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可溶性纤维的相关文献在1990年到2022年内共计146篇,主要集中在预防医学、卫生学、轻工业、手工业、内科学 等领域,其中期刊论文118篇、会议论文5篇、专利文献248234篇;相关期刊102种,包括中老年保健、心血管病防治知识、中国饲料等; 相关会议5种,包括2015中国绝热节能材料协会年会暨绝热节能材料行业发展论坛、第十二届全国耐火材料青年学术报告会、第十三届全国高技术陶瓷学术年会等;可溶性纤维的相关文献由186位作者贡献,包括李根、J.P.布伦纳恩、R.克哈布拉等。



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论文:248234 占比:99.95%





  • 李根
  • J.P.布伦纳恩
  • R.克哈布拉
  • 刘庆华
  • 刘颖
  • 吴大鸣
  • 孙天琦
  • 孙玉山
  • 孙靖尧
  • 小威廉姆.M.艾伦
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 摘要: 近日,一篇发表在国际期刊《mBio》上的研究显示,每天摄入至少8~10 g可溶性纤维的多样化饮食健康成年人的肠道中或含有较少的对抗生素耐药的微生物。研究者发现,经常摄入含有高水平纤维素和低水平蛋白的饮食(尤其是牛肉和猪肉)与肠道微生物中较低水平的耐抗生素基因(antibiotic resistant genes,ARGs)直接相关。肠道微生物组中ARGs水平最低的个体中往往拥有更高丰度的严格厌氧微生物,这些微生物是在氧气存在时无法生长的细菌,且是低炎症水平健康肠道的标志。
    • 林健; 戴喜娜
    • 摘要: 本研究旨在评估日粮不同纤维类型和水平对肉兔生长性能、养分消化和胴体性状的影响.试验将35日龄断奶、体重一致的128只肉兔随机分为4组,每组32只,每组4个重复.试验日粮采用2×2因子设计,2个纤维水平(低和高可溶性纤维),2个木质素水平(低和高木质素水平).其中,T1组为低可溶性纤维低木质素,T2组为低可溶性纤维高木质素,T3组为高可溶性纤维低木质素,T4组为高可溶性纤维高木质素.试验持续4周.试验结果:日粮可溶性纤维水平对肉兔的采食量、日增重和料比具有显著影响(P<0.05),其中低水平可溶性纤维最高(P<0.05).低水平可溶性纤维组粗蛋白质表观消化率显著高于高水平组(P<0.05),但高水平可溶性纤维组中性洗涤纤维和酸性洗涤纤维表观消化率显著高于低水平组(P<0.05).低水平可溶性纤维高木质素组盲肠干物质含量最高(P<0.05),但高水平可溶性纤维组盲肠pH最低(P<0.05),挥发性脂肪酸浓度最高(P<0.05).高水平可溶性纤维组(T3和T3组)胃肠道和盲肠相对重量最高(P<0.05),而低水平可溶性纤维组肉兔的屠体重显著高于高水平可溶性纤维组(P<0.05).试验结论:在本研究条件下,日粮低水平可溶性纤维水平可以提高肉兔粗蛋白表观消化率,改善饲料效率,提高屠体重量,降低组织脂肪含量.
    • 摘要: 膳食纤维纤维素可以帮助降低胆固醇水平,减少患糖尿病、心脏疾病和癌症的风险。成年人每天应摄入25克左右的纤维素。获取纤维素最好的办法就是吃各种粗粮、水果和蔬菜。其中,燕麦、大麦、干豆类和豌豆等食物中含有的可溶性纤维有助于清除血液中的胆固醇。
    • 祝品
    • 摘要: 人体的血管就像下水管道,时间长了容易积聚垃圾,需要定时清理。国外心脏病专家总结出有“血管清洁工”之称的六种食物,人们平时可以适当食用。豆类红豆、白豆、黑豆和鹰嘴豆等各种豆类都是较好的可溶性纤维食物来源。纤维可以有效促进胆固醇向体外排泄,在这一过程中,肝脏必须消耗更多的胆固醇以产生更多的胆汁盐,低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL)水平随之降低。研究表明,每天食用半杯煮熟的豆子可使LDL平均降低8%。其中,鹰嘴豆在降低LDL水平方面效果最佳。
    • 黄鼎瑞; 王建烽; 张丽萍; 李真真; 刘庆华
    • 摘要: 本试验旨在研究不同来源饲粮纤维对福建黄兔盲肠发酵参数及菌群数量的影响.选取200只体重相近、健康的 (35±2) 日龄断奶福建黄兔, 采用单因子完全随机区组试验设计, 随机分为4组, 分别饲喂以苜蓿干草、甜菜渣、燕麦草、大麦糠为粗饲料原料, 以25%的添加比例配制成的4种等能等粗蛋白质的配合饲粮, 即高可溶性纤维 (HSDF) 饲粮 (包括2种纤维源, 分别为苜蓿干草和甜菜渣) 、高不溶性纤维 (HIDF) 饲粮 (纤维源为大麦糠) 和对照 (CK) 饲粮 (纤维源为燕麦草) , 每组5个重复, 每个重复10只.预试期为7 d, 正试期为53 d.在试验期末, 测定盲肠内容物pH、氨态氮 (NH3-N) 和挥发性脂肪酸 (VFA) 含量及盲肠菌群数量.结果表明:1) HSDF组的pH、NH3-N含量极显著低于HIDF组 (P<0.01) ;同时HSDF组的乙酸、丙酸、丁酸和总挥发性脂肪酸 (TVFA) 含量极显著高于对照组和HIDF组 (P<0.01) .2) HSDF组的乳酸杆菌数量极显著高于对照组和HIDF组 (P<0.01) , 其中甜菜渣组的大肠杆菌数量极显著高于苜蓿干草组 (P<0.01) .HSDF组的黄色瘤胃球菌数量最高, 极显著高于HIDF组和对照组 (P<0.01) .由此可见, HSDF (苜蓿干草、甜菜渣) 对福建黄兔盲肠发酵及菌群有较好的效果.%The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of dietary fibers with different sources on cecal fermentation parameters and microflora amount of Fujian yellow rabbits.A total of 200 healthy Fujian yellow rabbits with similar body weight and at age of (35±2) days were randomly divided into 4 groups with5 replicates per group and 10 rabbits per replicate using a single-factor complete randomized block design.Rabbits fed 4 diets with equal energy and crude protein, which used alfalfa hay, beet slag, oat hay and barley bran as fiber sources, respectively, and added in the proportion of 25%.The 4 diets were high soluble fiber (HSDF) diet (including 2 fiber sources, alfalfa hay and beet slag) , high insoluble fiber (HIDF) diet (barley bran as fiber source) and control (CK) diet (oat hay as fiber source) , respectively.The preliminary trial period lasted for 7 d, and formal trial period lasted for 53 days.At the end of the trial period, pH, ammonium nitrogen (NH3-N) and volatile acid (VFA) contents and microflora amount were measured in the caecal contents.The results showed as follows:1) the pH and NH3-N content in HSDF group were significantly lower than those in HIDF group (P<0.01) .At the same time, the contents of acetic acid, propionic acid, butyric acid and total volatile acid (TVFA) in HSDF group were significantly higher than those in control group and HIDF group (P<0.01) .2) The number of Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus in HSDF group was significantly higher than that in control group and HIDF group (P<0.01) , and the Escherichia coli amount in beet slag group was significantly higher than that in the alfalfa hay group (P<0.01) .The number of Ruminococus flavefaciens was the highest in HIDF group, which was significantly higher than that in HIDF group and control group (P<0.01) .It can be seen that HSDF (alfalfa hay and beet slag) has better effects on cecum fermentation and bacteria for Fujian yellow rabbits.
    • 王建烽; 黄鼎瑞; 刘博超; 刘庆华
    • 摘要: High-soluble fiber (alfalfa hay,beet pulp,clover leaf),low soluble fiber (oat grass) and high insoluble fiber (barley bran,Aibo Su) were formulated into Fujian Yellow Rabbit diet at 25% Cecum 48 h in vitro test. In vitro gas production,fermenta-tion parameters and true digestibility in vitro were measured to study the effect of soluble fiber on the caecum in vitro fermentation of Fujian Yellow Rabbit. The results showed that the gas production rate of high soluble fiber group was significantly higher than that of high insoluble fiber group,and the highest yield was in beet pulp group. The true digestibility of high soluble fiber group was highest in vitro (P>0.05). The pH value and ammonia nitrogen content in the alfalfa hay group and the beet pulp group were significantly lower than those in the high insoluble fiber group (P0.05). The ratios of acetic acid to propionic acid in alfalfa hay group and beet pulp group were significantly lower than those in high insoluble fiber group(P0.05). The results suggest that beet pulp as the source of soluble fiber when preparing Fujian Yellow Rabbit diet has the highest in vitro digestibility of caecum, the highest gas production in vitro and the highest total volatile fatty acid concentration. The high insoluble fiber diet causes the growth of cecum of Fujian Yellow Rabbit in vitro digestibility,in vitro gas production and total volatile fatty acid concentrations were reduced.%在精料中分别按25%的比例将高可溶性纤维(苜蓿干草、甜菜渣、三叶青)、低可溶性纤维(燕麦草)和高不溶性纤维(大麦糠、爱博素)配制成日粮饲喂福建黄兔,进行48 h的盲肠体外试验,测定体外产气量、发酵参数和体外真消化率,研究可溶性纤维对福建黄兔盲肠体外发酵的影响.结果表明:高可溶性纤维组福建黄兔的体外产气量极显著高于高不溶性纤维组(P0.05);苜蓿干草和甜菜渣组的发酵液pH、氨态氮含量均显著低于高不溶性纤维组(P0.05);苜蓿干草和甜菜渣组中乙酸与丙酸的比值均显著低于高不溶性纤维组(P0.05).结果提示,配制福建黄兔日粮时以甜菜渣做为可溶性纤维来源,其盲肠体外真消化率、体外产气量和总挥发性脂肪酸浓度最高;高不溶性纤维日粮会使福建黄兔的盲肠体外真消化率、体外产气量和总挥发性脂肪酸浓度均降低.
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