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DISCOUNT CODE as a way of selling goods and services, and automated system for implementing this method



1.discount code, as a way of selling goods and services, u043eu0442u043du043eu0441u0438u0442u0441u00a0 to mode u0444u043eu0440u043cu0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 and u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 discount code in the finance and trade u043eu043fu0435u0440u0430u0446u0438u00a0u0445 for computer u0435u043du0441u0430u0446u0438u0438 cost buyers, using global and local automated systems based on the network technology, u0441u0432u00a0u0437u044bu0432u0430u044eu0449u0438u0445 u043fu043eu043au0443u043fu0430u0442u0435u043bu00a0, seller and / or u043fu0440u043eu0438u0437u0432u043eu0434u0438u0442u0435u043bu00a0 goods or services with at leastone terminal of the seller, and the operator, the enforcing of goods and / or services through the financial system, with a single other point in u0430u043fu043fu043bu0435u0442u043eu043c and hardware the hardware of cci, u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu00a0u044eu0449u0435u0433u043e u043fu043eu0440u00a0u0434u043eu043a repeated u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 discount code specific buyer from various vendors, and the network u043eu0431u044au0435u0434u0438u043du00a0u044eu0449 u0430u00a0 participants way through telecommunication channels u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0438,the proposed discount code u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 than that u043fu0440u0435u0434u043eu0441u0442u0430u0432u043bu00a0u0435u0442u0441u00a0 cci - a discount code for the amount of payment by the customer in the payment of the goods or u0443u0441u043bu0443 ki, u043fu0440u0435u0434u043eu0441u0442u0430u0432u043bu00a0u0435u043cu043eu0439 company operator, and u0440u0430u0441u0441u0447u0438u0442u044bu0432u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 u0430u043fu043fu043bu0435u0442u043eu043c hardware software complex cci on certain algorithms when shopping this goods and / or services a customer salesif you pay in cash or u0431u0435u0437u043du0430u043bu0438u0447u043du044bu043cu0438 client terminal hardware software complex cci, with u043fu0440u0435u0434u044au00a0u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u0435u043c identification code is placed on the mat u0440u0438u0430u043bu044cu043du043eu043c medium, goods and / or services operatorprocessing center hardware software complex. cci provides payment and the financial system to make the transaction and gives the instruction block u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438 u00a0 virtual account to a virtual account of the client with the face value of the amount paid for the operator, the virtual account of the client u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d with the calculation of discount codeand when shopping sellers at the terminal client u043fu0440u0435u0434u044au00a0u0432u043bu00a0u0435u0442 seller identification code based on the tangible medium, pays for the term le the acquired goods and / or servicesthen u0438u043du0444u043eu0440u043cu0430u0446u0438u00a0 purchase with the seller's terminal special protocol u0445u0435u0448u0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 and / or unipos telecommunications channels u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0438 u043fu0435u0440u0435u0434u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 on programme the mnd hardware complex - the cci, which using the applet u0438u043du0444u043eu0440u043cu0430u0446u0438u00a0 u043eu0431u0440u0430u0431u0430u0442u044bu0432u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 and u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu00a0u0435u0442u0441u00a0 discount code, u0441u043eu043eu0442u0432u0435u0442u0441u0442u0432u0443u044eu0449u0430u00a0 amount u0440u0430u0432u043du0430u00a0 discount code.with the virtual account payment of the cost of the client's goods and / or services for clients in the purchase of the seller, and u043eu0441u0442u0430u0432u0448u0430u00a0u0441u00a0 part c u0435u043du044b u043eu043fu043bu0430u0447u0438u0432u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 client at the terminal of the seller.;2.system for discount code, as a way of selling goods and services, u043eu0442u043du043eu0441u0438u0442u0441u00a0 to mode u0444u043eu0440u043cu0438u0440u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 and u0438u0441u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u043eu0432u0430u043du0438u00a0 discount code in the finance and trade u043eu043fu0435u0440u0430u0446u0438u00a0u0445 with u043eu0431u0435u0441u043f u0435u0447u0435u043du0438u0435u043c compensate buyers, using global and local automated systems based on the network technology, u0441u0432u00a0u0437u044bu0432u0430u044eu0449u0438u0445 u043fu043eu043au0443u043fu0430u0442u0435u043bu00a0, p u0440u043eu0434u0430u0432u0446u0430 and / or u043fu0440u043eu0438u0437u0432u043eu0434u0438u0442u0435u043bu00a0 goods or services with at leastone terminal of the seller, and the operator, the enforcing of goods and / or services through the financial system, and / or the mobile terminal client and network u043eu0431u044au0435u0434u0438u043du00a0u044eu0449u0430u00a0 u0443u0447u0430u0441u0442u043du0438u043au043e in the method, through telecommunication links u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0438 a help centre, including the virtual personal account client block u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 virtual personal account client blocks input / output data and identificationa repository of relevant databases, u043eu0442u043bu0438u0447u0430u044eu0449u0430u00a0u0441u00a0, operator, provides for cashless payments products and / or services with a mobile u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d term a client and / or with the financial system, which u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043d processing with the hardware of the cci, u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu00a0u0435u043cu043eu0433u043e u0430u043fu043fu043bu0435u0442u043eu043c, u043fu0440u0438u043du0430u0434u043bu0435u0436u0430u0449u0438 m cci.designed u0434u043bu00a0 u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 and coordination u0432u0437u0430u0438u043cu043eu0441u0432u00a0u0437u0435u0439 between u043fu043eu043bu044cu0437u043eu0432u0430u0442u0435u043bu00a0u043cu0438 method u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0430u043du043du044bu0439 with mobile terminal client, terminal vendors, in payment the customer, goods and / or services the operator at the terminal hardware software complex cci, which may include u0441u0435u0431u00a0 financial pos terminal and / or payment noah system, as well as the terminal of the selleru0438u043du0438u0446u0438u0438u0440u0443u0435u0442u0441u00a0 job processing centre, which gives the instruction of payment and / or financial system to implement a transaction for the customer and initiates. the block u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 virtual client's account u0434u043bu00a0 u043fu043eu043fu043eu043bu043du0435u043du0438u00a0 virtual personal account client value the amount paid for the goods and / or services in p u043eu043bu044cu0437u0443 clientu0434u043bu00a0 further payment client part of the value of the goods and / or services vendor, when shopping at the terminal client u043fu0440u0435u0434u044au00a0u0432u043bu00a0u0435u0442 sellers seller u0438u0434u0435u043du0442u0438u0444 u0438u043au0430u0446u0438u043eu043du043du044bu0439 code based on the tangible medium, after a customer identification and a block located in the terminal sales, salesu0441u0432u00a0u0437u044bu0432u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 with software and hardware complex - u0434u043bu00a0 cci input information on the operation of the client and transfers it to the hardware software complex - the cci. which is the calculation of discount code u0434u043bu00a0 seller and overlap identification codes to the seller, the algorithms of calculation and the customer codes are members in the block storage unit u043fu0440u043eu0446u0435u0441u0441u0438u043du0433u043eu0432u043e centrewhose work u0438u043du0438u0446u0438u0438u0440u0443u0435u0442u0441u00a0 block calculating discount code in the block u0443u043fu0440u0430u0432u043bu0435u043du0438u00a0 virtual account is a transaction to pay part of the price, u043eu043fu0440u0435u0434u0435u043bu00a0u0435u043cu0443u044e dis the code u0434u043bu00a0 seller for the purchased goods and / or services with virtual personal account client discount code, part of the price u043eu0441u0442u0430u0432u0448u0430u00a0u0441u00a0 u043eu043fu043bu0430u0447u0438u0432u0430u0435u0442u0441u00a0 client on t u0435u0440u043cu0438u043du0430u043bu0435 sellerafter processing the centre at the request of the client through the client u0441u0432u00a0u0437u0438 informs him about the transaction and u0441u043eu0441u0442u043eu00a0u043du0438u0438 virtual personal account.
机译:1.折扣代码,作为销售商品和服务的一种方式, u043e u0442 u043d u043e u0441 u0438 u0442 u0441 u00a0设置为 u0444 u043e u0440 u043c u0438 u0440 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0和 u0438 u0441 u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0财务和贸易中的折扣代码 u043e u043f u0435 u0440 u0430 u0446 u0438 u00a0 u0445(用于计算机) u0435 u043d u0441 u0430 u0446 u0438 u0438的费用购买者使用基于网络技术的全局和本地自动化系统, u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u044b u0432 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445 u043f u043e u043a u0443 u043f u0430 u0442 u0435 u043b u00b0,卖方和 /或 u043f u0440 u043e u0438 u0437 u0432 u043e u0434 u0438 u0442 u0435 u043b u00a0与卖方和运营商的至少一个终端之间的商品或服务,通过金融系统对商品和/或服务的强制执行,而在另一点 u0430 u043f u043f u043b u0435 u0442 u043e u043c和硬件cci的硬件, u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u00a0 u043e u043e u043e u0435 u0433 u043e u043f u043e u0440 u00a0 u0434 u043e u043a重复的 u0438 u0441 u043f u043 u044c u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0来自各个供应商的折扣代码特定买家,以及网络 u043e u0431 u044a u0435 u0434 u0438 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0参与者通过电信信道 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0438的方式,建议的折扣代码 u043e u0442 u043b u0438 u0447 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0比该 u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u043e u0441 u0442 u0430 u0432 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0 cci-客户付款商品或 u0443 u0441 u043b u0443 ki, u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u043e u0441 u0442 u0430 u0432 u043b u00a0 u0435 u043c u043e u043e u0439公司运算符,以及 u0440 u0430 u0441 u0441 u0447 u0438 u0442 u044b u0432 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0 u0430 u043f u043f u043b u0435 u0442 u043e u043c hardwar如果您以现金或 u0431 u0435 u0437 u043d u0430 u043b u0438 u0447 u043d u044b u043c u0438客户终端付款,则在购买商品和/或为客户销售提供服务时,使用某些算法的软件复杂cci带有 u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u044a u00a0 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u0435 u043c的硬件软件复合体cci放置在垫子 u0440 u0438 u0430 u043b u044c u043d u043e u043c介质,商品和/或服务运营商处理中心的硬件软件复合体。 cci提供付款和财务系统进行交易,并将指令块 u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0虚拟帐户提供给客户的虚拟帐户,其面值为计算运营商的费用,客户的虚拟帐户 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d并计算折扣代码,以及在终端客户 u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u044a u00a0上购物时 u0432 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0442基于有形介质的卖方标识代码,为获得的商品和/或服务付款,然后 u0438 u043d u0444 u043e u0440 u043c u0430 u0446 u0438 u00a0使用卖方终端特殊协议购买 u0445 u0435 u0448 u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0和 /或unipos电信频道 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0438 u043f u0435 u0440 u0435 u0434 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0在程序上对mnd硬件组合-cci进行编程,其中使用pplet u0438 u043d u0444 u043e u0440 u043c u0430 u0446 u0438 u00a0 u043e u0431 u0440 u0430 u0431 u0430 u0442 u044b u0432 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0折扣代码, u0441 u043e u043e u0442 u0432 u0435 u0442 u0442 u0441 u0442 u0432 u044 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0金额 u0440 u0430 u0432 u043d u0430 u00a0折扣代码。使用虚拟帐户为客户购买卖方的商品和/或服务的费用,以及 u043e u0441 u0442 u0430 u0432 u0448 u0430 u00a0 u0441 u00a0 part c u0435 u043d u044b u043e u043f u043b u0430 u0447 u0438 u0432 u0430 u0435 u0442 u00a0卖方终端上的客户端。2.折扣代码系统,作为一种销售商品和服务的方式, u043e u0442 u043d u043e u0441 u0438 u0442 u0441 u00a0转换为模式 u0444 u043e u0440 u043c u0438 u0440 u043e u0432 u0430 u043d u0438 u00a0和 u0438 u0441 u043f u043e u043b u044c u0437 u043437 u043e u043e u0432 u0430 u043d财经交易中的0438 u00a0折扣代码 u043e u043f u0435 u0440 u0430 u0446 u0438 u00a0 u0445与 u043e u0431 u0435 u0441 u043f u0435 u0447 u0435 u043d u0438 u0435 u043c使用基于网络技术的全球和本地自动化系统来补偿买家, u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u044b u0432 u0430 u044e u0449 u0438 u0445 u043f u043e u043e u043a u0443 u043f u0430 u0442 u0435 u043b u00a0,p u0440 u043e u0434 u0430 u0432 u0446 u0430和 /或 u043f u0440 u043e u0438 u0437 u0432 u043e u0434 u0438 u0442 u0432 u0435 u043b u00b0卖方和运营商的至少一个终端通过金融系统以及移动终端客户端和网络和/或移动终端客户和网络来执行商品和/或服务的情况。 u043e u0431 u044a u0435 u0434 u0434 u0438 u043d u00a0 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0 u0443 u0447 u0430 u0441 u0442 u043d u0438 u043a u043e方法中,通过电信链接 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0438,包括帮助中心虚拟个人帐户客户端块 u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0虚拟个人帐户客户端块输入 /输出数据和相关数据库的标识 u043e u0442 u043b u0438运营商 u0447 u0430 u044e u0449 u0430 u00a0 u0441 u00a0通过移动设备 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d提供无现金支付产品和/或服务,分别是客户和 /要么 使用金融系统,其中 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u043d使用cci的硬件进行处理, u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0435 u043c u043e u0433 u043e u0430 u043f u043f u043b u0435 u0442 u043e u043c, u043f u0440 u0438 u043d u0430 u0434 u043b u0435 u0436 u0430 u0449 u0438 m cci.designed u0434 u043b u00a0 u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0和协调 u0432 u0437 u0430 u0438 u043c u043e u0441 u0432 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0435 u0435 u0439 u043e u043b u044c u0437 u043e u0432 u0430 u0442 u0435 u043b u00a0 u043c u0438方法 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0430 u0430 u043d u043d u043d u044b u0439b终端供应商,用于在终端硬件软件中心cci上向操作员支付客户,商品和/或服务,其中可能包括 pos0441 u0435 u0431 u00a0金融pos终端和 /或noah付款系统,以及卖方终端 u0438 u043d u0438 u0446 u0438 u0438 u0440 u0443 u0435 u0442 u 0441 u00a0作业处理中心,它提供付款和 /或财务系统的指令以为客户实施交易并发起交易。阻止 u0443 u043f u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0虚拟客户帐户 u0434 u043b u00a0 u043f u043e u043f u043e u043e u043b u043d u0435 u043d u0虚拟个人帐户客户的价值为p u043e u043b u044c u0437 u0443客户 u0434 u043b u00a0进一步付款的客户所支付的商品和/或服务的价值服务供应商,在终端客户端上购物时 u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u044a u00a0 u0432 u043b u00a0 u0435 u0442卖方卖方 u0438 u0434 u0435 u043d u0442 u0438 u0444 u0438 u043a u0430 u0446 u0438 u043e u043d u043d u044b u0439代码,基于客户标识和位于终端销售中的块后,sales u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u044b u0432 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0,带有软件和硬件复合物- u0434 u043b u00a0 cci输入有关客户端操作的信息,并将其传输到硬件复合物-cci。这是折扣代码 u0434 u043b u00a0卖方的计算和向卖方重叠的标识代码,计算算法和客户代码是块存储单元 u043f u0440 u043e u0446 u0435 u0441 中的成员u0441 u0438 u043d u0433 u043e u0432 u043e中心其工作 u0438 u043d u0438 u0446 u0438 u0438 u0440 u0443 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0块在块 u0443 u043f中计算折扣代码 u0440 u0430 u0432 u043b u0435 u043d u0438 u00a0虚拟交易是支付部分价格的交易, u043e u043f u0440 u0435 u0434 u0435 u043b u00a0 u0435 u043c u0443 u044e分配代码 u0434 u043b u00a0卖方,用于购买具有虚拟个人帐户客户折扣代码的商品和/或服务,价格的一部分 u043e u0441 u0442 u0430 u0432 u0448 u0430 u00a0 在处理中心之后,u上的u0441 u00a0 u043e u043f u043b u0430 u0447 u0438 u0432 u0430 u0435 u0442 u0441 u00a0客户端上的u u0435 u043c u043c u0438 u043d u0430 u043b u0435在客户通过客户 u0441 u0432 u00a0 u0437 u0438发出的请求将有关交易的信息通知给他,并且 u0441 u043e u0441 u0442 u043e u00a0 u043d u0438 u0438虚拟个人帐户。



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