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夜大学的相关文献在1953年到2020年内共计185篇,主要集中在信息与知识传播、教育、社会科学丛书、文集、连续性出版物 等领域,其中期刊论文185篇、专利文献3779篇;相关期刊125种,包括山东医科大学学报:社会科学版、华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)、财经研究等; 夜大学的相关文献由212位作者贡献,包括胡东鸣、郑珊飞、侯惠敏等。



论文:185 占比:4.67%


论文:3779 占比:95.33%





  • 胡东鸣
  • 郑珊飞
  • 侯惠敏
  • 刘凤菊
  • 周春跃
  • 张世平
  • 张亚梅
  • 张凤云
  • 张玉萍
  • 徐宁
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: 宁夏师范学院继续教育学院的前身是固原师范高等专科学校夜大学,于1999年12月经教育厅批准成立,2000年首次招生。2002年5月固原师范高等专科学校成立成人教育部,2014年更名为宁夏师范学院成人与继续教育学院(宁夏中小学师资培训中心),2020年更名为继续教育学院,负责学校成人高等学历教育与中小学幼儿园教师培训工作。
    • 王珂; 翟阳阳; 杜菁; 武文芳; 潘清; 刘文艳; 沙飞; 谢艳; 杨淼; 田新
    • 摘要: 目的:在医学院校夜大学计算机基础教学中采用网络教学,以提高教学质量,培养学生的自主学习能力.方法:建立网络教学平台,并利用网络平台完善教学考核体系,共享教学资源.结果:在教学中融入网络教学后,激发了学生的学习兴趣,收到了满意的教学效果.结论:网络教学提供了丰富的教学资源,改变了传统的教学模式和考核方式,提高了学生的实践和创新能力.%Objective: To enhance teaching quality and cultivate the self-learning ability of undergraduates through adopted network teaching in the computer fundamental course of open college of medical university. Methods: A network teaching platform was established, and it could be used to improve the teaching evaluation system and share teaching resources. Results: After the network teaching was added in the teaching course, the learning interest of undergraduates was aroused and the teaching effect was enhanced. Conclusion: Network teaching can provide abundant teaching resources, and change traditional teaching mode and examination mode, and enhance the practical ability and creative ability for undergraduates.
    • 孙磊; 徐法艳
    • 摘要: 成人高等教育是高等教育的重要组成部分,是高等教育的继续和补充。夜大学是成人高等教育的学习形式之一,针对夜大学教学管理难以及学生对母校的疏远感、陌生感,笔者结合多年的成教管理经验和夜大学教学现状,分析探讨了夜大学生的归属感及其培养,旨在提高夜大学的教学质量。
    • 张风云1; 张小龙2; 吴柯叶2; 许木良3; 卢旻昱4
    • 摘要: 目的:了解夜大学教学工作现状的专业差异,为医学院校夜大学教学改革提供数据依据和参考。方法采用问卷调查与访谈对北京大学医学部夜大学学生家庭和工作对学生学习的影响、对教学工作的评价等方面进行实证研究。采用Epidata 3.1录入数据,SPSS 20.0统计软件进行卡方及非参数秩和检验。结果38.2%(63/165)的临床医学、45.8%(27/59)的检验及43.0%(71/165)的护理专业学生认为,工作给其学习带来的主要影响是“工作任务繁重,学习会使体力不支”。58.2%(96/165)的临床医学、46.5%(27/58)的检验及66.5%(105/158)的护理专业学生认为,“学习时间少”是学习过程中最大的困难。41.9%(70/167)的临床医学专业学生倾向于“完全面授”的教学方式,39.0%(23/59)的检验学生倾向于“部分面授、部分网络教学”,37.2%(68/183)的护理学生倾向于“部分面授、部分自学”。58.4%(97/166)的临床医学、55.9%(33/59)的检验及64.8%(118/182)的护理专业学生,均首选识记型及应用型两者兼有的考试题型。结论不同专业学生对夜大教学工作现状的看法趋向一致,但也存在一定差异。临床医学与护理学专业学生的特点趋于一致,满意度高;医学检验专业学生的特点突出,满意度相对不高。
    • 张凤云; 张小龙; 吴柯叶; 许木良; 卢旻昱
    • 摘要: 目的:了解夜大学教学工作现状的专业差异,为医学院校夜大学教学改革提供数据依据和参考。方法采用问卷调查与访谈对北京大学医学部夜大学学生家庭和工作对学生学习的影响、对教学工作的评价等方面进行实证研究。采用Epidata 3.1录入数据,SPSS 20.0统计软件进行卡方及非参数秩和检验。结果38.2%(63/165)的临床医学、45.8%(27/59)的检验及43.0%(71/165)的护理专业学生认为,工作给其学习带来的主要影响是“工作任务繁重,学习会使体力不支”。58.2%(96/165)的临床医学、46.5%(27/58)的检验及66.5%(105/158)的护理专业学生认为,“学习时间少”是学习过程中最大的困难。41.9%(70/167)的临床医学专业学生倾向于“完全面授”的教学方式,39.0%(23/59)的检验学生倾向于“部分面授、部分网络教学”,37.2%(68/183)的护理学生倾向于“部分面授、部分自学”。58.4%(97/166)的临床医学、55.9%(33/59)的检验及64.8%(118/182)的护理专业学生,均首选识记型及应用型两者兼有的考试题型。结论不同专业学生对夜大教学工作现状的看法趋向一致,但也存在一定差异。临床医学与护理学专业学生的特点趋于一致,满意度高;医学检验专业学生的特点突出,满意度相对不高。%Objective The paper focused on teaching status of evening college among different ma-jors, and tried to provide data support and suggestion for teaching reform of evening college in medical university. Method Using methods of questionnaires and interviews, the investigators analyzed five aspects of students in Peking University Health Science Center, which were the influences on study from family and work, and the evaluation on teaching, etc. The investigators entered data with Epidata 3.1 software and de-scribed it with SPSS 20.0 statistical software, with which they also did chi-square and nonparametric rank sum test. Results 38.2% (63/165) of clinical medicine students, 45.8% (27/59) of laboratory medical sci-ence students and 43.0%(71/165) of nursing students regarded hard work and limited energy as their major difficulty from jobs. Limited time for study was treated as the biggest problem for students of clinical medicine (58.2%, 96/165), laboratory medical science (46.5%, 27/58) and nursing (66.5%, 105/158). 41.9%(70/167) of clinical medicine students tended to receive traditional face-to-face teaching; 39.0%(23/59) of laboratory medical science students preferred partial face-to-face teaching with partial network teaching; while 37.2% (68/183) of nursing students tended to partial face-to-face teaching with partial self-study. 58.4%(97/166) of clinical medicine students, 55.9%(33/59) of laboratory medical science students and 64 . 8% ( 118/182 ) of nursing students preferred examination of both memorization and application . Conclusion Results showed that students in different majors presented similar opinions on teaching status, but also with a few dif-ferences. There were the same characteristics between students of clinical medicine and nursing, both with high satisfaction. While students in the laboratory medical science showed the special characteristics, with low satisfaction.
    • 张凤云; 李长江; 杨海燕; 唐文佩; 刘奇; 王一方
    • 摘要: 目的 了解摄影活动融入辩证法课程教学的实践对于学生医学人文素质教育的效果,探索符合夜大学学生特点的医学人文教育的新模式.方法 采取整群抽样方法,选择北京大学医学部夜大学404名学生为研究对象,在其“医学辩证法”课程——“现代医学目的”的教学中开展“身边的医学人文关怀”摄影活动,就教学效果进行问卷调查.结果 60.6%的学生不认同医务工作者人文关怀的缺失是医患关系紧张的主要因素;33.9%的学生认为摄影活动实践的收获是提高了医学人文意识;64.1%的学生赞成摄影活动采取比赛形式;44.6%的学生认为摄影比赛的意义是加强了医学人文关怀的教育;66.3%的学生赞成将摄影活动情况计入总成绩;39.4%的学生建议加强摄影技术的辅导.结论 摄影活动融入辩证法课程教学对于学生的医学人文素质教育产生了积极的作用.夜大学应当积极寻求学校的支持,保障摄影活动的持续稳定进行;加强对病人隐私的保护;不断完善教学过程管理和课程考核体系.%Objective To understand the teaching effect of medical humanities education by correlating photographic activity with Dialectics course.To explore a new model of medical humanities education in accordance with the characteristics of evening-college students.Methods 404 evening-college students were selected from a medical university by cluster sampling.In the course of teaching of the purpose of modern medicine of medical dialectics,researchers organized a photographic activity themed "surrounding medical humanistic care" whose teaching effect was investigated by questionnaires.Results The disagreement of "the lack of humanistic care of medical staffs is the main factor of the tension between doctors and patients" was reported in 60.6% of samples analyzed.33.9% of the students believed that photographic activity improved their medical humanistic consciousness.Students in favor of organizing photographic activities into competition form covered 64.1%.44.6% of the students believed that photo contest contributed to the education of medical humanistic care.Students in favor of including the photographic activities in the total score covered 66.3%.39.4% of the students wanted to receive more guidance of photographic technology.Conclusions The practice of correlating photographic activity with dialectics course has played a positive role in medical humanities education.Evening college should actively seek the support of the university to ensure the continuity and stability of the activity;as well as strengthen the protection of patients' privacy and improve the management and evaluation system.
    • 黄晓红
    • 摘要: 夜大学教育是成人高等教育的重要模式,夜大学的教育应适应时代发展的需要,灵活的夜大学教学模式更有利于成人高等教育的发展.本文在分析高校夜大学教学现状的基础上,结合多年的管理经验,提出了一些夜大学教学改革的意见.
    • 黄晓红
    • 摘要: 夜大学教育是成人高等教育的重要模式,夜大学的教育应适应时代发展的需要,灵活的夜大学教学模式更有利于成人高等教育的发展。n本文在分析高校夜大学教学现状的基础上,结合多年的管理经验,提出了一些夜大学教学改革的意见。
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