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微卫星重复的相关文献在2002年到2021年内共计62篇,主要集中在肿瘤学、基础医学、神经病学与精神病学 等领域,其中期刊论文62篇、专利文献52526篇;相关期刊41种,包括中华检验医学杂志、中华内分泌代谢杂志、中华儿科杂志等; 微卫星重复的相关文献由297位作者贡献,包括余海鹰、巴华杰、杨春等。



论文:62 占比:0.12%


论文:52526 占比:99.88%





  • 余海鹰
  • 巴华杰
  • 杨春
  • 赵汉清
  • 高志勤
  • 过伟
  • 万希润
  • 刘凯华
  • 刘棣
  • 刘田福
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 染色质基因组内小片段DNA重复序列异常扩增(又称微卫星重复扩增)常常导致一系列神经或肌肉疾病,如脊髓小脑共济失调症、亨廷顿舞蹈症、肌萎缩侧索硬化(ALS)、额颞叶痴呆(FTD)等,多数表现为运动障碍。其中ALS/FTD患者C9ORF72基因内含子存在大量异常重复的GGGGCC序列,是目前最常见的致病因素。
    • 陈雁; 朱宇宁; 吕时铭
    • 摘要: Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of multiple quantitative fluorescence PCR ( QF-PCR) as a rapid technique for prenatal diagnosis of common chromosome aneuploidies , in order to optimize the prenatal diagnosis and shorten the period of diagnosis.Methods Totally 731 amniotic fluid samples of pregnant subjects ,who were referred to the Women′s Hospital School of Medicine Zhejiang University during August 2013 and September 2015, were analyzed with conventional karyotype and the QF-PCR technique by short tandem repeat(STR) markers to detect chromosomes 13,18,21,X and Y aneuploidies.There were 558 samples detected by single blind method , 173 samples detected by double blind method.Results All of the 731 amniotic fluid samples were tested in this study by QF-PCR and the results were compared to the conventional cytogenetic analysis results of the same sample.Totally 558 samples with single blind method detected 5 trisomy 21, 2 trisomy 18, 1 trisomy 13, 1(45,X), 1(47,XXY), 1(47,XYY), 1(47,XXX) and 1(69,XXX), 173 samples with double blind method detected 1 trisomy 21 and 1 trisomy 18.The rapid QF-PCR assay was successful to detect all aneuploidies involving chromosomes 21, 18, 13, X and Y in prenatal diagnosis , which were verified by chromosome karyotype analysis.The results of QF-PCR method were compared with the results of chromosome karyotype analysis , the positive rate was 15/16, the negative rate was 100%(715/715).Non chimeric chromosome abnormality detection rate was 15/15.Conclusions The multiple QF-PCR was a reliable method of detecting common chromosome aneuploidies for rapid prenatal diagnosis.As an important supplement of karyotype analysis , it was of great significance to optimize and improve the prenatal diagnosis system , and might provide more appropriate diagnostic methods for pregnant women.%目的:评估单管5色荧光标记荧光定量PCR( QF-PCR)技术在常见染色体数目异常检测中的价值,以期优化产前诊断方案、缩短诊断周期。方法回顾性和前瞻性结合的临床对比研究。选取2013年8月至2015年9月于浙江大学医学院附属妇产科医院就诊的731例孕妇,超声指导下羊膜腔穿刺取羊水分别进行染色体核型分析及QF-PCR法短串联重复序列( STR)基因座检测。其中558例采用单盲法对常规染色体核型分析的剩余羊水标本作QF-PCR检测分析,173例采用双盲法将羊水标本同步作染色体核型分析和QF-PCR检测分析。结果采用单盲法分析的558例,用QF-PCR技术共检出21三体5例、18三体2例、13三体1例、45X 1例、47XXY 1例、47XYY 1例、47XXX 1例和69XXX 1例;采用双盲法173例,用QF-PCR技术共检出21三体1例、18三体1例。 QF-PCR方法与染色体核型分析结果比较,阳性一致率达15/16,阴性一致率达100%(715/715),非嵌合体染色体数目异常检出率达15/15。结论单管5色荧光标记QF-PCR作为快速、准确、高通量、自动化产前诊断技术之一,实现其实验操作和结果判读的标准化和规范化,可用于诊断常见染色体(13,18,21,X,Y等)非整倍体异常,可作为染色体核型分析的重要补充,对于优化完善产前诊断体系,为孕妇提供更适宜的诊断方式有重要意义。(中华检验医学杂志,2017,40:50-54)
    • 杨春; 巴华杰; 余海鹰; 赵汉清; 过伟; 高志勤
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the relationship of the initiative-aggressive behaviors and short tandem repeats (STRs) loci Penta D and Penta E.Methods The biological samples of 307 initiativeaggressive violent offenders and 459 healthy persons without violent behavior were collected.Then all of the sample were amplified by PowerPlex(R) 16 HS System and separated by electrophoresis to compare the genotypes and alleles frequency of Penta D and Penta E in both groups.Results Penta D and Penta E loci in both groups were found to coincide with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium(P >0.05).There were significant difference of alleles and genotypes frequency at loci Penta D and Penta E between both groups (alleles:P =0.000 0,P =0.001 3; genotypes:P =0.001 2; P =0.000 0).Univarite analysis showed significant differences at allelle 5,6 on Penta D and allelle 9 on Penta E between both groups (P =0.002 4,P =0.001 6,P =0.002 1),with the OR values being 0.113 (95% CI:0.015-0.869),12.092 (95 % CI:1.506-96.924),0.225 (95% CI:0.078-0.648),respectively.Conclusion Penta D and Penta E might be associated with initiative-aggressive behavior,with allelle 6 on Penta D being the susceptible factor and allelle 5 on Penta D and allelle 9 on Penta E might being the protective factors.%目的 探讨主动攻击行为与相关短串联重复序列(short tandem repeats,STR)基因座Penta D、Penta E的关联情况.方法 运用PowerPlex(R) 16 HS System荧光标记复合扩增体系对307例主动攻击行为罪犯(研究组)与459名非攻击行为健康个体(对照组)样本进行PCR复合扩增,然后应用美国ABI3130XL型基因分析系统对扩增产物进行电泳和基因检测,观察2组Penta D、Penta E基因座等位基因及基因型频率的差异.结果 Penta D、Penta E基因座均符合遗传平衡定律(Hardy-Weinberg定律;均P>0.05);2组Penta D、Penta E基因座等位基因及基因型频率分布差异有统计学意义(等位基因:P=0.000 0,P=0.001 3;基因型:P =0.001 2,P=0.000 0);单因素分析显示,2组在Penta D基因座等位基因5、6和Penta E基因座等位基因9的频率分布差异均有统计学意义(P=0.002 4,P=0.001 6,P=0.002 1),OR值分别为0.113(95% CI:0.015 ~ 0.869)、12.092(95% CI:1.506 ~96.924)、0.225 (95% CI:0.078 ~0.648).结论 Penta D和Penta E基因座多态性与主动攻击行为的发生可能相关联;Penta D基因座的等位基因6可能为主动攻击行为发生的易感因素,PentaD基因座的等位基因5和Penta E基因座的等位基因9可能为主动攻击行为发生的抗性因素.
    • 于丽丽
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨微卫星DNA与慢性阻塞性肺疾病(COPD)易感性的关系.方法 将64例COPD患者作为COPD组,以100例健康者作为对照组.采用聚合酶链反应(PCR)-短串联重复序列(STR)复合扩增技术对受检者的D18S51、D8S1179、D21S11、D7S820、CSF1PO、D3S1358、D5S818、D13S317、D16S539、D2S1338、D19S433、VWA、D12S391、D6S1043基因位点的遗传多态性进行分析.结果 COPD组患者D18S51-19、D7S820-9及D6S1043-17的阳性率分别为18.75%、25.00%及20.31%,均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).两组其他等位基因检出率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 D18S51-19、D7S820-9及D6S1043-17基因位点附近可能存在COPD的易感基因.
    • 沈晓婷; 徐艳文; 钟依平; 曾艳红; 王静; 丁晨晖; 邢卫杰; 周灿权
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨多重置换扩增(multiple displacement amplification,MDA)结合短串联重复序列多态性在植入前遗传学诊断(preimplantation genetic diagnosis,PGD)中的应用.方法:采用多重置换扩增对单细胞进行全基因组扩增,针对单基因疾病和人类白细胞抗原(human leukocyte antigen,HLA)配型选择位于致病基因内部或两侧的短串联重复序列位点进行单体型分析,同时对致病基因进行直接检测;针对染色体数量及结构异常或非整倍体筛查,选择位于相关染色体上的短串联重复序列位点进行等位基因数分析.结果:进行了以下5类12种类型植入前遗传学诊断的临床应用:(1)单基因疾病:脊髓性肌萎缩症、杜氏肌营养不良、X-连锁慢性肉芽肿、石骨症、骨软骨发育不全、X-连锁免疫缺陷综合征;(2)同时合并两种单基因疾病:α-和β-双重地中海贫血;(3)染色体罗氏易位;(4)单基因疾病结合HLA配型:β-地中海贫血、杜氏肌营养不良;(5)单基因疾病合并染色体异常:α-地中海贫血合并染色体罗氏易位、α-地中海贫血合并性染色体数目异常.对35个家系共进行了44个周期的PGD,共47个移植周期.MDA扩增成功率为96.4%(374/388),后续PCR扩增效率为97.1%,等位基因脱扣(allele drop out,ADO)率为12.6%(波动于0~ 47.5%),总体诊断效率为94.6%(367/388).47个移植周期共移植91个胚胎,种植率为30.7%(28/91).临床妊娠率为47.7%/PGD周期(21/44),共诞生了20个健康婴儿(12例单胎,4例双胎),5例继续妊娠.结论:采用多重置换扩增结合短串联重复序列多态性可建立一个通用的植入前遗传学诊断平台,其很大程度上缩短了新病种植入前遗传学诊断体系的研发时间,而且可同时进行两种或两种以上遗传学状态的诊断,也提高了诊断效率,有利于进一步拓宽植入前遗传学诊断的适应征.
    • 杨春; 巴华杰; 余海鹰; 高志勤; 赵汉清; 过伟
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the relationship of the initiative-aggressive behavior and D2S1338,D19S433 loci.Methods PCR and electrophoresis method were used to conduct genotype analysis on D2S1338 and D19S433 in the peripheral blood of 187 male initiative-aggressive violent offenders and 459 healthy men living in Jiangsu area.Results D2S1338 and D19S433 loci in initiative-aggressive behavior group and healthy group were found to coincide with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (P > 0.05).There were significant difference in locus D19S433 (P < 0.05)between initiative-aggressive behavior group and healthy group,but not on locus D2S1338 (P>0.05).Univariate analysis showed significant differences at allele 14.2 and genotype 14-14 on locus D19S433 between the two groups (P =0.0011,P =0.0008) with the OR values being 0.50 (95 % CI:0.33-0.76) and 3.49(95% CI:1.62-7.52),respectively.Conclusion Locus D19S433 may be related to with initiative-aggressive behavior with allele 14.2 being the resistant factor and genotype 14-14 being the susceptible factor.%目的 探讨男性主动攻击行为与D2S1338、D19S433基因座的关联情况.方法 采用PCR结合毛细管电泳的方法对江苏地区187例男性主动攻击行为者(研究组)和459例健康男性(对照组)的外周静脉血样进行D2S1338、D19S433基因座的基因型分析,并根据两组在D2S1338、D19S433基因座的等位基因及基因型分布差异来推测与主动攻击行为相关的易感因素和(或)抗性因素.结果 D2S1338、D19S433基因座均符合遗传平衡定律(Hardy-Weinberg定律);研究组和对照组在D19S433基因座上的等位基因及基因型频率分布差异均存在统计学意义(P<0.05),在D2S1338基因座上的等位基因及基因型频率分布差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).单因素分析显示两组在D19S433基因座的等位基因14.2及基因型14-14的频率分布差异均有统计学意义(P=0.0011,P=0.0008),OR值分别为0.50(95% CI:0.33~0.76)、3.49(95% CI:1.62 ~7.52).结论 D19S433基因座可能与主动攻击行为的发生相关联,该基因座的等位基因14.2为主动攻击行为的保护因素,而基因型14-14为主动攻击行为的易感因素.
    • 杨春; 巴华杰; 余海鹰; 赵汉清; 张书友; 高志勤
    • 摘要: 目的探讨短串联重复序列基因座杂合度与攻击行为的关系.方法 运用PowerPlex 18D System荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒对525例攻击行为军人个体(包括276例主动攻击行为个体和249例被动攻击行为个体)与313例对照样本个体外周静脉血进行PCR复合扩增,然后应用ABI3130XL型基因分析系统对扩增产物进行基因检测.比较三个群体中杂合子比率及17个STR基因座杂度性的差异.结果 17个STR基因座均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡;三个群体中的杂合子比率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在CSS1PO基因座,被动攻击行为组的杂合度显著低于对照组(66.7% vs.74.8%,χ2=4.43,P=0.035);在FGA基因座,主动攻击行为的杂合度显著低于被动攻击行为组(81.9% vs.88.4%,χ2=4.29,P=0.038);其余STR基因座三组的杂合度无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 CSS1PO和FGA基因座可能与攻击行为的发生有关;CSS1PO基因杂合性降低可能与被动攻击行为发生相关;FGA基因座杂合性改变可能与攻击行为发生的类型相关.
    • 杨春; 巴华杰; 余海鹰; 赵汉清; 张书友; 高志勤
    • 摘要: 目的探讨短串联重复序列基因座杂合度与攻击行为的关系。方法运用PowerPlex18D System荧光标记复合扩增试剂盒对525例攻击行为军人个体(包括276例主动攻击行为个体和249例被动攻击行为个体)与313例对照样本个体外周静脉血进行PCR复合扩增,然后应用ABI3130XL型基因分析系统对扩增产物进行基因检测。比较三个群体中杂合子比率及17个STR基因座杂度性的差异。结果 17个STR基因座均符合Hardy-Weinberg平衡;三个群体中的杂合子比率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);在CSF1PO基因座,被动攻击行为组的杂合度显著低于对照组(66.7%vs.74.8%,χ2=4.43,P=0.035);在FGA基因座,主动攻击行为的杂合度显著低于被动攻击行为组(81.9%vs.88.4%,χ2=4.29,P=0.038);其余STR基因座三组的杂合度无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 CSF1PO和FGA基因座可能与攻击行为的发生有关;CSF1PO基因杂合性降低可能与被动攻击行为发生相关;FGA基因座杂合性改变可能与攻击行为发生的类型相关。
    • 卢秀平; 刘慧; 叶明侠; 姜淑芳; 程静; 袁慧军; 李亚里
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the parental origin for a rare case of complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting fetus and to discuss its diagnosis and differential diagnosis.Methods Tissues from the fetus,mole and placenta were collected and pathology analysis and chromosome analysis were done.The DNA from the fetus,mole and parents' peripheral blood leukocytes was amplified with five short tandem repeat (STR) markers (D4S2460,D18S488,D21S2039,DXS1205 and DYS219) at the same time to confirm the parental source of the hydatidiform.Results (1) Casereport:A 27-year-old woman,gravida 1,para 0,was found high risk for neural tube defects at 20 weeks of gestation.At 24+5 weeks of gestation,ultrasound examination demonstrated a normal fetus,a normal placenta and a huge mass with a multicystic appearance attached to the placenta with an obvious demarcation.The fetus died at 26 weeks of gestation.Serum human chorionic gonadotropin-β(β -hCG) level decreased obviously during the first two weeks after artificial induction,but elevated at the third week,and β-hCG titers fell to normal after 2 courses of chemotherapy.Fetus autopsy showed no structure abnormality.Histopathologic examination of the hydatidiform showed swelling of chorionic villi with hyperplasia of the trophoblast and formation of central cisterns suggesting of a twin pregnancy consisting of a complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting fetus.(2) Genetic analysis:The karyotype analysis of the normal placental villi was 46,XY; the cell cultures of fetal cartilage tissue and hydatidiform were failed.STR analysis showed that the fetus was diploid from biparental source;the mole was androgenetic source.And the mole had locus both from Y and X chromosome of the father,so it was heterozygous.It was suggested that this case was derived from one single oocyte fertilized with three spermatozoas.Conclusions STR analysis could be used to confirm the diagnosis of complete hydatidiform mole and coexisting fetus and to find the pathogenetic rnechanism.%目的 检测1例罕见的完全性葡萄胎与胎儿共存病例的病理及亲本来源,探讨其诊断及鉴别诊断方法.方法 对1例胎儿与葡萄胎共存病例的葡萄胎组织及胎儿、胎盘组织进行病理检查及染色体核型分析,同时检测双亲、胎儿及葡萄胎基因组DNA的5个短串联重复序列(short tandem repeat,STR)位点(D4S2460、D18S488、D21S2039、DXS1205和DYS219),确定其亲本来源.结果(1)病例简介:孕妇27岁,妊娠20周血清学筛查提示神经管缺陷高风险,B型超声检查胎儿未见异常.妊娠24+5周复查超声,发现胎儿与葡萄胎共存,胎盘与葡萄状组织界限清晰,妊娠26周胎死官内,引产1男死婴.胎儿娩出后产妇血β-人绒毛膜促性腺激素下降明显,但引产后第3周再次上升,官腔无组织残留,化疗2疗程后降至正常.胎儿尸体解剖未见结构异常,胎盘绒毛发育成熟,葡萄胎绒毛水肿明显,中央池形成,间质血管消失,滋养细胞增生,考虑为完全性水泡状胎块.(2)遗传学检查:胎盘组织染色体核型分析为46,XY,胎儿软骨、葡萄胎组织细胞培养失败.检测双亲、胎儿及葡萄胎的5个STR位点,胎儿为双亲来源的正常二倍体;葡萄胎的5个STR位点中有4个只含有父本的单一遗传信息(D4S2460没有诊断价值),为父本来源;葡萄胎既有来自父本Y染色体的等位基因,也有来自父本X染色体的等位基因,故葡萄胎为双精子受精形成的父源性杂合子.胎儿与葡萄胎的父本来源的等位基因不完全相同,推测本例完全性葡萄胎与胎儿共存为单卵三精子受精引起.结论STR检查可从遗传层面确定胎儿与完全性葡萄胎共存的诊断,有助于发病机制的研究.
    • 杨春; 巴华杰; 高志勤; 赵汉清; 余海鹰; 施建安; 过伟
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨冲动暴力行为与相关短串联重复序列基因座的关联情况.方法 运用AmpFISTR IdentifilerTM荧光标记复合扩增体系,对203例冲动暴力行为罪犯(研究组)与207名非暴力行为健康个体(对照组)样本进行聚合酶链反应复合扩增,然后应用ABI3100型基因分析系统对扩增产物进行电泳和基因检测,观察2组15个STR基因座等位基因及基因型频率的差异.结果 15个STR基因座均符合遗传平衡定律(Hardy-Weinberg定律);研究组与对照组THO1和TPOX基因座的等位基因频率分布的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);研究组和对照组THO1-10频率分别为0.0172和0.0580,差异有统计学意义(P=0.002,OR=0.29,95% CI:0.12 ~0.67);研究组和对照组TPOX-11频率分别为0.3621和0.2391,差异有统计学意义(P=0.000,OR=1.81,95% CI:1.33 ~ 2.45);其他STR基因座等位基因频率及所有基因型频率2组差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 THO1和TPOX基因座多态性与冲动暴力行为可能存在关联,等位基因THO1-10、TPOX-11与冲动暴力行为的发生可能有一定关系.%Objective To investigate the association of aggressive violent behavior and related short tandem repeats (STRs) loci by the analysis of 15 STRs loci genetic polymorphism.Methods The biological samples of 203 persons with aggressive violent behaviors and 207 healthy persons without violent behavior were collected.Then the DNA sample was amplified by AmpFISTR IdentifilerTM system and separated by electrophoresis to compare the genotypes and alleles of 15 STRs gene frequencies in the two groups.Results All the 15 STRs loci in people with aggressive violent behavior and healthy people were found to coincide with Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium ( P > 0.05 ).There was a significant difference in distributing of allele frequency of THO1 and TPOX between people with aggressive violent behaviors and healthy people ( P < 0.05 ).The frequency of allele 10 of THO1 ( aggressive violent offenders:0.0172 ;control group:0.0580) was significantly different in the two groups ( P =0.002,OR =0.29,95% CI:0.12 - 0.67 ).The frequency of allele 11 of TPOX (people with aggressive violent behaviors:0.3621; healthy people:0.2391 )was significantly different between the two groups( P =0.000,OR =1.81,95% CI:1.33 -2.45).There was not a statistical difference in other STRs loci allele frequencies and all the STRs genotype frequencies between the two groups ( P > 0.05 ).Conclusion The genetic polymorphism of THO1 and TPOX loci may be associated with the aggressive violent behaviors,and the allele 10 of THO1,allele 11 of TPOX may be the genetic factor to aggressive violent behavior.
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