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Rose的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计356篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、轻工业、手工业、园艺 等领域,其中期刊论文349篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献5篇;相关期刊257种,包括消费、科教文汇、花木盆景:花卉园艺等; 相关会议2种,包括第六次全国流行病学大会暨第四届全国中青年流行病学工作者学术会议、2006润滑油科技情报站年会等;Rose的相关文献由440位作者贡献,包括Shopaholic、吴丽华、王卫民等。



论文:349 占比:98.03%


论文:2 占比:0.56%


论文:5 占比:1.40%





  • Shopaholic
  • 吴丽华
  • 王卫民
  • 贺冬春
  • 路标
  • Emily Bronte
  • Giles Hardy
  • Holly(译)
  • Manjree Agarwal
  • Mohammed Ibrahim
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献





    • TAO Leng
    • 摘要: Flowers are endowed with rich symbolic meanings.It uses unique attributes to express people's emotions,feelings,and desires.According to Joan Snyder's Symphony VII,not all flowers symbolize beauty and happiness.The artist uses unique painting techniques to paint beautiful roses as bloody female organs,showing the fragility and helplessness of women.The work gives a contrasting impact of beauty and despair.Applying Greenberg's abstract expressionism theory and Erwin Panofsky's iconography theory along with research,this paper explored how Joan Snyder uses flower elements to symbolize women's vulnerability in Symphony VII.Joan Snyder's Symphony VII is constantly discussing violence against women around the world to warn and showcase the problems of women around us.
    • 韦勇凤; 向一波
    • 摘要: 目前商业银行面临的个人信用风险问题极其复杂,如何对个人信用风险进行管理非常重要.个人信用风险建模是其中很关键的一步.利用某商业银行信用卡数据,构建信用评分模型,预测客户的违约概率.通过采用ROSE (random over sampling examples)方法处理类别不均衡的问题,利用Group-Lasso(AUC准则)方法进行变量选择,构建基于Logistic回归的信用评分模型.实证结果表明,该方法对样本数据进行类别不均衡处理的结果比其他模型在判别能力和预测能力上更为有效.采用该方法所构建的模型能够作为客户信用评价决策的有效依据,指导银行及其他金融机构评估顾客个人信用风险,在实际运用中具有良好的可操作性.
    • Oliver Zhang
    • 摘要: 在Dior迪奥的珠宝故事之中,玫瑰是绝不会缺席的主角。今年3月,Rose Dior高级珠宝系列刚刚惊艳问世,不到百天之后,迪奥高级珠宝部艺术总监维多利娅·德卡斯特兰(Victoire de Castellane)又携116件Dior Rose高级珠宝系列与我们见面,以全新视角诠释迪奥先生生挚爱的娇艳花卉,致敬玫瑰的生动之美与妩媚风情。
    • 摘要: 6月7日,迪奥于成都当代影像馆盛大发布全新DiorRose高级珠宝系列,迪奥中国区高级珠宝大使罗云熙、迪奥彩妆大使王子文及著名演员韩庚、卢靖姗夫妇均佩戴迪奥高级珠宝璀璨亮相,与嘉宾同探索玫瑰花园的奥秘。
    • Emily Bronte
    • 摘要: Love is like the wild rose-briar.Friendship like the holly-tree.The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms.But which will bloom most constantly?The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring.Ifs summer blossoms scent the air;Yet wait till winter comes again.And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now.And deck thee with the holly's sheen・That when December blights thy brow.He may still leave thy garland green.
    • Emily Bronte
    • 摘要: cqvip:Love is like the wild rose-briar.Friendship like the holly-tree.The holly is dark when the rose-briar blooms.But which will bloom most constantly?The wild rose-briar is sweet in the spring.Ifs summer blossoms scent the air;Yet wait till winter comes again.And who will call the wild-briar fair?Then scorn the silly rose-wreath now.And deck thee with the holly's sheen・That when December blights thy brow.He may still leave thy garland green.
    • 王宝云; 卢兴来; 黄晓龙; 陈昊
    • 摘要: 本文通过Zabbix的部署,实现了对新一代天气雷达ROSE系统的台站级监控.整个监控架构分为省级、ROSE平台、本局服务器3层,通过Zabbix模板(Templates)添加的形式可以方便地完成主机性能、网络连接、服务运行状况等监控项目,而通过构造轮询函数监控项和关联触发器函数可以实现流传输的监控和报警;整个监控平台有着功能丰富的前端界面,直观展示ROSE系统运行状况.系统测试表明,Zabbix邮件报警模块功能正常,试运行期间监控平台运行稳定,ROSE系统运行状态评估和实际相符,具备应用推广潜力.
    • 摘要: 镜头感十足这对玫瑰耳环让你挪不开眼如何将绽放的玫瑰定格身畔?伯爵Rose系列耳环重新诠释了玫瑰这一标志性花朵,粉色蓝宝石镶饰于盛放的钴石花瓣中央,如朝露般晶莹剔透,闪烁熠熠光辉。镶钴花瓣如同真正的伯爵玫瑰,层层优雅绽放,明亮璀璨一无二的绚丽色彩,举手投足之间散发优雅自信的光芒。这一非凡花朵所承载的独特故事蕴藏于Rose系列之中,以全新珠宝珍品诉说浓浓爱意。
    • 先俊; 陈美玲; 李丽怡; 黄超文; 梁丽萍; 邓冏睿; 仝金斋
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨与分析快速现场评价(rapid on-site evaluation,ROSE)技术在呼吸道感染诊断中的应用价值.方法:将本院2020年3-12月接收的200例重症或疑难的呼吸道感染患者,随机分为两组,其中观察组使用气管镜行肺泡灌洗获取标本后利用ROSE技术快速评价标本;对照组则单纯使用气管镜行肺泡灌洗获取标本.最后两组标本均送细菌培养及药敏.对比两组患者细菌阳性检出率差异、标本检测周期、气管镜操作时间、气管镜操作次数、气管镜操作所致并发症发生率(包括出血、气胸等)等情况.结果:观察组灌洗液革兰菌阳性检出率高于对照组,且检测周期短于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P0.05).结论:在支气管镜下获取肺泡灌洗液后采用ROSE技术评价标本,具有检测周期短的优势,且不增加气管镜操作的时间、次数及并发症,可快速为临床提供初始抗感染治疗的依据,从而指导治疗过程中的精准用药,临床价值较高,值得推广使用.
    • Yanlong Nan; Weihong Luo; Qing Guan; Xiong Guo; Meiqing Pan; Zhongxiong Lai; Yuling Lin
    • 摘要: [Objective]The paper was to explore the effects of different vase solutions on fresh-keeping effects of fresh-cut rose,and to provide reference for fresh-keeping activities of fresh-cut rose.[Method]Acid oxidiation-potential water(AOW,p H 2-3,redox potential ORP≥1100 mv effective chlorine concentration 50 mg/L),melatonin solution(MT,45 mg/L),sodium hypochlorite solution(NaClO,95 mg/L),acidic oxidiation-potential aqueous solution+melatonin solution(50 mg/L AOW+45 mg/L MT),acidic oxidiation-potential aqueous solution+sodium hypochlorite solution(50 mg/L AOW+95 mg/L NaClO)and melatonin solution+sodium hypochlorite solution(45 mg/L MT+95 mg/L NaClO)were used as vase solutions to explore their fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose.[Result]Compared with the control group of distilled water,all the six kinds of vase solutions had fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose.AOW showed obvious fresh-keeping effects on fresh-cut rose,and the vase life could be extended by 1-4 d.Melatonin,AOW+melatonin,melatonin+sodium hypochlorite had the second best preservation effects,which could prolong the vase life by 1-3 d.The fresh-keeping effects of sodium hypochlorite and AOW+sodium hypochlorite had no significant difference with that of the control group,and the vase life could be prolonged by 1-2 d.[Conclusion]The study provides a certain theoretical basis for the application of fresh-cut flower preservative on rose.
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