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Room的相关文献在1985年到2023年内共计39138369篇,主要集中在轻工业、手工业、自动化技术、计算机技术、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文173篇、专利文献39138196篇;相关期刊131种,包括电信技术、家庭影院技术、新潮电子等; Room的相关文献由50000位作者贡献,包括不公告发明人、王伟、张伟等。



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  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献






    • 孙梦圆
    • 摘要: 在未来大学四年的生活中,与我们联系最为紧密的就是朝夕相处的室友们。也许你们会惺惺相惜,成为了很好的朋友。也许会气场不和,总有各种各样的矛盾,无法共处一室。但无论如何,如何与室友相处,都是我们需要思考的问题。本文章提供了10个小建议,希望能帮助你度过即将到来的四年愉快的宿舍时光。
    • 摘要: Ben Ouaniche是一位热爱微距和延时摄影的以色列摄影师。日前,他在自己的YouTube频道“Macro Room”上发布了一组令人震撼的画面,带你领略油墨融入水的精彩时刻。Ben和几位朋友花了 6个月时间,精准记录墨汁入水的种种瞬间。他们在水中放入城市模型、植物等道具,不同颜色的墨汁入水后仿佛瞬间爆炸,时而聚合形成花朵形状,时而像外星系的绚丽星云,时而又如同包裹大楼模型的蓝色沙尘暴,变幻多姿,颠覆人们的想象。令人不禁感叹,平日里常被我们忽视的彩色油墨在溶解时竟如此壮观。
    • 陈信宏(译); OLIVE CHU
    • 摘要: 一群科学家、天文学家与工程师每周都在马里兰州"霍华德县一座研究园区里的一间会议室开会,拟定拯救世界的计划。“保持冷静,带着‘飞镖’。”墙上的一张海报写道。“飞镖”是“双小行星重新定向测试”的简称—这是他们避免灾难的计划,也是美国国家航空航天局的第一项非探索性的任务,却能防卫来自宇宙空间的危险。
    • Yuzhao Liu
    • 摘要: The computer laboratory of colleges and universities plays a key role in the scientific research and talent training of colleges and universities.The maintenance and management of computer room is relatively heavy.In recent years,the computer motherboard supports the development of restore function and network transmission function,which brings great convenience to the management and maintenance of computer room in colleges and universities.Among them,the representative is Tsinghua Tongfang''s network with the transmission technology and Lenovo''s network transmission technology,but in order to achieve the network with the transmission of this function,also need to meet a lot of conditions.This paper will mainly explore the management of college computer room cannot use the hardware network to restore the computer function.
    • 观潮网(图)1
    • 摘要: 在老唱片音效的电影音乐伴奏下,身着Greel Room最新系列时装的模特从历史感十足的木质楼梯上缓缓走下,优雅而充满活力。经过二楼客厅和阳台,慢慢踏入秋日风情的花园中,徘徊畅游,犹如名媛女伶在参加一场优雅的假日舞会……Greel Room高级定制女装2018秋冬系列发布会在思南公馆65栋别墅如期举行。
    • Boubacar Siddi Diallo; Mamadou Samba Keita; Ibrahima Sory Balde; Mamadou Hady Diallo; Ibrahima Conte; Ousmane Balde; Ibrahima Sylla; Oumou Hawa Bah; Moussa Kante; Telly Sy; Yolande Hyjazi; Namory Keita
    • 摘要: Objectives: The objectives of this article are to: 1) Determine the prevalence of parturient that escapes from the ETME, 2) Determine the rate of acceptability or non-acceptability of the HIV tests, 3) Describe the epidemiological profile and 4) Describe the factors explaining the lack of screening during pregnancy. Methodology: This report is based on an eventual descriptive study carried out in the Maternity Ward at the Ratoma Medical Centre for the past six months. The study took place over six (6) months from June 15 to December 15, 2016. The data were collected by individual interviews using a data collection sheet and prenatal consultation booklet that were administered to parturients in their language of comprehension. Each unscreened parturient received in the delivery room or in immediate postpartum received pre- and post-test HIV/AIDS counseling with immediate announcement of the outcome for all those who accepted the principle. For parturients who were in the active phase of work, counseling/testing was done in the immediate postpartum period. The data were manually collected from the pre-established fact sheets, captured using the Word, Excel and PowerPoint software packages of the 2007 Office and analyzed by the Epi-Info software (version 3.5.4). The limitations of the study were the lack of adequate room for the HIV testing council, the refusal of HIV testing by some parturients and the lack of achievement of CD4 levels in the hospital laboratory. Outcomes: The survey indicated that out of the 41.80% (177/423) of pregnant women that have recently given birth, ignore their HIV status. About 36.90% (66/177) rejected the screening and the 6.4% (7/111) that accepted were HIV/AIDS positive. The epidemiological study revolved around the following categories of women aged between 24 and 33 (42.85%), 1) Married (100%), 2) Housewives (57.14%), 3) Out-of-school (57.14), 4) Lack prenatal follow-up (42.85%), 5) Ignorance of the existence of HIV (71.42%). Reason Invoked for the Unawareness: No screening was proposed for prenatal follow-up (90.40%). Conclusion: The HIV testing approach in the work room could serve as a catch-up strategy to reduce vertical transmission and thus increase the operational coverage of the PMTCT service. The upgrading providers of basic facilities would be necessary in order to offer the HIV screening in refocused prenatal consultations, which could reduce the catch-up/contamination in the work room.
    • Lauren Nigolian; Raymund Gantioque; Joshua Dexheimer
    • 摘要: Patients present to the emergency department with critical and complex medical conditions that require a broad scope of medicine to achieve patient outcomes. Emergency medicine physicians are recognizing the importance and positive outcomes that arise when palliative care teams are consulted in the emergency room. Today, medical schools, residency programs, and emergency departments are requiring palliative care curriculum apart of their education. However, there continues to be a gap in early initiation of palliative care in emergency medicine. Nurse practitioners are becoming pivotal in the emergency department, and patients are considering them key providers in their medical journey. The role of an advanced practice nurse in an emergency room may be optimal for the early onset of palliative care consultation. This manuscript examines current knowledge that explores the background of palliative care, the current practice in the emergency department, the positive outcomes and gaps that still exist today, and the increasing role of an advanced practice nurse in the emergency room and their impact on palliative care initiation.
    • 摘要: The idea of‘nanotechnology’was kindled by a talk–There’s Plenty of Room at the Bottom–given by the famous physicist Richard Feynman at an American Physical Society meeting at Cal Tech back in 1959.In this talk,he described a possibility to manipulate and control individual atoms and molecules.Since then,brilliant minds have joined in this new area,creating many new devices to help understanding how things work at the atomic level and new ways to create functional materials with nanoscale accuracy.Along the way,Chinese scientists also have made their marks.
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