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增光的相关文献在1988年到2023年内共计753篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、园艺、工业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文68篇、专利文献685篇;相关期刊61种,包括当代工人、中国工人、学理论等; 增光的相关文献由986位作者贡献,包括钟玉、庄景阳、漆学等。



论文:68 占比:9.03%


论文:685 占比:90.97%





  • 钟玉
  • 庄景阳
  • 漆学
  • 颜奇旭
  • 不公告发明人
  • 杨萍
  • 唐海江
  • 张彦
  • 张楚北
  • 李刚
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 赵丹
    • 摘要: “祝您用餐愉快!”每每听到这句话,宋增光都会露出微笑,仿佛看到了7年前的自己。2014年底,为了结束异地恋的奔波之苦,宋增光毅然辞去盐城货车司机的工作,追随爱人来到上海,成为一名“饿了么”外卖配送员。大城市的繁华与喧嚣并未将他吓退,反而激起了他的拼劲儿。“留在上海,好好生活”,对彼时的宋增光而言,这是一个很大的目标。
    • 摘要: 2022-03-29,天津市首个百万千瓦光伏电项目,国内单体容量最大的盐光互补项目--天津华电海晶1000 MW“增光互补”光伏发电项目进入建设阶段,预计2022年年底建成投产。天津华电海晶1000 MW“增光互补”光伏发电项目,由华电福斯新能源发展有限公司和天津长芦海晶集团有限公司共同出资建设,是目前国内单体容量最大的盐光互补项目。
    • 摘要: 3月10日,中国演艺设备技术协会召开“演艺设备制作服务类”等级评定专题工作(视频)会议。协会理事长朱新村、秘书长黄增光、协会技术与评定部、协会河南、湖北、山东、福建、江苏、河北、陕西等七省(市)办事处、演艺制作分会有关负责人和专家,约30余人参加会议。黄增光介绍“五项演艺制作服务类”综合技术能力等级评定前期调研情况、演艺制作服务类评定调整布局等工作情况。
    • 摘要: 很多人觉得蛋鸡开产越早越好,其实这是错误的,其中的危害较大。那么蛋鸡开产早有什么危害呢?又是什么原因导致蛋鸡开产早呢?下面就一起来看看吧。①开产早的原因。很多养鸡户在养殖蛋鸡时,为了提高产量和养殖效益,通过提前增光、更换产蛋料等方法,促使蛋鸡提早开产期进行产蛋。而蛋鸡在育成期的时候,对光照的强度及时间都是有一定要求的。
    • 摘要: 专利公开号:CN113046500A申请人:湖南环安科技有限公司中文摘要:本发明属于皮革加工领域,公开了一种用于皮革增光的加工系统,包括机体,所述机体中设置有动力空间,所述动力空间中设置有用于给系统提供动力的动力机构,所述动力机构中设置有用于系统联动切换的联动组件,所述增光空间中设置有增光箱体,所述第一空间中设置有用于给皮革充分吸收增光剂的拱形机构。
    • 孙荷花
    • 摘要: 在人民大会堂璀璨夺目的五星穹顶之下,一位衣帽整齐的“蓝骑士”微笑着站到了领奖台上。他就是宋增光,首位荣获“全国五一劳动奖章”的外卖骑手。80后的宋增光是连云港人,他原来是一名货车司机,30岁那年他追随妻子来到上海谋职,他选择了做外卖骑手。
    • 徐雯雯
    • 摘要: 淡水有核小珍珠为近年来逐渐兴起的一种珍珠类型,但在其进入市场之前都需要经过一定的处理工艺,其中增光工艺对其光泽度有明显改善。本研究应用紫外可见(UV-Vis)反射光谱与傅里叶红外光谱(FTIR)比较淡水有核小珍珠增光前后光谱学特征,以此来探讨增光前后珍珠产生特征性变化的原因。结果表明,增光前后珍珠紫外可见光反射率明显上升,但红外光谱所显示的特征基团没有发生显著改变。结论:推测增光工艺可能引起珍珠中有机物基质改变,但对珍珠的基本文石结构未产生太大影响。
    • 高佳; 史建国; 董树亭; 刘鹏; 赵斌; 张吉旺
    • 摘要: [Objective] In recent years,the declining trend of global solar radiation has become a limiting factor in crop production,low light is one of the most important stresses to maize growth and yield formation.This study was conducted to investigate the effects of different light intensities on the root growth and yield of summer maize under field conditions.[Method] In 2012-2014,Denghai 605 (DH605) was used as experimental material.Two treatments of both shading (S) and increasing light (L) from flowering to maturity stage during maize growth period were designed.The field experiment was conducted to explore the effects of different light on dry matter accumulation,root structure characteristics and yields of summer maize.The shading degree was 60% and the illumination intensity of the increasing light on cloudy day could reach 80 000-10 0000 lx.One non-shading and non-increasing light treatment was used as control.[Result] Compared to CK,root characteristics and grain yield under shading decreased,while those of L increased.Results showed that grain yields in S treatment were reduced by 79%,61% and 60% from 2012 to 2014,compared to CK,while the yields in L treatment were increased by 13%,7% and 15%.Yield,root/shoot ratio,root diameter,root length density,root absorption area and root active absorption area decreased,respectively,after shading from flowering to maturity stage;however,the yield,root/shoot ratio,root diameter,root length density,root absorption area and root active absorption area increased after increasing light from flowering to maturity stage.Shading had a strong impact on the development of roots in the upper soil layer,while roots in lower soil layers were less affected.Shading from flowering to maturity stage clearly decreased the photosynthetic rate,leaf pigments content,dry matter accumulation,root/shoot ratio,root length density,root absorption area and active absorption area.Overall,shading from flowering to maturity stage decreased the root morphologic and activity indices.Increasing light was beneficial to the improvement of the root of the robust growth and root activity.The root absorption areas in the 0-30 cm and 30-60 cm soil layers in L increased by 17%,18%,17% and 21%,27%,27% at VT+20,VT+40,and R6,respectively,compared to the control.The root active absorption areas increased by 11%,18%,17% and 27%,33%,28% at VT+20,VT+40,and R6,respectively,compared to the control.Increasing light made the plants could get more water and nutrients from the soil for the growth of the aerial part,increasing grain filling rate and grain yield.[Conclusion] Inlattergrowingperiod,rootcharacteristicsandgrainyielddecreasedundershading,whilethose of L increased.In order to fit rainy weather in latter period,the study suggest that adjusting plant date and optimizing management should be done to mitigate shading in this region.%[目的]近年来全球太阳辐射不断下降已经成为作物生产的一个限制性因素,弱光成为影响夏玉米生长发育和产量形成的重要非生物逆境之一.本研究旨在探讨花粒期不同光照强度对夏玉米根系生长和产量的影响.[方法]2012-2014年,大田条件下选用玉米品种登海605 (DH605)为试验材料,种植密度为67 500株/hm2,设计花粒期遮阴(S)和花粒期增光(L)两个试验处理,遮光度为60%,阴雨天气下增光的光照强度可达到8×104-10×104 1x,以自然光照作为对照(CK),研究夏玉米根系生理特性、叶片光合性能、干物质积累量及产量对花粒期光照强度的响应.[结果]本试验表明,花粒期遮阴导致玉米根系特性降低,产量降低;而补充光照有利于生育后期根系活性保持,显著提高籽粒产量.2012-2014年间,遮阴处理的产量较对照分别降低79%、61%和60%,增光处理较对照则分别增加13%、7%和15%.具体表现为花粒期遮阴处理使地上部功能叶片光合速率降低,干物质积累量减少,根冠比显著下降,根系直径和根长密度降低,根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积显著降低,致使夏玉米产量降低;花粒期增光处理则有利于玉米根系的健壮生长和根系活力提高,增光后根系总吸收面积和活跃吸收面积显著增加,即根系吸收能力增强,使产量显著提高.在花后20 d、40 d和成熟期,增光处理的0-30 cm和30-60 cm土层根系总吸收面积较对照分别增加17%、18%、17%和21%、27%、27%,根系活跃吸收面积分别增加11%、18%、17%和27%、33%、28%,有助于夏玉米植株从土壤中吸收更多的水分和养分来供给地上部的生长,增加穗数和千粒重,进而提高产量.[结论]花粒期遮阴导致夏玉米生育后期根系特性降低和产量降低,而增光有利于保持根系活力和提高产量.针对近年来黄淮海区域夏玉米生育后期阴雨寡照天气频发的情况,本研究建议适当调整播期,使夏玉米生育后期避开阴雨天气;通过蹲苗或者合理的水肥调控措施促进根系下扎和健壮生长,提高抗逆能力,以减轻阴雨寡照的不利影响.
    • 史建国; 崔海岩; 赵斌; 董树亭; 刘鹏; 张吉旺
    • 摘要: [Objective]Owing to the solar radiation has decreased in North China Plain Area, this study is to explore the effects of light on yield and characteristics of grain-filling of summer maize from flowering to maturity stage.[Method]Denghai605 (DH605) was used as experimental material, two treatments of both shading (S) and increasing light (L) from flowering to maturity stage were arranged. The shading degree was 60% and the illumination intensity of the increasing light on cloudy day could reach 80 000-100 000 lx. One non-shading and non-increasing light treatment was used as control. Effects of light on yield and characteristics of grain-filling of summer maize from flowering to maturity stage were investigated.[Result]Yield, dry matter accumulation, maximum grain-filling rate decreased with different degrees, respectively, after shading from flowering to maturity stage;however, the yield, dry matter accumulation, maximum grain-filling rate increased after increasing light from flowering to maturity stage. Compared to CK, the yields of S were reduced by 59.39%and 79.03%in 2011 and 2012, while the yields of L were increased by 16.29%and 12.93%in two years. The dry matter in response to different treatments showed:L>CK>S. The proportions of different treatments kernel in total dry matter accumulation of DH605 were significantly different during the late growing stage, and the mean values of S, CK and L were 22.92%, 48.49%and 51.80%, respectively. The grain-filling progress of shading and increasing light was obviously different. The maximum grain-filling rate of shading was lower than that of increasing light, and the days before the appearance of maximum grain-filling rate of shading lengthened, the growth increment when the grain-filling rate of increasing light reached its maximum increased. [Conclusion]Shading decreased the yield of summer maize by reducing the dry matter accumulation and maximum grain-filling rate; increasing light increased grain yield of summer maize by improving the dry matter accumulation and maximum grain-filling rate.%[目的]针对近年来黄淮海夏玉米区太阳辐射不断减少的生产问题,探讨花粒期光照对夏玉米产量及籽粒灌浆特性的影响。[方法]以登海605(DH605)为试验材料,大田条件下设置花粒期遮阴(S)、花粒期增光(L)两个处理,遮光度为60%,阴天下增光的光照强度能达到80000-100000 lx,以自然光为对照(CK),研究花粒期光照对夏玉米产量和籽粒灌浆特性的影响。[结果]遮阴后夏玉米的产量、干物质积累量、最大灌浆速率均有不同程度的降低,而增光增加了夏玉米产量、干物质积累量和最大灌浆速率。连续两年遮阴处理的产量较对照分别降低了59.39%、79.03%,而增光则较对照分别增加了16.29%、12.93%。干物质积累量表现为 L>CK>S,生育后期不同处理DH605的籽粒占干物质总量的比例差异显著,S、CK和L平均分别为22.92%、48.49%和51.80%。与CK相比,遮阴后籽粒最大灌浆速率减小,同时达到最大灌浆速率时的天数相对增加;增光则使籽粒最大灌浆速率提高,达到最大灌浆速率时的生长量增加。[结论]花粒期遮阴通过降低夏玉米的干物质积累量、籽粒最大灌浆速率,显著降低夏玉米产量;花粒期增光则通过增加夏玉米的干物质积累量、籽粒最大灌浆速率,显著提高夏玉米产量。
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