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排烃的相关文献在1987年到2023年内共计155篇,主要集中在石油、天然气工业、地质学、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文83篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献122823篇;相关期刊40种,包括沉积学报、地球化学、西南石油大学学报(自然科学版)等; 相关会议3种,包括第十届全国有机地球化学学术会议、我国喜马拉雅运动对沉积盆地的控制作用与油气晚期成藏会议、第五届全国油气运移学术研讨会等;排烃的相关文献由378位作者贡献,包括张斌、陈瑞银、张水昌等。



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    • 肖国林; 王明健; 杨长清; 庞玉茂
    • 摘要: 综合分析和盆地的生烃、排烃、运移和聚集仿真数值模拟表明,东海南部中生界发育T3-J2和K12-K2两套生烃潜力大致相当的暗色泥岩烃源岩,总生烃量达1.2×1011 t。J1-2暗色泥岩是经"油-源"对比证实的成熟有效烃源岩,K12-K2暗色泥岩是潜在烃源岩。T3-J2烃源岩生成的烃类运移聚集始于早白垩世早期,晚白垩世达到高峰;K12-K2烃源岩生成的烃类运移聚集始于晚白垩世末期,古新世末达到高峰;雁荡运动和瓯江运动及其之前形成的各类圈闭,更有利于捕获和聚集侏罗系和白垩系烃源岩生成和排出的烃类。中-新生代的多期构造运动形成的断裂和不整合面为烃类运移提供了重要优势通道,烃类多沿断裂带及附近的构造圈闭聚集。白垩系内的烃类聚集量是侏罗系的3倍,白垩系内的"构造型"和J2/K1之间不整合面附近的"构造-地层不整合复合型"是本区中生界两类重要的油气聚集,聚集模式可能包括"近源聚集"和"远源聚集"2种,成藏组合包括"自生自储自盖"、"下生上储上盖"和"新生古储新盖"3种。
    • 卢双舫; 张俊; 邓守伟; 唐振兴; 黄文彪; 李文浩; 薛海涛; 肖佃师; 李吉君; 王民; 王伟明; 陈方文
    • 摘要: 以松辽盆地南部为研究区,基于物质平衡法对源岩的排烃强度进行定量评价,利用PetroMod软件的超压模块对源岩内超压进行评价.通过建立源岩排烃强度与残余有机碳含量及超压的关系,根据拐点确定出岩石排烃量2 mg/g、残余有机碳含量0.8%、超压1 MPa为致密油源岩的下限,提出岩石排烃量8 mg/g、残余有机碳含量2.0%、超压7 MPa为致密油优质源岩的界限.据此,将致密油源岩划分为优质源岩(Ⅰ类)、低效源岩(Ⅱ类)、无效源岩(Ⅲ类).利用致密油源岩的下限及分级评价标准对松辽盆地南部致密油有利区分布范围进行评价,结果显示优质源岩对致密油分布具有显著的控制作用,优质源岩发育区及邻近层位是致密油富集的有利区.%With southern Songliao Basin as the target area,the hydrocarbon expulsion intensity of source rocks was quantitatively evaluated based on the material balance method.Under the "Overpressure" module of PetroMod software,the overpressure history of the source rocks was evaluated.According to the relationships among hydrocarbon expulsion intensity,residual organic carbon content and overpressure within source rocks and related inflection points,the lower limits of tight oil source rocks were determined:hydrocarbon expulsion amount of per unit mass rock 2 mg/g,residual hydrocarbon content 0.8%,and overpressure 1 MPa.The source rocks with hydrocarbon expulsion > 8 mg/g,a residual organic carbon content 2.0%,and overpressure 7 MPa were defmed as the limits of excellent source rocks.As a result,the tight oil source rocks can be divided into three types,excellent source rocks (type Ⅰ),inefficient source rocks (type Ⅱ) and invalid source rocks (type Ⅲ).The evaluation has been made for favorable areas distribution range of tight oil in Southern Songliao Basin according to the lower limits and grading evaluation criteria of tight oil source rocks.The result shows that the excellent source rocks have an obvious control on the distribution of tight oil,areas with excellent source rocks and nearby formations are favorable for the accumulation of tight oil.
    • Yuanjia Han; Nicolaj Mahlstedt; Brain Horsfield
    • 摘要: 得克萨斯州Marathon l Mesquite井Barnett页岩层序为位于生油窗的成熟烃源岩.该层序自上而下分成5个不连续的小层:第一小层为Marble Falls石灰岩,第二小层主要由富含有机质的非钙质泥岩构成,第三小层为泥质岩,第四、五小层均富含方解石.利用光谱、气相色谱等方法对Barnett页岩层内油气运移、滞留以及排烃反应进行了研究,得出第二小层为有利目的层段,与第三小层相比,第二小层的油品质更高(较多脂肪族),储存潜力更大(海绵骨针衍生的微晶石英),油对有机质的吸附亲和力更低.
    • 朱景修
    • 摘要: The composition of soluble organic matter in mudstones is complex and the study of composition diffe⁃rence is not only important to understanding hydrocarbon generation and expulsion processes, but also necessary for us to determine shale oil formation and accumulation mechanisms. Lacustrine shale of the Hetaoyuan Forma⁃tion in the Biyang Sag of Nanxiang Basin was systematically studied to determine the composition difference of soluble organic matter from different media ( including inorganic minerals and kerogen ) . The results were com⁃pared with shale oil and sandstone oil, and their geological and geochemical significance discussed. Results show that, it is mainly because of the similar polarity among various compounds of saturated hydrocarbon that we can hardly distinguish the difference of saturated hydrocarbon component of soluble organic matter in different media, which implies shale oil generation and expulsion processes in source rock. However, there are obvious variations of aromatic composition. The aromatic composition of soluble organic matter in organic medium is similar to shale oil/sandstone oil, but the aromatic composition of soluble organic matter in inorganic medium is different from shale oil/sandstone oil, which reflects the processes of hydrocarbon generation and expulsion. Accordingly, in the primary migration in mudstone, the generated hydrocarbons firstly filled inorganic mineral pores, after achie⁃ving the adsorption capacity of mineral particles, then entering into the micro⁃cracks in source rock and/or sand⁃stone interlayer, finally forming oil and gas enrichment, which was the so⁃called shale oil.%泥页岩中的有机质组成复杂,其差异性对于认识油气的生排烃和页岩油气的形成与富集机理具有重要意义。选择南襄盆地泌阳凹陷始新统核桃园组湖相泥页岩为研究对象,系统对比了其中不同介质(包括无机矿物和有机干酪根)中可溶有机质的组成与差异,并与页岩油和砂岩油相对比,分析差异性,讨论其地质地球化学意义。结果表明,泥页岩不同介质中可溶有机质的饱和烃组成差异性较小,难以区分,反映了页岩油气的源内生排烃过程,饱和烃自身各种化合物之间的极性差异不大;而芳烃组成差异明显,其中,有机介质中可溶有机质的芳烃组成与页岩油/砂岩油相当,而无机介质中可溶有机质的芳烃组成与页岩油/砂岩油差异较大,反映了油气生排烃的过程。据此,泥页岩在初次运移的排烃过程中,生成的烃类物质首先充满无机矿物基质孔隙,并满足矿物颗粒表面吸附后,进入烃源层内微裂缝和/或砂岩夹层而富集,这类油气资源即目前所谓的页岩油。
    • 蔡丽娜; 王忠; 卢雪梅
    • 摘要: 沉积盆地地层埋深不断加大的过程中,干酪根在细菌作用下或通过热解生成油气。在富有机质烃源岩中干酪根生成油气的过程中,油气排出并在孔隙系统中形成流体相,而这种流体相可在水动力和浮力作用下运移,并最终逃逸至地表或在地下形成油气藏。油气充注和圈闭形成的时间配置是油气成藏中一个非常关键的要素。在常规油气勘探中,剥露盆地历来都被视为高风险地区,主要原因是在剥露过程中烃源岩的生烃过程会因地层冷却而停止。但是,即便是在生烃作用的停止点,烃源岩中仍可能保留有一定量的油气,这些油气被吸咐于干酪根和孔隙系统中。本文中我们所讨论的是,当烃源岩在埋深达到峰值后因剥露而变浅,孔隙压力变小,孔隙系统中油气(特别是气相)的体积膨胀,导致更多的油气充注相邻的输导层或储层。由于大多数陆上沉积盆地演化史中都或多或少有重大的剥露事件发生,因此剥露作用可能是剥露沉积盆地中另外一种未受重视的晚期油气充注机理。我们的模型还表明,对于曾具有较高初始压力和较低地热梯度的含气烃源岩而言,初始储集能力、剥露前储集能力、天然气总储集能力和剥露天然气充注可能都非常重要。本文所述之概念对于非常规页岩储层内的油气资源而言也有意义,其原因是高品质页岩层带可能与盆地内特定的油气系统有关,后者相对超压消散的幅度或速率限制了从非常规储层向常规储层的剥露充注。
    • 侯璐; 王莉
    • 摘要: 厚层泥岩的排烃过程包括生烃—增压—憋压—产生微层理裂隙—流体排出,如此循环往复.通过对三种剖面类型烃源岩排烃效率的分析,认为烃源岩只要达到成熟生烃阶段,烃类均可以有效地排驱出来,厚层泥岩同样具有较好的排烃能力,排烃效率较高.
    • 董月霞; 李素梅; 陈安定; 王政军; 张鹏; 陈君
    • 摘要: Industrial petroleum was discovered from Palaeozoic deep horizons in the Nanpu Depression,Bohai Bay Basin,which suggests significant deep petroleum potential in the area.One of the issues in exploration is forecasting favorable place for prospecting in the area.Hydrocarbons expulsion downward from the source rocks immediately overlapped buried hill should be useful in this aspect.Acoustic logging combined with geochemical approaches was utilized in this study to identify hydrocarbons expulsion and evaluate hydrocarbon potential.Af-ter a detailed correlative acoustic logging and geochemical study,a combined hydrocarbons expulsion model of the source rocks in the Nanpu Depression was established,which was used to investigate hydrocarbons expulsion of the source rocks from 33 wells in the Nanpu Depression.The results suggest that the average depths of the source rocks with the hydrocarbons expelled downward into the burial hill in the No.2 and 3 Tectonic Belts are about 248 m and 358 m,respectively,and only 35 m for the No.1 Tectonic Belt.No obvious hydrocarbons ex-pulsion into burial hill was observed in the No.4 and 5 Tectonic Belts in the depression.This result coincides with the hydrocarbons discovered up to now in the burial hills.We suggest that these factors including contact style between the source rock and the burial hill,the position of the hydrocarbon kitchen,the thermal maturity of the source rocks,the volcanic rock acting as barrier bed and faults developed,have a controlling of the amounts and characteristics of the hydrocarbons expelled by the source rocks and charged into the burial hill in the Nanpu Depression.A comprehensive study of hydrocarbons expulsion,migration and accumulation indicate that the No.2 and 3 Tectonic Belts and next the No.1 Tectonic Belt are prospective areas with burial hill hydro-carbons reservoir developed.This study also indicated that acoustic logging could be an important tool identif-ying hydrocarbons expulsion and would be useful in petroleum exploration.%渤海湾盆地南堡凹陷潜山已发现数口工业油气流井,深部潜山油气资源丰富,但该区潜山勘探一直存在有利区预测困难的难题。潜山上覆烃源岩的排烃分析可提供潜山油气勘探的重要依据,传统的排烃研究需大量钻井取样与样品分析测试数据,尝试利用声波时差与地球化学结合途径,研究烃源岩的排烃作用并预测有利潜山含油气区。通过对典型井的声波测井与地球化学研究,建立了南堡凹陷声波测井—地球化学指示排烃综合模型,应用该模型对南堡油田33口探井进行了排烃研究。结果表明,南堡油田2号、3号构造带潜山上覆烃源岩下排烃厚度最大、南堡1号构造带局部下排烃,4号与5号构造带潜山上覆烃源岩下排烃作用不太明显。以上排烃分析与目前潜山发现油气的分布相吻合,反映烃源岩对潜山油气有很强的控制作用。南堡凹陷潜山源控藏作用受控于烃源岩与潜山的接触关系、烃源灶位置、烃源岩成熟度、烃源岩中火山岩隔层与断层的发育等多种因素。综合排烃识别结果、源控藏分析等,预测潜山勘探有利区为南堡2-3号构造带,其次为南堡1号构造带。声波测井在排烃中的应用对于潜山油气勘探具有重要意义。
    • 摘要: 开发页岩气实质上就是开发烃源岩/烃源灶中未经排烃、运移的天然气,可谓是“在厨房里吃饭”。
    • 王文革; 肖敦清; 安振月; 姜文亚; 于学敏
    • 摘要: 为了研究歧口凹陷滨海地区高温高压条件下烃源岩生排烃特征,本文在对歧口凹陷烃源岩进行综合评价的基础上,研究了滨海地区古近系生排烃特征及主控因素.结果表明,滨海地区古近系烃源岩厚度大、分布范围广,有机质丰度高,类型丰富,富烃源岩发育,演化程度较高,具备较大的生烃潜力,烃源岩的成熟门限偏深,有效生油井段长,与一般的烃源岩相比生油下限明显向深部偏移,大量生气门限较深,有效生气期作用时间短,具有“持续生油、集中生气”的特点;同时,烃源岩在4300m开始进入排烃门限,排烃效率高,厚层泥岩也能有效排烃.除受沉积相的影响因素外,滨海地区高温高压条件对古近系烃源岩生排烃演化特征具有明显的控制作用.
    • 霍秋立; 曾花森; 张晓畅; 付丽
    • 摘要: 有效烃源岩是指已经生烃且排烃的沉积岩,排烃的临界值是指烃源岩的生烃量刚好达到烃源岩的最大残留烃量。根据质量守恒原理建立了松辽盆地北部青山口组一段(简称青一段)有效烃源岩的识别图版,有效烃源岩识别图版综合考虑了烃源岩有机质丰度、类型和成熟度的影响,从而避免了传统烃源岩评价中将上述3种参数分别评价的不足,可以快速直观地评价烃源岩的有效性及排烃潜力。高有机碳含量的烃源岩易于排烃,且所需的热演化程度相对较低,而当有机碳含量低于0.4%时,烃源岩不能排烃,为烃源岩的有机碳含量下限。利用该图版对松辽盆地中央坳陷区不同凹陷的青一段烃源岩进行的评价结果表明,齐家—古龙凹陷、长垣南、三肇凹陷、王府凹陷源岩均可大量排烃,而黑鱼泡凹陷烃源岩位于排烃临界线之下或附近,排烃潜力有限。这与目前勘探结果相吻合,表明该图版的有效性,可用于优选勘探区带,降低勘探风险。
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