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Automatic scoring in digital radiology, particularly in mammography



A method and computer program and device for evaluation of the radiographic image quality of a phantom containing cells with two visualizable objects in which: the coordinates of each phantom cell are determined on each phantom image; for each phantom cell containing at least two objects: a level of a radiographic reference signal is calculated in an area of reference at right angles with the first object whose position in the cell is known; for each area of the cell capable of containing the other object: a search area formed by a set of pixels is defined; for each pixel of the search area: a signal sample is extracted in an area of interest centered on the pixel and of the same size as the reference area; a logarithmic probability function is calculated between the sample and the reference signal, the probability function corresponding to a mathematical observer; a surface parameter of the set of probability values thus obtained is calculated; the area of interest whose surface has a peak is selected as area containing the other object; the image quality score is calculated from the results of detection for the set of phantom cells.



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