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增长管理的相关文献在1993年到2020年内共计73篇,主要集中在经济计划与管理、建筑科学、世界各国经济概况、经济史、经济地理 等领域,其中期刊论文65篇、会议论文7篇、专利文献286953篇;相关期刊59种,包括四川行政学院学报、求是学刊、探求等; 相关会议7种,包括2015中国城市规划年会、2014中国城市规划年会、2010中国城市规划年会等;增长管理的相关文献由116位作者贡献,包括刘广玉、刘盛和、周鹏光等。



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论文:286953 占比:99.97%





  • 刘广玉
  • 刘盛和
  • 周鹏光
  • 张京祥
  • 张杰
  • 皇甫玥
  • 蒋伶
  • 贺胜军
  • 赵丛霞
  • 金广君
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 贾卫宾
    • 摘要: 二战之后,随着人口激增和小汽车普及,美国许多城市步入了快速郊区化和都市区化过程,如何进行增长管理成为都市区发展的核心议题.华盛顿大都市区创造性地提出通过多模式走廊引导都市区发展的模式.梳理华盛顿大都市区多模式走廊格局的建设过程,从大都市区和走廊两个层面对发展成效进行评估,并分析发展过程中的政策影响.结果表明:1)多模式走廊是都市区发展过程中有效的增长管理手段;2)多模式走廊建设过程中需要强有力的交通政策保障;3)交通构成和组织方式是走廊模式的基础;4)不同走廊的特征取决于所在地方政府的走廊机制.最后,结合中国实际情况对都市圈走廊规划建设提出若干建议.
    • 杨黎明; 丁麟赫; 李雪微
    • 摘要: 从财务视角出发,选用罗伯特C希金斯可持续增长模型作为我国高新技术产业持续增长研究的度量模型,并将其运用到SN高新技术产业的可持续增长的研究中.通过分析该企业的增长状况发现,其可持续增长很不稳定,应在尽可能缩小实际增长与可持续增长之间差距的基础上,兼顾稳定增长,提高资金的利用率,降低资金的使用成本,实现最大效益.
    • 蒋正良; 石峰; 冯琳哲; 臧倩
    • 摘要: 戴维斯市是加州城市增长管理理念最早的实践者,也是十分"纯粹"的大学城。本文通过回溯戴维斯总体规划实施50多年以来的城市规划建设历程,指出戴维斯大学城今日诸多增长管理成就,都始于最初规划和研究。同时,本文介绍当前戴维斯对增长管理与发展间矛盾的分析和取舍,从不同视角综合展示戴维斯大学城的发展历程和未来,尤其是渗透在戴维斯城市规划理念深处的增长管理和内生式发展等核心理念。
    • 理查德·肖; 田乐
    • 摘要: 美国25号州际公路在科罗拉多-怀俄明两州交界处向南延伸至科罗拉多斯普林斯一段,走向与科罗拉多州的弗兰特山脉平行—那里拥有世界上最壮美的景致.但同时,这里也曾是美国一处发展迅猛的地区,开发建设不断改变着当地的天际线,影响着风景品质.科罗拉多州自然保护信托基金会与Design Workshop设计事务所展开合作,启动了25号州际公路廊道保护总体规划项目,鼓励各个保护组织、政府机构、私人土地所有者和当地居民参与到公共开放土地的保护工作中,以实现对眺望景观、水质、野生动物、空气及休闲空间的永久保护.该规划旨在为当地无节制的扩张建设提供解决方案,利用独特的规划方法和适度开发策略,来实现曾经被认为是遥不可及的目标:保护科罗拉多州弗兰特山脉周边超过405km2的开放空间.%Colorado's Front Range runs parallel to Interstate 25 from the Wyoming border to the Colorado Springs, offering some of the most spectacular scenery in the world. This area of the United States was growing fast and development and construction continued to change the skyline. Colorado Conservation Trust Fund, in collaboration with Design Workshop Inc., initiated the Interstate 25 Conservation Corridor Master Plan to engage conservation organizations, government entities, private landowners, and residents in conserving open lands to forever protect scenic vistas, water quality, wildlife, clean air, and recreational opportunities along the corridor. Devised to offer solutions to the surrounding uncontrolled sprawl, the plan leveraged unique planning methods and limited development strategies to achieve what had been previously considered impossible: the preservation of over 100,000 acres of open space along Colorado's Front Range.
    • 李萍萍; 朱彩云
    • 摘要: 医药行业的发展事关国计民生,传承和做大做强中药产业是我国中医药发展面临的急迫任务.以财务可持续性增长相关理论为基础,采用希金斯可持续增长模型,选择中药行业中具有代表性的云南白药为研究样本,结合1991~2014年相关财务资料,对公司的增长情况进行分析.研究发现:云南白药实际增长速度高于可持续增长速度,但超速增长却没有为公司带来价值增值.因此,应通过加强发展规划管理、管控成本、平衡财务关系、优化企业资本结构、强化核心业务等措施,实现可持续增长.
    • 黄明华; 张然; 贺琦; 王琛
    • 摘要: 针对我国城市空间增长出现高速低效、整体结构失衡、整体容量控制失效的问题,城市增长边界作为城市增长管理的重要工具在我国并没有发挥真正的效用.本文立足于城市增长边界在我国的规划实践,结合典型发达国家对城市空间增长管理的分析,试追溯城市增长边界基本内涵,对城市增长边界与我国现有空间管制工具——“三区四线”、“规划区”、“城市建设用地边界”、“城市开发边界”的关系进行辨析.提出我国城市增长边界应具有双重内涵——基于区域发展观和城乡统筹原则,体现“底线”思维和城市最终远景规模特征的“永久性”城市增长边界,和基于“分期规划”的理念,体现城市阶段性发展特征的、保证过程紧凑的“阶段性”城市增长边界.最终通过对国外多年实践经验的总结提出城市增长边界的实施需要结合切实有效的控制技术和管理政策,从而实现保护区域生态环境与城市建设的平衡的最终目标.%Aiming at such problems in China's urban spatial growth as high speed but low efficiency,overall structural imbalance,and ineffective control of overall capacity,urban growth boundary,as an important tool for urban growth management in China,fails to play its real role.Based on the planning practice of urban growth boundary in China,and in combination with the analysis on urban spatial growth management in typical developed countries,this paper tries to trace the basic connotation of urban growth boundary,and analyze the relationship between the urban growth boundary and the existing spatial control tools in China-"three zones and four lines","planning area","urban construction land boundary",and "urban development boundary".The paper proposes that the urban growth boundary in China should have dual connotations,that is,a "permanent" urban growth boundary that is based on the view of regional development and the principle of urban rural coordination and reflects the thought of "bottom line" and the scale and characteristic of urban ultimate vision,as well as a "phased" urban growth boundary that is based on the concept of "phased planning",reflects the characteristics of urban development stages,and guarantees an intense process.Finally,through summarizing years of practical experience in foreign countries,the paper puts forward that the implementation of urban growth boundary should be combined with effective control techniques and management policies,so as to achieve the ultimate goal of balancing the protection of ecological environment and the urban construction.
    • 丁洋洋
    • 摘要: 我国近30年的城镇化历程取得了令世界瞩目的成就.但快速城镇化带来的负面效应也在不断凸显,及时捕捉城市空间增长动态、分析空间增长的影响因素及其影响机制是有效引导城市可持续发展的重要前提.文章以安徽省旌德县为例,从空间演变过程-问题-动力机制视角出发,借助GIS技术提取土地利用信息,采用定性与定量相结合的方法对旌德县城区增长的历程及动力机制进行了研究.最后结合上述要素提出了增长管理策略,以期能对中小城市城市增长研究与增长管理提供一定的参考意义.
    • Otthein HERZOG; Bernhard MUELLER; WU Zhiqiang
    • 摘要: “工业4.0”[17,、18、28]、“工业互联网”[15、16]和“中国制造”[3]是3个经济上高度相关的话题,它们都关乎当前国际价值网络的未来。实现“先进制造”的3个途径是针对即将到来的“第四次工业革命”而提出的,“第四次工业革命”的基础就是所有工业和服务的生产逐步数字化的过程[4]。这些长期规划和战略的制定基于现有的技术,即信息物理系统、物流网、分布式软件服务和云计算等。它们高度依赖于数字基础设施的水平和运作完好的物流系统,也对其所在的城市和地区产生影响。因此,对城市发展和先进制造之间的联系目前仍少有研究是个令人吃惊的现象,因为全球生产和物流会在相应制造战略的实施过程中引起重大变化。在工业领域内,与城市相关、可持续的经济活动将调整自身以适应新的地方、区域和全球ICT型的价值链和物流链。  由于全球范围内关于先进制造和城市发展之间的关系还没有充足的科学研究或实践经验,文章以探索的方式论述了一个学术和实践的新领域。首先,本文尝试建立一个假设,而不提出基于数据或案例的分析证据。我们在包含(1)高质量增长、(2)绿色城市经济和(3)可持续城市发展这3个概念的语境下讨论先进制造,这3个概念曾由德国国际发展公司(GIZ)做出过定义和释义[10、11]。绿色城市经济和大都市地区的可持续发展与增长方法的质量密切相关,在城市语境下,它们将涉及更广的范围并改变增长的质量。  高质量经济增长被视为高生产力、体面的就业的前提,后者进而对根除贫困和促进公平的社会经济发展起到了非常关键的作用[10]。GIZ从以下几方面定义了高质量增长。  精明增长:通过鼓励知识和创新型的经济发展提高生产力和竞争力。  可持续增长:使一代人的经济发展不会对后代造成负担的环境可持续性,以及向绿色经济的转型。  包容性/共享性增长:社会的所有部门都高产地参与到经济进程中。  弹性增长:减少经济波动,减缓经济发展受经济危机的危害或影响。  整合增长:改善商品和服务跨国流通的框架条件。  增长治理:建立强力机制和透明、参与式决策过程。  这几方面构成了颇有价值的框架,本文也将以之为分析的指南。在精明增长方面,很显然,对先进制造概念的理解有助于理解精明生产环境系统的概念。  绿色城市经济这个概念帮助城市利益相关者在城市语境中理解国际上和国内关于绿色经济的争论。这个概念基于这样的假设:在世界绝大部分已经是城市的未来,城市应该成为绿色经济转型的先锋。GIZ所定义的绿色城市经济的关键因素包括[2]:  包容的经济增长:“未来的发展战略必须不再只专注于量化的目标。相反,必须要有能造福所有人口组成部分的质的增长。尤其在城市中,贫富差距日益扩大,还有越来越多的人群不能充分参与社会和经济活动”[2]。  环境兼容性:“经济增长脱离资源消耗和温室气体排放是非常关键的一点。这是可以通过鼓励创新和环境无害的技术来实现的。由于其人口密度高,城市往往可以提供建立高效基础设施网络的机遇”[2]。  减少贫困:“包容、生态无害的增长必然要走向减少贫困和为人们在生活中提供机会。这需要产生更多的收入机会,尤其要为低收入人群和城市非正式产业提供收入机会,改善贫民和非正式住区居民获得基本市政服务的情况”[2]。  大都市地区的可持续发展是应对城市群和大都市地区需求,并努力提升其治理结构的的途径。GIZ认为有4个多部门的优先点是相关的[2]:  大都市地区作为创新产业地区:“大都市为地方、国家和全球商业的商品和信息的交流提供了场所。他们吸引知识型公司,并推进和落实可促进可持续经济活动的新想法。但是,为了实现这一点,必须要建立适当的框架”[2]。  大都市地区作为包容的劳动力市场和住宅中心:“大都市地区以其经济增长可创造广泛的服务类工作岗位,贫困人群也可从中受益[2]。”  大都市地区作为“密集纽带”网络:大都市地区把大量的人口、生产和消费集中在一个区域,它要消耗巨量的能源和自然资源。但是由于大都市地区存在着紧密交织的地理连接和部门连接,还是有很好的机会以提高其物质和能量循环的效率的”[2]。  大都市地区作为治理体系:“城市群需要新的治理结构以组织和控制它们所面临的多部门的挑战……”[2]  上述的3个途径:高质量增长、绿色城市经济和可持续城市发展,有不少相互重合和联系之处。高质量增长关注总体上的经济发展,而绿色城市经济和大都市地区可持续发展的概念把增长质量转化到城市发展的语境中。因此,我们取增长质量这个方法来作为分析的基础。%AbSTRAcT Industry 4.0 [17, 18, 28], the Industrial Internet[15, 16], and Made in China 2025[3] are three topics of high economic relevance that touch on the future of current international value networks. The three approaches to Advanced Manufacturing aim at a forthcoming “fourth industrial revolution,” which is based on the progressing digitalization process across al industries and services (cf. e.g., Ref.[4]). These long-term plans and strategies are based on technologies that are available today, namely Cyber-Physical Systems, the Internet of Things, distributed software services, and Cloud Computing. They are highly dependent on the availability of adequate digital infrastructures and wel-functioning logistics systems, and they have a number of repercussions for cities and regions. Accordingly, it is surprising that little work has been done to date on the interrelations between urban development and Advanced Manufacturing, as global manufacturing and logistics wil lead to substantial changes during the implementation of the respective manufacturing strategies. Urban-connected, sustainable, and economic activities in the industrial sector wil have to be adapted to new local, regional, and global ICT-based value and logistics chains. Therefore, this paper addresses a new field of academic and practical interest in an explorative way, as there is neither sufficient scientific nor practical experience worldwide on the relation between Advanced Manufacturing and urban development. As a first step, this paper attempts to develop an initial hypothesis on the topic rather than providing data-driven or case-based analytical evidence. We discuss Advanced Manufacturing (1) in the contexts ofquality of growth, (2)the green urban economy,and (3)sustainable urban development, as defined and interpreted by the German International Development Cooperation (GIZ)[10, 11]. While the green urban economy and the sustainable development of metropolitan regions are closely linked with the quality of growth approach, they have a wider scope and transfer quality of growth to an urban context. High-quality economic growth is seen as a prerequisite for productive and decent employment, which is in turn crucial for poverty eradication and for the promotion of equitable economic and social development[10]. The GIZ has defined the folowing dimensions of high-quality growth: ·Smart growth: The promotion of productivity and competitiveness by encouraging the development of a knowledge- and innovation-based economy. ·Sustainable growth: Environmental sustainability in which the economic development of one generation does not constitute a burden to future generations, as wel as the transition to a green economy. ·Inclusive/shared growth: The productive participation of al sectors of society in economic processes. ·Resilient growth: The reduction of economic volatility and mitigation of vulnerability to economic crises and their impacts. ·Integrated growth: Improvement of the framework conditions for the cross-border exchange of goods and services. ·Governance for growth: The establishment of strong institutions and transparent, participatory decision-making processes. These dimensions provide a valuable framework and are used here as a guideline for our analysis. In respect to smart growth, Advanced Manufacturing concepts wil clearly contribute to the concept of smart manufacturing ecosystems. The Green Urban Economy is a concept that translates the international and national debates about a green economy to the urban context in order to address urban stakeholders. It is based on the assumption that, in a future where the world is predominantly urban, cities should be pioneers of the transition to a green economy. Key elements of a Green Urban Economy as defined by the GIZ include the folowing [2]: ·Inclusive economic growth: “Future growth strategies must no longer focus on quantitative goals alone. Rather, there must be qualitative growth that benefits broad sections of the population. In cities in particular, there is a growing gap between rich and poor, and there are growing groups that do not enjoy adequate social and economic participation.”[2] ·Environmental compatibility: “It is essential that economic growth be decoupled from resource consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. This can be done, for example, by encouraging innovation and environmentaly sound technologies. Thanks to their high population density, cities offer opportunities for the establishment of efficient infrastructure networks.” [2] ·Poverty reduction:“Inclusive, ecologicaly sound growth must be geared toward reducing poverty and giving people opportunities in life. This needs to result in more income opportunities, especialy in the low-income sector and in the urban informal sector, and improved access to basic municipal services for the poor and in informal settlements.”[2] The sustainable development of metropolitan regions is an approach that responds to the needs of urban agglomerations and metropolitan regions and seeks to improve their governance structures. Four priority multi-sectoral areas have been defined as relevant by the GIZ[2]: ·Metropolitan regions as innovative business regions: “Metropolitan regions provide a venue for the exchange of goods and information between local, national and global businesses. They attract knowledge-based companies and they promote and implement new ideas that facilitate sustainable economic activity. For this to happen, however, it is essential to create an appropriate framework.” [2] ·Metropolitan regions as inclusive labor markets and residential centers:“By virtue of their economic growth, metropolitan regions provide a wide range of services and jobs from which poor people can also benefit…”[2]. ·Metropolitan regions as dense “nexus” networks: “With so many people and so much production and consumption concentrated in one area, metropolitan regions devour tremendous amounts of energy and natural resources. However, given the tightly woven geographical and sectoral links that exist in metropolitan regions, there are good oppor-tunities for improving the efficiency of their material and energy cycles…”[2]. ·Metropolitan regions as governance systems: “New governance structures are needed for urban agglomerations in order to organize and control the multi-sectoral chalenges they face…”[2]. Al three of the approaches described above— the quality of growth, the green urban economy, and sustainable urban development—share a number of overlaps and linkages. Whereas the quality of growth approach is focused on economic development in general, the concepts of green urban economy and sustainable development of metropolitan regions translate the quality of growth into the urban development context. Therefore, we use the quality of growth approach as a basis for the analysis.
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