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A new or improved fluid proportioner applicable, for example, to aircraft fuel systems



702,746. Rotary pumps. SELF-PRIMING PUMP & ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., and McKEAN, J. A. Oct. 4, 1951 [Oct. 5, 1950], No. 24385/50. Class 110 (2). [Also in Group XXIX] A fluid proportioner comprises two or more sliding vane flow controlling devices which consist of a hollow stator 16, Fig. 2, having an internal curved surface, a rotor 30 within the stator and positioned relatively to the curved surface to leave a space having inlet and outlet ports 23, 24, respectively, the sliding vanes in the rotor being arranged to move fluid from the inlet to the outlet on rotation of the rotor, wherein the rotors are rotated in unison, the controlling devices are allocated respectively to the several fluids to be proportioned and have a ratio or ratios of throughput corresponding to, or adjustable to correspond to, the fluid proportions desired. As shown the proportioner comprises three devices controlling flow from three fuel tanks in an aircraft wing. The rotors 30 are mounted on a shaft 6 driven by an electric motor through a free wheel and driving a gear pump 71, Fig. 3. The inlet 13 of each device is connected to a respective tank and the outlets 14 are interconnected and lead to the engine pump: Each tank has a pump which supplies fuel to its respective inlet and should any pump fail, the rotor of that device will act as a pump. The stator 16 of each device is adjusted axially by nut 37 to cause flow in the desired proportions, the free wheel permitting the liquid to drive the rotors faster than the motor. A float 50 in each inlet controls a valve 55 having connections 75 to the outlet of pump 71, 76 to a bore 73 connected to all the inlets 13 via non-return valves and hence supplied by whichever inlet has the highest pressure, 77 to a chamber 45 above an annular bellows 40, and 79 to a chamber 67, Fig. 7. The bellows 40 which is open to atmosphere or tank pressure via bore 41 is connected to the stator 16 and contains a spring 44 urging the stator to cut off flow. Float 50, when raised, positions valve 55 to supply inlet pressure to the chamber 45 to collapse the bellows, but if the liquid level drops, e.g. due to emptying the tank, the float falls and' causes valve 55 to connect chamber 45 to exhaust whereby the bellows expand and raise the stator to prevent air being drawn through to the engine since the rotor will continue rotating by action of the other rotors. Each rotor has a by-pass 60 controlled by a valve 61 held closed by the pressure in the chamber 67 acting on a bellows 66. Should the rotors jam, pump 71 will stop and the pressure in chambers 67 will fall permitting valves 61 to open and pass fuel to the outlet. Each chamber 67 is connected to the pump outlet when the float is raised. When any float falls the bore 73 is connected to the appropriate chamber 67 and pressure is thus maintained to hold the valve 61 closed.
机译:702,746。旋转泵。自喷泵工程有限公司和McKean,J. A.,1951年10月4日[10月10日。 1950年5月],第24385/50号。 110级(2)。 [也在第XXIX组中]流体分配器包括两个或更多个滑动叶片流量控制装置,该装置包括图2所示的空心定子16,该定子具有内部曲面,该定子内的转子30相对于曲面定位成留下分别具有入口和出口23、24的空间,转子中的滑动叶片布置成在转子旋转时将流体从入口移动到出口,其中转子一致地旋转,分配了控制装置分别对应于要配比的几种流体,并具有对应于或可调节以对应于所需流体比例的一个或多个通量比。如图所示,配比器包括三个控制来自飞机机翼中三个燃油箱的流量的设备。转子30安装在由电动机通过飞轮驱动并驱动齿轮泵71的轴6上,驱动齿轮泵71,图3。每个装置的入口13连接到相应的箱,并且出口14互连并且通向发动机泵:每个油箱都有一个向其各自的进气口供应燃料的泵,如果任何泵发生故障,则该装置的转子将充当泵。每个装置的定子16通过螺母37进行轴向调节,以产生所需比例的流量,自由轮使液体驱动转子的速度比电动机快。每个入口中的浮子50控制阀55,阀55具有到泵71、76的出口的连接75,到孔73的孔,该孔通过止回阀连接到所有入口13,因此由压力最高的任何一个入口77供给至在环形波纹管40上方的腔室45,以及到图7的腔室67的腔室45。通过孔41向大气或油箱压力敞开的波纹管40连接到定子16,并包含弹簧44,该弹簧推动定子切断流。当浮子50升起时,将阀55定位成向腔室45提供入口压力以使波纹管塌陷,但是如果液位下降,例如,压力降低,则波纹管50膨胀。由于排空油箱,浮子下降,并使阀55将腔室45连接至排气,从而使波纹管膨胀并升高定子,以防止空气被吸入发动机,因为转子将在其他转子的作用下继续旋转。每个转子具有由阀61控制的旁路60,该阀通过作用在波纹管66上的腔室67中的压力而保持关闭。如果转子卡住,则泵71将停止并且腔室67中的压力将下降,从而允许阀61打开并将燃料传递到出口。当浮子升起时,每个腔室67连接到泵出口。当任何浮子掉落时,孔73连接到适当的腔室67,并因此保持压力以保持阀61关闭。



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