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Round的相关文献在1989年到2022年内共计91篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、无线电电子学、电信技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文88篇、专利文献3篇;相关期刊70种,包括中国经济景气月报、钟表、计算机光盘软件与应用等; Round的相关文献由152位作者贡献,包括Daniel Gorski、Kankar Dasgupta、Mohanchur Sarkar等。



论文:88 占比:96.70%


论文:3 占比:3.30%





  • Daniel Gorski
  • Kankar Dasgupta
  • Mohanchur Sarkar
  • Nicholas E. Pingitore Jr.
  • Nikhil Kothari
  • Purvang Dalal
  • 姜顺
  • 汪浩
  • Abdelaziz Banani
  • Abdelmalek Ousadden
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 摘要: On June 29, China Institute of International Studies (CIIS) and the Secretariat of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) co-held a roundtable meeting “SCO:History, Status Quo and Prospects” to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the SCO Charter and the 15th anniversary of the Treaty on Long-Term Good-Neighborliness.
    • 杨帆; 柴煜洲(插图)
    • 摘要: 出国12年,我从一个只会做红烧肉和西红柿炒鸡蛋的厨艺小白,进阶到能够面对一桌客人来家吃饭不害怕。但是,唯独牛肉是我在厨房里跨不过去的坎。当地超市里的牛肉,有各种长得要命的名头,比如“Angus Diced Beef”“Corned beef”“Finest Irish Round Roast”等等,有时候还能排两行。在我看来,它们就是“牛肉块”“牛肉大块”“牛肉超大块”……这些牛肉看起来都不错,吃起来却非常不可理喻。
    • 李萌; 周红超; 张永伦
    • 摘要: 设计说明:筷子,在我国是主要的饮食餐具。传统的筷子在夹取球形食物例如丸子、鹌鹑蛋、火腿肠等时,容易滑落。现如今随着国际交流的加深,越来越多的人开始喜欢中国饮食文化,而不会熟练地使用筷子却成为品尝中国美食的一大障碍。Round Easy Chopstick筷子在传统筷子的基础上进行改良设计,使其更容易夹取各种形状的食物。即便在不熟练应用筷子的情况下,使用RoundEasy Chopstick筷子也可以稳稳地夹起球形食物和其他任何形状的食物,避免进餐时的尴尬情景。筷子底部的"C"形增大了筷子与球形食物的接触面积,还让球形食物产生了由外往内收的力,因此,Round Easy Chopstick筷子能轻松夹紧任何形状的食物,且不容易滑落,方便每一个人优雅的享用中国美食。
    • 摘要: 【重点词组或短语】1.all year round一年到头;终年 2.the tea art performances茶艺表演 3.natural environment自然的环境 4.tea sets茶具
    • 摘要: 位于美国伊利诺伊州芝加哥市的Littelfuse公司已完成对美国德克萨斯州Round Rock的初创公司Monolith Semiconductor Inc的收购,该公司主要是对碳化硅(SiC)功率器件技术进行开发研究。Littelfuse于2015年便开始与Monolith合作,过去三年中在开发了一系列技术和商业产品的同时,逐步增加了对Monolith公司的所有权。
    • 宁镇洋; 陈烽; 李家恒
    • 摘要: 清明已过,潮湿多雨的天气席卷广东华南地区。由广东国际赛车场、赛道饭、专业车志联合举办,为期两天的第12届力盛超级赛道节在4月15日圆满落幕。赛事雨中比拼激烈,室内培训美甲火热,后场商家活动繁多。周末淅淅沥沥的降雨浇不灭参赛者如火的热情,经过多轮练习,斗志满满的车手们都将车辆调整到合适的状态全力出击。
    • Nicholas E. Pingitore Jr.; Margaret Piranian; Lorraine M. Negron; Daniel Gorski
    • 摘要: The electron microprobe maps the spatial distribution of elements in a rock at a sub-mineral-grain scale to provide a basis for understanding mineralization processes and to determine optimal strategies for extraction of valuable target elements. Round Top Mountain (near the town of Sierra Blanca, Hudspeth County, west Texas, USA) is a peraluminous rhyolite laccolith that is homogeneously mineralized at over 500 ppm rare earths, more than 70% of which are yttrium and heavy rare earths (YHREEs). The massive deposit is exposed at the surface as a mountain some 2 km in diameter and 375 m in height. Round Top Mountain also contains Li, Be, U, Th, Nb, Ta, Ga, Rb, Cs, Sn, and F. The valuable YHREEs are hosted in yttrofluorite, which is soluble in dilute sulfuric acid. Texas Mineral Resources Corporation proposes to surface mine, crush, and heap leach the deposit. The distribution of YHREEs, and that of other trace elements, is remarkably homogeneous at outcrop drill hole scale. Here we document that YHREE mineralization appears pervasive through the rhyolite at a millimeter scale. Back scattered electron (BSE) and characteristic X-ray maps reveal the fine grain size and apparently random and dispersed spatial distribution of the yttrofluorite that hosts Round Top’s valuable YHREEs. The yttrofluorite grains do not appear to cluster at special mineralized locations, e.g., in pores or along cracks in the rhyolite. The same is apparently true of such other potentially valuable minerals as cassiterite and uranium species. These findings confirm that the distribution of YHREEs in Round Top Mountain rhyolite is homogeneous through different orders of magnitude of scale, i.e., from outcrop (as seen in the companion work in this volume) to sub-thin section. The material thus is ideal for a heap leach operation where homogeneous feedstock is crucial to consistent and economic operation. The findings also confirm and explain why mechanical separation would prove very difficult and expensive due to the astronomical number of yttrofluorite grains in even a golf-ball-size piece of Round Top rhyolite.
    • Nicholas E. Pingitore Jr.; Juan W. Clague; Daniel Gorski
    • 摘要: The peraluminous rhyolite that forms Round Top Mountain (approximately 375 m high × nearly 2 km in diameter), near Sierra Blanca, Hudspeth County, west Texas, USA, is enriched in yttrium and heavy rare earth elements (YHREEs), as well as Li, Be, U, Th, Sn, F, Rb, Cs, Nb, and Ta. Texas Mineral Resources Corp. (USA) proposes to release the YHREEs from their unique yttrofluorite host via heap leaching with dilute sulfuric acid. The inexpensive process also releases portions of valuable byproduct Be, Li, and U from accessory minerals amid the insoluble feldspars and quartz that comprise 90% - 95% of the surface-exposed rhyolite mountain. The objective of this study is to determine the consistency of mineralization grade, an important consideration in mine planning and preliminary economic analysis. The method is to plot elemental analyses of Y, Dy, Ho, Tm, Yb, Ce, Pr, Nd, Eu, Gd, Tb, U, and Nb from more than 1400 reverse circulation cuttings taken from 64 exploration drill holes against sample depth. The result of inspection of the plots reveals a remarkably homogeneous distribution of minor and trace elements throughout the sampled portion of the massive, 1.6-billion-tonne laccolith. The plots drive the conclusion that Round Top mine feedstock should remain constant for the life of the mine (multiple decades). Thus mining mechanics could be optimized at the start of operations and not require expensive later changes. The physical and chemical design of the heap leach and recovery and purification of target elements from pregnant leach solution also could be perfected during early development.
    • Mayumi Uno; Yukari Katayama
    • 摘要: Objectives: The study examined nursing students’ acquisition of good communication skills via text analysis of learning outcomes using cooperative learning. Methods: The study involved 90 first-year students enrolled in the nursing department of a Japanese university. Participants were asked to learn three learning tasks considered to heighten communicative ability through firsthand experience using the discussion-based technique of cooperative learning: 1) to engage in self-reflection, 2) to imagine something beyond your own experience, and 3) to accept something that does not fit within the scope of your own experience or thought. A questionnaire survey consisted of five items, including learning challenges 1) to 3) as well as 4) “Satisfaction with the exercises” and 5) “Students’ hopes.” These items were evaluated using text analysis. Results: A total of 79 survey questionnaires were collected (87.8% recovery rate) for analysis. “Self-reflection and self-realizations prompted by the communication exercise” was observed as a characteristic of Task 1, “becoming aware of ideas and opinions different than one’s own by listening to the opinions of others” as a characteristic of Task 2, “deepening relationships by learning about diverse ideas and values through interactions with others” as a characteristic of Task 3, and “the effects of communicating with student subjects” as a characteristic of Task 4. The responses to Task 5 were diverse;no common characteristics were found. The intervention was found to be useful for student engagement and the communication required of nurses. Conclusions: Using cooperative learning discussion in communication class was found to be effective. As nursing is an inherently interpersonal occupation, such effects include important elements.
    • Tianqi Zhang; Xueli Han; Xudong Wang; Shili Yu; Jianhua Liu; Bo Li
    • 摘要: Leiomyoma of the round ligament of the liver is a very unusual tumor, and it shows nonspecific manifestations both in symptom and radiographic characterization. Herein, we report the case of leiomyoma which CT post-processing technique can directly exhibit the origin of the lesion. With radiological diagnosis, laparoscopic excision of the leiomyoma is carried out. Histopathology and immunohistochemical staining confirmed the leiomyoma of the round ligament. This case presents information to expand our knowledge focusing on the role of the CT post-processing technique before laparoscopic excision.
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