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地鳖虫的相关文献在1985年到2022年内共计221篇,主要集中在畜牧、动物医学、狩猎、蚕、蜂、中国医学、农业经济 等领域,其中期刊论文202篇、专利文献14282篇;相关期刊113种,包括技术与市场、中华实用中西医杂志、微创医学等; 地鳖虫的相关文献由224位作者贡献,包括蔡政、吴振廷、唐庆峰等。



论文:202 占比:1.39%


论文:14282 占比:98.61%





  • 蔡政
  • 吴振廷
  • 唐庆峰
  • 李兴暖
  • 王学林
  • 石增江
  • 曾秀云
  • 朴美子
  • 陈静芳
  • 韩雅莉
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献




    • 杨舒涵; 张跃华; 缪天琳; 周清波; 罗志文
    • 摘要: 地鳖虫具有逐瘀破血、消肿止痛、下乳通经等功效,我国多种中成药中都用地鳖虫配伍,是一味不可缺少的动物性中药材.本文简单介绍地鳖虫人工饲养技术,并报道其化学成分、药理作用及临床应用,以期为养殖者提供参考.
    • 孙龙; 何钊; 赵敏; 和锐; 冯颖
    • 摘要: Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker (E.sinensis) is one of the most important traditional medicinal insects with definite effect on promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis and has been used in clinical applications from ancient times in China.Its quality control,however,is always at the level of subjective experience.In our study,high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detector was employed to establish the fingerprint of E.sinensis.Totally ten batches of samples was eluted on an Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18 column (150 ×4.6 mm,5 μm) using a mixture of methanol and water containing 0.05% trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) as mobile phase with linear gradient elution at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min.The detection wavelength was 254 nm.The column temperature was 35°C,and the injection sample volume was 5 μL.The data was analyzed by the software "The similarity evaluation system for chromatographic fingerprint of traditional Chinese medicine (2012 130723 Version) " from Chinese Pharmacopoeia Commission.The HPLC fingerprint of E.sinensis was achieved and the similar degrees of the l0 batches of samples were from 0.900 to 0.995,which indicated that the similarities of samples were high and their quality were good.18 common chromatographic peaks were chosen as characteristic peaks.The HPLC fingerprint of E.sinensis is simple and reliable and can be useful for its quality control and evaluation.%地鳖虫Eupolyphaga sinensis Walker系我国传统的活血化瘀虫药之一,应用历史久远、疗效确切,但是其质量控制长期处于主观经验水平.为了建立地鳖虫指纹图谱,本研究采用高效液相色谱法(Agilent ZORBAX Eclipse XDB-C18色谱柱,150×4.6 mm,5μm),以甲醇-水(含0.05%三氟乙酸)为流动相梯度洗脱,检测波长254 nm,柱温35°C,流速1 mL/min,上样量5μL,通过“中药色谱指纹图谱相似度评价系统(2012 130723版)”软件对10批不同来源的地鳖虫进行相似度评价,筛选指纹特征峰.结果10批不同来源的地鳖虫与对照指纹图谱的相似度为0.900-0.995,说明样品有较高的一致性,质量较好,确定了18个共有峰作为指纹峰.该指纹图谱建立方法简便、可靠,可定性用于地鳖虫药材的质量控制.
    • 富尧; 张慧明; 许龙; 吕冬云
    • 摘要: 目的:对地鳖虫的脂类提取物的最佳提取方法进行研究.方法:通过对索氏提取与超声法的对比,对超声时间、温度、原料浸泡时间、有机溶剂的选择进行实验,得出最佳的脂类提取条件.结果:本实验通过单因素分析,得出超声40 min时提取率为最高,达到17.23%,60 min时提取率反而下降为l3.7%;超声温度在50°C时提取率最高,达到15.95%,随后在温度达到60°C时下降到14.02%,70°C时下降到10%以下;浸泡6h时提取率最高,达到18.74%.而继续延长浸泡时间12、24、48 h,对脂类的提取量没有影响;有机溶剂无水乙醚提取率最高.结论:超声法应用无水乙醚浸泡6h,超声温度50°C,超声时间40 min为地鳖虫脂类物质提取的最佳条件.%Objective:To optimize the extraction of lipophile fraction of Eupolyphaga sinensis.Methods:Through the comparison of Soxhlet extraction and ultrasonic extraction,the extraction conditions for the lipophile fraction were optimized with ultrasonic time,temperature,soaking time of raw material,organic solvent as the factors.Results:In this study,single factor analysis,The extraction rate was 17.23%,and the extraction rate decreased to 13.7% at 60 min;Ultrasonic temperature at 50 °C when the extraction rate of the highest,reaching 15.95%,then the temperature reached 60 °C to 14.02%.70 °C down to 10% or less;The highest extraction rate was 18.74% when soaked for 6 h.While the prolonged soaking time 12h,24h,48h had no effect on the extraction of lipids;Organic solvent anhydrous ether extraction rate of the highest.Conclusion:The optimized condition was as follows:anhydrous ether soak 6 h,ultrasonic temperature 50,ultrasonic time 40 min.
    • 宁鲁宁; 刘德山
    • 摘要: 糖尿病肾病常伴骨质疏松症,给患者带来极大不便,临床运用地鳖虫治疗常取得良好疗效.通过查阅文献,系统总结地鳖虫治疗糖尿病肾痛骨质疏松症的理论基础与药理研究进展,其疗效可能与地鳖虫促进骨生成细胞及软骨细胞的活性与数量、促进成骨基因Cbfal的表达和抑制激素诱导下BMSCs成骨分化减少等作用有关,为临床应用提供依据.
    • 朱良春
    • 摘要: 笔者临床工作多年,根据"虫药治癌"的思路,灵活运用如斑蝥、壁虎、地鳖虫、蝉蜕、蟾蜍、地龙(蚯蚓)、僵蚕、蝼蛄、全蝎、凤凰衣、蜈蚣等虫类药物,使病情缓解甚至治愈的癌症患者不计其数。下面列举几则抗癌验方。肝癌验方【方名】蟾龙散【组成】蟾酥5克,蜈蚣、儿茶25克,参三七、丹参、白英、龙葵、山豆根各250克。上药共同研成极细末,
    • 刘辉
    • 摘要: Eupolyphaga sinensis walker is from Shennong Bencao Jing .Its tastes salty, and has the character of cold and a little poison , with the effect of broken the blood stasis , eliminating mass and fracture reunion .The author applied Eupolyphaga sinensis walker for breaking blood stasis, continued reunion and go channeling function in clinical orthopedics , which was applied to the bone bi-disease, fracture and other incurable diseases , and good effect was obtained .This paper expounded the mechanism and modern research of eupolyphaga sinensis walker, and thought that eupolyphaga sinensis walker in the treatment of orthopedic diseases has broad prospects by observing some typical cases.%地鳖虫出自《神农本草经》。其味咸、性寒、有小毒。具有破瘀血、消癥瘕、续筋接骨的作用。在骨科临床中取地鳖虫破瘀血、续筋接骨、性善走窜之功能。施用于骨痹、骨折、骨痨等疑难病症均获良效。现列举典型病例,阐述地鳖虫的作用机理及现代研究,认为地鳖虫用于骨科疾病的治疗具有广阔的前景。
    • 英特
    • 摘要: 治早期肝硬化大黄9克,桃仁10克,地鳖虫4克,丹参15克,赤药12克,鳖甲10克,当归10克,红花6克。水煎服,每日1剂,15天为1疗程。
    • 李娜; 岳蓓蓓; 张家贺; 赵玥; 宝特日根; 贾景明
    • 摘要: OBJECTIVE:To provide new identification method for processed medicinal material Chinese polyphaga(Eupolyph-aga sinensis,Steleophaga plancyi) and their adulterants by establishing molecular identification method based on Cytb genes. METHODS:The total DNA of Chinese polyphaga and their adulterants was extracted using modified saturation sodium chloride method. The Cytb genes of all samples were amplified with PCR using general primers REVCB2H and REVCBJ. The phylogenetic tree of all samples was constructed with Neighbor-Joining(NJ)method using MEGA 5.1 software. The sequences of the Cytb gene of all sampled were compared by using DNAMAN sofetware. The difference between genuine product and their adulterants were analyzed,and the specific primers Esin-F and Esin-R were designed for molecular identification in different regions. RESULTS:DNA extracted from processed medicinal insects was successful to amplify Cytb gene segments. The phylogenetic tree of all sam-ples was consistent with their genetic relationship. A fragment was amplified only from genuine product but not from other adulter-ants with the designed specific primers Esin-F and Esin-R. CONCLUSIONS:DNA extraction method from processed Chinese polyphaga and their adulterants have been established. Designed specific primers are highly specific to genuine product Chinese polyphaga,and can be used for the identification of Chinese polyphaga and their adulterants.%目的:建立基于线粒体DNA细胞色素氧化酶b(Cytb)基因的分子标记技术对地鳖虫(地鳖、冀地鳖)及其混伪品炮制药材进行分子鉴定的方法.方法:采用改良的饱和氯化钠法对地鳖虫及其混伪品炮制药材的总DNA进行提取.通过通用引物REVCB2H、REVCBJ对所有样品的Cytb基因进行聚合酶链反应(PCR)扩增;用MEGA 5.1软件对所有样品的Cytb基因序列采用邻接(NJ)法构建系统发育树;并利用DNAMAN软件对得到的所有样品的Cytb基因序列进行比对,分析正品、混淆品间序列差异,在差异较大区域设计特异性引物Esin-F和Esin-R进行分子鉴定.结果:以提取的DNA为模板均能成功扩增出相应的Cytb基因片段;构建的系统发育树与其亲缘关系一致;设计的特异性引物Esin-F和Esin-R在同样的条件下,只有地鳖虫得到了扩增条带.结论:建立了地鳖虫及其混伪品药材炮制品的DNA提取方法;设计的特异性引物对地鳖虫有高度的特异性,能够有效鉴别地鳖虫及其混伪品.
    • 罗情; 巫秀美; 郭娜娜; 罗建蓉; 肖怀
    • 摘要: Insecta drug has always been characteristic medical resources of our country.Eupolyphaga sinensis walker which has various efficacy has been widely used in chinese herbs prescription as a kind of traditional chinese medicinal materials.The study of modern pharmacology showed that,eupolyphaga sinensis walker has the health function on cardio-cerebrovascular system,could depress and regulate lipid,resist coagulation and thrombus and so on,has the function of antitumor and antioxidation,has the efficacy of promoting fracture healing,analgesia,and enhancing human immune function and so on.This paper had simply summarized the chemical constituents and pharmacological activities to provide basis and references on further study and application on eupolyphaga sinensis walker.%昆虫药一直是我国特色的医药资源,地鳖虫作为一种传统的中药材,具有多种功效并被广泛应用于中药处方中.现代药理学的研究表明地鳖虫对心脑血管系统有保健作用,能降脂调脂、抗凝血、抗血栓等,具有抗肿瘤和抗氧化作用,还具有促进骨折愈合、镇痛、增强人体免疫等功效.本研究就地鳖虫的化学成分和药理活性研究作一简单的概述,为地鳖虫的深入研究和应用提供依据和参考.
    • 李红宁; 康哲; 刘萍; 吴慧
    • 摘要: 地鳖虫药用历史悠久,药理作用广泛,临床应用涉及肿瘤、糖尿病、外伤、妇科、心脑血管等多个方面.本文介绍了近年来地鳖虫在化学成分及药理作用方面的最新研究进展,为进一步的研究开发提供依据.
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