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机译:baling press


In a baling press (1) for compacting cardboard boxes, leaves, grass or other compactable waste material (2), consisting of: - a baler housing (3) with four side walls (4, 5, 6, 7) and one on a base (9 ) resting bottom (8) through which a pressing space (10) inside the baling press housing (3) is encased, - a pressing ram (11) which is axially displaceable in the interior of the pressing space (10) and which dips into the pressing space (10) and compacts the waste material (2) filled in there, - a filling opening (12) which is provided in one of the four side walls (4) and through which the waste material (2) to be compacted can be filled into the pressing chamber (10), - and out a funnel flap (14), which is rotatably mounted in the manner of a hinge (13) below the filling opening (12) on the side wall (4), the removal process of the strapped bale (15) from the pressing chamber (10) of the baling press (1) and the filling process of the pressing chamber (10) independently of one another it can be carried out and the least possible downtime for the baler (1) can be achieved by appropriate filling and removal. This is ensured by the fact that the filling opening (12) in one of the side walls (4) and a removal opening (22) in one adjacent side wall (5, 6 or 7) is provided.
机译:在BALING压力机(1)中,用于压实纸板箱,叶子,草或其他可致密的废料(2),包括: - 一个带四个侧壁(4,5,6,7)的打包机外壳(3),一个搁置底部(8)通过该底座(9)通过该底部(8)通过该底部(8)通过该底部(8)通过该底部(8)被封闭,所述压制空间(3)内部被封装,所述压紧柱塞(11)在所述按压空间(10)的内部轴向移动并将其浸入压制空间(10)并压制填充在其中的废料(2) - 填充开口(12),其设置在四个侧壁(4)中的一个中,并通过该填充物(2)和废料(2要压实,可以填充到压制室(10)中, - 出漏斗挡板(14),其以侧壁上的填充开口(12)下方的铰链(13)的方式可旋转地安装( 4),从布明压力机(1)的按压室(10)和彼此独立地独立于压制室(10)的填充瓶(15)的去除过程可以通过适当的填充和移除来实现,并且可以通过适当的填充和移除来实现最少量的比较的停机时间。这确保了侧壁(4)中的一个填充开口(12)和一个相邻的侧壁(5,6或7)中的填充开口(12)。



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