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The pharmacy formulation which contains rihuakishimin for remedying the vagina infection



PURPOSE: To obtain the subject simple pharmaceutical preparation, comprising a therapeutically effective amount of rifaximin together with a vaginally applicable carrier, effective against vaginal infection, especially bacterial vaginosis without any adverse effects. CONSTITUTION: This pharmaceutical preparation is obtained by coating a preparation composed of a suspension containing (A) 2-8wt.% micronized rifaximin having =100m particle diameter, (B) 2-6wt.% thickening substance such as cetyl stearyl alcohol or a hydrogenated castor oil and (C) 86-96wt.% oily substance such as a mineral oil or a liquid paraffin according to the U.S. Pharmacopoeia with an epoxy phenolic resin, including the resultant preparation in a canister, closed with a valve made of polyethylene and made of aluminum and further introducing a propellant gas in an amount of 60-100wt.% based on the suspension through the valve thereinto. Furthermore, the content of the rifaximin is 50-500mg.
机译:目的:为了获得本发明的简单药物制剂,其包含治疗有效量的利福昔明和可阴道施用的载体,可有效抵抗阴道感染,尤其是细菌性阴道病,而没有任何不良影响。组成:该药物制剂是通过包衣含有以下成分的制剂而制成的:含有(A)2-8wt。%的微粒化利福昔明的粒径<= 100m,(B)2-6wt。%的增稠物质,例如鲸蜡基硬脂醇或氢化蓖麻油和(C)86-96wt。%的油性物质,例如美国药典中的矿物油或液体石蜡,以及环氧酚醛树脂,包括罐中所得的制剂,用聚乙烯制成的阀关闭由铝制成的推进剂,并进一步将基于悬浮液的60-100wt。%的推进剂气体通过阀引入其中。此外,利福昔明的含量为50-500mg。



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