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尤文的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计96篇,主要集中在体育、工业经济、信息与知识传播 等领域,其中期刊论文78篇、专利文献5542篇;相关期刊20种,包括北京市经济管理干部学院学报、中国排球、乐山师范学院学报等; 尤文的相关文献由109位作者贡献,包括江晨、A·尤伦、Y·孔等。



论文:78 占比:1.39%


论文:5542 占比:98.61%





  • 江晨
  • A·尤伦
  • Y·孔
  • 佩雷尔·N·托索
  • 杰弗里·A·托雷斯凯
  • 米尔顿·L·布朗
  • 不公告发明人
  • 何爱琳
  • 侯群星
  • 傅泽泽
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 陈梓菲; 刘伟强
    • 摘要: 九月入秋,天意渐寒。喝点加烈酒暖暖身子亦是应景。加强过的葡萄酒可以给你更强劲的口感,更灼热的温暖,为平凡的日子带来刺激,为平淡的生活带来甜蜜。
    • 申严; 卓宋明; 庄虹; 李娜; 余海彬
    • 摘要: 目的 明确尤文联合地塞米松对大鼠急性肺损伤模型的效果及其相关机制. 方法 将96 只SD大鼠分别于气管内滴注LPS制备急性肺损伤模型,随机分为溶媒对照组( LPS组)、英脱利匹特组(ω-6 组)、尤文组(ω-3组)、地塞米松组( DXM组)、英脱利匹特+地塞米松组(ω-6 +DXM组)、尤文+地塞米松组(ω-3 +DXM组) ,分别给予相应的干预处理3 d后,HE染色检测肺组织病理改变,测定PaO2 及肺组织湿/干重比( W/D) ,ELISA法检测BALF中相关炎症因子的含量. 结果 LPS组与ω-6组大鼠肺泡隔增厚,肺组织出血、水肿及大量炎性细胞浸润,肺组织W/D比值明显高于其他各组;给予地塞米松或尤文后,模型大鼠死亡率降低,肺损伤程度减轻,PaO2 升高,BALF中TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6含量降低( P<0. 05 ). ω-3 组、DXM组、ω-6 +DXM组之间各检测指标无明显区别,而ω-3+DXM组肺组织基本正常,W/D比值最低,PaO2 最高,BALF中TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6含量明显低于其他各组;给予尤文后BALF中IL-10 明显增高,ω-3 组与ω-3 +DXM组BALF中IL-10 明显高于其他各组,差异均有统计学意义( P<0. 05 ). 结论 尤文联合地塞米松可通过调控TNF-α、IL-1β、IL-6 及IL-10等相关炎症因子的表达,减轻肺损伤.%Objective To explore the effects of omeganven combined with dexamethasone on the acute lung injury of rat model and the mechanism. Methods Ninety-six SD rats were treated with lipopolysaccharide ( LPS) by intratracheal instillation to induce acute lung injury,and they were randomly divided into control group ( LPS group) , intralipid group (ω-6 group) ,omeganven group (ω-3 group) ,dexamethasone group ( DXM group) ,intralipid+dexa-methasone group (ω-6+DXM group) and omeganven+dexamethasone group (ω-3+DXM group). After 3 d of cor-responding treatment,the pathologic changes in lung tissue section,wet/dry weight ratio (W/D) of lung tissue and PaO2 were measured. The concentration of TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6 and IL-10 in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid ( BALF ) were respectively measured by ELISA. Results In rats of LPS group and ω-6 group,alveolar septum thickening,lung hemorrhage,edema and inflammatory cell infiltration in lung tissue were easily seen,and W/D ratio of lung tissue was significantly higher than that of another groups. Among rats of ω-3 group,DXM group and ω-6 +DXM group,there was no obvious difference in pathological changes,and the level of TNF-α,IL-1βand IL-6 in BALF,however,the inde-xes decreased significantly after treatment in DXM group and ω-3 group. In rats of ω-3+DXM group,the structure of lung tissue was almost normal,and the W/D ratio and the levels of TNF-α,IL-1β and IL-6 in BALF were the lowest (P<0. 05). Furthermore,the level of IL-10 in BALF increased remarkably after treatment with omeganven,and it was obviously higher in rats of ω-3 group and ω-3 +DXM group ( P <0. 05 ) . Conclusion Omeganven combined with dexamethasone can relieve lung injury through regulating the expression of inflammatory factor in BALF such as TNF-α,IL-1β,IL-6 and IL-10 in rats with acute lung injury.
    • 张红霞
    • 摘要: 患者,女,两岁,家属代诉:患儿一月前行走时右下肢坡行,并发现右小腿肿胀。遂至当地医院检查,行相关检查(不详)后考虑为骨髓炎,为求进一步诊治转至我院,拟"右胫骨慢性骨髓炎"收住。病程中有轻度发热。最高时约37.8度。专科查体:右下肢肿胀,皮肤轻度发红,皮温增高,皮肤无溃烂征象。触摸右下肢时患者哭闹明显。右侧腹股沟区见有两枚肿大淋巴结。右下肢活动度良好,双下肢等长。外院X线片显示右侧胫骨下段见有骨质
    • 李雪莉
    • 摘要: Objective To observe the efficacy of perioperative complex immunotherapy of Kabiven and Omegaven for patients with severe multiple injuries complicated with sepsis. Methods 64 patients with severe multiple injuries complicated with sepsis admit-ted to the ICU of our hospital who met the criteria were randomized into control group (n=32) and experimental group (n=32). The simplified acute physiology score II (SAPS II), chronic health evaluationⅡ(CHEⅡ), total protein (TP), albumin (ALB), erythropoi-etin (EPO), high sensitive C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6), procalcitionin (PCT), CD4+, CD8+and CD4+/CD8+ratio before and 1 week after treatment were observed and compared between the two groups. Results After one week treatment, SAPS II and CHE Ⅱdecreased significantly and showed statistical differences with those before treat-ment(P<0.05), which meant that their physical functions were improved significantly; TNF-α, IL-6, CD4+, CD8+and CD4+/CD8+ratio increased significantly and showed statistical differences with those before treatment (P<0.05), which meant that their immune functions were improved significantly. Conclusion For patients with severe multiple injuries complicated with sepsis, perioperative complex immunotherapy of Kabiven and Omegaven can contribute to the maintaining of dynamic balance of immune function, pro-mote the restoration of pro/Anti-inflammatory balance, and improve prognosis.%目的:探讨严重多发伤合并脓毒症患者围手术期使用卡文联尤文行复合免疫治疗的疗效。方法纳入该院急重症医学科于2012年1月—2013年1月收治严重多发伤合并脓毒症的患者,共得到64例符合要求的患者,将其随机均分为对照组(n=32)及实验组(n=32)。观察所有患者治疗前及治疗一周时简化急性生理学评分Ⅱ、慢性健康状况评价Ⅱ、总蛋白、白蛋白、促红细胞生成素、超敏C反应蛋白、肿瘤坏死因子-α、白介素6、降钙素原、CD4+、CD8+及CD4+/CD8+比值的差异。结果通过一周的对比治疗,实验组的简化急性生理学评分Ⅱ显著降低、慢性健康状况评价Ⅱ显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明身体机能得到显著恢复;超敏C反应蛋白显著降低、肿瘤坏死因子-α显著降低、CD4+显著增加、CD8+显著增加、CD4+/CD8+比值显著增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),说明机体免疫功能得到改善。结论对于严重多发伤合并脓毒症患者围手术期予以复合免疫治疗,有助于维持免疫动态平衡,促使机体恢复促炎和抗炎平衡,改善预后。
    • 刘志毅
    • 摘要: 马西莫·莫拉蒂,现年69岁,石油大亨,意大利足球甲级联赛国际米兰荣誉主席,国米球员和全世界球迷心目中敬爱的"老爹"。从生意的角度看,马西莫·莫拉蒂对国际米兰的投资无疑是失败的。通过尤文,莫吉发展了GEA;通过AC米兰,老贝当上了总理。莫拉蒂得到了什么·据统计,接手国米18年间,莫拉蒂自掏腰包为国米贴进12.5亿欧元以上。2013年国米易主时,他只拿到5000万欧元。而且,
    • 安葵
    • 摘要: 正浙江温州的主管领导要给著名剧作家尤文贵出版文集,这是一件很有意义的事情。新时期以来,尤文贵在戏剧创作方面取得了重要成就,出版他的文集不仅是对他本人贡献的肯定和表彰,而且具有扩大温州的现代文化的影响的作用,同时也会对全国戏剧创作与传承发展发挥推动作用。文贵兄嘱我作序,我虽力不胜任,却是义不容辞。
    • 摘要: 正德国世界杯备战期间,皮埃罗给一位球迷在T恤上签名,这位外形甚酷的老兄是一名德国警察。
    • 逸丹
    • 摘要: 正绿茵是一个舞台,比的不仅是谁能取得胜利,谁更能愉悦受众同样是一门学问。作为这个舞台中独一无二的舞台,伊布和C罗都有着属于他们的"魅力芭蕾",而两人在豪门的王牌地位和恐怖薪水,都令人不自觉的把他们相提并论,此外,其他诸多方面的惊人相似,更是使人禁不住拿他们比论一番。
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