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Liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor, including fully passive residual heat removal system (epur)



Liquid metal cooled nuclear reactor, including a completely passive residual heat removal system (epur).The invention relates to a fast neutron nuclear reactor (1) cooled by liquid metal, which comprises a system (2) for discharging at least a part of rated power and residual power of the reactor-From the first moment of the accident, the residual power is discharged in a completely passive way;-The heat is discharged through the main container;-According to the latest technology, the final cold source (vessel made of MCP material) other than sodium / air or NAK / air exchanger is used.Abstract figure: Figure 2
机译:液态金属冷却核反应堆,包括完全被动残留的散热系统(EPUR)。本发明涉及一种由液态金属冷却的快节中子核反应堆(1),其包括用于排出至少一部分额定功率和反应器的残留功率的系统(2) - 从事故发生的第一时刻,剩余电力以完全被动的方式排出; - 热量通过主体排出; - 根据最新技术,使用除钠/空气或NAK /空气交换器之外的最终冷源(由MCP材料制成的船舶)。抽象图:图2



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