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Constructive disposition introduced in the system of adjustment and closing of artifacts and precious or semiprecious aesthetic matter



"Constructive disposition introduced in system of adjustment and closing of artifacts and precious or semiprecious aesthetic matter.Represented by an innovative solution to design simple and efficient, allowing for a constructive adjustment operation and fixation of the ends of aesthetic artifacts, so agile and immediate.Allowing the buyer to a ring, bracelet, necklace, necklace, anklet or any other artifact of nature aesthetics that needs the union between its ends.You can take the object acquired at the time of purchase, and this solution is represented by a closing element (1), which is coupled to a pivu00f3 element (8),Where once fitted with side walls (4) and (9) respectively.Whose inner part is formed by ribs (5) and (10) to first allow the adjustment of the ends of aesthetic artifacts (13), and a second time.To suffer a strength of approximation between them make the play in setting is finally closed in accordance with the anthropometric measures point appropriate to the buyer.
机译:“在艺术品的调整和关闭以及珍贵或半贵重的美学事物的系统中引入了建设性的处置。以创新的解决方案来设计简单有效的设计,允许对审美艺术品的末端进行建设性的调整操作和固定,从而实现了敏捷和立即购买。允许购买者购买戒指,手镯,项链,项链,脚链或任何其他需要末端之间结合的自然美感产品。您可以购买时购买的物品,并且此解决方案以封闭元件(1)与piv u3f元件(8)耦合,曾经分别装有侧壁(4)和(9)。其内部首先由肋(5)和(10)形成允许第二次调整美学文物的末端(13)。要承受它们之间的近似强度,请根据适合购买者的人体测量学方法最终关闭布景河



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