首页> 外国专利> A promoter cv20oxp which regulates the integument-specific expression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene in developing seeds of watermelon and a method for generating seedless fruits using the promoter

A promoter cv20oxp which regulates the integument-specific expression of a gibberellin 20-oxidase gene in developing seeds of watermelon and a method for generating seedless fruits using the promoter



The present invention relates to a testa specific gene, which is isolated from the developing seed of iCitrullus lanatus/i, a promoter and a method for generating seedless fruits by using the promoter of the said testa specific gene. More specifically, the present invention provides a Cv20ox gene, gibberellin 20-oxidase(GA 20-oxidase) gene showing the tissue-specific expression pattern, which is strongly expressed in the integumental tissue at seed development of watermelon and is weakly expressed in the inner tissue of seed, a promoter regulating the integument-specific expression of the said gene and a method for generating seedless fruits by introducing plant growth regulation gene ligated to the said promoter and regulating the overexpression of plant growth regulation composition in the testa.
机译:本发明涉及一种从睾丸柑橘(Citrullus lanatus)的发育种子中分离的种皮特异性基因,启动子和通过使用所述种皮特异性基因的启动子产生无核果实的方法。更具体地,本发明提供了显示组织特异性表达模式的Cv20ox基因,赤霉素20-氧化酶(GA 20-氧化酶)基因,其在西瓜种子发育时在外被组织中强烈表达,而在内部则弱表达。种子组织,调节所述基因的被膜特异性表达的启动子和通过引入与所述启动子连接的植物生长调节基因并调节睾丸中植物生长调节组合物的过表达来产生无核果实的方法。



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