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战术电台的相关文献在1994年到2021年内共计72篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、军事技术、自动化技术、计算机技术 等领域,其中期刊论文65篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献4083篇;相关期刊28种,包括军民两用技术与产品、中国电子商务、今日科苑等; 相关会议3种,包括2006军事电子信息学术会议、中国电子学会电子系统工程分会C3I工程与技术专业委员会年会、2000军事电子信息学术会议等;战术电台的相关文献由72位作者贡献,包括姜建华、平良子、张金福等。



论文:65 占比:1.57%


论文:5 占比:0.12%


论文:4083 占比:98.31%





  • 姜建华
  • 平良子
  • 张金福
  • 朱小娟
  • 朱永亮
  • 潘玉田
  • 王开启
  • 王晓云
  • 王清泉
  • 贺玉寅
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 谢小华
    • 摘要: 针对新时期作战环境复杂化、作战样式多样化、参战要素灵活化等特征,重点分析作为末端通信基本保障条件的战术电台所面临的地形环境复杂、电磁环境复杂及使命任务复杂等诸多挑战,并从基于应用环境的统一空口设计、增强传输可靠性的组网、多链路综合运用以及综合抗干扰等角度提出解决思路,确保可靠通信,对解决末端通信难点问题具有重要意义.
    • 付松源
    • 摘要: This paper introduces the development and characteristics of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs).Aiming at the problems and limitations in its application in wireless communication relay,this paper creatively puts forward the basic scheme of constructing the tethered multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle by adding the tethered power supply system.The characteristics of sustainable and stable flight are more suitable for the construction of tactical communication wireless relay platform.Combined with the needs of military applications,the predicted values of the communication distance of typical tactical radio stations are analyzed and compared,under different terrain and with or without the use of multi-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle relay conditions.The comparison of the data results shows that the relay platform composed of tactical radio stations can be used to improve the communication coverage of tactical communication system,and the application and development prospect are broad.%介绍多旋翼无人机的发展和特点,针对其在无线通信中继应用中存在的问题和局限性,创新地提出通过加装系留供电系统实现系留多旋翼无人机的基本方案.可持续稳定滞空飞行的特点,使系留多旋翼无人机更适用于构建战术通信的无线中继平台.结合军事应用需求,分析对比了在不同地形下,典型战术电台在地面直接通信和通过系留多旋翼无人机中继通信的距离预计值.对比结果表明,采用系留多旋翼无人机搭载战术电台构成的中继平台,可显著提升战术通信系统的通信覆盖能力,应用和发展前景广阔.
    • 郭俊杰
    • 摘要: In order to comprehensively illustrate the development status of foreign military multiband radio, the deployment and requirement of the US military tactical radio were first introduced. Then its present application status and technical characteristics of serving multiband tactical radio were discussed, with inspiration to our military, hoping to provide reference to the research and development of our own.%为了全面分析外军宽频多模战术无线电的发展现状,首先介绍了美军战术无线电的部署情况和战术装备要求,随后分析了外军现役宽频多模战术无线电的应用现状和技术特点,最后得出外军宽频多模电台发展对我军的启示。希望通过对外军宽频多模战术电台的详细分析,能够对我军战术电台的研制和发展提供借鉴。
    • 高新华
    • 摘要: 软件定义战术电台的设计利用了认知无线电和认知网络等新技术,应对受到的干扰和恶意攻击。从战术电台功能需求出发,分析战术电台功能重构的理论要求。基于这些要求设计实现框架、平台结构、软件模块实现方法以及软件定义节点功能实现方法。最后通过模块映射,将模块动态部署到软件定义无线电平台中,完成功能的绑定,实现战术电台的节点功能定义,以满足战场对抗环境下使用要求,实现抗干扰和反攻击能力的全面提升。%Cognitive Radio ( CR) and Cognitive Network ( CN) technology can be used to in tactical radio against interference, jamming and malicious attacks. Firstly, the theoretical requirements for tactical radio function reconfiguration are analyzed based on design requirements and technical theory, then implementation framework, platform structure, and implementation methods of software modules and software⁃defined node function are designed. Finally, the modules can be deployed dynamically in the SDR platform by module mapping to software to realize the function binding.The SDR communication station can be adaptive to the contested battlefield and obtain the improved anti⁃jamming and anti⁃attack capabilities.
    • 郭俊杰
    • 摘要: 陆地战术电台作为联合作战通信系统的重要组成装备,已经广泛应用于军事通信的指挥控制和后勤通信保障,30-512M陆地战术电台兼容VHF、UHF宽窄带波形,能够很好的满足现代化战争的需要.本文综述了外军超短波战术电台的作用和特点,分析了外军30-512M战术电台的装备情况和技术现状.
    • 郑志国; 张金福
    • 摘要: 以战术电台为例,研究了其在热带自然环境条件下的高温试验方法。首先,介绍了如何进行自然环境条件下的高温试验,并对试验时间和试验地点的选择,以及试验步骤等问题进行了探讨;其次,对试验所得的数据进行了统计分析;最后,对自然环境试验中应注意的问题进行了阐述。%The high-temperature test method of tactical radio under tropic natural environment is studied.Firstly, the way to conduct high-temperature test under natural environment is conducted.Meanwhile, the issues of how to select the test time, test location as well as how to design the test procedures are introduced. Then the test data is analyzed.At last, some problems which should be paid attention to during the natural environmental test are elaborated.
    • 王晓云
    • 摘要: “只有死者才能看到战争终结”——柏拉图这是一部关于美军特种部队的传记,同时也是M16步枪爱好者的最爱。本片忠实记录了1993年美军在摩加迪沙的一次战败,由于完全采用白描写实的手段,使得本片更适合反复回味。
    • 王晓云
    • 摘要: 2005年的阿富汗,一次名为“红翼”行动的作战中,美军海豹特种分队被塔利班伏击,增援部队又有1架满载特种兵的直升机被击落。四名海豹小队成员只有一人在重伤多日后获救。根据幸存者马库斯·鲁特尔本人的回忆录改编的电影《最后的幸存者》讲述了这次作战的前后经过。
    • 吴云; 胡心宇
    • 摘要: 软件无线电定义了一个通用硬件平台,通过软件实现传统硬件的所有功能,具有可重配置、易升级等优点.首先阐述了软件无线电的概念,介绍了系统的关键技术.重点提炼和归纳了软件无线电在军事领域的应用,包括JTRS、战术电台、电子对抗、雷达等,最后对软件无线电的发展与展望进行了总结.
    • 郑志国; 张金福
    • 摘要: This paper introduces the concept, purpose and significance of natural environmental test. And it gives the overall scheme of natural environmental test for tactical radio under tropical climate. Then it lists the differences and connection between the nature environmental test and the laboratory test. Finally, it expounds the matters that should be paid attention to in the natural environmental test.%介绍了自然环境试验的概念及开展自然环境试验的目的和意义,给出了在热带条件下战术电台的自然环境试验总体方案,列举了自然环境试验与实验室试验的区别和联系,最后对进行自然环境试验应注意的问题进行了阐述。
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