首页> 外国专利> METHOD FOR PRODUCING doors, doors, METHOD FOR PRODUCING LEAF (variants) of the door leaf (optional), the manufacturing door handles, door handles, the manufacturing process thermometer (Options), Thermometer (optional), the manufacturing process handle of the lock, the lock handle, mounting Door knobs, mounting thermometer (OPTIONS), mounting the lock handle, the manufacturing process Case thermometer (optional), a case thermometer (optional), METHOD FOR PRODUCING LOCK (optional), lock (Options), METHOD FOR PRODUCING STAND thermometer (OPTIONS ), stand for thermometers (Options), way of advertising thermometer (OPTIONS), the manufacturing process for the advertised Surface Thermometer (OPTIONS) and the surface for the advertised thermometer (OPTIONS)

METHOD FOR PRODUCING doors, doors, METHOD FOR PRODUCING LEAF (variants) of the door leaf (optional), the manufacturing door handles, door handles, the manufacturing process thermometer (Options), Thermometer (optional), the manufacturing process handle of the lock, the lock handle, mounting Door knobs, mounting thermometer (OPTIONS), mounting the lock handle, the manufacturing process Case thermometer (optional), a case thermometer (optional), METHOD FOR PRODUCING LOCK (optional), lock (Options), METHOD FOR PRODUCING STAND thermometer (OPTIONS ), stand for thermometers (Options), way of advertising thermometer (OPTIONS), the manufacturing process for the advertised Surface Thermometer (OPTIONS) and the surface for the advertised thermometer (OPTIONS)



FIELD: instrument engineering. ^ SUBSTANCE: method includes making if case, reservoir with indication medium, capillary channel, scale. Reservoir communicates with indication medium and capillary channel. Reservoir is placed onto case. Case is made in form of door handle which has hand and support parts. Scale is made onto hand. Thermometer has case, reservoir with indication medium, capillary channel, scale. Reservoir with indication medium communicates with capillary channel and disposed onto case. Case is made in form door handle, which has hand and support parts, Scale is made onto hand. ^ EFFECT: widened range of technical aids for making thermometers. ^ 4 cl, 6 dwg
机译:领域:仪器工程。 ^物质:该方法包括在有情况的情况下,用指示介质,毛细管通道,水垢制作容器。储层与指示介质和毛细管通道连通。水箱放在箱子上。箱体以门把手的形式制成,具有把手和支撑部件。秤在手上。温度计具有外壳,带有指示介质的储存器,毛细管通道,刻度。带有指示介质的容器与毛细管通道连通并放置在壳体上。箱体为门把手形式,具有手和支撑部件,秤由手工制成。 ^效果:扩大了制造温度计的技术辅助手段。 ^ 4 cl,6 dwg



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