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平衡结构的相关文献在1986年到2023年内共计1193篇,主要集中在无线电电子学、电信技术、矿业工程、化学 等领域,其中期刊论文95篇、会议论文4篇、专利文献1834801篇;相关期刊83种,包括现代哲学、中共山西省委党校学报、法制与社会等; 相关会议4种,包括第一届北京化工大学大学生创新创业论坛、2007年全国微波毫米波会议、第十四次全国电化学会议等;平衡结构的相关文献由2619位作者贡献,包括张栢灏、王仲澍、林庆旺等。



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  • 张栢灏
  • 王仲澍
  • 林庆旺
  • 孙爱芹
  • 孙高祚
  • 张志献
  • 徐亮
  • 徐文尚
  • 杨伟布
  • 樊东哲
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 周琦
    • 摘要: 一天卖百万,估值1亿美元。琳琅满目的货架上,什么字眼最能打动你?“益生菌”大概率会和“0煎糖”一样榜上有名。联合国粮食及农业组织和世界卫生组织将"益生菌"定义为,摄入足够数量时,对宿主产生健康益处的活性微生物,作用普遍为促进消化吸收、提高机体免疫力、维持肠道菌种平衡结构等。这击中了当代年轻人的需求。中国保健协会数据预计,2022年中国益生菌产品市场将达千亿规模。
    • 南敬昌; 李政; 卢永; 王姝婷
    • 摘要: 并发式双波段功率放大器一直是5G通信技术研究的热点之一.当双频激励信号同时出现时,传统的双波段功放会由于双频信号所产生的调制效应导致阻抗匹配恶化,甚至出现失配的情况.针对此问题,文中设计了一款能够同时在GSM900和TD-LTE频段工作的功放,其利用平衡结构,优化其匹配特性,将阻抗失配所产生的反射分量通过双频耦合器消除,从而很大程度上改善调制效应所导致的失配问题,改善输出、输入端口的驻波情况,提升功放的性能以及稳定性.首先基于π型阻抗变换结构,设计一款并发双波段3 dB定向耦合器,此外为避免出现双频阻抗变换器计算繁琐和空间布局困难的情况,在支路放大电路采用π型和T型结合的双频阻抗变换器,经过理论推导和仿真,可实现任意频率的两个不同阻抗变换,最终实现工作在GSM900和TD-LTE频段的平衡式并发双波段功放.本设计基于ADS仿真平台,选用GaN晶体管CGH40010F进行设计仿真,并以Rogers4350b板材制作实物.实测结果显示:在900 MHz和2.6 GHz两个频段上匹配良好,与传统并发双波段功放相比较,本文提出的功放结构能够显著优化匹配性能,驻波系数有明显降低,饱和输出功率为44.6 dBm和43.3dBm;相比于单管功放的饱和输出功率提升了一倍,两个工作频段上功率附加效率(power added efficiency,PAE)分别为62%和64%,实测与仿真差距较小,具有较好的一致性.通过分析与测试,该功放结构能够很好地适应无线通信系统的发展需求.
    • 徐成柏
    • 摘要: 游梁式抽油机因其结构简单、性能可靠、运行平稳等优势,在油田生产中占有主导地位。据不完全统计,游梁抽油机井的耗电量占油田 总用电量的 40% 以上,是油田的耗能大户。如何有效地解决游梁式抽油机平衡效果差、能耗大等难题,是应对当前低油价,实现提质增效的有效途径。
    • 石燕; 张天辉
    • 摘要: 自组织是自然界广泛存在的一种自发从无序到有序的转变过程.从晶体的生长到生物功能结构的形成,自组织过程的影响和作用无处不在.生物功能结构通常是具有多尺度特征的复合结构.其中纳米结构的形貌及其空间排列方式对生物功能的实现起着关键作用.功能结构有两大类:平衡结构和非平衡结构.本文总结了功能结构和人工仿生结构的最新进展.研究发现,虽然物理科学和材料科学在有关静态平衡功能结构的研究上取得了令人激动的进展,但在如何实现具有响应和适应性的动态非平衡功能结构上,仍然面临着挑战.本文认为,远离平衡态的活性体系在周期性驱动力的反复激发和训练下,有可能演化出非平衡的动态结构.这为实现具有自适应和自修复功能的非平衡结构提供了一种可能途径.
    • 南敬昌; 张鹏俊; 高明明; 李蕾
    • 摘要: 针对功率放大器效率低和输入输出端反射损耗较大的缺陷, 采用平衡式结构研究了工作于2.6 GHz的逆F类功率放大器, 并基于GaN器件CGH40010F设计该放大器验证电路.根据功放管输出寄生参数的等效网络, 将负载阻抗转换到封装参考面上, 在输出匹配电路中对二、三次谐波进行抑制处理.并且考虑栅源寄生电容对输入信号的影响, 在输入拓扑结构中加入二次谐波抑制电路, 进一步提高了放大器的效率.同时, 在栅漏极偏置电路中, 采用扇形微带线代替短路电容, 使电路结构更为紧凑.经仿真优化, 采用Rogers4350b板材制作该功放电路板.实测表明, 饱和输出功率为42.32 d Bm, 最大漏极效率为77.91%, 最大功率附加效率 (power added efficiency, PAE)达到72.16%, 输入输出驻波系数 (voltage standing wave ratio, VSWR)均小于2.实测结果与仿真数据基本吻合, 验证了设计方法的可行性.%In order to deal with low efficiency and large input/output return loss of power amplifier, a 2.6 GHz balanced inverse Class F power amplifier test circuit based on GaN device CGH40010 F was designed. According to the approximated equivalent network of output parasitics, the load impedances are transferred into the package plane, the second and third harmonic are suppressed in the output matching circuit. Taking into account the effect of the gate source parasitic capacitance on the input signal, the second harmonic suppression circuit is added into the input topology to further enhance the efficiency of the power amplifier. Meanwhile, the circuit size is smaller and compact by utilizing microstrip radial stub in the bias circuit. By making simulation and optimization, the power amplifier circuit board is made of Rogers4350 b.The measure results demonstrate that the PA provides saturated output power of 42.32 d Bm with maximum PAE of 72.16% and maximum drain efficiency of 77.91%, input and output standing wave ratio is less than 2. Experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results, which confirmed feasibility of design methodology.
    • 南敬昌; 张鹏俊
    • 摘要: 为了解决功率放大器设计过程中存在的效率低和输入/输出端回波损耗较大的问题,设计了一种工作频率为1.5 GHz的平衡式功率放大器.通过采用3 dB定向耦合器对射频信号进行分配及合成,大大降低了输入/输出端的驻波系数,并将逆F类功率放大器的谐波控制网络引入E类功率放大器的匹配电路中.使用ADS对晶体管进行负载牵引和源牵引,得到晶体管的输入/输出阻抗,同时结合晶体管的寄生参数,在输出匹配电路中对二次谐波、三次谐波分别进行开路和短路处理,且为了进一步提高功率放大器的工作性能,在输入电路结构中抑制了二次谐波.选用GaN HEMT器件CGH40010F晶体管,利用ADS软件进行电路仿真,并采用Rogers4350b高频板材制作该功率放大器的实际测试电路板.仿真优化和实测表明:在输入功率为28 dBm时,该功率放大器的输出功率为41.54 dBm,漏极效率为76.99%,功率附加效率(Power additional efficiency,PAE)达到73.59%,输入/输出端驻波系数小于2,同时具有160 M Hz的高效率带宽,且最大输出功率较单管功率放大器提高了3 dB.实测结果与仿真数据有一定的误差,但仍有较好的一致性,满足设计指标要求,验证了设计方法的可行性.该设计方法具有效率高和回波损耗低的优势,提高了功率放大器的设计效率,使它在当今高效绿色节能的射频微波通信系统中具有广阔的应用前景.%In order to solve the problem of low efficiency and large loss of input and output return in the designing process of power amplifier,abalanced power amplifier operating in 1.5 GHz was designed.The 3 dB directional coupler was used to distribute and synthesize the RF(radio fre-quency)signal,which greatly reduced the voltage standing wave ratio(VSWR)of input and out-put node of the power amplifier,and the harmonic control network of the inverse-Class F power amplifier was introduced into the matching circuit of the Class E power amplifier.The input and output impedance of the transistor was obtained by the use of ADS for load/source pull simula-tion.Considering the parasitic parameters of the transistor,the second and the third harmonic were matched to open and short respectively at drain of the transistor,and the second harmonic suppression circuit was added into the input circuit to further enhance the efficiency of the power amplifier.The GaN HEMT device CGH40010F transistor was selected for ADS software circuit simulation,and Rogers4350b high-frequency material was used to produce the test board of power amplifier.After making simulation optimization and practical test to the power amplifier, measure results demonstrated that when input power was 28 dBm,the amplifier test board deliv-ered 41.54 dBm output power with drain efficiency of 76.99% and power additional efficiency (pAE)reached 73.59%,input and output node voltage standing wave ratio was less than 2, while having a high efficiency bandwidth of 160 MHz and the maximum output power increased by 3 dB than that of the single tube amplifier.The experimental results had some difference com-pared with the simulation data,but there was still a good consistency to meet the design index, which verified feasibility of the design methodology.This design method improves design efficien-cy of the power amplifier,due to the advantages of high efficiency and low return loss,so that it has broad application prospects in present highly efficient and green energy saving RF microwave communication system.
    • 顾雪平; 刘雨濛; 王涛; 秦晓辉
    • 摘要: 准确度量复杂电网自组织临界态对于电力系统连锁故障的预防控制以及电网的升级改造均具有重要的应用价值.该文将电网输电线路虚拟为节点,以输电线路间的相互关联作用为边,综合考虑线路初始负载率、负载率增量和负载率增量的平均值定义了输电线路间相互影响的符号属性,进而构建了以线路重要度为点权、以线路间相互影响的符号属性为边权的电力系统状态关联网络.借鉴一般符号网络的结构平衡理论,建立并分析了电力系统运行状态平衡结构的模式及分类.在此基础上,提出了电力网络不平衡度的综合评价指标,该指标既可表征线路间潮流分布特性,又可表征能量化系统的扰动化解能力,可用于度量系统的自组织临界态.仿真结果表明,网络不平衡度在不同网架结构、潮流熵和负荷水平下均能有效识别电网自组织临界态,特别是在低负荷、低潮流熵工况下,仍有较强的适应性.
    • 何月; 蒋均; 陆彬; 陈鹏; 黄昆; 黄维
    • 摘要: The output power of terahertz resource is a critical parameter to limit the long range application of terahertz technology. To accomplish the high efficiency terahertz multiplier, two high-efficiency 170 GHz balanced doublers were built using the two planar Schottky diodes with diverse electrical specification. The employed equal circuit diode model, based on the developed high-frequency characteristic modeling, considered the IV characteristics, the limits drift velocity saturation of carries, DC series resistance and skin effect simultaneously. From the comparison and analysis of the simulated data, the impact of diode electrical parameter on the doubler performance was discussed. Test data show that the two 170 GHz balanced doublers show 11% and 24% highest efficiency respectively , 15 mW and 25 mW output power correspondingly across a 155-178 GHz band. As shown in measured result, the employed Schottky diode modeling and balance structure is suitable option to design high efficiency terahertz multiplier.%太赫兹源的输出功率是限制太赫兹技术远距离应用的重要参数.为了实现高效的太赫兹倍频器,基于高频特性下肖特基二极管的有源区电气模型建模方法,利用指标参数不同的两种肖特基二极管,研制出了两种170 GHz平衡式倍频器.所采用的肖特基二极管有源结区模型完善地考虑了二极管IV特性,载流子饱和速率限制,直流串联电阻以及趋肤效应等特性.通过对两种倍频器仿真结果进行对比,完备地分析了二极管主要指标参数对倍频器性能的影响.最后测试结果显示两种平衡式170 GHz倍频器在155~178 GHz工作带宽内的最高倍频效率分别大于11%和24%,最高输出功率分别大于15 mW和25 mW.从仿真和测试结果表示,采用的肖特基二极管建模方法和平衡式倍频器结构适用于研制高效的太赫兹倍频器.
    • 郭亮; 黄晓俊; 杨河林
    • 摘要: A fishnet structure of zero-index metamaterial composed of a square metal ring,square pieces of metal and cross wire is proposed.The simulation calculation and retrieved results indicate that the effective permittivity and permeability of the proposed structure close to 0 at the frequency of 11.54GHz when normal linearly polarized wave incidence directly,and the experimental results coincide with the simulation results.Through a prism simulation,the simulation calculation results support the idea of where the zero-index frequency point should be generated,the transition from a negative-n region to a positive-n region.Thus,the result demonstrates that the proposed structure indeed exhibits a balanced property with a negative-zero-positive behavior.%提出了一种由方形金属环、方形金属片及十字形金属线组成的网状零折射率电磁超材料结构.通过CST仿真计算其传输参数,利用电磁参数反演算法得到结构的等效电磁参数.结果表明,当电磁波垂直入射时,该结构在11.54 GHz附近其等效介电常数、等效磁导率同时接近零,在该频点附近处折射率为零,实验测试与仿真结果基本一致.通过棱镜仿真研究验证,该结构在该频点处可从负折射区域向正折射区域转换,说明该结构是具有“负-零-正”折射率的平衡结构.
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