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Origin的相关文献在1992年到2022年内共计506篇,主要集中在自动化技术、计算机技术、物理学、肿瘤学 等领域,其中期刊论文502篇、会议论文2篇、专利文献2篇;相关期刊322种,包括实验技术与管理、广西物理、实验室科学等; 相关会议2种,包括中国地质学会工程地质专业委员会、贵州省岩石力学与工程学会2005年学术年会暨“岩溶、工程、环境”学术论坛、全国第13届计算机辅助设计与图形学学术会议暨全国第16届计算机科学与技术应用学术会议等;Origin的相关文献由1080位作者贡献,包括张军朋、吴先球、李玉珍等。



论文:502 占比:99.21%


论文:2 占比:0.40%


论文:2 占比:0.40%





  • 张军朋
  • 吴先球
  • 李玉珍
  • 谭大志
  • Vladimir V. Tchernyi (Cherny)
  • 吕宝华
  • 孙晓波
  • 张奕雄
  • 曹卫军
  • 王进平
  • 期刊论文
  • 会议论文
  • 专利文献




    • 周冬
    • 摘要: 分析了重载冗余机械臂结构参数误差对末端点位置精度的影响.建立机器人工作空间,以工作空间内特定平面为参考,根据机械臂正逆运动学,得出有无误差条件下末端点的位置变化,通过MATLAB、Origin等软件将相关数据可视化,并进行相关分析,计算出各结构参数在同一误差条件下对末端点位置的影响程度.
    • 李宏岩; 孙影娟
    • 摘要: 高等学校材料专业学生在学习《新能源材料与器件》课程的过程中,会涉及到相关电化学测试数据的处理,以钠离子电池硬碳负极的循环伏安(CV)动力学分析过程为例,使用Origin软件进行数据的导入、计算、拟合及绘图等操作,完成对电容控制容量贡献占比的计算。CV动力学分析数据处理过程相对复杂且要求计算精度较高,学习使用Origin软件进行数据的分析处理,可大大提高工作效率。在学习电化学知识的同时逐渐掌握一款专业数据分析软件,可为将来的深入研究打下更坚实的基础。
    • 姜福仕; 王旭颖; 王伟华; 蔡春雨
    • 摘要: 在测定普朗克常量实验中,利用光电效应法测出不同频率的入射光对应的截止电压,然后运用Mathstudio对实验数据进行拟合,并与最小二乘法、MATLAB、Origin和Excel的处理结果进行对比。结果表明:Mathstudio具有其他方法相同的准确性和精度,并且更具便携性和可操作性。Mathstudio的运用能够促使学生不断探索新知识,进一步培养学生的创新精神,同时推动实验教学方法的改革,完善教学效果。
    • 刘园旭; 刘欢欢; 李全; 杨永; 李洋洋; 张彩云
    • 摘要: 探讨Origin软件在处理物理化学实验数据中的优势,并列举Origin软件在三元相图的绘制等物理化学实验教学中的应用实践,以加强相关专业大学生在实验数据处理、结果分析及科学研究中的应用能力。
    • Muhammad KASHIF; CAO Yingchang; Nizam Ud DIN; Uzair SIDDIQUE; XI Kelai; Faisal REHMAN; Noor AHMED; GU Xihao; Mohammad Saleh GAGHMAN
    • 摘要: The precipitation of authigenic quartz plays a significant role to reduce the reservoir characteristics and enhance the stiffness of the rock.The Es_(1) sandstone of Shahejie Formation is acting as a significant hydrocarbon producing rock in the Nanpu Sag.Various methods like thin section petrography,cathodoluminescence(CL),scanning electron microscope(SEM,with EDS),and electron microprobe analysis has been used to reveal the origin of quartz cement as well as to evaluate the effect of quartz cement on reservoir quality.The studied sandstone is classified as immature to mature feldspathic litharenite and lithic arkose and consists of quartz,feldspar,rock fragments and micas.Petrographic studies and SEM analysis shows that the authigenic quartz is acting a significant cement that reduces the reservoir quality.Whereas clay minerals(kaolinite and mixed layer illite to smectite)are dominant in the Es_(1) sandstone,that can reduce the reservoir quality.SEM,CL and thin section analysis reveal that there are two stages of quartz cement in the studied samples;that are pore filling authigenic cement and quartz overgrowth cement.Fluid inclusion homogenization temperatures shows that stages of quartz cement were developed with continuous process from 70°C to 130°C.Quartz cements were generally originated from I/S reaction,feldspar dissolution,conversion of rock fragments and pressure solution.Feldspar dissolution(K-feldspar)and kaolinite to illite reaction is an insignificant silica source for the silica cement which is internally precipitated in a close system with diffusion transporting mechanism.Overall,quartz cement significantly enhance the rock strengthen and brittleness effectively as well as it reduce the overall reservoir quality.
    • 李壮; 刘一冬; 聂炎
    • 摘要: C4烯烃在工业和制药业都有着广泛的应用,研究制备C4烯烃的创新工艺也有着非同凡响的价值和意义。本文通过对实验所得数据进行拟合曲线与重合度分析,旨在研究乙醇制备C4烯烃的最佳拟合函数,催化条件以及不同催化剂组合下温度对乙醇的转化率和C4选择性大小的影响。针对多组实验数据进行曲线拟合,找到最合适的函数关系,选取拟合程度最好的数据根据重合度的方法探究不同催化剂组合中温度对乙醇的转化率和C4选择性大小的影响。通过图像分析,得到最佳的催化剂组合及温度。最后,采取多重控制变量的方法找到催化剂组合中不同因素以及温度对乙醇的转化率和C4选择性大小的影响,最终确定出最优催化剂组合与温度。
    • 摘要: 一年前从vivo OriginOS 1.0的颠覆开始,不仅打破了安卓手机桌面传统排布方式,更是从构架体系上实现了对手机整齐、高效的操作。原子组件实现了“零层级操作”,无需进入APP,在桌面即可实现连贯的功能聚合和核心操作。一年来,原子组件已经提供了约36亿次便捷服务。2021年12月9日vivo带来了充满活力与人文关怀的OriginOS Ocean。
    • 摘要: 在美好的事物面前,时间就像流沙,即便是从指缝中也能溜得很快。搭载于vivo系手机(包括iQOO)的OriginOS Ocean已经面世一年。直言不讳地说,vivo系手机这么多年在产业内的各个子目都成绩斐然,唯一在手机操作界面的领域颇有些短板之感。之前的Funtouch OS虽不至于一个“差”字,但终归配不上vivo系手机的口碑成长速度。用流行的玩笑话说,叫“游得太快,裤衩跟不上”,毕竟头部品牌要有头部品牌的格局和要求。
    • Vu Thuong Nguyen; Lawrence S. Chan
    • 摘要: Background: SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the current COVID-19 infection pandemic, has caused substantial damage and negative impacts in the world, including physical sickness, mental illness, death, society lock down, work interruption, and productivity reduction. From the onset in early 2020, the pandemic has not yet totally subsided as of July 2022. Although great efforts have been made to understand the nature of this pandemic by the medical and scientific communities, a comprehensive review of this pandemic has not been reported. Purpose: We aimed to perform a thorough review of the subject in order to come to a better understanding of the origin of the virus, its mutations and their corresponding health effects, its pathophysiology, and its responses to therapeutic intervention. A more comprehensive set of data on these subject matters, if available, would give healthcare providers a valuable tool in formulating the best methods to respond to the current disease and prevent the disease from spreading in the future. Method: An extensive literature search on the subjects of COVID-19 was conducted regarding the possible origin of the viral pathogen, its evolutionary changes and health impacts, the world’s responses to COVID-19 and outcomes of their responses, and healthcare professional’s actions to understand and manage the disease and the results of their actions. To gather these data, websites of PubMed and Google Scholar were utilized for the search with the following keywords: Pandemic, COVID-19, coronavirus, SARS, SARS-CoV, SARS-CoV-2, origin, pathogenesis, and treatment. Results: Our review revealed data that points to an interesting autoimmune phenomenon where most seriously sick patients affected by COVID-19 were documented by an IgA-dominant immune response to the pathogen, along with a neutrophil-directed infiltration to the vital organ in the lung aveola, resulting in critical lung injury, leading to respiratory failure, multi-organ failure, and death. Surprisingly, this IgA-mediated and neutrophil-directed disease pattern is nearly identical to a group of IgA-mediated autoimmune skin diseases, such as dermatitis herpetiformis, IgA bullous dermatosis, and IgA pemphigus, which respond well to treatment by dapsone, a sulfone class of antibiotic/anti-inflammatory drug. Moreover, the usefulness of dapsone was supported by a small clinical study. In addition, systemic corticosteroid, a trusted anti-inflammatory medication, has been used in this pandemic with variable degrees of success. Conclusion: The data collected from our review of the subject, together with our prior search knowledge, compel us to conclude that the underlying pathophysiology that causes serious respiratory distress and multi-organ failure is most likely to be autoimmune in nature and that strategies to counter these multifacet autoimmune disorders would be the most valuable in life-saving. Specifically, we identified clinical and laboratory evidence pointing to IgA autoimmune reaction as a key factor that causes significant mortality in many patients. Accordingly, we proposed the utilization of a combination of dapsone, corticosteroid, and anti-thrombotic drugs in severely ill patients at the earliest point of the disease process. The autoimmune multi-organ syndrome may explain the pathogenesis of COVID-19 as well as Post-COVID conditions and may guide healthcare professionals in a better direction to manage the disease. The possible origin of the viral pathogen may shed light on a better understanding of the pathogenesis of the disease.
    • 孙晓兰; 彭朝阳
    • 摘要: 教育信息化促使教育手段与方式现代化,新时代的教师应积极融合信息技术资源与物理教学,改进物理教学设计,提升教学效果。针对“滑块—滑板”的两种类型习题,从增加学生的信息获取来源入手,利用虚拟仿真软件Algodoo模拟物理场景,使学生观察到动态运动过程。通过软件获取并分析数据,避免抽象化教学,培养学生的科学思维。
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