
哮喘/中西医结合疗法的相关文献在2000年到2018年内共计63篇,主要集中在中国医学、内科学、儿科学 等领域,其中期刊论文63篇、专利文献67565篇;相关期刊10种,包括文艺生活·文海艺苑、吉林中医药、陕西中医等; 哮喘/中西医结合疗法的相关文献由127位作者贡献,包括万英、亓四广、任光明等。



论文:63 占比:0.09%


论文:67565 占比:99.91%





  • 万英
  • 亓四广
  • 任光明
  • 任小龙
  • 何乐
  • 何君宏
  • 何秀堂
  • 余耀华
  • 元锋国
  • 冉洪强
  • 期刊论文
  • 专利文献





    • 张田
    • 摘要: Objective:Explore the broncho Fanfushu capsule on cough variant asthma children serum IL-4,af-fect the level of IL-10.Methods:A total of 95 cases of cough variant asthma children were randomly divided into ob-servation group and control group,48 patients in the observation group,the control group of 47 cases.The control group was given conventional treatment,the observation group on the basis of the conventional treatment for patients taking broncho Fanfushu capsule,two groups of children were detected IL-4 in the serum of patients with IL-10,the change and the disappearance time of cough.Results:After treatment,the serum IL-4 of the control group was(109. 2 ± 10.5)ng/L,and the serum IL-4 of the observation group was(87.7 ± 11.2)ng/L,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P< 0.05);The serum IL-10 of the control group was(92.5 ± 18.4)ng/L, and the serum IL-10 of the observation group was(119.2 ± 14.3)ng/L,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P< 0.05);The cough disappearance time of the control group was(50.2 ± 2.1)d,the cough disappearance time of the observation group was(34.9 ± 3.9)d,and the difference between the two groups was statistically significant(P< 0.05).Conclusion:It can effectively treat cough variant asthma in children by re-ducing serum IL-4 content,increasing serum IL-10 content and reducing cough disappearance time in children with cough variant asthma.%目的:探究泛福舒胶囊对咳嗽变异性哮喘儿童血清IL-4、IL-10水平的影响.方法:选取咳嗽变异性哮喘儿童患者95例,按照随机数表法分组分为观察组和对照组,观察组患者48例,对照组患者47例.对照组进行常规治疗,观察组在进行常规治疗的基础上给患者服用泛福舒胶囊,分别检测两组儿童患者血清中IL-4、IL-10的变化以及咳嗽消失时间.结果:在治疗后,对照组患者的血清IL-4为(109.2 ± 10.5)ng/L,观察组患者的血清IL-4为(87.7 ± 11.2)ng/L,两组数据对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组患者的血清IL-10为(92.5 ± 18.4)ng/L,观察组患者的血清IL-10为(119.2 ± 14.3)ng/L,两组数据对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组患者的咳嗽消失时间为(50.2±2.1)d,观察组患者的咳嗽消失时间为(34.9±3.9)d,两组数据对比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:泛福舒胶囊通过降低咳嗽变异性哮喘儿童血清IL-4含量,提高血清IL-10的含量以及缩减咳嗽消失时间而有效治疗儿童的咳嗽变异性哮喘.
    • 赵倩义; 闫永彬
    • 摘要: Objective:To explore the effect of Yiqi Bushen Zhichuan decoction combined with conventional western medicine on asthma in children .Methods:124 children were treated with asthma in our hospital .According to the random number method was divided into two groups ,the control group and the treatment group ,each group of 62 patients .In the control group ,the patients were treated with conventional western medicine .The children in the observation group were treated with Yiqi Bushen Zhichuan decoction on the control plan of the control group ,and the effect of the treatment was compared .Results:After treatment ,the lung function index ,high sensitivity C-re-active protein ,interleukin-1β ,tumor necrosis factor-α and TCM syndrome scores were significantly improved in the two groups .The improvement rate of the observation group was higher than that of the control group ,The differ-ence was statistically significant (P< 0 .05) .The therapeutic effect of the observation group was better than that of the control group ,the difference was statistically significant (z = 6 .180 ,P< 0 .05) .During the follow-up period of six months ,the number of respiratory infections and the number of asthma attacks in the observation group were lower than those in the control group ,the difference was statistically significant (P< 0 .05) .Conclusion:The use of Yiqi Bushen Zhichuan combined with conventional western medicine for intervention in children with asthma ,can improve the treatment effect ,reduce the number of attacks ,and it is worth to promote the scope of clinical .%目的:探讨益气补肾止喘汤联合常规西医方法对小儿哮喘的干预效果.方法:选择我院进行哮喘治疗的小儿患者共124名,按照随机数字的方法分为两组,对照组和观察组,每个组62名患者,对照组患儿使用常规西医治疗方案,观察组患儿在对照组治疗方案基础上,使用益气补肾止喘汤进行治疗,对治疗的效果进行比较.结果:两组患儿在进行治疗后,肺功能指标,超敏C反应蛋白,白细胞介素-1β,肿瘤坏死因子-α,中医症状积分均出现了明显的改善,观察组的改善幅度高于对照组,数据差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),观察组的治疗效果优于对照组,数据差异具有统计学意义(z=6.180,P<0.05),在为期半年的随访过程中,观察组患儿的呼吸道感染次数与哮喘发作次数均小于对照组患儿,数据差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:使用益气补肾止喘汤联合常规西医方法对于小儿哮喘进行干预,可以提高治疗的效果,减少发作次数.
    • 范海军; 王磊; 翟李娟
    • 摘要: 目的:分析金匮肾气汤联合穴位贴敷治疗支气管哮喘患者临床疗效,及对患者肺功能的影响,为临床支气管哮喘患者治疗方案选择提供参考.方法:选择支气管哮喘患者162例作为研究对象,分为对照组和观察组,每组81例.两组患者均予以支气管哮喘常规治疗.观察组患者在常规治疗基础上,再采用金匮肾气汤联合穴位贴敷治疗.两组患者均连续治疗3个月.比较两组患者治疗前 、治疗后肺功能指标[(一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)、用力呼气量占用力肺活量比值(FEV1/FVC)、每分钟最大通气量(MVV)、功能残气量(FRC)、肺总量(TLC)、残气量/肺总量比值(RV/TLC)]变化 、成人哮喘患者生命质量各维度及总分的变化,完成疗程后,比较两组患者哮喘控制分级.结果:两组患者完成治疗疗程后,观察组患者哮喘控制良好率明显高于对照组(P0.05),完成治疗后,两组患者治疗后成人哮喘患者生命质量指数各维度评分和总分均明显下降,且观察组低于对照组(P0.05).完成治疗后两组患者FEV1、FEV1/FVC、MVV均明显上升,FRC、TLC、RV/TLC明显下降,且观察组FEV1、FEV1/FVC、MVV高于对照组,FRC、TLC、RV/TLC低于对照组(P<0.05).结论:金匮肾气汤联合穴位贴敷治疗支气管哮喘患者较单纯常规西医治疗哮喘控制效果更佳,对患者肺功能改善效果更好,可有效提升哮喘患者的生命质量.
    • 冷报浪; 梁斌
    • 摘要: 目的 探讨疏风降气方对咳嗽变异性哮喘(CVA)气道激发试验阴转率的作用及血清IL-13和IL-5的影响.方法 选取2013年6月至2017年6月本院收治的CVA患者82例,按数字表法随机分为观察组(41例)和对照组(41例).对照组口服孟鲁司特钠片,10 mg/次,1次/晚;必要时使用沙丁胺醇气雾剂1喷.治疗组在对照组基础上予疏风降气方,1剂/d,2次/d.连续治疗3个月.比较两组咳嗽症状评分、气道反应性及气道激发试验阴转率.对比两组治疗前后血清IL-5和IL-13水平.结果 治疗后,观察组患者咳嗽症状(日间咳嗽、夜间咳嗽)评分明显少于对照组(P<0.01).两组治疗前后患者基础呼吸传导率(Grs cont)、气道初始阻力(Rrs cont)、传导率下降斜率(SGrs)比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05).观察组治疗后特异性气道传导下降35百分比(PD35)和雾化吸入高渗盐水量显著高于对照组(P<0.01).观察组患者的激发试验阴转率为95.12%,明显高于对照组(75.61%)(P<0.05).治疗后,观察组患者血清IL-13和IL-5水平明显低于对照组(P<0.01).结论 在常规治疗基础上,疏风降气方治疗CVA可改善患者的咳嗽症状和气道反应性,提高气道激发试验阴转率,下调患者血清IL-13和IL-5可能是其疗效途径之一.
    • 樊英; 康淑红
    • 摘要: Objective :To explore the clinical effect of Kangchuan Lifei decoction with western medicine in bronchial asthma children with positive allergens action .Methods :278 bronchial asthma children with positive aller-gens action in our hospital were divided control group and observe group by a random way ,139 cases in each group . The control group was treated by routine western medical treatment ,while Kangchuan Lifei decoction was treated in observe group on the base of control group .After the treatment ,the effects in the 2 groups were compared .Before and after the treatment ,the levels of lung function [average expiratory flow peak (PEF) ,lung capacity (FVC) ,1s force expiratory volume (FEV1/FVC%) and one second forced expiratory volume (FEV1)] were detected ,while traditional Chinese medicine syndrome scores (chest tightness ,cough ,expectoration ,shortness breath and inhala-tion) were observed in the two groups .Before and after the treatment ,the levels of asthma markers [toll-like recep-tor 2 (TLR2) ,eosinophil chemotactic factor (Eotaxin) ,eosinophilic cationic protein (ECP) ,macrophage inflamma-tory protein-1 alpha (MIP-1α) and serum amyloid A (SAA)] were detected in the 2 groups .Results :After the treatment ,the effect rate in the observe group was significantly higher than control group (P<0 .05).After the treatment ,the levels of PEF ,FVC ,FEV1/FVC% and FEV1 were significantly higher in the observe group ,while the levels of TLR2 ,Eotaxin ,ECP ,MIP-1α and SAA were significantly promoted than the control group (P<0 . 05).After the treatment ,the scores of chest tightness ,cough ,expectoration ,shortness breath and inhalation in the observe group were significantly lower than the observe group (P<0 .05).Conclusions :Kangchuan Lifei decoction with western medicine in bronchial asthma children with positive allergens action has a good effect .%目的:探讨抗喘利肺汤联合西药对伴变应原检测阳性的小儿哮喘临床疗效的影响.方法:利用随机数字表法将278例伴变应原检测阳性的小儿哮喘患儿分为观察组和对照组,每组139例.对照组患儿均给予西药常规治疗,观察组则在对照组的基础上另给予自拟抗喘利肺汤.治疗后,评价两组患儿的临床疗效.治疗前后,检测两组平均呼气流量峰值(PEF ) 、肺活量(FVC ) 、1s用力呼气量占肺活量的百分比(FEV1/FVC%)及一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1)] ;观察两组胸闷、咳嗽、咳痰、短气喘促及吸气不利等中医证候评分;检测 Toll样受体2(TLR2)、嗜酸性粒细胞趋化因子(Eotaxin)、嗜酸性阳离子蛋白(ECP)、巨噬细胞炎性蛋白-1α(MIP-1α)及淀粉样蛋白A(SAA)量.结果:治疗后,观察组总有效率显著高于对照组( P<0 .05) .治疗后,观察组PEF 、FVC 、FEV1/FVC% 及FEV1均明显高于对照组(P<0.05) ,而胸闷、咳嗽、咳痰、短气喘促及吸气不利评分则明显低于对照组(P<0.05).治疗后,观察组TLR2 、Eotaxin 、ECP 、MIP-1α及SAA改善程度均明显优于对照组(P<0.05) .结论:抗喘利肺汤联合西药对伴变应原检测阳性的小儿哮喘疗效较好.
    • 孙树雅; 牟淑娟; 沈鸿渺
    • 摘要: 目的:探讨玉屏风散联合异丙托溴铵与倍氯米松雾化吸入对小儿哮喘血清氧化应激产物及炎症因子影响.方法:选取我院儿科收治的支气管哮喘患儿176例,按随机数字表法分组.对照组88例予以异丙托溴铵与倍氯米松雾化吸入治疗;研究组88例在对照组基础上予以玉屏风散治疗.比较两组间症状及体征消失时间、血清炎症因子水平、血清氧化应激指标,同时比较临床疗效及不良反应发生率.结果:对照组治疗有效率(81.81%)低于研究组治疗有效率(93.18%).与对照组比较,研究组治疗后咳嗽、喘息、呼吸困难、哮鸣音消失时间较短,治疗后血清IL-5、IL-18、TNF-α水平较低,血清IL-10水平较高,治疗后血清MDA水平较低,SOD、GSH水平较高(P<0.05).结论:玉屏风散联合异丙托溴铵与倍氯米松雾化吸入治疗小儿哮喘的临床疗效较好,能有效提高血清SOD、GSH水平,降低血清MDA水平,调节炎症因子水平,减轻氧化应激反应,抑制炎症反应.
    • 陈华侨; 王宝珍
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the curative effect of Shegan Mahuang decoction in treating CVA and effect on serum IgE,IL-4,TNF-α.Methods:78 cases of children with CVA were randomly divided into two groups,the control group were treated with montelukast sodium treatment,the observation group based on the that and combined with shegan mahuang decoction,the clinical curative effect and the changes of serum IgE,IL-4,TNF-α levels were compared.Results:In the observation group,cough relief time and the disappearance time were signif-icantly shorter than the control group(P< 0.05);the total efficiency of the observation group was 97.44%,signifi-cantly higher than the control group(84.62%),the difference was of statistically significant(P< 0.05);After treatment,serum IgE,IL-4,TNF-α in the two groups were significantly lower,and the observation were lower than the control group,the difference was of statistically significant(P< 0.05).Conclusion:Shegan Mahuang decoction in the treatment of children with CVA can be effectively reduced serum levels of inflammatory factors,promote re-mission of clinical symptoms,and improve the clinical efficacy.%目的:探讨射干麻黄汤治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘的疗效及对血清IgE、IL-4、TNF-α水平的影响.方法:78例咳嗽变异性哮喘患儿随机分为两组,对照组患儿予孟鲁司特钠治疗,观察组患儿在此基础上联合应用射干麻黄汤治疗,比较两组患儿治疗后临床疗效及血清 IgE、IL-4、TNF-α水平的变化.结果:观察组咳嗽缓解时间及消失时间均明显短于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);观察组治疗总有效率为97.44%,明显高于对照组的84.62%(P<0.05);治疗后,两组患儿血清IgE、IL-4及TNF-α水平均较治疗前显著下降,且观察组患儿血清IgE、IL-4及 TNF-α水平明显低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:射干麻黄汤治疗小儿咳嗽变异性哮喘可有效降低患儿血清炎症因子水平,促进临床症状的缓解,提高临床疗效.
    • 孙雪松; 陈冬梅
    • 摘要: Objective:To investigate the clinical observation of Jingui Shenqi decoction combined with acu-point application in the treatment of bronchial asthma of non-acute exacerbation .Methods :118 cases of bronchial asthma patients were randomly divided into 2 groups ,the control group 59 patients were treated with routine west-ern medicine therapy ,the treatment group of 59 patients were treated with Jingui Shenqi decoction combined with acupoint sticking therapy based on the treatment of control group patients .After 3 mouths ,observe the bronchial asthma control test score (ACT score) ,pulmonary function ,immune function ,TCM syndrome score and clinical ef-ficacy of total .Results :After treatment in 3 mouths ,asthma control test scores of patients in the treatment group (24 .25 ± 1 .88) were higher than that of the control group (19 .27 ± 1 .73) (P<0 .05) .Pulmonary function and im-mune function of the patients in the treatment group were better than those in the control group (P<0 .05) .The TCM syndromes of patients in the treatment group (9 .19 ± 0 .29) were lower than the control group (18 .75 ± 0 . 53) (P<0 .05) .The total clinical efficiency of the patients in the treatment group 88 .14% (52/59) is higher than that of control group 67 .80% (40/59) (P<0 .05) .Conclusion :Jingui Shenqi pill combined with acupoint application can effectively relieve asthma symptoms ,improve lung function ,improve the immune function of patients .It is wor-thy of clinical application in the treatment of bronchial asthma .%目的 :分析金匮肾气丸联合穴位敷贴对支气管哮喘非急性发作期患者的临床疗效.方法:选取我院呼吸内科确诊为支气管哮喘患者118例,将患者随机分成两组.对照组患者59例,予以常规西医疗法,治疗组患者59例,在对照组患者的治疗基础上予以金匮肾气丸联合穴位敷贴进行治疗.治疗3个月后,观察两组支气管哮喘控制测试评分(A C T评分)、肺功能、免疫功能、中医证候学积分及临床总疗效情况.结果:治疗3个月后,治疗组患者的支气管哮喘控制测试评分(24.25±1.88)分高于对照组(19.27±1.73)分(P<0.05).治疗组患者的肺功能、免疫功能改善情况优于对照组(P<0.05).治疗组患者的中医证候积分(9.19±0.29)分低于对照组(18.75±0.53)分(P<0.05).治疗组患者的临床总有效率88.14%(52/59)高于对照组67.80%(40/59),差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:金匮肾气丸联合穴位敷贴能有效缓解支气管哮喘的症状,改善患者的肺功能,提高患者的免疫功能.
    • 赵永
    • 摘要: 目的:总结清肺化痰方对儿童支气管哮喘的治疗效果及其对儿童肺功能的影响.方法:以患支气管哮喘的120例儿童作为观察对象,随机将所有观察对象分为对照组及治疗组两组,每组60例.其中对照组接受常规西药治疗,治疗组接受西药联合清肺化痰方治疗.结果:入组时两组间喘息积分、咳嗽积分、咯痰积分、哮鸣音积分、IgE、ECP及IL-4比较无统计学差异;在接受治疗3个月后,治疗组喘息积分、咳嗽积分、咯痰积分、哮鸣音积分、IgE、ECP及IL-4低于对照组(P<0.05).同时,入组时两组间PEF%及FEV1%比较无统计学差异;在接受治疗3个月后,治疗组PEF%及FEV1%高于对照组(P<0.05).此外,两组治疗期间不良反应比较未见统计学差异.结论:儿童支气管哮喘治疗中,清肺化痰方可有效的提高临床治疗效果.
    • 王凤圈; 陈海燕; 陈茜
    • 摘要: 目的 :观察小青龙汤加减联合糖皮质激素雾化方法治疗儿童哮喘的效果及患儿肺部功能的改善.方法 :选择哮喘病患儿80例.随机分为对照组和观察组,各40例,对照组患儿单用糖皮质激素吸入治疗,观察组患儿在对照组的基础上给予加减小青龙汤治疗.分别对两组患儿治疗后哮喘控制情况和肺功能进行观察和比较.结果 :对照组总有效率为82.5%,观察组可达95.0%高于对照组;出院后1、3、6个月复诊结果显示,观察组患儿FEV1和PEF指标改善情况显著优于对照组.结论 :小青龙汤加减与糖皮质激素雾化吸入的联合疗法对于小儿支气管哮喘疗效较好,并能够显著改善肺部功能.
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