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三唑醇的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计149篇,主要集中在植物保护、化学工业、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文76篇、会议论文9篇、专利文献473212篇;相关期刊51种,包括南开大学学报(自然科学版)、中国药物化学杂志、植物保护学报等; 相关会议8种,包括第四届全国分子手性学术研讨会暨绿色手性论坛、第十届全国玉米栽培学术研讨会、中国化学会全国第十二届大环化学、第四届超分子化学学术讨论会等;三唑醇的相关文献由381位作者贡献,包括曹巧利、张伟、高超等。



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  • 曹巧利
  • 张伟
  • 高超
  • 平立凤
  • 张春荣
  • 吴珉
  • 朱亚红
  • 何红梅
  • 刘超美
  • 李超
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 崔廷婷; 万宇平; 陈立军; 崔娜; 崔海峰; 吴小胜
    • 摘要: 通过对三唑酮分子结构进行改造,制备得到三唑酮半抗原及人工抗原、免疫动物、制备特异性单克隆抗体.在筛选三唑酮单克隆抗体的基础上,建立了三唑酮及其代谢物三唑醇残留检测的酶联免疫方法.结果表明,Logit/Log拟合标准曲线方程为Y=-2.175X+1.086,相关系数R2为0.9950,半数抑制浓度(IC50)为3.0μg?L-1,样本检测限为0.5mg?kg-1,阳性样本的加标回收率为73.6%~102.5%,样本重复检测结果的变异系数为5.8%~9.2%.建立的酶联免疫吸附方法具有较好的特异性、回收率和重复稳定性,可用于烟草及蔬菜水果中三唑酮及其代谢物三唑醇的残留检测.
    • 刘庆菊; 陈婉; 韩平
    • 摘要: 目的 建立QuEChERS结合超高效液相色谱-串联质谱法(ultra performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry,UPLC-MS/MS)测定2种茄果类蔬菜中三唑酮及其代谢产物三唑醇对映异构体的分析方法.方法 采用乙腈作为提取溶剂,N-丙基乙二胺(primary secondary amine,PSA)混合石墨化碳黑净化,样品经CHIRAL?OD-RH手性柱分离,采用UPLC-MS/MS测定,基质外标法定量.结果 三唑酮和三唑醇在0.02~1.00 mg/L范围内线性良好,相关系数均在0.99以上,定量限(limits of quantitation,LOQ)为0.02 mg/L.有机茄子、有机青椒中3个添加水平的平均回收率为71.0%~97.8%,相对标准偏差(relative standard deviation,RSD)(n=6)在1.2%~9.9%之间.结论 该方法操作简便,准确度高、成本低,可以用于测定茄果类有机蔬菜中三唑酮及代谢物三唑醇残留.
    • 李霞; 陈晓水; 黄艺伟; 杨君; 温宝英; 周国俊; 李剑锋
    • 摘要: 基于表面增强拉曼光谱(SERS)可在低浓度待测物质甚至是单分子水平上获得高灵敏度结构信息的优势,本研究提出并建立了一种结合便携式拉曼光谱仪,利用SERS实现原烟中广谱杀菌剂三唑醇和三唑酮残留同时快速检测的方法.采用酸性条件下的聚酰胺作为净化剂,以除去烟草中色素、酚类、有机酸类等的干扰影响,以纳米金溶胶作为SERS基底,通过三唑醇或三唑酮在金溶胶表面的吸附放大拉曼信号,实现高灵敏检测.结果表明,原烟中三唑醇、三唑酮残留量的检测灵敏度为1 mg/kg,检测时间为8~12 min.本研究建立的SERS检测方法操作简便、成本低、快速、准确,适用于烟草中三唑醇和三唑酮农药残留的快速检测.
    • 杨彩玲; 徐飞; 杨文杰; 郑志峰; 席琦
    • 摘要: 以多巴胺修饰的不锈钢丝为基质,制备了一种三唑醇温敏分子印迹聚合物为涂层的固相微萃取头.利用红外光谱,扫描电镜等对其结构和形貌进行了表征,并通过静态吸附实验、吸附动力学实验及选择性吸附实验对该涂层材料的吸附性能进行了研究.结果表明:所制备的材料对温度敏感,具有较快的传质动力,并对三唑醇有良好的吸附特异性和选择性.
    • 朱一谋; 张静; 杨樨子; 刘馨; 张晓东
    • 摘要: 为了提高海洋防污面漆与防腐底漆粘结性能以及防污涂料的杀菌性能,本文通过利用自制的三唑醇酯单体,制备了侧链含有三唑醇杀菌剂的杀菌树脂1和杀菌树脂2,利用红外光谱仪对其结构进行了确认;并以杀菌树脂1及其与杀菌树脂2组成的混合树脂为基料树脂,分别制备了两种防污涂料,且对其各项性能进行检测.检测结果表明,所制备的杀菌树脂2及其与杀菌树脂1组成的混合防污树脂,对环氧树脂涂层均具有良好的粘结性能;所制备的防污涂料均具有良好的防污与自抛光性能;解决了三唑醇以添加剂形式在海洋涂料应用中的流失;防污期限可控,并可通过两种树脂的用量比例进行调整.该研究对新型海洋防污涂料应用具有重要意义.%In order to improve the adhesion performance between Marine anti-fouling paint and anti-corrosive primer and anti-fouling paint bactericidal performance,in this paper,the side chain containing triadimenol disinfectant bactericidal resin 1 and bactericidal resin 2 were prepared by using self-made ester monomers and its structures were confirmed using infrared spectrometer;And with the prepared anti-fouling resin for the based resin,two kinds of anti-fouling coatings were prepared,and testing its various performance respectively.Results show that the preparation of 2 bactericidal resin and its mixed with bactericidal resin 1 of anti-fouling resin,the epoxy coating has a good bonding performance;The preparation of anti-fouling coatings has good anti-fouling and polishing performance;The problem which triadimenol was lose in the form of additives in the Marine coatings application of loss was solved;term anti-fouling controllable can be adjusted by the proportion of the dosage of the two kinds of resin.The study of new type of Marine anti-fouling coatings is of great significance.
    • 李晓文; 席丽霞; 蒋明亮
    • 摘要: [Objective] In order to improve the durability of exterior wood treated by triazole formulations,the leachability of 5 kinds of emulsified triazoles and their copper triazole formulations was analyzed and compared.[Method]According to the procedures of GB/T 29905-2013,the leaching properties of 5 kinds of triazole micro-emulsion and their copper amine formulations were determined and compared,and the leaching properties of triazole formulations with 4 kinds of waterproofing agents were also conducted in this paper.[Result] The fixation rates of propiconazole (PPZ) and hexaconazole (Hex) were above 70%,and higher than those of other triazoles.The fixation rate of tebuconazole(TEB)was slightly lower than that of PPZ and Hex.The fixation rate of cyproconazole(CY)in treated wood ranged from 60% to 70%,while that of triadimenol (Tri) was less than 60% at the highest retention.There was no significant difference in fixation rate between any two of the same kind of triazoles with different emulsified formulations.After mixed with copper amine,the fixation rates of triazoles were improved and higher than 80%,whereas the fixation rate of copper of Cu amine/triazoles formulations was more than 90%.[Conclusion] The fixation rates of propiconazole (PPZ) and hexaconazole (Hex) were above 70%.The different emulsifiers had less effect on the leachability of triazoles.The fixation rates of triazoles in treated wood could be improved when mixed with copper amine or brushed with waterproofing agents on wood snrface.%[目的]系统分析比较5种三唑制剂处理材中三唑的抗流失性能,为三唑制剂及其铜唑制剂的开发应用奠定基础.[方法]参照国家标准GB/T 29905-2013方法,分别测定5种三唑在微乳液制剂及与铜胺溶液复配的铜/三唑制剂中的抗流失性能,并探讨添加疏水剂对其抗流失性能的影响.[结果]在三唑微乳液制剂中,丙环唑(PPz)和己唑醇(Hex)的抗流失性能相当且较高,固着率均达70%以上;戊唑醇(TEB)的固着率较PPZ和Hex低;环丙唑醇(CY)的固着率基本在60%~70%之间;三唑醇(Tri)的抗流失性能最差,在本试验中较高载药量下固着率不足60%.不同乳化剂制备的同一三唑微乳液的抗流失性能相当.三唑与铜胺溶液复配后,抗流失性能增强,三唑固着率基本在80%以上,铜的固着率基本在90%以上.添加疏水剂后,5种三唑的抗流失性能均有不同程度提高,其中CY的提高效果最好.[结论]三唑微乳液制剂中,PPZ和Hex的固着率均达70%以上;三唑微乳液中,三唑的抗流失性能受乳化剂的影响不大;与铜胺溶液复配后或添加疏水剂,可提高其抗流失性能.
    • 刘军; 程云斌; 刘骞; 沈菁
    • 摘要: 建立液相色谱-质谱法检测油菜子、植株和土壤中三唑醇残留量的方法.油菜子和植株经乙腈提取,经Carbon/NH2柱净化,实现样品的制备;土壤则经乙腈提取浓缩后直接检测.在岛津VP-ODS色谱柱上,以乙腈+0.1%甲酸水为流动相,梯度洗脱,采用电喷雾正离子(ESI+) sim扫描离子模式,以m/z 296为定量检测离子.结果表明,三唑醇保留时间在11.9 min左右.在0.02~2.00 mg/L的浓度范围内呈良好的线性关系,其相关系数为0.999 7.在油菜子、植株、土壤中添加0.02、0.20、2.0 mg/kg 3个浓度的三唑醇标样,其回收率为71%~110%,相对标准偏差(n=5)均小于10%,最低检出量(S/N=10)为1.7×10-9g.该方法准确度和精密度均能满足检测要求.%A method for determination of triadimenol residue in rapeseed,plants and soil was established by LC-MS.Triadimenol residue was extracted from sample with acetonitrile,cleaned up by ProElut CARB/NH2 SPE to achieve sample preparation,and separatesd on the Shimadzu VP-ODS column,using a mixture of acetonitrile and 0.1% formic acid solution as mobile phase.Determination was made by using ESI and under the mode of SIM.Quectionantitative detection of ions at m/z 296,the retention time of pyraclostrobin was about 11.9 min.Linearity were held in the ranges of 0.02~2.00 mg/L with the correlation coefficient for 0.999 7.The average recoveries of triadimenol in rapeseed,plants and soil at the spiked amounts of 0.02~2.00 mg/kg were 71%~l10%,and the relative standard deviation was lower than 10%.The limit of detectable amount(S/N=10) was 1.7×10-9 g.The accuracy and precision of this method can meet the determinate requirements.
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