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川中丘陵的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计87篇,主要集中在农业基础科学、农作物、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文87篇、专利文献2321篇;相关期刊62种,包括四川党的建设(城市版)、西南金融、学会等; 川中丘陵的相关文献由176位作者贡献,包括刘刚才、孔凡磊、张先婉等。



论文:87 占比:3.61%


论文:2321 占比:96.39%





  • 刘刚才
  • 孔凡磊
  • 张先婉
  • 王艳
  • 袁继超
  • 庞良玉
  • 张兆福
  • 张广兴
  • 张建华
  • 张维
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 唐琦; 刘兵; 王璞; 王媛; 蒋红斌; 谢勇; 李克锋
    • 摘要: 水质指数(WQI)克服了传统水质评价方法无法同时满足定性评价与定量评价的缺点,但其所需指标较多,无法做到广泛运用。以琼江流域上游段为川中丘陵地区典型流域的代表,对其2018—2019年水质监测数据进行多元线性逐步回归分析,从25个水质指标中筛选出氨氮(NH_(3)-N)、化学需氧量(COD_(Cr))、生化需氧量(BOD_(5))、溶解氧(DO)4个指标建立改进WQI(WQI_(min))模型,该模型评价结果与WQI高度相关,并且具有较好的预测性能(R^(2)=0.81,PE=11.9%)。WQI_(min)评价结果表明:琼江流域上游段WQI_(min)均值为63.1±17.2,水质等级为好;干流WQI_(min)整体上呈沿程升高的趋势,流经安居区时,WQI_(min)明显降低,但能较快恢复至入城区前的水平;WQI_(min)由高至低依次为琼江干流>会龙河>玉丰河>蟠龙河>石洞河,主要支流水质均劣于干流,建议区域水污染治理的重点应逐步放到支流上。
    • 刘小雨; 黎文甫; 陈蓉
    • 摘要: 近年来川中丘陵地区地质灾害频发,区内人口密集,严重危害了人民群众的生命财产安全。遥感彩像视角宏观且全面,对地质灾害调查工作有重要的指导性意义,因此有必要对该区地质灾害遥感解译工作的思路及方法进行研究。文中重点分析了川中丘陵地区地质灾害形成条件,提出了适用于该地区的地质灾害遥感重点解译区划分方法,针对川中丘陵地区多发的滑坡、崩塌构建了遥感解译标志。研究区安岳县位于川中丘陵中部,通过遥感地质灾害解译及实地验证,区内灾害实际发育情况与解译结果较为吻合,验证了文中所提出的地质灾害遥感解译的思路及方法有较高的可靠性,可以为川中丘陵地区地质灾害遥感解译工作提供参考。
    • 摘要: 仪陇县位于四川省川中丘陵向川北低山过渡地带,疆域面积1791平方公里,总人口113万,其中农业人口89.2万,现有耕地105万亩,是全国优质生猪战略保障基地县、绿色食品原料标准化生产基地县及全省粮油、水果、水产大县、蚕桑重点县。
    • 郭松; 喻华; 陈琨; 曾祥忠; 樊红柱; 涂仕华; 秦鱼生
    • 摘要: [Objective] The present study was used to determine the effects of stabilized urea on crop yield,soil nitrogen supply capacity,crop nitrogen uptake and nitrogen efficiency of wheat-maize rotation system in Central Sichuan Basin.[Method] There were six experimental treatments including no nitrogen(CK),single basal application of urea (UB100 %),conventional urea treatment (UD100 %),nitrification inhibitor treated urea (DMPP100 %),reduced rate of conventional urea treatment (UD75 %) and reduced rate of nitrification inhibitor treated urea (DMPP75 %).[Result]The annual yield of total nitrification inhibitor treated urea (DMPP100 %) was 3.99 % higher than that of conventional urea treatment (UD100 %).The annual apparent nitrogen recovery of DMPP100 % was 9.09 percentage points higher than UD100 %,an increase of 7.59 percentage point in wheat season and 9.76 percentage point in maize season.The annual nitrogen uptake under DMPP100 % treatment was 20.22 % higher than that of UD100 % treatment,14.34 % higher in wheat season and 23.62 % higher in maize season.The nitrate concentration of the DMPP treated soil was lower than the urea treated soil in the prophase of crop growth.The plant nitrogen uptake was higher in plants receiving DMPP100 % than urea in the later stages of wheat and maize growth (after florescence).[Conclusion] As in this case,use of the stabilized urea can produce good crop yield,and increase nitrogen acquisition of crops to enhance N fertilizer use efficiency in late growing stages.%[目的]本研究旨在明确川中丘陵区小麦/玉米轮作制度下使用稳定性尿素对作物产量、氮素吸收及氮效率的影响.[方法]设置6个处理:无氮肥(CK)、普通尿素1次施用(UB100%)、普通尿素2次施用(UD100%)、稳定性尿素1次施用(DMPP100%)、75%普通尿素2次施用(UD75%)和75%稳定性尿素1次施用(DMPP75%).[结果]与UD100%处理相比,DMPP100%的周年作物产量增加3.99%;周年氮肥表观利用率提高9.09个百分点,其中小麦季提高7.59个百分点,玉米季提高9.76个百分点;周年作物吸氮量提高20.22%,其中小麦季提高14.34%,玉米季提高23.62%.稳定性尿素处理在作物生长前期的土壤中硝态氮浓度低于普通尿素处理,而在小麦/玉米生长中后期(开花期以后)的植株吸氮量高于普通尿素处理.[结论]在本试验条件下,合理施用稳定性尿素,既可保障作物产量,又可提高作物生长中后期的氮素吸收量和氮肥利用率.
    • 涂美艳; 宋海岩; 陈栋; 李靖; 孙淑霞; 江国良
    • 摘要: 川中丘陵区桃栽培历史悠久,该地区土壤多为紫色页岩碱性土,桃树黄化问题突出,严重影响了桃树生长发育.为探明桃抗性砧木GF677与普通毛桃在碱性土上光合能力差异,以两年生GF677扦插苗和毛桃实生苗为材料,使用LI6400-XT便携式光合作用测量系统,对其光合特性及叶绿素荧光参数进行比较,为今后筛选高光效、抗黄化桃种质资源提供理论依据.结果表明:(1) GF677的表观量子效率和CO2饱和点均极显著高于毛桃,光下最大净光合速率和CO2下最大净光合速率均显著高于毛桃.毛桃的光补偿点和CO2补偿点均极显著高于GF677.(2)GF677叶片Fm、Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ、Fv'/Fm'和ETR在多个时期均极显著高于毛桃,尤其是在进入夏季后差异更加明显,而GF677叶片NPQ在多个时期极显著低于毛桃.(3)GF677可降低PSⅡ反应中心非化学能量耗散和天线热耗散,将过剩的激发能用于光化学反应,提高叶绿素荧光产额,保护光合器官,其PSⅡ系统热稳定性较毛桃强.综合本试验研究结果,认为GF677与传统毛桃砧木相比具有更合理的光能分配机制及更强的光合系统稳定性,具有在川中丘陵碱性土地区做抗性砧木资源的推广潜力.%There is a long history of peach cultivation in the hilly area of central Sichuan.The soil in this area is purple shale rock alkaline soil,which causes peach yellowing and thereby seriously affects the growth and development of peach trees.To identify the difference in photosynthetic capacity between the resistant material GF677 and common wild peach growing in alkaline soil,biennial GF677 cutting seedlings and wild peach seedlings were chosen as materials,and their photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence parameters were compared by LI6400-XT portable photosynthesis measurement system in this paper.These data could provide the theoretical basis for screening high-photosynthetic-efficiency and anti-yellowing peach germplasm resources in the future.The results showed that:(1) the apparent quantum yield and CO2 saturation point were markedly higher for GF677 than for wild peach,and the maximum net photosynthetic rate under light and the maximum net photosynthetic rate under CO2 were also significantly higher for GF677 than for wild peach.The light compensation point and CO2 compensation point were significantly higher for wild peach than for GF677.(2) The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters Fm,Fv/Fm,photochemical yield of photosystem Ⅱ,Fv'/Fm',and electron transport rate were markedly higher in GF677 leaves than in wild peach leaves at multiple stages,and these differences between the two peach lines were greater in summer.Non-photochemical quenching was markedly lower in GF677 leaves than in wild peach leaves at multiple stages.(3) GF677 was able to dissipate non-chemical energy and antenna heat in the photosystem Ⅱ reaction center,and direct excess excitation energy to the photochemical reaction to increase the yield of chlorophyll fluorescence and protect the photosynthetic organs.Therefore,the thermal stability of photosystem Ⅱ was greater in GF677 than in wild peach.Generally,these results indicated that GF677 had more efficient light energy distribution mechanism and more stable photosynthetic system than traditional wild peach.Thus,GF677 had potential as an anti-yellowing root stock in the Sichuan Hilly Basin.
    • 李晓
    • 摘要: 我国山区丘陵地域分布广泛,自北向南主要有辽东丘陵、山东丘陵、东南丘陵,还有江南丘陵、江淮丘陵、浙闽丘陵面积、两广丘陵、川中丘陵、黄土丘陵等,山区丘陵面积约占全国土地总面积的43%,约为95万千米。山区丘陵地形崎岖,道路复杂,可耕地面积稀少,农业机械化发展程度不高。
    • 刘晓林; 马晓君; 豆攀; 黄科程; 王兴龙; 张頔; 孔凡磊; 袁继超
    • 摘要: 以玉米品种'正红505'为材料,设置4.50万株·hm-2、5.25万株·hm-2、6.00万株·hm-2、6.75万株·hm-2、7.50万株·hm-25个密度处理,研究种植密度对川中丘陵夏玉米茎秆性状及产量的影响.结果表明:随种植密度的增加,株高、穗位高、节间长、茎节长粗比逐渐增加,茎粗、茎粗系数、节间干重、单位茎长干物质重、茎秆压碎强度和外皮穿刺强度逐渐减小,除穗位高外,其余各性状均存在显著性差异;其中,当种植密度增加到7.50万株·hm-2时,第1、3、5茎节的外皮穿刺强度分别较4.50万株·hm-2显著降低27.10%、22.78%和30.80%.在本试验设置的密度范围内,玉米产量随密度的增加而先增后减,在6.00万株·hm-2处获得最大值,与4.50万株·hm-2相比,6.00万株·hm-2显著增产12.02%.随种植密度增加,玉米穗长、穗粗、成穗率、穗粒数和千粒重显著降低,有效穗数和秃尖长显著增加.相关分析表明,茎秆压碎强度与外皮穿刺强度呈极显著正相关(r=0.93**),且茎秆压碎强度和外皮穿刺强度分别与茎粗、茎粗系数、节间粗、节间干重和单位茎长干物质重呈显著或极显著正相关,而与株高、节间长和茎节长粗比呈负相关或极显著负相关.其中,茎秆农艺性状与茎秆压碎强度的相关性更好.单株产量与茎粗、茎粗系数、节间粗、节间干重、单位茎长干物质重、茎秆压碎强度和外皮穿刺强度呈显著或极显著正相关,与节间长和茎节长粗比呈显著负相关.逐步回归分析表明,茎粗系数和单位茎长干物质重对茎秆压碎强度的影响最大.综上所述,种植密度是影响玉米茎秆性状和产量的重要因素,适当增加种植密度可以显著增加玉米群体产量,茎粗系数和单位茎长干物质重可以作为评价玉米茎秆抗倒伏能力的重要农艺指标.%Increasing planting density has been one of the most common ways of increasing maize yield. In order to determine the proper planting density of maize in Hilly Central Sichuan Basin (HCSB) in China, an experiment involving 5 planting densities (4.50×104, 5.25×104, 6.00×104, 6.75×104 and 7.50×104 plant·hm-2) of maize were conducted. The effects of planting density on stalk characteristics and yield of summer maize cultivar 'Zhenghong-505' were investigated. The results showed that plant height, ear height, internode length, length-to-diameter ratio of internode increased with increasing planting density. Also stem diameter, stem diameter coefficient, internode dry weight, internode dry matter weight to length ratio, stalk crushing strength (SCS) and rind penetration strength (RPS) decreased with increasing planting density. There were significant differences the traits except ear height among different planting densities. Compared with planting density of 4.50×104 plant·hm-2, RPS of the 1st, 3rd and 5th internodes reduced significantly respectively by 27.10%, 22.78% and 30.80% under planting density of 7.50×104 plant·hm-2. Maize yield increased at first and then decreased with increasing planting density, with a maximum yield under 6.00×104 plant·hm-2. There was a significant increase in yield (12.02%) under planting density of 6.00×104 plant·hm-2 compared with yield under planting density of 4.50×104 plant·hm-2. Corncob length, corncob diameter, spike rate, kernel per spike and 1000-seed weight significantly (P < 0.05) decreased with increasing planting density, while the effective panicle and barren tip length significantly increased. Correlation analysis indicated that SCS was significantly positively correlated with RPS (r= 0.93**). Moreover, SCS and RPS had significantly or extremely significant positive correlation with stem diameter, stem diameter coefficient, internode diameter, internode dry weight and internode dry matter weight to length ratio. SCS and RPS had significantly or extremely significant negative correlation with plant height, internode length and length to diameter ratio. A stronger correlation was found between stalk agronomic trait and SCS. Yield per plant had significant or extremely significant positive correlation with stem diameter, stem diameter coefficient, internode diameter, internode dry weight, internode dry matter weight to length ratio, SCS and RPS. It then had significant negative correlation with internode length and length to diameter ratio. Stepwise regression analysis suggested that stem diameter coefficient and internode dry matter weight to length ratio had the most significant influence on SCS. It was concluded that planting density was the primary factor influencing maize stalk characteristics and yield. An appropriate increase in planting density significantly increased maize yield. Then stem diameter coefficient and internode dry matter weight to length ratio were important agronomic indexes for evaluating lodging resistance of maize stalk.
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