.
    • 陈绍杰; 尹大伟; 张保良; 马宏发; 刘兴全
    • 摘要: 基于声发射和数码摄像机录像系统,对不同高比的5组顶板砂岩-煤柱结构体进行单轴压缩试验,研究其力学特性及渐进破坏机制.顶板砂岩-煤柱结构体整体强度是远离交界面和交界面处砂岩、煤样强度的综合,摩擦效应加强了交界面处煤样强度,而削弱了交界面处砂岩强度;顶板-煤柱结构体宏观破坏起裂应力、单轴抗压强度和弹性模量均随岩煤高比递减而呈递减趋势;在同等条件下煤样原生裂纹越发育,顶板-煤柱结构体宏观破坏起裂应力、弹性模量和单轴抗压强度越小.顶板-煤柱结构体宏观破坏起裂导致应力-应变曲线出现阶梯状波动,AE信号出现峰值,大部分起裂位置位于煤样上,但当岩煤高比为9∶1时,交界面处砂岩首先破坏起裂.煤样内裂纹扩展和贯通使其变得较破碎且形成局部破坏,同时局部破坏的贯通导致煤样最终破坏;砂岩破坏是煤样内裂纹扩展贯通至其内部造成的,且由于裂纹扩展能力、速度及角度的不同,砂岩破坏形态呈劈裂破坏、剪切破坏或不发生破坏,随岩煤高比增大,煤样和砂岩破坏程度增大,煤样更加破碎.%In order to study the mechanical characteristics and progressive failure mechanism of the roof-coal pillar structure,uniaxial compression tests were carried out to five groups of sandstone roof-coal pillar structure bodies with different height ratios.The acoustic emission(AE) monitoring technique and the digital video camera system were used to investigate the failure process of the structure.The structural strength of the structure is the combined strength of sandstone,coal and interface.The contact frictional effects enhance the strength of coal in the interface,but weaken the strength of sandstone in the interface.With the decrease of the height ratio of sandstone to coal,the macroscopic failure initiation strength,the uniaxial compressive strength and the elastic modulus of the structure body reduce gradually.Under the same conditions,the more developed the primary cracks in the coal is,the lower the macroscopic failure initiation strength,the uniaxial compressive strength and the elastic modulus of the structure body are.The macroscopic failure initiation of the structure body causes the occurrence of the turning points on the stress-strain curves while the AE energy index reaches a peak value.After the macroscopic failure initiation,the AE energy index drops to the original level.Generally,the macroscopic failure initiations are located in the coal.When the height ratio of sandstone to coal is 9 ∶ 1,however,the macroscopic failure initiation occurs firstly at the interface.The propagation and coalescence of cracks in coal make the coal more broken and the local damage occurs in the coal.The coalescence of the local damages leads to the coal failure finally.The sandstone failure is caused by the crack propagation in coal cross to the sandstone interior.Due to the difference of the propagation ability,velocity and angle of cracks in the coal,the sandstones display the split failure,shear failure or no damage.With the increase of the height ratio of sandstone to coal,the degree of damage of the coal body and sandstone increases,and the coal body is broken more.
    • 摘要: 新一代胶片摄像机 在2016国际消费电子产品展(CES)上,柯达推出了新一代超8毫米胶片摄像机。超8毫米胶片摄像机于1965年问世,但随着数码摄像技术普及,逐渐被淘汰。柯达此举不纯粹是在卖情怀,这款机对原版的外形进行了精简升级,也增加了数字摄录、存储手段(如可插入SD卡、增加数字取景器),并且可以对用户拍摄的胶片做数字化处理。
    • 黄子婧
    • 摘要: 第8届日本玩具大奖也在东京玩具展期间揭晓,来自39家公司选送的279件候选作品中,有37件产品入围,最终9件产品分获7个类别大奖、年度畅销奖和特别大奖9项殊荣。去年Takara T o m y和万代两家独大的格局被打破,更多玩具公司获得了褒奖。但纵观获奖产品,除获得特别奖的高达塑料模型系列、男孩玩具类的棒球盘3D Ace属于传统类别玩具外,其余获奖产品科技元素仍是主要特点。
    • 摘要: 执法记录仪是一种集数码摄像、数码照相、对讲送话器功能于一身的电子设备,它能够对执法过程进行动态、静态的现场情况数字化记录,通过后台软件管理,既可现场回放,又保障文件不被篡改,保证所拍摄资料的公正、权威。现在该设备被公安机关普遍采用,在法院的执行和法警部门也有少量配置,但在审判业务部门却很少配备。
    • 杨志成; 常红艳
    • 摘要: 日前,新疆沙湾县农机执法人员开始使用执法记录仪。该执法记录仪集数码摄像、照相及录音功能于一体,重量轻,体积小,佩带方便,工作人员可以用它完整记录执法过程,对执法过程进行动态、静态取证,有效规范和监督农机执法人员行为,准确提供执法纠纷的事实依据。农机执法记录仪的启用,一方面为农机执法现场监督、取证工作提供强有力的技术支撑,另一方面对执法人
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