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并购事件的相关文献在2006年到2022年内共计104篇,主要集中在经济计划与管理、财政、金融、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文104篇、专利文献18550篇;相关期刊81种,包括经济论坛、投资北京、中国经济周刊等; 并购事件的相关文献由80位作者贡献,包括李路、贺宇倩、彭彭等。



论文:104 占比:0.56%


论文:18550 占比:99.44%





  • 李路
  • 贺宇倩
  • 彭彭
  • 徐望
  • 本刊编辑部
  • 杨晓敏
  • 王雪丁
  • Jehnnie L. Roberts
  • 付志勇
  • 何云月
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 尹雯
    • 摘要: 随着近年电商红利逐渐消化,快递及快运物流行业在经历高速成长阶段后,也进入了存量博弈时期,头部企业持续分化,同业并购开始趋于频繁。继2021年底极兔收购百世国内快递业务后,近期京东物流收购德邦股份的消息也宣告落地,业内迎来又一新的重磅并购事件。大型同业并购的频繁出现,意味着行业集中度趋向进一步提升,未来国内物流行业或将加快向寡头垄断格局迈进。
    • 本刊编辑部
    • 摘要: cqvip:当下,物业管理行业正处在大变革的时代。在这个时代,资本的力量正推动着行业发生翻天覆地的变化。据公开的资料显示:去年全年,上市物业服务企业披露的有效收并购事件达76起,并购金额高达107亿元,是2019年27起有效收并购事件的2.81倍。但这远远不是行业收并购的高潮。今年,“大鱼吃大鱼”的收并购事件开始出现,物业管理行业收并购正从“大鱼吃小鱼”向“大鱼吃大鱼”转变。
    • 摘要: Agbiolnvestor第一季度报告中,全球农化市场重要并购事件如下。嘉吉公司&Precision Ag在经历22年的合资运营之后,嘉吉公司同意收购加拿大作物投人品零售企业Precision Ag。收购完成之后,Precision Ag将继续运营并提供作物保护和种子产品,以及微量营养素,菌剂、短线设备和饲料。
    • 摘要: 图书简介:收购兼并作为企业较高层次的经营方式,不仅可以让企业规模迅速扩张,还可以促使企业资产质量快速提升,因此深受所有上市公司的重视。本书选取2020年发生在中国证券市场的45宗典型并购案例,涵盖国企重组并购、产业链整合并购、跨界并购、同行并购、借壳上市、科技并购、混合所有制改革、跨境并购八个部分。通过对并购事件的全景式描述,以及对其引起市场关注的特点作层层剖析,以挖掘可为广大上市公司所借鉴的最新的并购技巧、最有效的融资方式等。
    • 宋贺; 常维
    • 摘要: 近年来,风险投资参与的并购决策事件大幅增多。本文以我国创业板上市企业完成的并购事件为研究样本,系统研究风险投资对企业并购频次、并购支付方式及多元化并购行为等方面的影响及其作用机制。结果发现,风险投资能够通过抑制管理层过度自信进而降低并购方的频繁并购行为;得益于风险投资对并购中信息不对称的缓解,目标方接受有风险投资背景的企业以非现金方式作为并购支付对价的概率更高.
    • 本刊编辑部
    • 摘要: cqvip:2020年,物业服务企业上市热度持续攀升,行业对规模的重视度前所未有,而收并购则成为物业服务企业实现规模扩张最有实效的手段之一,并购潮正在物业管理行业激情上演。本刊对主要上市企业于2020年的50余起收并购事件进行盘点,一定程度上反映出上市企业对规模扩张的迫切需求。
    • 李俊良; 洪创洲
    • 摘要: 针对互联网企业的特点,本文以腾讯并购supercel作为案例分析,引入超额累计收益率和托宾Q作为并购事项短期和中期并购绩效分析,为多阶段财务绩效看互联网并购事件提供新的视野,本文认为资本市场对腾讯此次并不十分热烈,但腾讯此次获得的资产提升了自身的价值.
    • 李路; 贺宇倩; 汤晓燕
    • 摘要: 作为地域文化的重要代表,方言对公司治理发挥着特殊的作用.与现有文献不同,文章以方言距离作为企业文化差异的代表,并将具体的公司财务行为作为研究切入点,以首次公告日在2000?2012年间中国上市公司并购非上市公司事件(非关联)为样本,检验了收购方与目标方的方言差异对收购方股东财富的影响.实证研究发现:收购方与目标方方言差异越小,收购方所进行的并购绩效越好;且当非正式制度发挥互补作用以及信息不对称程度相对严重时,上述作用更为明显,而普通话普及程度在一定程度上削弱了这种作用.鉴于文化与公司治理研究中内生性较为严重,文章采用工具变量法、控制缺失变量和随机效应模型等方法以尽可能解决内生问题.本文着眼于研究方言对具体的公司财务行为的影响,提供了从微观层面研究语言与公司经济行为的新思路.%With a vast territory and a long history,China has a unique and diverse regional culture. Due to geographical,historical and political reasons,local dialects in different regions have become important car-riers of Chinese regional culture. In other words,the unique linguistic environment,as an important part of re-gional culture and an informal system,exerts a profound influence on corporate governance.M&A events,involving a large number of participants and fierce competition of interests,represent the allocation and reorganization of resources. In the process of M&As,dialect background is a kind of corporate capital to facilitate its own action. Specifically,the same or similar dialect background is somehow a natural link between the acquirer and the target company,making it easier to mobilize resources,facilitate transac-tions and enhance post-M&A performance.Using the dialect data from Language Atlas of China and manually matching the linguistic differences between the acquirers and the target companies,we identify acquisitions made by listed companies between 2000 and 2012. After controlling the geographic factors and various economic factors(transaction characterist-ic,characteristics of the acquirers and the target companies,etc.),we find that the greater the dialect distance is,the less the shareholder value is. Further analysis shows that this correlation exists when the informal insti-tutions play a complementary role or information asymmetry is serious,however,this correlation is weaker to some extent with the popularization of Putonghua. In view of the inherent problem of endogeneity in the study of culture and corporate governance,this paper takes some measures such as tool variable method,control missing variable and random effect model. Our studies provide the evidence that through specific corporate financial behavior,dialects have a significant effect on economic issues like corporate governance.Different from previous researches,this paper explores a new perspective on how to measure corporate cultural differences. We use the structure of Chinese dialects as our definition of corporate culture and match the linguistic distance between different companies manually. At the same time,this paper expands the discus-sion of dialects in corporate governance through digging into a specific corporate financial behavior. It also provides the micro evidence that dialects affect corporate economic performance. The research in this paper shows that the dialect,as an important representative of regional culture,exerts its influence on a company's specific financial activities when playing its role of human capital and culture identity. The scope of such im-pacts may also be reflected in other economic decisions of enterprises,confirming the influence mechanism that informal institutions play an important role in economic development.This paper also has some limitations. Firstly,there are some controversies over the dialectal classification in China.The classification method adopted in this paper is mainly based on the Chinese Language Atlas com-piled by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. Its classification method is more authoritative,which can ensure the accuracy of dialect regional division. However,the dialect division in some disputed areas may still cause some controversies. Secondly,although this paper attempts to solve the endogenous problem in several ways,the problem still remains. Maybe one day it could be solved by the exogenous changes in future dialect policies or new research methods. Thirdly,the language mentioned in this paper plays the role of a cultural proxy variable,besides,its impact on thinking mode may have a more important position in future studies.
    • 李路; 王雪丁; 贺宇倩; 徐望
    • 摘要: 制度(正式与非正式)是制约经济发展的关键因素,语言作为一种非正式制度对公司行为产生重要影响.本文从公司具体财务行为切入,以首次公告日在2000—2012年的中国上市公司并购非上市公司事件(非关联)为样本,研究独立董事方言特征如何影响其在并购过程中发挥咨询功能.实证研究发现,收购方与目标方之间的方言差异导致并购绩效下降,而独立董事具有目标方方言背景能够起到更好的咨询功能,减弱上述影响;在信息不对称程度相对严重、地区分割问题严重、普通话普及程度较差的情形下,独立董事的咨询功能更加明显.本文提供了从语言角度研究经济行为的新思路,阐述了非正式制度在中国社会经济中的作用.
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