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围隔的相关文献在1986年到2022年内共计349篇,主要集中在水产、渔业、普通生物学、环境污染及其防治 等领域,其中期刊论文86篇、会议论文1篇、专利文献49991篇;相关期刊58种,包括中国海洋大学学报(自然科学版)、海洋学报(中文版)、海洋与湖沼等; 相关会议1种,包括第二届全国水产青年学术研讨会等;围隔的相关文献由921位作者贡献,包括蒋建平、陈定才、蒋颖等。



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  • 蒋建平
  • 陈定才
  • 蒋颖
  • 李文朝
  • 柯凡
  • 蒋志生
  • 胡家奇
  • 冯慕华
  • 刘德富
  • 史雪峰
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 韩绍弘; 宋一超; 朱宜平; 张力; 赵一赢; 黄鑫
    • 摘要: 通过在水库输水口布设拦藻围隔,对藻类进行拦截,降低取水口藻类密度。2019年5月—12月对华东某城市两个长江水源水库开展了围隔前后藻总量及形态学差异的调查,对围隔前后水样中藻细胞密度、叶绿素a浓度、藻团形状特征值和藻网上藻团附着量进行分析。结果表明,围隔前后藻总量和藻团形态存在差异,围隔对水中藻团有一定的拦截作用,对面积较大(μm^(2)级)的长条形的藻团拦截效果更好。
    • 陈文浩; 许国辉; 张严严
    • 摘要: 为防止污染场地范围的扩大和污染地下水,可以采取工程措施将污染场地四周及下部进行围隔.对于围隔范围内的污染土,可以采用淋洗方法进行修复.以青岛汽轮机有限公司遗留的污染场地为例,利用Visual ModFlow模拟设计了对围隔场地污染淋洗修复的优化的注抽水井的布置及水力条件,通过对9组注抽井组合进行技术经济比较,得到最佳注抽井间距为27 m,最优注抽水量为200~300 m3,布置方式为"一注五抽",并与异位处置方案进行经济对比,表明7000 m3的污染土为2种方案的费用界限,即7000 m3以上的土方考虑淋洗修复,反之则异位处置.
    • 韩笑天; 赵婷; 苗辉; 孙斌; 赵卫红; 颜天; 于仁成
    • 摘要: 本文研究了苏北浅滩紫菜养殖筏架上附生的定生绿藻及海面上的漂浮绿藻在3月底和5月初的群落组成及其演替变化.分别通过设置滩涂围隔实验和船基围隔实验,研究附着态和漂浮态绿藻和浒苔(Ulva prolifera)的相对生长率,分析浒苔在苏北浅滩的实际生长状况以及滩涂潮水涨落对于浒苔成为优势种的影响,以期了解其暴发绿潮的原因.结果 显示3月底定生绿藻群落主要以曲浒苔(U.flexuosa)和盘苔Blidingia minima)为主要优势种,未见浒苔出现.5月初定生绿藻群落中主要以盘苔和扁浒苔(U.compressa)为优势种,其中浒苔只占15%.而在5月初海面漂浮的绿藻中,浒苔成为主要优势种,比例达到76%.在设置的船基围隔和滩涂围隔的生长实验中,均以5月初定生绿藻为初始生物量,其中附着态浒苔在转变为漂浮态浒苔过程中都获得了较高生长率,其平均相对生长率分别为53.0和64.2%/d,而漂浮态浒苔在船基围隔中获得相对生长率则较低,为19.1%/d.实验结果表明,定生绿藻中定生浒苔更快适应漂浮状态,可以通过高生长率迅速成为漂浮绿藻中的绝对优势种,为其暴发绿潮奠定生物量基础.
    • 刘其根; 孙宇; 赵良杰; 吴杰洋; 张真; 胡忠军
    • 摘要: 利用Biolog技术就滆湖原位围隔内鲢鳙放养密度和比例对水体微生物碳源利用的影响进行了研究。结果显示,在试验阶段后期不同围隔内水体微生物对碳源总量的利用相对于试验中期有较明显的变化。未放养鲢鳙的对照组( A0)在试验后期对于碳源总量的利用低于各实验组( A1:鱼密度40 g/m3、鲢鳙比7∶3; A2∶40 g/m3、3∶7、 A3∶80 g/m3、7∶3和A4∶80 g/m3、3∶7)。试验中期和后期,利用比例较高的碳源类型均为聚合物。主成分分析表明,试验后期不同围隔水体微生物群落碳代谢方式具有显著差异。其中,与主成分1显著相关的碳源主要有16种,分别属于聚合物、糖类、羧酸、氨基酸。实验中期和后期围隔水体微生物碳代谢多样性指数Shan-non物种多样性指数、丰富度指数和Pielou均匀度指数均存在显著差异,代谢多样性指数最高的是实验组A1,实验组A4碳代谢多样性指数相对较低。根据鳙的绝对生物量、多样性指标以及对碳源的总量利用,可以得出以鲢鳙主导的微型生态系统中,鳙的绝对生物量对于水体微生物影响更加显著。%Using Biolog technique, the effect of stocking density and ratio of silver carp ( Hypophthalmichthys molitrix) and bighead carp ( Aristichthys nobilis) on carbon sources utilized by aquatic microbial communities was studied in Lake Gehu. The results showed that total amount of carbon sources utilized by microbes in the last phase of experiment obviously varied compared with that in the middle phase of experiment. In the middle phase of experiment, the total amount of carbon sources utilized by microbes of control group ( A0 ) was lower than that of the other experimental group ( A1:stocking bio-mass of 40 g/m3 and stocking ratio of silver carp to bighead carp of 7∶3;A2:40 g/m3 , 3∶7;A3∶80 g/m3 , 7∶3;A4∶80 g/m3, 3∶7). Polymers were the main type of carbon sources both in the middle and last phase of experiment. Principal com-ponent analysis ( PCA) revealed that the carbon metabolism way of the microbial communities differed significantly among different experiment treatments in the last phase of experiment. A total of 16 categories of carbon sources were significantly related to the first principal component, which were belonged to polymers, carbohydrates, carboxylic acids and amino acids. There were significant differences among different experiment treatments in carbon utilization diversity indices of the microbial communities, including Shannon diversity, richess and Pielou evenness, with the highest and lowest metabolism diversity for A1 and A4 , respectively. According to the relationship of biomass of bighead carp and diversity indices and to-tal amount of carbon sources, absolute biomass of bighead carp had more impacts on the functional diversity of aquatic mi-crobial communities in the microcosms dominated by silver and bighead carp.
    • 冯仑
    • 摘要: 一个人要在户外,找一个地方坐下,他不大会选择全面暴露的地方去坐,他通常会找一个被屏障包围和遮掩的空间。城市高架本身是大尺度的围隔,同时又覆盖了人性化的小尺度空间城市高架之下似乎成了一座城市最灰暗的空间,也是最便捷的停车场。满满地停着车,这是中国大都市对城市高架下面空间的基本认知。
    • 张艳晴; 毕雪娟; 闫晖敏; 程花; 林超
    • 摘要: 通过在贡湖湾生态修复区与外太湖连接处7#桥外侧设置双层围隔消浪挡藻系统,结合导流门技术,研究该系统的消浪、挡藻和导流效果.结果表明,该系统具有良好的消浪挡藻效果,波浪消减率达到近30%,藻密度下降幅度达到80%以上,导流效果明显.%Double barricading wave and algae system was established beside the 7# bridge in the connection area of Gonghu Bay Ecological Restoration Area and outer Taihu Lake.Based on diversion gate technology and the characteristics of Gonghu Bay wind field,the lake waves were reduced,the exogenous cyanobacteria was blocked to restoration area.Barricading wave and algae system was mainly composed of wave barricading,algae barricading,and controlled diversion gate.Results showed that the wave reduction rate reached 30%,and algae density reduced by more than 80%.Thus,the efficiency of diversion was significant.
    • 班文波; 田相利; 董双林; 张凯; 高明亮; 张东旭; 奉杰; 张庆起
    • 摘要: 为综合评价以三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)为主的不同混养系统的生态经济性能.本研究通过海水池塘陆基围隔养殖实验,收集苗种投入、人工、电能、饵料投入、产量、风能、雨水能、太阳能等基础数据;利用能值理论及分析方法,定量分析了蟹单养系统(C)、蟹虾二元混养系统的转换率(CS)、蟹虾贝三元混养系统的转换率(CSB)和蟹虾贝鱼四元混养系统(CSBF)4种三疣梭子蟹养殖系统的能流和物流特点;建立了能值评价指标体系,利用各能值指标综合对比了4种养殖系统对环境的影响及可持续性.研究表明:在太阳能值转换率方面,蟹虾贝鱼四元混养系统的转换单最低(3.65×106sej/J,P<0.05),蟹单养系统的转换单最高(8.72×106 sej/J).在产出能值交换率方面,四元混养系统显著高于其它3种养殖系统(P<0.05),蟹虾二元混养与蟹虾贝三元混养系统之间无显著差异,蟹单养系统的转换单最低(1.34).在环境负载率方面,四元混养系统略高于其它3种养殖系统(105.92),蟹单养系统最低(91.42).在能值可持续发展指数方面,四元混养系统显著高于其它3种系统(P<0.05),蟹虾二元混养、蟹虾贝三元混养和蟹单养3个系统之间无显著差异(P>0.05).综合比较表明,蟹虾贝鱼四元混养系统在环境负载率略高的前提下,获得了最低的太阳能值转换率和最高的产出能值交换率,能值可持续发展指数显著高于其他3种养殖系统.因此,虾蟹贝鱼四元混养系统是经济效益相对高、环境污染相对小的养殖模式,应该在生产中推广.
    • 裴国凤; 胡江; 王青; 何月
    • 摘要: 为研究东湖围隔和主体湖区浮游植物群落结构和理化因子的变化,并评价围隔对水质的改善作用,于2012年3月~2013年2月对湖区各样点进行了浮游植物的采集及理化因子的测定。结果表明:以浮游植物密度和叶绿素a( Chl-a)含量为参数评价,围隔水质明显优于主体湖区,围隔藻类种数总和及物种多样性指数均高于主体湖区;围隔绝大部分水体营养因子数值均明显低于主体湖区(除DO,pH)。浮游植物群落结构特征季节变化明显,表现在夏季浮游植物密度和Chl-a 含量均最高,冬季最低;多样性指数依秋、夏、春、冬递减。%To study the variation of phytoplankton community structure and environmental parameters in the enclosure and main body of East Lake , and evaluate the ameliorative effect of enclosure on the water quality in East Lake , phytoplankton from various sampling points in the lake were collected from March 2012 to February 2013, and the physicochemical factors were determined.The results showed that the water quality of enclosure was significantly better than that of the main body of the lake in terms of phytoplankton density and the content of chlorophyll a ( Chl-a) .The number of algae species and the biodiversity indices of the enclosure were also higher than that of the main lake .Most nutrient factors in the enclosure were lower than that of main lake ( except DO, pH).The seasonal variation of phytoplankton community structure and environmental parameters were obvious: the phytoplankton density and content of Chl-a were maximal in summer and minimal in winter, while the biodiversity indices decreased in the order of autumn , summer, spring and winter.
    • 张凯; 田相利; 董双林; 董佳; 奉杰; 何瑞鹏; 闫法军
    • 摘要: 利用海水池塘陆基实验围隔,研究三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)和菲律宾蛤仔(Ruditapes philippinarum)不同混养系统的养殖效果以及氮(N)和磷(P)的收支和利用率状况.结果表明:(1)适宜的三疣梭子蟹、凡纳滨对虾和菲律宾蛤仔三元混养,能有效提高三疣梭子蟹养殖的综合效益.(2)投喂的饵料(包括对虾配合饲料与蓝蛤(Aloidis laevis))是系统N、P的主要来源,占N总输入量的84.41%~89.75%和P总输入量的96.64%~98.35%;其次为水层中带入的N、P,占N总输入量的7.14%~11.97%和P总输入量的0.39%~1.11%.N、P的支出主要为底泥积累,占N总支出量的39.88%~57.17%和P总支出量的35.69%~68.45%;其次为养殖生物收获N、P,占总支出的比例分别为16.86%~32.24%和18.72%~33.55%;N的输出渗漏损失较大,水层积累较少,而P的输出水层积累较多,渗漏损失较少.(3)各处理比较,三元混养PLR3组N的利用率显著提高,比其它处理提高了9.95%~15.80%.综合养殖效果和各系统N、P利用率结果,在本研究条件下,蟹、虾、贝混养最优比例为三疣梭子蟹6 ind/m2、凡纳滨对虾45 ind/m2、菲律宾蛤仔30~60 ind/m2.
    • 张坤; 邓道贵; 王文平; 张晓莉; 纪磊; 刘飞; 张绮
    • 摘要: In order to study the summer variation of chlorophyll-a concentration with its relation to environ⁃mental factors in Lake Chaohu,enclosure experiment was carried out from May 22 to August 7 in 2013 (twelve weeks) near Zhong miao in Lake Chaohu.Four experiment groups (namely,B group:the sediment from Lake Chaohu;C group:the sediment from Lake Chaohu+ 30 g/m3 Aristichthys nobilis;D group:the sed⁃iment from Lake Chaohu + 60 g/m3 A.nobilis;E group:the sediment from Lake Chaohu + 90 g/m3 A.nobilis) and the control group(namely A group:no sediment and fish)were employed.The result showed that chloro⁃phyll-a concentration in five enclosures presented a drown trend during the study period.The maxima of chlo⁃rophyll-a concentration in the A~E enclosures appeared at the beginning of the experiment,and they are 54.9 μg/L,38.0 μg/L,35.9 μg/L,37.4 μg/L and 35.8 μg/L,respectively.Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was negative relationship between chlorophyll-a concentration and transparency in five enclosures while it had positive correlation with TP and crustacean zooplankton density.Moreover,chlorophyll-a concen⁃tration in the D and E enclosures were positive correlations with TN.There were negative relationships be⁃tween chlorophyll-a concentration in the A,D,C and E enclosures and water temperature while it had no re⁃lationship in the B enclosure.%为研究巢湖夏季叶绿素a浓度变化及其与环境因子间的关系,于2013年5月22日至8月7日(共12周)在巢湖进行围隔实验.共设置4个实验组(即B组:巢湖底泥;C组:巢湖底泥+30 g/L鳙鱼;D组:巢湖底泥+60 g/L鳙鱼;E组;巢湖底泥+90 g/L鳙鱼)和一个对照组(即A组:不加巢湖底泥和鳙鱼).结果表明:研究期间5组围隔内叶绿素a浓度均呈现下降趋势. A~E组的叶绿素a最大值均出现在实验初期,分别是54.9μg/L、38.0μg/L、35.9μg/L、37.4μg/L和35.8μg/L. Pearson相关分析显示,5组围隔中叶绿素a浓度与透明度呈负相关关系,与总磷(TP)和浮游甲壳动物密度均呈正相关.另外,围隔D和E中叶绿素a均与总氮(TN)成正相关.围隔A、C、D和E中的叶绿素a浓度与水温呈负相关关系,而围隔B的叶绿素a浓度与水温无相关性.
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