i) an electrolytic cell of four compartments, in which the two compartments adjacent to the two electrodes are separated from the central compartments by means of cationic membranes (2) and the central compartments are separated from one another by means of an anionic membrane (1); or, alternatively,ii) a module formed by an array of cells of 4 compartments separated from one another by alternating anionic membranes and cationic membranes.;By means of this process, the simultaneous presence of the isolated free acids and their salts in the same compartment is prevented, which increases their purity. A large number of acids and amino acids can be isolated and purified. In a preferred embodiment, the purification and isolation of IDA is described."/> A method for the isolation of free iminodiacetic acid from their salts by electrodialysis.
首页> 外国专利> A method for the isolation of free iminodiacetic acid from their salts by electrodialysis.

A method for the isolation of free iminodiacetic acid from their salts by electrodialysis.



Process for the isolation and purification of free acids, starting from their salts, by electrodialysis which involves the use of:i) an electrolytic cell of four compartments, in which the two compartments adjacent to the two electrodes are separated from the central compartments by means of cationic membranes (2) and the central compartments are separated from one another by means of an anionic membrane (1); or, alternatively,ii) a module formed by an array of cells of 4 compartments separated from one another by alternating anionic membranes and cationic membranes.;By means of this process, the simultaneous presence of the isolated free acids and their salts in the same compartment is prevented, which increases their purity. A large number of acids and amino acids can be isolated and purified. In a preferred embodiment, the purification and isolation of IDA is described.
机译:通过电渗析从游离盐中分离和纯化游离酸的方法,该方法涉及以下用途: i)四个隔室的电解池,其中与两个电极相邻的两个隔室通过阳离子膜(2)与中央隔室分开,并且中央隔室通过阴离子膜(1)彼此分开。或者,或者, ii)一种模块,该模块由4个隔室的单元阵列组成,这些单元通过交替的阴离子膜和阳离子膜彼此分隔。 ,防止了分离的游离酸及其盐在同一隔室中同时存在,从而提高了其纯度。可以分离和纯化大量的酸和氨基酸。在一个优选的实施方案中,描述了IDA的纯化和分离。



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