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地方性克汀病的相关文献在1975年到2020年内共计144篇,主要集中在内科学、预防医学、卫生学、法律 等领域,其中期刊论文141篇、会议论文3篇、专利文献436453篇;相关期刊90种,包括健康生活、家庭健康、中国实用乡村医生杂志等; 相关会议3种,包括中华医学会地方病学分会第六届委员会青年委员会2010年学术会议、2003中国饮用水业高层论坛、中华医学会第5届全国地方病学术会议等;地方性克汀病的相关文献由305位作者贡献,包括刘守军、于钧、叶永祥等。



论文:141 占比:0.03%


论文:3 占比:0.00%


论文:436453 占比:99.97%





  • 刘守军
  • 于钧
  • 叶永祥
  • 尤文宁
  • 张树彬
  • 李颖
  • 王威环
  • 王守德
  • 王振华
  • 苏明
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 刘坤
    • 摘要: 目的:探析82例地方性克汀病甲状腺体职B超测定的结果。方法:以2020年1月~2020年5月我院82例地方性克汀患者者作为分析对象,对所有患者实施B超甲状腺检查,分析测定结果。结果:82例地方性克汀患者者共有34例生理性甲状腺肿大(12.45±3.25)mL、35例Ⅰ度甲状腺肿大(17.59±5.53)以及13例Ⅱ度甲状腺肿大(34.48±11.33)mL;出现43例结节,1例囊肿,未出现回声均匀。结论:通过B超测定能够完成对地方性克汀患者者病情的监测,提升防治效果,地方性克汀患者者甲状腺肿大明显,需要加强生理碘的摄入。
    • 张庆茂; 李识
    • 摘要: 目的:了解我县居民食用盐碘含量,初步判定普通人群的缺碘状况,为以后重点监测工作提供依据.方法:分层整群抽取我县较偏远落后的少数民族地区学生的盐样和尿样分别进行半定量和定量检测,同时对儿童进行智商和肿大率调查.对非碘盐的家庭主妇进行健康问卷调查.结果:学生B超检查肿大率为3.25%,尿碘中位数为148.21μg/L,IQ值≤69=68人.结论:我县可能存在缺碘的隐患,特别是高山远寨尤更突出,应加强这些地区的监测和管理.
    • 崔燕1; 黄佳2; 王生玲1; 阿巴斯·乌斯曼3; 丁莹1; 艾亥特·艾萨1
    • 摘要: 目的了解新疆南疆地区地方性克汀病的流行现状,为该病的诊断与防控提供参考和有效措施。方法以2006-2009年新疆南疆地区碘缺乏病高危调查在册的地方性克汀病患者作为主要随访对象,除去以往调查结果的死亡、迁出、失联病例,增加新发病例,对所有患者进行流行病学问卷调查及体检。调查内容包括患者的一般情况、近亲婚史、家族史,体检内容包括患者的智力障碍、听力言语障碍、神经系统障碍、甲状腺触诊、甲状腺功能低下表现以及克汀病面容,同时抽取静脉血3ml测定其甲状腺功能指标。结果共确诊新疆南疆地区16个县市216例地方性克汀病患者,其中男性122例,女性94例,年龄分布主要集中在11~20岁。各型患者中以神经型克汀病患者(167例)居多,主要表现为智力障碍、听力言语障碍以及神经系统障碍;黏夜水肿(黏肿)型克汀病患者(22例)以甲状腺功能低下表现为主,无神经系统障碍;混合型克汀病患者(27例)兼具神经型和黏肿型两者的临床表现。甲状腺功能指标检查结果显示,神经型和混合型克汀病患者三碘甲状腺原氨酸(triiodothyronine,T3)含量[(2.41±0.48)、(2.38±0.38)nmoL/L]、甲状腺素(thyroxine,T4)含量[(118.72±20.92)、(120.77±21.55)nmol/L]、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(freetriiodothyronine,n)含量[(5.25±0.98)、(5.14±0.83)pmol/L]、游离甲状腺素(freethyroxine,n)含量[(15.81±2.60)、(15.58±2.99)pmol/L]均高于黏肿型患者[(1.51±0.73)、(39.25±16.95)nmol/L,(3.02±1.05)、(6.42±1.99)pmol/L,P均〈0.05],而促甲状腺激素(thyroidstimulatinghormone,TSH)含量[(2.26±1.04)、(2.83±0.91)mU/L]低于黏肿型患者[(58.56±24.83)mU/L,P〈0.05]。黏肿型患者呈现典型的甲状腺功能减退症状,和临床表现相符合,三种类型的患者均具有较低的甲状腺抗体阳性率。结论新疆南疆地区是地方性克汀病的流行地区。防控工作任重道远,除需要改善外环境缺碘,提高人民经济水平也刻不容缓。
    • 崔燕; 黄佳; 王生玲; 阿巴斯·乌斯曼; 丁莹; 艾亥特·艾萨
    • 摘要: Objective To understand the status of endemic cretinism in Southern Xinjiang,and to put forward effective measures for diagnosis,prevention and control of the disease.Methods Follow-up visits were carried out to patients of endemic cretinism that at risk from 2006 to 2009,eliminating death and emigration cases of previous findings,increasing new cases,and all of the patients were conducted epidemiological survey and physical examination.Research contents included the history of patient's general situation,cousin marriage,family history,physical examination including mental retardation,hearing speech disorders in patients with thyroid function,nervous system disorder,thyroid palpation,low performance and cretinism faces,at the same time,a 3 ml venous blood sample was used to determine the thyroid function index.Results Totally 216 cases of endemic cretinism patients from 16 counties of Southern Xinjiang were confirmed,including 122 males and 94 females,aged between 11-20 years old.Neural endemic cretinism patients (167) were in the majority;its main performances were mental retardation,hearing speech disorders and nervous system disorders.Gummy swollen endemic cretinism patients(22) had thyroid hypofunction,but no nervous system disorders.Hybrid endemic cretinism patients (27) had manifestations of the neural and gummy swollen.Thyroid function index inspection results showed that the neural and hybrid endemic cretinism patients triiodothyronine [(2.41 ± 0.48),(2.38 ± 0.38) nmol/L],thyroxine [(118.72 ± 20.92),(120.77 ±21.55) nmol/L],free triiodothyronine [(5.25 ± 0.98),(5.14 ± 0.83) pmol/L],and free thyroxine [(15.81 ± 2.60),(15.58 ±2.99) pmol/L] were higher than those of gummy swollen patients [(1.51 ± 0.73),(39.25 ± 16.95) nmol/L,(3.02 ± 1.05),(6.42 ± 1.99) pmol/L,all P < 0.05],but thyroid stimulating hormone [(2.26 ± 1.04),(2.83 ± 0.91) mU/L] was lower than that of gummy swollen patients [(58.56 ± 24.83) mU/L,P < 0.05].Gummy swollen patients bad typical hypothyroidism,which was conformed to clinical manifestations,and all three types of patients had low thyroid antibody positive rate.Conclusions Southern Xinjiang is the prevalence area of endemic cretinism,the work of prevention and control has a long way to go,in addition to the need to improve the environmental iodine deficiency,it is urgent to improve the level of people's economy.%目的 了解新疆南疆地区地方性克汀病的流行现状,为该病的诊断与防控提供参考和有效措施.方法 以2006-2009年新疆南疆地区碘缺乏病高危调查在册的地方性克汀病患者作为主要随访对象,除去以往调查结果的死亡、迁出、失联病例,增加新发病例,对所有患者进行流行病学问卷调查及体检.调查内容包括患者的一般情况、近亲婚史、家族史,体检内容包括患者的智力障碍、听力言语障碍、神经系统障碍、甲状腺触诊、甲状腺功能低下表现以及克汀病面容,同时抽取静脉血3ml测定其甲状腺功能指标.结果 共确诊新疆南疆地区16个县市216例地方性克汀病患者,其中男性122例,女性94例,年龄分布主要集中在11~20岁.各型患者中以神经型克汀病患者(167例)居多,主要表现为智力障碍、听力言语障碍以及神经系统障碍;黏夜水肿(黏肿)型克汀病患者(22例)以甲状腺功能低下表现为主,无神经系统障碍;混合型克汀病患者(27例)兼具神经型和黏肿型两者的临床表现.甲状腺功能指标检查结果显示,神经型和混合型克汀病患者三碘甲状腺原氨酸(triiodothyronine,T3)含量[(2.41±0.48)、(2.38±0.38) nmol/L]、甲状腺素(thyroxine,T4)含量[(118.72±20.92)、(120.77±21.55) nmol/L]、游离三碘甲状腺原氨酸(free triiodothyronine,FT3)含量[(5.25±0.98)、(5.14±0.83) pmol/L]、游离甲状腺素(free thyroxine,FT4)含量[(15.81±2.60)、(15.58±2.99) pmol/L]均高于黏肿型患者[(1.51±0.73)、(39.25±16.95) nmol/L,(3.02±1.05)、(6.42±1.99) pmoL/L,P均<0.05],而促甲状腺激素(thyroid stimulating hormone,TSH)含量[(2.26±1.04)、(2.83±0.91) mU/L]低于黏肿型患者[(58.56±24.83)mU/L,P<0.05].黏肿型患者呈现典型的甲状腺功能减退症状,和临床表现相符合,三种类型的患者均具有较低的甲状腺抗体阳性率.结论 新疆南疆地区是地方性克汀病的流行地区,防控工作任重道远,除需要改善外环境缺碘,提高人民经济水平也刻不容缓.
    • 曹永琴; 王燕玲; 朱小南; 窦瑜贵; 孙玮; 郑菁
    • 摘要: 目的 初步建立地方性克汀病(地克病)资料库,了解甘肃省现存地克病分布情况,为碘缺乏病防治提供建议.方法 2011年,按照村-乡-县逐级查阅历史地克病病例资料,对甘肃省1985年普查的历史病例进行核实和登记,同时按照《中央转移支付碘缺乏病防治项目的高危地区监测方案》和《地方性克汀病和地方性亚临床克汀病诊断》(WS 104-1999),搜索和诊断历史地克病病区和碘缺乏病高危地区1985-2011年的地克病患者,建立甘肃省现存地克病数据库,分析现存地克病的分布情况.结果 1985年甘肃省地克病县(区)为53个,地克病病例为19 696例;2011年甘肃省地克病县(区)为41个,地克病病例4 715例,其中1985年前出生的地克病病例4 690例,1985-1997年出生的地克病18例,1997后出生(新发)地克病7例.在4 708例历史病例中,神经型、黏肿型和混合型地克病的比例分别为58.8%(2 766/4 708)、9.8%(461/4 708)和31.4%(1 481/4708),男性和女性地克病的比例分别为69.3%(3 261/4708)和30.7%(1 447/4 708),45岁以上病例占73.2%(3444/4 708);新发7例地克病均为神经型,5例分布在少数民族地区.结论 甘肃省目前还存在碘缺乏病高危地区,有发生地克病的潜在危险.甘肃省神经型地克病居多,主要是由于母体怀孕早期碘摄入不足所造成的,适时向高危地区的孕妇和哺乳期妇女提供应急补碘强化措施是防止地克病新发的关键.
    • 曹永琴; 王燕玲; 朱小南; 窦瑜贵; 孙玮; 郑菁
    • 摘要: 目的 初步建立地方性克汀病(地克病)资料库,了解甘肃省现存地克病分布情况,为碘缺乏病防治提供建议.方法 2011年,按照村-乡-县逐级查阅历史地克病病例资料,对甘肃省1985年普查的历史病例进行核实和登记,同时按照《中央转移支付碘缺乏病防治项目的高危地区监测方案》和《地方性克汀病和地方性亚临床克汀病诊断》(WS 104-1999),搜索和诊断历史地克病病区和碘缺乏病高危地区1985-2011年的地克病患者,建立甘肃省现存地克病数据库,分析现存地克病的分布情况.结果 1985年甘肃省地克病县(区)为53个,地克病病例为19 696例;2011年甘肃省地克病县(区)为41个,地克病病例4 715例,其中1985年前出生的地克病病例4 690例,1985-1997年出生的地克病18例,1997后出生(新发)地克病7例.在4 708例历史病例中,神经型、黏肿型和混合型地克病的比例分别为58.8%(2 766/4 708)、9.8%(461/4 708)和31.4%(1 481/4708),男性和女性地克病的比例分别为69.3%(3 261/4708)和30.7%(1 447/4 708),45岁以上病例占73.2%(3444/4 708);新发7例地克病均为神经型,5例分布在少数民族地区.结论 甘肃省目前还存在碘缺乏病高危地区,有发生地克病的潜在危险.甘肃省神经型地克病居多,主要是由于母体怀孕早期碘摄入不足所造成的,适时向高危地区的孕妇和哺乳期妇女提供应急补碘强化措施是防止地克病新发的关键.%Objective To build a case database of endemic cretinism,investigate the distribution of existing cretinism,and provide suggestions for prevention of iodine deficiency disorders.Methods In 2011,an existing endemic cretinism case database was established in Gansu Province by verifying and registering the historical cases before 1985,and searching and diagnosing the cases between 1985-2011 in history cretinism areas and IDD high-risk areas according to "endemic cretinism and endemic sub-clinical cretinism diagnosis (WS 104-104)" and "the IDD monitoring program of the central transfer fund" at the same time,and analysis the distribution of existing cretinism.Results In 1985 and 2011,cretinism areas were 53 and 41 in Gansu Province,and the endemic cretinism cases werel9 696 and 4 715,respectively;18 cases of endemic cretinism were born between 1985 to1997,7 new cases were born after 1997;nerve cretinism,myxedematous and mixed types among existing cases were 58.8% (2 766/4 708),9.8% (461/4 708) and 31.4% (1 481/4 708),males and females were 69.3% (3 261/4 708)and 30.7% (1 481/4 708),respectively.Cases older than 45 accounted for 73.2% (3 444/4 708);the 7 new cases were all nerve cretinism and 5 cases distributed in ethnic minority areas.Conclusions There are potential dangers of endemic cretinism in the high-risk areas of iodine deficiency disorders due to multiple factors in Gansu Province;the nervous cretinism is the majority which is caused by insufficient iodine intake in early maternal pregnancy.To prevent new endemic cretinism,it is necessary to strengthen measures of emergency iodine supplementation for pregnant women and nursing mothers in the high-risk areas.
    • 摘要: 吉林省地方病第二防治研究所碘缺乏病防治研究室始建于1958年,1996年被评为吉林省卫生厅重点研究室。多年来坚持以科研带动防治,注重将科研成果应用于具体的防治工作中,为吉林省防治碘缺乏病做出了突出贡献,使吉林省从历史上碘缺乏病的重病区变成全国
    • 张万标; 沈智勇; 刘军; 郑日真; 陈玲; 茹立; 谭海雯; 苏兵; 庞书燕
    • 摘要: Objective To understand the performance of the prevention and control of iodine deficiency disorders (IDD) in Beihai, Guangxi and provide evidence for the improvement of IDD prevention and control, reaching the goal of IDD eradication and prevention of the re-emergency of endemic cretinism. Methods A cross sectional survey of IDD was conducted in people by cluster sampling in Tieshangang district in Beihai in 2009. Results In the survey conducting in 43 villages in the district, which covered a population of 163 167, no new cases of endemic cretinism was found. The survey in 240 children aged 8-10 years who were sampled in 6 villages indicated that the thyroid enlargement rate was 3.75% , the median of urine iodine value was 95. 30 μg/L, those with a urine iodine value less than 20 μg/L accounted for 4. 20% and the average IQ was 98. 70; The survey in 120 households indicated that the coverage rate of iodized salt was 22.50%. And the survey in 60 of 120 households indicated that the median of iodine value in drinking water was 2. 90 μg/L and the median of urine iodine value in child bearing aged women was 51.90 μg/L, those with the urine iodine value less 20 (μg/L accounted for 16. 70%. Conclusion No new cases of endemic cretinism was found in Beihai, but the iodized salt coverage and the urine iodine values in children and child bearing aged women had not met the national IDD eradication standard. It is necessary to strengthen the management of iodized salt and the health education about IDD prevention and treatment.%目的 为切实做好广西碘缺乏病防治工作,确保按期实现消除碘缺乏病目标,掌握铁山港区碘缺乏病防治工作现况,提出有针对性的防治对策,防止新发地方性克汀病的发生.方法 按整群抽样原则、采用现场调查方法,在广西北海市沿海的铁山港区开展了一次碘缺乏病高危地区重点调查.结果 对该区全部乡镇的43个行政村进行搜索,覆盖人口163 167人,搜索10岁以下儿童18 953人,未发现新发克汀病患者.抽取其中6个村的240名8~ 10岁儿童进行调查,其甲状腺肿大(甲肿)率为3.75% (9/240).尿碘中位数为95.30μg/L,<20 μg/L比例为4.20%.智商平均为98.70.抽查120户居民调查,其碘盐覆盖率为22.50%.抽取其中60个家庭中的饮用水和60名育龄妇女的尿液检测碘含量,其水碘中位数为2.90 μg/L;尿碘中位数为51.90 μg/L,<20 μg/L比例为16.70%.结论 北海市铁山港区未发现新发克汀病患者,但其碘盐覆盖率、儿童尿碘水平、家庭育龄妇女尿碘水平均未达到国家碘缺乏病消除标准.仍需加强碘盐的管理力度和防治碘缺乏病的宣传教育工作.
    • 冀俊虎
    • 摘要: 碘缺乏病是由于自然环境缺碘,使机体摄入碘不足所致的一系列损害。除地方性甲状腺肿和地方性克汀病两种典型表现外.最主要的危害是缺碘影响胎儿的脑发育,导致儿童的智力和体格发育迟滞或永久性障碍.造成病区人群的智能损害。缺碘也可导致流产、死产、先天畸形和新生儿病死率增高等,因此,妇女和儿童是碘缺乏最主要的受害者。
    • 摘要: 正宁政办发[2012]155号各市、县(区)人民政府,自治区政府各部门、直属机构:自治区卫生厅、发展改革委、财政厅、教育厅、科技厅、经济和信息化委、民政厅、水利厅、商务厅、广电局、质监局、工商局、扶贫办、残联制定的《宁夏回族自治区地方病防治"十二五"规划》已经自治区人民政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。
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