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Builder的相关文献在1991年到2021年内共计313篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、无线电电子学、电信技术、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文303篇、专利文献10篇;相关期刊202种,包括电子与电脑、电子设计工程、现代电视技术等; Builder的相关文献由437位作者贡献,包括PCPlayboy、张之光、张小红等。



论文:303 占比:96.81%


论文:10 占比:3.19%





  • PCPlayboy
  • 张之光
  • 张小红
  • 曹晓东
  • 李鸿强
  • 石博雅
  • 苗长云
  • 刘淮霞
  • 张剑妹
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • Wang Fengjuan
    • 摘要: The office building of Beijing Institute of Biological Products Co.,Ltd.(BJIBP)under China National Biotec Group(CNBG)in Beijing’s southeastern outskirts was still brightly lit at 9:00 p.m.on December 25,2020.Dong Jianchun,head of engineering support,his deputy Shi Wei,and technical team leader Zhang Yu were feverishly pouring over a design plan for the company’s second production facility for the inactivated COVID-19 vaccine.They were checking implementation details related to the project as construction work entered the final stage and testing of production equipment was about to commence。
    • 林希; 柯盛稳
    • 摘要: 基于水泥企业对于电子数据报表应用的迫切需要,为满足水泥企业对已有数据库查询显示的需求,采用B/S架构,实现了基于可视化的报表设计工具Report Builder的报表系统。该系统使用浏览器进行报表查询和下载,易于维护,开发工作量小,非常适合水泥企业这种软件开发能力不强但又经常需要根据自身管理需求更改查询项目和报表格式的用户使用。介绍该报表系统的现场实际应用情况,项目经测试达到了预期的设计效果。
    • 任强
    • 摘要: 在小学生中开展3D模型制作的教学是对信息技术教学的补充,是加强信息技术综合应用和学科创新的有益工具.三维空间思维的发展极大地丰富了学生的想象力,将想象变成可能.3D Builder软件易学易用,3D模型设计,贴合小学生的直观感受,学生的三维创造性思维得到了很好的发展.
    • 果果(文/图)
    • 摘要: 在2019年初,NVIDIA Studio Driver计划在NVIDIA GPU技术大会上公布之时,就曾坦言它将带来一场PC创作领域内的变革。而后,NVIDIA联合诸多笔记本电脑厂商推出了NVIDIA RTX Studio认证笔记本电脑,为从事创作创造的用户打开了一扇全新的、成本更低的“从业”大门。而《微型计算机》在此前也对NVIDIA RTX Studio笔记本电脑进行过多次报道。就在不久前的CES 2020展会上,NVIDIA又联合System Builder厂商推出了新的产品线—RTX Studio PC,当战线从笔记本电脑扩展到台式PC上时,RTX Studio PC又将对传统的PC行业带来怎样的变化?RTX Studio PC到底有着怎样的性能表现?《微型计算机》决定在System Builder厂商的RTX Studio PC全面上市之前,用实际的测试来一探究竟。
    • 杨芳; 孔伟; 周青军
    • 摘要: 并行运算已经逐渐深入到教学科研的各个领域,本文介绍了作者参与的小型并行计算机机柜设计工作,通过3D builder模拟软件绘制了机柜和布线的3D效果图.
    • Selassie David Mayunga
    • 摘要: Dar es Salaam is one of the fastest growing cities in East Africa, with a population of 4,364,541 whose annual growth rate is 4.5%. The population increase is mainly caused by rural to urban migration causing traffic congestion, unemployment, emerging of unplanned settlements, inadequate infrastructure, and social and housing services. In order to overcome these challenges there is an urgent need to establish and determine suitable locations of satellite towns to the outskirts of the central business district (CBD) to strengthen economic and social activities using reliable techniques. Selecting suitable locations of satellite towns has been determined by using distance from the CBD and population growth indicators. The limitations of using these indicators include unsuitable locations, which ultimately failed to attract economic growth in such areas. In this study, we introduce a new approach of selecting suitable location of satellite towns in fast growing cities. This approach uses Saaty Model and Geographic Information Systems techniques, whereby a pair wise comparison matrix, consistency index and consistency ratio are employed to determine suitable locations of satellite towns in Ubungo and Kinondoni Municipalities. Also, seven criteria were used to produce suitability maps for water, power line, road, communication line, elevation, slope and land use. The results obtained from this study show that about 5.31% of the area was classified as highly suitable, 29.82% as moderately suitable, 24.27% as marginally suitable and 40.6% permanently unsuitable. Locations of satellite towns determined using Saaty model was found to be on highly suitable areas whereas locations of satellite towns proposed by the Dar es Salaam master plan were located on marginally suitable areas. The study concludes that Saaty Model, if integrated with GIS, can be effectively used to determine suitable locations for satellite towns in urban areas.
    • 叶森
    • 摘要: 手工自行车、定制自行车、客制化车架,近年来这些词汇开始在中文媒体上传播起来。但是很遗憾,自行车文化对中国而言仍还处在一个启蒙阶段,中国的HANDMADE BRAND(手工定制品牌),或者说HANDMADE BUILDER(制作定制车架的从业者)的存在基本可以说为零,国人还是只能在以网络和实体车店为基础的条件下去了解,而线下的类似宣讲、谈话、科普活动也基本为零,没有一个有力媒介去介绍这些内容。当然我不是行业里的前列,但是在这里希望通过我的一些经历和切身感受,来告诉大家我所知道的日本手工自行车文化。
    • Amleset Gebreegzabher
    • 摘要: Women’s participation in each and every activity of a country is crucial. Especially to achieve the sustainable development goals involvement of girls and women in each sector of a nation contributes more and more. Considering women as family leaders;in many cultures in the household responsibility, taking care of their husband and children they are nation builders. However, participation, interaction and contribution of women outside of their house are not significant. Above all, in science and technology related matters their involvement is very weak. Therefore, this study deals with examining women’s participation in water resource management in Endertaworeda, specifically in Didba and Shibta sub-districts. The study result indicated that, the role of women in water management is high, especially in domestic level and the willingness to participate in external water issues was increased, but the decision making power never reached equality between men and women. The analysis shows that even though there are few women in the water committee of the local community and the water resource management sector, still their participation in decision making is insignificant. Even today, the society confirms the supremacy of men over women. As a result the policy at national levels as well as the regional level which emphasized on women’s participation in water resource management has become elusive its implementations. On the evidence of the study results, there are different barriers for women’s participation in management. The most frequently mentioned barriers are socio-cultural barriers, women’s low educational success and access in the country and low number of women in the office as managerial staff. Therefore, measures should be taken to enhance women’s participation in management position.
    • 林德洋
    • 摘要: 本文基于MATLAB/Simulink的系统级算法模型生成和仿真工具DSP Builder软件,设计将高频的被测信号与标准DDS低频信号混频后通过低通滤波器转变为比较容易测量的低频信号.通过DSP Builder设计电路模型生成VHDL文件和工具命令语言(Tcl)脚本,在FPGA中进行综合、硬件实施和仿真,MATLAB仿真结果表明设计简单、可靠、灵活.
    • 陈恬
    • 摘要: 在美国当代剧作家中,我认为华莱士·肖恩(Wallace Shawn)是被低估的一位。这可能跟他的多重身份有关,作为演员的他显然更为公众熟识,在电影《和安德鲁共进晚餐》(My Dinner with Andre,1981)和《万尼亚在42街》(Vanya on 42nd Street,1994)中,他都有非常精彩的表演。在最近的电影作品《建筑师》(A Master Builder,2014)中,他演绎易卜生笔下"特选的人"那种狂妄、神经质与自我怀疑,那种惊人的创造力和破坏力,胜于我所见的各种舞台剧版本。当然,由于他的长相和嗓音,更多时候他都在好莱坞电影和电视剧中饰演邪恶或古怪的配角,以及为动画片和游戏配音,
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