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放射学信息系统的相关文献在1997年到2022年内共计72篇,主要集中在特种医学、预防医学、卫生学、临床医学 等领域,其中期刊论文71篇、专利文献3957592篇;相关期刊40种,包括中国医疗设备、中国临床医学影像杂志、中国医学影像学杂志等; 放射学信息系统的相关文献由208位作者贡献,包括郭启勇、江桂华、田军章等。



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  • 郭启勇
  • 江桂华
  • 田军章
  • 张雪林
  • 王晓明
  • 颜剑豪
  • 张小明
  • 曾南林
  • 李春平
  • 杜勇
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈英育; 陈奕鹏; 张淑娇
    • 摘要: 目的:探究结合医学影像存档与通讯系统(PCAS)、放射学信息系统(RIS)、医院信息综合管理系统(HIS)的数字化医学影像管理模式在影像报告质量控制中的应用效果。方法:回顾性分析2019年1月-2020年12月东莞市凤岗医院影像报告质量控制,2019年1-12月采取常规管理,每月抽取100张影像报告进行质量评估(n=1 200),将其设为对照组,2020年1-12月实施结合PCAS、RIS、HIS的数字化医学影像管理模式,每月抽取100张影像报告进行质量评估(n=1 200),将其设为研究组。比较两组诊断情况(报告误诊率、报告漏诊率、描述规范性)、影像图片质量、工作效率(患者平均预约时间、X线、CT、MRI检查时间)、管理指标(数据储存方式、胶片打印方式、资料检索方式、分类统计方式)。结果:研究组报告误诊率、报告漏诊率均低于对照组,研究组描述规范性占比高于对照组(P<0.05);两组影像图片质量对比差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),且研究组质量差图片占比低于对照组(P<0.05);研究组患者平均预约时间、X线、CT、MRI检查时间均短于对照组(P<0.05);建设结合PCAS、RIS、HIS的数字化医学影像管理模式后,数据储存方式、胶片打印方式均发生改变,资料检索方式、分类统计方式均转变为网络在线检索、数据库。结论:结合PCAS、RIS、HIS的数字化医学影像管理模式在影像报告质量控制中的应用,可显著提升影像报告质量、工作效率,将管理模式信息化。
    • 严洋; 姚伟根; 王鸿林; 黄国来; 杨汉卿; 孙东方
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨基于区域医学影像平台进行县域放射质量管理.方法 在基于PACS技术和电信宽带网络相结合的区域医学影像会诊平台的基础上,通过建立数据库、统一放射影像检查图像质量标准、统一放射检查报告区域医学影像平台模板、建立放射质量评判标准、目标和评判方法、流程,观察图像质量优良率、诊断报告质量优良率等指标,构建基于区域医学影像平台的县域放射质量管理体系.结果 图像质量优良率、诊断报告质量优良率等放射质控指标上升,达到考核目标要求(≥90%).结论 通过区域医学影像平台,改变传统放射质量管理模式,可以提高区域内放射检查质量,提高管理效率和时效.%Objective To discuss the radiation quality control in county based on regional medical imaging platform. Methods Based on regional medical imaging platform with the combination of PACS technology and telecommunication broadband network, we established the database, unified the radiological image quality standards and the regional medical imaging platform templates of the radiological examination report, built the evaluation standards, objectives, methods and processes of radiological quality, and observed the good rate of image quality and diagnostic report quality, in order to build a county-based radiation quality control system based on regional medical imaging platform. Results The good rate of the image quality and the diagnostic report quality increased and reached the target of examination(≥ 90%). Conclusion Through the regional medical imaging platform, changing the quality control mode of traditional radiation can improve the quality of radiation examination in the region and increase management efficiency and time efficiency.
    • 杨铮; 李英; 冷家骅; 曹崑; 李晓婷; 孙应实
    • 摘要: Objective In order to improve the speed of writing and reading reports and provide a reliable reference for doctors to determine the surgical plan of pancreatic adenocarcinoma, this paper aimed to design a computer-aided diagnostic model for pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Methods The model was developed by using VBA language in the Access environment. The selection of fields in the model referred to the criteria for respectability of pancreatic cancer from National comprehensive Cancer Network. Results Subjective evaluation and model evaluation were estimated separately by four doctors. The results shown that the consistency of model evaluation is obviously higher than subjective evaluation. Conclusion The model could greatly improve the efficiency of writing report and provide a reliable surgical plan of pancreatic adenocarcinoma for doctors.%目的 设计胰腺癌辅助诊断系统模型,旨在提高医生报告书写及阅览速度,并为医生确定胰腺癌手术方案提供可靠依据.方法 使用VBA语言在ACCESS环境下构建胰腺癌辅助诊断模型,模型字段的选取参照美国国家综合癌症网络胰腺癌可切除性评价标准设计.结果 选取4位医生分别进行主观评价测试和模型评价测试,结果是模型评价一致性明显高于主观评价.结论 该模型的应用可以大大提高医生书写报告的效率,并且可以为医生提供可靠的胰腺癌手术辅助方案.
    • 刘国军; 杨宏志
    • 摘要: 本文简要介绍了Worklist的定义及相关技术,详细介绍了我院新版医学影像存储与通讯系统(PACS)的安装及调试过程,通过对影像设备的Worklist配置与调试,实现了与医院信息系统(HIS)、放射学信息系统(RIS)及PACS的融合。同时还介绍了应用Worklist排除RIS的常见故障及维修方法。%This paper briefly introduced the definition of worklist and its related technologies, detailed the configuration and debugging process of the new version of PACS (Picture Archiving and Communication System) in the hospital. Through configuration and debugging of the worklist of imaging equipment, integration of HIS (Hospital Information System), RIS (Radiology Information System) and PACS was realized. It also introduced the application of worklist in elimination of common failures and maintenance of RIS.
    • 李达; 董楠; 段振飞; 张弦; 刘敏超
    • 摘要: 目的:优化放射科检查流程,实现放射科检查项目网上预约和集中预约管理。方法在住院医生工作站中嵌入检查预约模块,并与医院信息系统(HIS)、放射学信息系统(RIS)集成,实现检查申请、预约、登记等信息的有效传递与共享。结果实现了临床科室对放射科检查的直接预约,提升了检查效率,降低了检查申请单的废单率。结论针对放射科检查流程存在的问题开发软件,事半功倍。%Objective To optimize the examination process in Department of Radiology in order to realize the online reservation and centralized reservation management of examinations in Department of Radiology.Methods The examination reservation module was embedded into the workstation for in-patient doctors, which was also integrated with HIS (Hospital Information System) and RIS (Radiological Information System) to realize optimized examination worklfows and effective sharing of various information, including examination application, reservation and registration.Results The direct reservation of radiological examinations in Department of Radiology as well as improved examination efifciency and reduced invalid application form rate was realized.Conclusion The system was developed in view of issues existing in the examination worklfows in Department of Radiology, which improved the efifciency of examinations and the service quality.
    • 曹童英; 王文明
    • 摘要: The features, functions as well as installation, setting and debugging processes of the medical image tele-consultation center were introduced in this paper. With utilization of Web and the imaging tele-consultation platform, remote imaging consultation services offered by the Grade III hospital were available to the community- or township-level hospital so as to further promote its general quality of treatment and diagnosis, which made high-quality medical services accessible to people in local hospitals.%本文介绍了医学影像远程会诊中心的特点、功能及安装、设置与调试过程.应用Web及远程影像会诊平台,由三级医院对社区或乡镇卫生院提供远程影像会诊服务,以进一步提高社区及乡镇卫生院的整体诊疗水平,从而服务于老百姓,使病人在原地、原医院就能享受高水平的远程医疗服务.
    • 姚伟根; 黄国来; 严洋; 杨汉卿; 王鸿林; 孙东方
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the function of the regional medical image network consultation system in propelling the quality control of regional medical image.Methods Based on the regional medical image network con-sultation system,the unified standard of quality control was implemented to reach the integrated management of the imaging quality control in region.The imaging specialists checked the quality of image and report in real time.In addi-tion,the specialists and inspectors monthly examined the quality of image and report.Subsequently,the unqualified causes were analyzed and the improvement measures were used.Finally,the quality of image and report were continu-ously improved.Results After the homogeneity management was applied for one year,the rates of remaking photos and returning the report were significantly decreased from 10% to 2%,and 12% to 4% respectively.Additionally,the rates of good image and report were significantly increased from 83% to 98%,and 89% to 100% respectively.The objective of good rate ≥90% was excellently achieved.Conclusion Based on the regional medical image network consultation system,the management in quality control of the networking hospitals has been uniform,and the technique of examination and the report format have been consistent.The standardability and accuracy of image examination have been realized.%目的:探讨区域性医学影像会诊体系在推进区域影像同质化中的作用。方法以区域医学影像会诊中心为平台,运用统一的质量标准在区域内实行放射质控一体化管理,通过会诊专家实时把控会诊病例的图像质量和报告质量,每月组织专家和联网单位质控员抽查影像质量和报告质量。对不达标联网单位查找原因,提出整改措施,督促落实,实现质量持续改进。结果经过一年同质化管理,实时会诊病例的图像重拍率和报告退写率分别由10%、12%下降至2%、4%,每月随机抽查病例的图像质量和诊断报告优良率分别由83%、89%上升到98%、100%,达到考核目标要求(优良率≥90%)。结论通过区域性医学影像会诊中心平台对联网单位放射质控进行一体化管理,入网医院所有拍片检查的投照体位、图像大小、报告格式实现统一,影像检查的规范性和准确性达到一致,实现影像检查的同质化。
    • 王福龙; 刘爱军; 王海括; 王韬
    • 摘要: Objective:To do the assessment on the accuracy of PACS Image Processing System. Methods:Choose stand-alone versions of three PACS manufacturers, evaluate the accuracy of the functions of CT value, length, angle and area measurement by comparing the measurement results with eFilm, an image processing software designed by the Radiological Society of North America. Generate three-dimensional reconstruction of needle tube, and contrast between measure value and true value of internal diameter. Results:The functions of CT value and angle measurement are accurate, while the length, area measurement functions are not accurate. Conclusion:The result of evaluation proves that the length and area measurement function of PACS Image Processing System is low, which can’t become a clinical diagnosis and need improvement. The assessment of the accuracy of PACS Image Processing System has far-reaching significance to the healthy development of PACS systems.%目的:评估影像存档与传输系统(PACS)产品影像后处理系统的准确性。方法:选取国内3家PACS厂商的单机版产品,分别评估其CT值测量、长度测量、角度测量及面积测量4种功能,并与北美放射协会影像处理软件eFilm2.1的测量结果进行对比;使用CT对针管进行三维重建,测量针管内径并与实际值对比。结果:eFilm2.1系统与各厂商的CT值测量结果一致;角度测量结果较为准确;长度、面积测量结果和三维重建后的长度测量结果均有误差。结论:PACS影像后处理系统的长度、面积和三维重建后的长度测量结果准确性较低,在临床诊断中仅可起到参考作用。各厂商需对PACS影像后处理系统的测量结果进行优化,以满足医疗活动的需要。
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