

the object of the invention is tartomu00e1nybanelnyelu0151 napfu00e9nyszu0171ru0151 near infrared film and coated glass, valamintelju00e1ru00e1s for the production of the latter.according to the invention, in the province of ku00f6zeliinfravu00f6ru00f6s absorbing film is a possible vu00e1ltozatu00e1naklu00e9nyege to near infrared range having an absorbent adalu00e9kanyagku00e9ntantimon, tungsten, vanadium, iron, chromium,molybdenum, niobium, cobalt, one of vagynikkel containing tin (iv) oxide is designedfurthermore, aku00f6zeli infrared range absorbing additive koncentru00e1ciu00f3ju00e1nu00e1lkisebb atomic concentration of fluorine adalu00e9koltak, too.the talu00e1lmu00e1nyszerinti napfu00e9nyszu0171ru0151 coated glass is one of the lehetsu00e9gesvu00e1ltozatu00e1nak is to pre selected color visszaveru0151ku00e9pesu00e9ggel,furthermore, near infrared range having an absorbent layer (12) and a low emission properties with the coating layer (10) has at least two layers, one of which is composed of all, antimony, tungsten,vanadium, iron, chromium, molybdenum, niobium, cobalt, nickel and mixtures thereof with one of vagyezen elements from kialaku00edtottnapfu00e9nyelnyelu0151 sno2 doped layerwhile the other layer with a fluorine or foszforraladalu00e9kolt sno2 developed low emission properties from layer (10).according to the invention, one of the production process of glass vessel lehetsu00e9gesvu00e1ltozatu00e1nak to 400 0c - nu00e1lmagasabb temperature warming up.after that, the temperature of the vessel while maintaining the first hordozu00f3gu00e1zzal treated, which elsu0151hordozu00f3gu00e1z oxigu00e9nforru00e1sul for the material, water, u00f3ntartalmu00fa szerveselu0151vegyu00fcletet,the additive contains as well as elu0151vegyu00fcletet, where azadalu00e9kanyag - precursor of antimony, tungsten, vanadium, iron, chromium, molybdenum, niobium, cobalt or nickel, shall contain one of the elements.then, the host while maintaining the temperature mu00e1sodikhordozu00f3gu00e1zzal treated, which second hordozu00f3gu00e1z oxigu00e9nforru00e1sulszolgu00e1lu00f3 material, water, elu0151vegyu00fcletet organotin.valamintadalu00e9kanyag - elu0151vegyu00fcletet contains additive, where the elu0151vegyu00fcletfluort or phosphorus treatments during which contains hu0151bontu00e1ssalantimon, tungsten, vanadium, iron, chromium, molybdenum, niobium,cobalt, nickel, or a combination thereof, of the sno2 doped absorbing layer from ku00f6zeliinfravu00f6ru00f6s range.while with fluorine or foszforraladalu00e9kolt sno2 from low layer alaku00edtanakki emission properties. oh
机译:发明内容本发明的目的是在近红外膜和镀膜玻璃上使用tartom u00e1nybanelnyel u0151 napf u00e9nysz u0171r u0151来生产后者。根据本发明,在k u00f6zeliinfrav省u吸收膜是可能的近红外范围的吸收膜,该吸收膜具有吸收性的芳族腺苷,钨,钒,铁,铬,钼,铌,钴,其中一种是钒(钒)此外,还设计了ak u00f6zeli红外吸收剂koncentr u00e1ci u00f3j u00e1n u00e1lkisebb氟原子的原子浓度u00e9koltak。tal u00e1lm u00e1nyszerinti napf u00e1r1涂层的玻璃 预设的是彩色胶/打胶衫,此外,近红外范围有吸收层(12)和低辐射性能,涂层(10)至少在至少两层,其中一层全部由锑,钨,钒,铁,铬,钼,铌,钴,镍及其混合物与kialak u00edtottnapf u00e9nyelnyel u0151 sno2掺杂的vagyezen元素组成,另一层具有氟或foszforraladal snO2的层从第(10)层发展出低排放特性。根据本发明,玻璃器皿lehets的生产过程之一是加热到400 0c-nlmagasabb温度。之后,在保持第一个hordoz u00f3g u00e1zzal处理后,容器的温度保持不变,其中材料,水, u00f3ntartalm u00fa szervesetel 015包含以及元素,其中azadal u00e9kanyag-锑,钨,钒,铁,铬,钼,铌,钴或镍的前体,应包含以下元素之一,然后是主体同时保持温度m u00e1sodikhordoz u00f3g u00e1zzal,其中第二个hordoz u00f3g u00e1z oxig u00e9nforr u00e1sulszolg u00e1l u00f3材料,水,el u0151vegy u00flet包含了 gy00 al00flet和 gyl al00flet。添加剂,其中来自k的sno2掺杂的吸收层的el磷或磷处理过程中含有hs,锑,钨,钒,铁,铬,钼,铌,钴,镍或它们的组合。从低层阿拉克的发散特性来看,氟或foszforraladal slt2的范围。哦



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