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摘出的相关文献在1961年到2022年内共计115篇,主要集中在眼科学、外科学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文108篇、专利文献7篇;相关期刊36种,包括管子学刊、城市党报研究、法律适用等; 摘出的相关文献由205位作者贡献,包括欧震、袁久民、加布里埃尔·赫尔什库等。



论文:108 占比:93.91%


论文:7 占比:6.09%





  • 欧震
  • 袁久民
  • 加布里埃尔·赫尔什库
  • 埃尔默·托伦蒂诺
  • 张家荣
  • 徐洁慧
  • 惠延年
  • 杜红俊
  • 林鼎洋
  • 柯特·托佩尔
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 王龙; 张媛; 徐洁慧
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the clinical effects and the method of corneal foreign body removal with chestnut thorns.Methods Sixty eyes of 60 cases with corneal foreign body of chestnut thorns were analysed.The foreign bodies were removed with the forceps,the needle picking method or the pushing method from the anterior chamber under slit lamp or operating microscope.Results The deep corneal foreign bodies were all removed and no operative complications occurred.The vision was improved in 50 cases (83.3%),and remained unchanged in 10 cases (16.7%).No cases with declined vision were found.Conclusion Finding out all the foreign bodies and choosing an appropriate surgical removal method are the key points for deep corneal foreign body of chestnut thorn.%目的 探讨角膜深层栗刺异物伤异物摘出方法及临床效果.方法 对60例(60眼)角膜深层栗刺异物伤进行分析.根据栗刺异物的具体表现分别在裂隙灯显微镜下或手术显微镜下采取镊取法、针剔法、板层角膜瓣法,以及手术显微镜下的经前房顶推法进行异物摘出术.结果 60例角膜深层异物全部摘出且无手术并发症发生.50例(83.3%)视力较初诊时提高,基本维持不变者10例(16.7%),未见下降者.结论 查清全部异物情况,选择合适的手术方式摘出异物,是角膜深层栗刺异物伤治疗的关键.
    • 许海嘉; 谢碧华; 陈卓
    • 摘要: 目的 分析角膜铁屑异物的不同摘出方法及临床效果.方法 根据210例(223眼)铁屑异物在角膜的部位深浅不同,采取不同的手术摘出方法.结果 铁屑异物摘出后,角膜留下厚薄不等的浑浊、瘢痕及散光,伤及瞳孔区者视力则受到不同程度的损害.结论 对进入角膜基质深层和进入前房内的铁屑异物,则根据异物的大小、深浅、部位,采用不同的手术方式摘出.%Objective To analyse the extraction method and clinical effect of the different corneal iron foreign bodies.Methods Different surgical methods were choosen based on the location of the iron foreign bodies in the cornea.Results Superficial corneal foreign bodies were removed directly.Deep corneal foreign bodies were removed through the corneal flap or the anterior chamber.After removal,there were different degrees of opacity,scar or astigmatism left on the cornea.If the lesion was in the pupillary area,the functional vision decreased.Conclusion The surgical methods are choosen based on the size,depth and 1ocation of corneal foreign bodies.
    • 张风莉; 刘毅; 宋林; 张洪勋; 石淑英; 黄璘; 魏文斌
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the advantage of early extraction of small magnetic intraocular foreign body(IOFB) with electromagnet after simple X-ray localization.Methods seventeen eyes of 17 cases with small magnetic IOFB were enrolled in the study.The IOFB was shown by anteroposterior and lateral radiographs with IOFB locator adhered to the cornea.The pars plana closest to the foreign body was incised 4 ~5 mm,then the incision was pulled by lamellar suture and IOFB was extracted by the electromagnet.Resuits The IOFBs were extracted in 15 cases by one surgery.In one failed case,the [OFB was not taken out because the uvea was not incised completed and the IOFB was extracted after the uvea was incised.In another failed case,the IOFB was embedded in the sclera which was extracted by the forceps through the conjunctiva.No infection was observed in all cases.Conclusion Early extraction of small magnetic IOFB with electromagnet after simple X-ray localization has been fast,simple and minimally invasive with high success rate and low infection rate.%目的 探讨眼内微小磁性异物早期简易定位及电磁铁吸出术的优点.方法 眼内微小磁性异物伤后48 h内17例(17只眼).置角膜吸附型眼内异物定位器X线下正侧位摄片定位,在睫状体平坦部距异物最近处全层切开4~5 mm,板层缝线牵引切口,电磁铁头部贴于切口吸出异物.结果 电磁铁一次吸出异物15例,1例仅切开巩膜未能吸出,后切开睫状体平坦部后顺利吸出;1例异物嵌入巩膜壁内,后从结膜侧眼球外进路用镊夹出异物.本组病例术后无感染等并发症.结论 早期简易定位电磁铁吸出眼内微小磁性异物,手术简易快捷,创伤小,未发生感染.在暂未开展玻璃体切除术的单位,可以作为早期后段眼内微小磁性异物摘出的首选方法.
    • 刘身文; 秦波; 李柏军; 陈胜; 刘引
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨不同方式摘出后段眼内异物的临床效果.方法 对眼内异物62例(62眼)的临床资料进行回顾性分析.结果 所有患者均一次摘出异物.外路摘出9眼,内路经睫状体平坦部切口摘出22眼,内路经角膜缘切口摘出31眼.随访6 ~ 12个月.内路摘出53眼中视力提高者45眼,视力无明显改变者6眼,2眼并发眼球萎缩后行眼球摘除;外路摘出9眼,视力提高者8眼,1眼并发视网膜牵引性脱离,后行玻璃体切除术.结论 视情况选择不同方式行眼后段眼内异物摘出术,可有效地恢复眼球结构,避免并发症的发生.%Objective To compare the clinical efficacy of different surgical methods in the management of posterior segment intraocular foreign body (IOFB),which include IOFBs are removed through wall of eyeball (from scleral wound,scleral incision or pars plana) or IOFBs are removed by vitrectomy (from pars plana or limbus).Methods The medical records of 62 cases (62 eyes) of posterior segment IOFB were retrospectively analyzed.Results Follow up was 6 ~ 12 months.In all cases,the IOFBs were removed in one surgery.Nine cases underwent removal of IOFBs through the wall of eyeball,2 cases of which from scleral wound,3 cases of which from scleral incision,4 cases of which from pars plana.In these 9 cases,visual acuities increased in 8 eyes and decreased in one eye which caused by retinal detachment and treated by vitrectomy.The IOFBs are removed by vitrectomy in 53 cases,22 cases of which from pars plana and 31 cases of which from limbus.In these 53 cases,visual acuities increased in 45 eyes,were no change in 6 eyes and decreased in 2 eyes which caused by ocular atrophy and treated by enucleation.Conclusion The posterior segment IOFBs can be removed by different surgical methods which depends on the size and location of IOFBs.Correct choice of surgical methods can restore the anatomic structure of eyeball and avoid the surgical complications.
    • 王义军; 张沧霞
    • 摘要: 1病例rn患者,男,22岁,室内装修工.于2011年1月22日18:00因与家人生气后用装修气钉枪向自己右太阳穴连续开枪数次,钢钉完全没入皮肤.当时出现视物模糊、头痛,无其他不适.1h后来我院就诊.急诊行头颅X线及眼眶CT扫描,以"右眶内异物"收入院.入院全身查体正常.眼科情况:视力:右0.4,左1.0.右侧太阳穴处皮肤凹陷,其正中见1长约3mm伤口,向伤口深处探查可见钉子帽,无活动.局部少许出血.右眼球活动良好,眼前段未见明显异常,眼底检查视盘轻度水肿.头颅X线摄片示:于右眶区见有2处金属异物影(图1).
    • 郭宣妮; 周健
    • 摘要: Objective To analyze the causes of removing the intraocular lenses ( IOLs) in 13 cases,and to investigate the prevention and the management to reduce the complication.Methods A retrospective study was done in 13 cases ( 13 eyes) of removing IOLs in any conditions from March 2005 to January 2011 in Xijing Hospital.We analyzed the causes and the management of removing IOLs,and the type of removed IOLs.Results In 13 cases,the range of age was 8 to 64 years old,mean age was (30 ± 17.3)years old.The primary ocular diseases were traumatic cataract in nine cases,age-related cataract in two cases,congenital cataract in one case,and secondary cataract in one case.The causes of removing IOLs were dislocation to vitreous cavity,severe disconcentration,corneal endothelial dysfunction and uncontrolled secondary glaucoma with IOLs dislocation.Among the 13 removed IOLs,six pieces were 3-piece unfold PMMA IOLs,two pieces were 1-piece unfold PMMA IOLs,three pieces were 2-piece fold IOLs,one piece was 1-piece fold IOLs and one was anterior chamber 1-piece IOLs.IOLs were replaced in 8 cases,and in the other 5 cases,IOLs were removed.Conclusion The positive methods avoiding removing IOLs include appropriate treatment of complicated cataract,correct treatment for ruptured posterior lens capsule,suitable IOL type and IOL implantation procedure.%目的 分析13例人工晶状体摘出的原因,探讨减少这种手术并发症的方法.方法 人工晶状体摘出13例(13眼).对摘出人工晶状体的原因、摘出人工晶状体的类型以及手术方法进行了分析.结果 13例年龄8~64岁.原发病为外伤性白内障9例,年龄相关性白内障2例,先天性白内障1例,并发性白内障1例.人工晶状体摘出原因是人工晶状体脱位6例,人工晶状体移位6例,角膜内皮功能失代偿1例,继发性青光眼伴人工晶状体脱位1例.摘出的13枚人工晶状体有三片式硬晶状体6枚,单片式硬晶状体2枚,三片式折叠晶状体3枚,单片式折叠晶状体1枚和1枚前房型人工晶状体.8例在摘出人工晶状体后重新植入人工晶状体,5例未再植入.结论 对复杂类型白内障的恰当处理、对常规白内障术中后囊破裂等并发症的正确处理、对植入人工晶状体类型及植入方法的正确选择是避免人工晶状体摘出并发症的积极措施.
    • 徐鲁
    • 摘要: "天气又要变冷了,请保重身体。橘子不妨多吃些。""不要随便发脾气,宽心自在最重要。还有赶快去买瓦斯炉。""多保重,注意手脚不要受冻。"……这是我从《向田邦子的情书》里信手摘出的一些句子。恋爱中的男女,还有比这更体贴、更平淡,因而也更温暖、更真实的话语吗?
    • 党雅娥; 师罡
    • 摘要: 目的:研究分析应用裂隙灯显微镜对角膜异物的临床治疗效果.方法:回顾性分析我院2009年1月-2009年12月期间在我院眼科接受治疗的45例角膜异物患者的临床资料.结果:所有患者均在裂隙灯显微镜直视下摘出角膜异物,全部为一次性摘除,术后患者视力恢复正常,无感染及并发症发生.结论:在裂隙灯显微镜下处理角膜异物,操作轻柔准确,可最大程度的减少对正常角膜组织的损害,利于损伤的修复,减少对视力造成的影响.
    • 一杯沧海
    • 摘要: 上学这么多年,受教于几十位老师了,每位老师无一幸免地被我们起过外号,当然这其间更包含许多快乐的事,说到这里洒家就忍不住摘出几件来供大家分享。
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