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For a hybrid grid generation in accordance with three dimensions of a formation crossing by one or several geometrical for the purpose of carrying out simulations



P - method for generating a hybrid mesh, in order to carry out simulations in accordance with a numerical pattern defined, in three dimensions and which is acceptable to the direction of the digital circuit diagram of a heterogeneous formation crossed by one or several geometric discontinuities such as, for example, an underground formation where it has been drilled, one or several wells, or a fractured, by combining the structured grids and the grids not structured. - the hybrid grid is made by associating a structured grid for generating a wire-mesh model the heterogeneous medium to the second structured grids for generating a wire-mesh model a zone around the discontinuities. It generates in a first time, an entirely automatic manner, a cavity corresponding to the two criteria of minimum size and delaunay acceptability. It is then constructed a mesh of transition corresponding to the constraints of the digital circuit is used for the simulation. Finally, it improves the quality of the mesh of the transition at the time in the quality control in the direction of the diagram, in order to define a mesh of transition perfectly acceptable to the direction of the numerical pattern chosen - applications in simulators in order to hydrocarbon deposits, for example. / p

-生成混合网格的方法,以便根据定义的数字模式在三个维度上进行模拟,并且可以接受由一个或多个几何图形交叉的非均匀地层的数字电路图的方向不连续性,例如通过组合结构化网格和非结构化网格,已在其中钻探的地下地层,一个或多个井或一个裂缝。 -通过将用于生成异质介质的金属丝网模型的结构化网格与用于生成金属丝网模型的第二结构化网格相关联的不连续区域周围的区域,来制造混合网格。它是第一次以全自动方式生成与最小尺寸和delaunay可接受性这两个标准相对应的空腔。然后,构建一个与数字电路的约束相对应的过渡网格用于仿真。最后,它改善了沿图的方向进行质量控制时的过渡网格的质量,从而定义了完全适合所选数值模式方向的过渡网格-按顺序在模拟器中应用例如碳氢化合物沉积。



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