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TAR的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计81篇,主要集中在化学、自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文74篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献6篇;相关期刊58种,包括国际展望、中亚信息、医疗装备等; 相关会议1种,包括第八届中国化学会分析化学年会暨第八届全国原子光谱学术会议等;TAR的相关文献由140位作者贡献,包括陈曦、刘跃洪、周宇等。



论文:74 占比:91.36%


论文:1 占比:1.23%


论文:6 占比:7.41%





  • 陈曦
  • 刘跃洪
  • 周宇
  • 孙天麟
  • 张建军
  • 李丽敏
  • 杨灵
  • 江伟
  • 汪红
  • 沈国平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • Bo Chen; Bo Liu; Yong Chao; Chao Zhong
    • 摘要: The formation process of aromatic hydrocarbon tar during the pyrolysis process of biomass components of cel-lulose and lignin was carried out by quantum chemical calculation based on density functional theory method B3LYP/6-31G++(d,p).5 Hydroxymethylfurfural was chosen as the model compound of cellulose and hemicel-lulose,and syringa ldehyde was chosen as the model compound of lignin.The calculation results show that the formation process of cellulose monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon tar is the conversion process of benzene ring from furan ring,and the highest reaction energy barrier appears in the process of decarbonylation,which is 370.8 kJ/mol.The formation of lignin monocyclic aromatic hydrocarbon tar is mainly the process of side chains removal and the formation of phenol,The highest reaction energy barrier appears in the process of decarbonyla-tion,which is 374.9 kJ/mol.The reaction mechanism of phenanthrene formation from naphthalene was selected as the formation of cellulose and lignin polycydic aromatic hydrocarbon tar.The calculation results show that he total barrier of the pathway that naphthalene dehydrogenates to form naphthalene free radicals and then reacts with ethylene twice by addition action,finally occurs cydization reactions and isomerizes to produce phenan-threne is lowest,that is 38.6 kJ/mol.So it is proved that the evolution of tar is the process of deoxygenation and cyclization with the increase of the temperature from a theoretical point of view.
    • Frankie
    • 摘要: 最近,我收到TARA Labs(超时空)推出的The EROS LE系列的两款信号线,一款是XLR平衡线,另一款是喇叭线。The EROS LE系列在TARA Labs里面目前属于入门级定位,售价要比之间的The Echo LE还要划算。我记得TARA Labs之前已经分别推出了The Master LE、The Artist LE和The Echo LE三个限量系列,算上The EROS LE就一共有四个限量系列,而它们都是特别针对中国内地、香港、澳门和台湾市场而发售的线材。
    • 殷炼乾; 周杰怡
    • 摘要: 本文首先运用实现波动理论的跳跃行为辨识的非参数方法,分离出能够代表资产跳跃行为的已实现跳跃(Realized Jump).然后利用2011—2019年上证综指和深证成指的5分钟高频收益率数据对其跳跃特征进行分析,发现已实现跳跃具有明显的聚集性、时变性和不对称性.最后运用门限自回归模型,对已实现跳跃进行建模,研究发现:股指价格跳跃行为依赖于历史跳跃特征,且呈现出自回归结构;上证综指的跳跃行为较强地依赖于历史跳跃方向和跳跃强度,尤其对历史跳跃方向非常敏感;当股指价格波动幅度较大时,上证综指倾向于向上跳跃,波动较小时,倾向于向下跳跃.同时,本文还分别对已实现波动率(Realized Volatility)和跳跃方差(Jump Variance)建立自激门限自回归模型和门限自回归模型,发现上证综指和深证成指有相近的波动率门限,上证综指的波动率更容易受到历史波动率的影响且波动率也具有自回归特性.
    • 摘要: SPORT和CROSSTAR双系列双色个性内饰地球梦科技1.5L直喷发动机Honda SENSING(安全超感)智能驾驶辅助系统.
    • Marian Wiatowski; Roksana Muzyka; Krzysztof Kapusta; Maciej Chrubasik
    • 摘要: In this study,the composition of tars collected during a six-day underground coal gasification(UCG)test at the experimental mine‘Barbara’in Poland in 2013 was examined.During the test,tar samples were taken every day from the liquid product separator and analysed by the methods used for testing properties of typical coke oven(coal)tar.The obtained results were compared with each other and with the data for coal tar.As gasification progressed,a decreasing trend in the water content and an increasing trend in the ash content were observed.The tars tested were characterized by large changes in the residue after coking and content of parts insoluble in toluene and by smaller fluctuations in the content of parts insoluble in quinoline.All tested samples were characterized by very high distillation losses,while for samples starting from the third day of gasification,a clear decrease in losses was visible.A chromatographic analysis showed that there were no major differences in composition between the tested tars and that none of the tar had a dominant component such as naphthalene in coal tar.The content of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons(PAHs)in UCG tars is several times lower than that in coal tar.No light monoaromatic hydrocarbons(benzene,toluene,ethylbenzene and xylenes—BTEX)were found in the analysed tars,which results from the fact that these compounds,due to their high volatility,did not separate from the process gas in the liquid product separator.
    • 韦志杰
    • 摘要: 在汽车生产车间,通过引入德国DURR进口焚烧炉系统,焚烧温度650~750°C,满足车身涂料烘烤的工艺需求的同时,也满足环保废气浓度排放要求。本文在DURR焚烧炉系统现场介绍分析和应用基础上,解读系统控制过程时序,对于如何加强焚烧炉系统定检保全进一步提升控制稳定性给出一些建议。
    • Sabine Muhlenkamp1
    • 摘要: 能够为复杂的流程设备大修项目(简称TAR项目)制定出一个良好的大修计划绝非易事,但更重要的是要透明地执行这一计划,也要知道各项准备工作的具体内容的落实情况,以便能够积极管理好这个TAR大修项目。这也正是许多企业很难做到的事情。
    • 徐超; 罗灯远
    • 摘要: 文章介绍了涂装喷漆室有机废气VOC的几种常见治理技术,对比了浓缩+焚烧清洁净化理论的两种路线,并详细介绍了沸石浓缩吸附VOC的机理,同时对后续两种常用的有机废气焚烧处理方式进行了比较.
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