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SMAS的相关文献在1990年到2023年内共计1215篇,主要集中在外科学、基础医学、金属学与金属工艺 等领域,其中期刊论文77篇、专利文献1138篇;相关期刊46种,包括医药与保健、中国社区医师(医学专业)、中国美容整形外科杂志等; SMAS的相关文献由2247位作者贡献,包括刘述伦、王社良、闫晓军等。



论文:77 占比:6.34%


论文:1138 占比:93.66%





  • 刘述伦
  • 王社良
  • 闫晓军
  • 张小勇
  • 计树标
  • 岳洪浩
  • 耿新龙
  • 黄大伟
  • 蔡日新
  • 杨飞
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 柳芳; 张林; 赵宇; 丁浩
    • 摘要: 本研究报告一例晚期贝尔面瘫的老年男性患者,术前体格检查:安静时,右面部松弛下垂,右侧额纹消失,眉位置低于健侧,睑裂增大,下睑袋明显,右鼻唇沟浅,鼻根歪向健侧,口角向健侧歪斜。面部表情活动时,抬眉无力,右眼睑闭合不全,巩膜外露,鼓腮漏气,笑时口角歪斜加重,暂无吞咽困难及流口水表现。术前House-Brackmann量表评分为Ⅴ级。通过SMAS筋膜除皱联合阔筋膜悬吊极大的恢复了患者休息时面部对称性,减少了患者痛苦。
    • 王志军; 白承新; 李冠一; 杨丽湘; 李颖; 滕晓雪; 王岩
    • 摘要: 面颈部SMAS解剖学的首次阐明距今已有44年.由于SMAS在美容手术中的重要性,学者们对其进行了持续深入的研究且从未停止.在笔者团队及所有国内外学者的以往研究中,多是侧重于对SMAS静态解剖学、结构特点、临床应用的观察和描述.近十年来,随着各种“微整形”方法的广泛应用后,出现了动态畸形和僵化脸等各种并发症,促使笔者将SMAS中的动态构成作为课题研究.研究对象包括:(1)尸头标本.(2)注射填充透明质酸或/和颗粒脂肪的病例.(3)线技术术后病例.(4)溶脂针(成分不详)注射后病例.在后3种病例的手术中,笔者应患者要求将注射材料和线材料及其瘢痕、炎症灶、肉芽肿做充分而必要的清理、松解.这实际上是一种“病理解剖”的过程,然后将此病理解剖结果和正常标本解剖观察结果作为对照,再将上述病例术前表情与正常人表情作为对照,最终推导出SMAS中的动态构成与静态构成的“结构功能”.
    • Marcelo Nava; Emmanuel Pacheco Rocha Lima; Pedro Cunha de Lima
    • 摘要: The non-ferrous SMAs(shape memory alloys)have,normally,two problems that hinder the use in industrial scale:the natural aging and grain growth.The first degrades the memory effect,while the second,observed during the alloy’s mechanical processing,modifies the phase transformation temperatures.Thus,the study of recrystallization kinetics is important for enabling the control of hardened state as a function of treatment time without allowing the exaggerated grain growth.The objective of this study is to determine the recrystallization kinetics in different SMAs(Cu-14Al-4Ni,Cu-12Al-0.5Be and Ni-42Ti),based on an empirical law of J-M-A(Johnson-Mehl-Avrami),as well as their activation energies for grain growth process according to the empirical Arrhenius law.Quantitative evaluations of the grain growth kinetics over a wide range of indicated DSC(differential scanning calorimetry)temperatures have been performed.The results show that the alloy less susceptible to aging in temperatures below the recrystallization peak is the Ni-42Ti,because it presented the highest activation energy,followed by the Cu-14Al-4Ni.The equations that describe the recrystallization kinetics follow the empirical law of J-M-A.The recrystallization kinetics accompanied by hardness variation was an important tool,working as an advisor for selection of treatment time as a function of temperature.
    • 罗姗; 游晓波
    • 摘要: Objective To explore the clinical application of modified rhytidectomy incision in facial rejuvenation.Methods Forty-eight female patients undergoing middle-lower facial rhytidectomy in department of plastic surgery of the Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital were selected as study population.All patients were randomly divided into traditional or modified group,24 in each group.The traditional group received traditional surgical incision rhytidectomy,while the modified group adopted the modified surgical incision rhytidectomy.The postoperative anti-wrinkle effects and the postoperative complications were observed. Results The both groups had successfully completed the surgeries,and all patients were followed up from 6 months to 2 years after surgery.The lower fa-cial and nasolabial fold in patients had been remarkably improved.However,the excellent rate of anti-wrinkle effect in the modified group was superior to the traditional group (P<0.05).In addition,the incidence of complications in the modified group was notably lower than that of the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion Compared with traditional surgical incision,modified rhytidectomy inci-sion is more hidden and associated with fewer postoperative complications.The facial contour shape has been significantly improved. This technique is suitable for being promoted and applied.%目的 探讨改良除皱切口在面部年轻化手术中的临床应用.方法 四川省人民医院整形外科行中下面部除皱手术的48例女性患者,分为传统组与改良组各24例.传统组行传统手术切口除皱术,改良组采用改良手术切口的除皱术.观察患者术后除皱效果及并发症情况.结果 两组均顺利完成手术,术后随访时间0.5~2年,患者下面部和鼻唇沟松弛均明显改善,改良组除皱效果优良率高于传统组,并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05).结论 相对于传统手术切口而言,改良除皱切口更为隐蔽,术后并发症低,同时面部轮廓形态也得到了显著改善,可推广应用.
    • 曹道明; 林博杰; 邹方; 殷国前
    • 摘要: Objective To investigate the lifting effects by the application of an improved bidirectional trocar with U-shaped subcutaneous suture embedding in facial lift. Methods There were 37 patients with facial soft tissue laxity in this study. All patients utilized a self-made bidirectional trocar with PPDO (poly-para-dioxanone,PPDO) barbed suture that being used for the U-shaped embedding in subcutaneous tissue, the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system,SMAS) fascia tissue is lifted by the upper suspension to improve the relaxation of skin in the middle and lower face. The results were comprehensively evaluated according to the facial improvement before and after operation, post-operational healing,complications and patients' satisfaction. Results Facial relaxation gets improved significantly in all 37 patients who had received lifting surgery. In average 12 months follow-up, no serious complication such as hematoma, infection, nerve injury and so on was observed in the patients. The total effective rate was 100%, and the satisfaction rate for patients reached to 86.49%. Conclusion Compared with the current methods for facial lifting, our method possesses great advantages including high-level suspension, firm fixation, uniform distribution for suture embedding, large lifting range and strong lifting power, flexibility for adjusting suspension and so on. Therefore, it is worthwhile to apply this technique in facial lift widely.%目的:探讨应用改良双向套管针,以U形皮下埋线高位悬吊术行面部提升的临床效果.方法:本组37例面部皮肤软组织松弛患者,均采用自制的双向套管针,使用聚对二氧环己酮(poly-para-dioxanone,PPDO)锯齿状缝线在面部皮下作U形埋置,高位悬吊向上提拉表浅肌肉腱膜系统(superficial muscular aponeurotic system,SMAS)组织,对患者手术前、后面部松弛下垂改善程度、术后愈合情况、有无并发症及患者满意度进行综合评价.结果:本组37例患者术后即刻均可见面部松弛明显改善,术后平均随访12个月,未见患者有血肿、感染和神经损伤等并发症,总有效率为100%,患者满意率达86.49%.结论:双向套管针U形埋线高位提升术相较于目前同类面部埋线提升术,具有悬吊位置高、固定点牢固、埋线分布均匀、提升范围大、提升力强、可灵活调整等优势,适宜在临床中推广应用.
    • 周宇; 李森恺; 李强
    • 摘要: 面部除皱术在百年来的外科发展史中,经历了从传统除皱术到微创除皱术的过程,手术理念同样经历了由简到繁、由浅及深、多矢量提升的发展过程。术式的选择受患者的解剖条件、预期效果、术者技术、手术风险及费用等多因素影响。随着时代的变迁,微创方法在面部除皱术中的比重将会越来越大。
    • 孙龙凤1; 饶本强1; 石汉平1
    • 摘要: 肠系膜上动脉综合征(superiormesenteryarterysyndrome,SMAS)又称Wilkie病、压迫性十二指肠梗阻,系指由于肠系膜上动脉压迫十二指肠水平部引起十二指肠部分或完全梗阻而出现的一系列症状[1]。上消化道钡餐、腹部CT有助于诊断和分析病情严重程度。SMAS的发生与营养不良有密切关系。正常情况下,肠系膜上动脉与腹主动脉之间的夹角内有脂肪垫(即脂肪组织)支撑,使夹角维持在25°~60°,避免十二指肠水平部受压[2]。若患者出现营养不良或体重突然显著下降,夹角内脂肪组织减少,夹角变小,十二指肠水平部受压,可导致SMAS的发生[3]。SMAS无特异性治疗方法,症状明显、病情严重的患者以往均采用手术治疗,有良好效果,但手术创伤大,容易复发。我们采用肠内营养治疗增加体脂含量、定期进行人体成分分析评估疗效的方法治疗一例严重SMAS患者,效果明显,报道如下。
    • 摘要: 随着人们对医学美容态度的转变及热力追捧,全球都刮起了一阵"微整"风,医美行业新技术、新理念和新经营模式也在不断诞生,由此医美行业也就顺利的跨入了前景广阔的大医美时代。何谓医学美容?何谓生活美容?何谓大医美?医学美容与生活美容完美结合再掀热潮的O2O商业模式
    • yuki; 李青峰
    • 摘要: 近年来,超声刀技术深受广大求美者的热爱,其功能一度被"神化",那么超声刀到底是如何做到逆龄修复的?它真的有那么神奇吗?随着各类抗衰神器的不断出现,超声刀凭借其治疗效果好,治疗过程安全快速成为新一代的逆龄修复神器,深受广大求美者的追捧,被誉为"世界紧肤抗衰技术金标准"。经过医学科技的不断探索与创新,超声刀的紧肤专利技术已经升级,破解了多年来不能应用于整个面部的难题,并攻克了立体化提拉紧肤的医学壁垒。在临床上,已为众多爱美女性重塑立体、紧致的青春容颜。
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