

1。 Ways to reduce calorie intakeReduce food consumption,Or loss of appetite,Or the main body of increased energy consumption,differWhat is an external introduction to the number of PYY entities,(a) The physiological level of PYY3-36 was determined after food intake;Or peripheral introduction of PYY receptors,(a) After food intake, the calorie intake decreased;Food consumption or reduce appetite, thereby increasing the energy consumption of the main body.;2。 The P.1 of this method is different from that of the main body with redundant mass.;3。 According to п. 1, the method is different from that of the subject suffering from obesity.;4。 The method is different from 1.;5。 In a different way from2. PYY or PYY receptor external including oral administration,subcutaneousintravenous injectionIntramuscular,Intermittently,groinInternal circulation,In the vagina,Intraperitoneal,localHypermucusBeechRectum, rectumOr injected lung components.;6。 Type 5 method, the difference is that the dosage of PYY or its sedative is about 45 to 135 mg / kg of body weight.;7。 Type 6 method, the difference is that the dosage of PYY or its sedative is about 72 mg / kg body weight.;8。 One method of P.1, unlike PYY or its agonist, inputs food at least 30 minutes ago.;9。 The first method, which is different from PYY or the surrounding of its radicals, has a t value of about 0 At least 30 minutes before eating, the body weight changes from about 135 mg / kg / kg / kg.;10。 In a different way from2. The main body should also input the quantity of additional agent effectively in the treatment,appetite suppressant Who introduced amfepramon)(FinnishMasindor,PhenylpropanolamineAmphetamineDexfenfluramin or fluorocarbons.;11。 One method of P.1, unlike PYY or its sedative input, effectively reduces their calorie intake by at least 2 hours.;12。 The type 11 method, unlike PYY or the number of its ballast input objects, effectively reduces their calorie intake by about 2 to 24 hours.;13。 Method 1, different from the way of subject and person.;14。 A method of P.1, unlike a PYY promoter, contains a molecule in which there is a specific Cy2 receptor.;15。 The method of P. 14, with PYY accelerator, added a part of c-fos in the arc drama in contact with PYY accelerator.;16。 One method of P.1, which differs from a specific PYY promoter called neurons, contains neuropeptide Y and inhibits neuronal activity, which contains neuropeptide Y.;17。 P. The difference between the two methods is that PYY promoter reduces the frequency of repetitive action potential pulses of neurons containing neuropeptide Y.;18。 The method of p.16, which is different from that of neurons containing neuropeptide Y, synapses of shengzan and precursor pigment hormone neurons, including a PYY promoter and neurons, The substance containing neuropeptide Y can increase the activity of protoopioid platelet neurons.;19。 Method 18, different fromWhat is pain PYY, called neurons,Equipment containing neuropeptide Y reduces the repetition rate of action potential pulses of neurons,a. The substance containing neuropeptide Y decreased the activity of neurons;The potential of neuropeptide Y-containing neurons increased.;20。 According to the π. 1 method, it is different from the method of reducing the main body's appetite.;21。 The 20th method, different from the main body of food consumption reduction.;22。 Method 21, which is different from reducing the body's calorie intake.;23。 Method 1 is different from preventing or reducing the accumulation of the main body.;24。 The first method is different from the method of inducing or maintaining the mass loss of the main body.;25。 Type 1 methods, unlike PYY or its receptor T input, range from about 0.5 to about 135 mg / kg of body weight.;26。 The first method is different from the method of inducing or enhancing saturation and saturation sensation.;27。 Method 1, different from hunger in the subject and the feeling of hunger.;28。 The first method, which is different from PYY or its receptor, can be used multiple times or separately.;29。 The first method is different from peripheral injection of PYY or its sedative in pulse dose.;30。 In a different way from1. The form of peripheral introduction of PYY or its receptor theorists;Guaranteed decelerationLong term or controlled release of drugs,Or with a pump,Or the drug introduction of the implant.;31。 The first method is different from the introduction of PYY or its promoter around the dose range of about 5 nm to about 50 nm.;32。 The first type of method, the dose of PYY or its sedative is about 2 nm to 20 nm.;33。 Class 31 method, which is characterized in that the dosage of PYY or its sedative is about 10 nm.;34。 One method of P.1, which differs from an object of input, is the amount of additional drugs that are effective in the treatment of anorexia.;35。 The method of p. 1, different from an additional infusion of t at least one dose to reduce plasma glucose levels, agent, Change the lipid content in plasma or reduce food intake.;36。 The first method, which is different from an entity, can maintain the ideal body mass or maintain the ideal body mass index.;37。 The first method is to regard the breach of contract that may lead to obesity or overweight as defective or dangerous.;38。 A method of P.1, unlike a subject suffering from a violation, is due to a complex or deteriorating IMS at St. Z, with relatively high nutritional levels.;39。 The P.1 of this method is different from the main input t agost PYY.;40。 P. The physiological level of py3-36 was 40-60 MPa, which was different from that of dietary.;41。 P. The physiological level of py3-36 was 40-50 ppm.;42。 Use PYY or its promoter as DD to reduce calorie intake, reduce food intake, or reduce appetite, or increase the body's energy consumption.;43。 PYY or its promoter is used as an active ingredient in the production of DD drugs to reduce calorie intake and food consumption, Or reduce appetite, or increase the energy consumption of the main body.
机译:1。减少卡路里摄入量的方法减少食物消耗,食欲不振或能量消耗增加的主体,这是对PYY实体数量的外部介绍,(a)食物后确定PYY3-36的生理水平摄入;或外围引入PYY受体,(a)食物摄入后,卡路里摄入减少;食物消耗或食欲降低,从而增加了主体的能量消耗。; 2。该方法的P.1与; 3。根据п。在图1中,该方法与肥胖症对象的方法不同。; 4。该方法与1.; 5不同。 PYY或PYY受体外用药,包括口服,皮下静脉内注射,肌肉内,间歇性,腹股沟内循环,阴道内,腹膜内,局部粘液性山毛榉直肠,直肠或肺部注射成分。; 6。5型方法,区别在于PYY或镇静剂的剂量约为45。135 mg / kg体重。; 7。6型方法的区别在于PYY或其镇静剂的剂量约为72 mg / kg体重。; 8。P.1的一种方法,与PYY或它的激动剂至少在30分钟前输入食物。; 9。第一种方法不同于PYY或其自由基的周围,其值约为0。进食前至少30分钟,体重从135左右变化。 mg / kg / kg / kg。; 10。以不同于2的方式。主体还应在治疗中有效输入其他药剂的量,引入安非他命的食欲抑制剂)(芬兰Masindor,苯丙醇胺,苯丙胺Dfenfenramramin或碳氟化合物。; 11。)P.1的一种方法,与PYY或它的镇静剂不同,有效地降低了卡路里类型11的方法不同于PYY或镇流器输入对象的数量,有效地减少了大约2到24小时的卡路里摄入。; 13。方法1,不同于主体的方法P.1的方法不同于PYY启动子,其分子中含有特定的Cy2受体。; 15。P.14的方法,用PYY促进剂,添加了一部分c-和人。 P.1的一种方法不同于特定的称为神经元的PYY启动子,它含有神经肽Y并抑制含有神经肽Y的神经元活性。; 17。两种方法的区别在于PYY pro p.16的方法不同于含神经肽Y的神经元,胜赞和前体色素激素神经元的突触,包括PYY启动子和P.16。p.16的方法不同于包含神经肽Y的神经元的重复动作电位脉冲的频率。方法18,不同于疼痛的PYY,称为神经元。方法18,不同于疼痛的PYY,称为神经元,含有神经肽Y的设备降低了神经元的动作电位脉冲的重复率。含神经肽Y的物质降低神经元的活性;含神经肽Y的神经元的电位增加。; 20。 ;21。方法21,不同于减少人体的卡路里摄入。1。方法,不同于减少人体食欲的方法。 23。方法1不同于防止或减少主体的堆积。; 24。第一种方法不同于引起或维持主体的质量损失的方法。; 25。Type 1方法不同于PYY或23。 ; 26。第一种方法不同于诱导或增强饱和度和饱和感的方法。; 27。方法1,不同于饥饿的是,它的受体T输入范围为约0.5至约135 mg / kg体重。 28。第一种方法与PYY或其受体不同,可以多次使用或分别使用。; 29。第一种方法与PYY或其镇静剂的外周注射的脉冲剂量不同。; 30。 PYY或其受体理论家外周引入的形式;保证的减速度长期或药物的控释,或用泵,或植入物的药物引入。; 31。第一种方法不同于PYY或其启动子的引入第一种类型的方法,PYY或其镇静剂的剂量为约2 nm至20 nm。; 33。第31类方法,其特征在于: PYY或其镇静剂的剂量约为10 nm。; 34。P.1的一种与输入对象不同的方法是有效治疗厌食症的其他药物的量。; 35。 p。 1,不同于额外输注至少1剂以降低血浆葡萄糖水平的药剂,36。第一种方法与实体不同,可以维持理想的体重或维持理想的体重指数。; 36。 ; 38。P.1的一种方法不同于受害的受试者,它是由于St.Z的IMS复杂或恶化,并且营养水平较高而引起的。该方法的P.1不同于之前的主要输入PYY。; 40。P. py3-36的生理水平为40-60 MPa,与饮食中的不同。41。 P. py3-36的生理水平为40-50 ppm。; 42。以PYY或其促进剂作为DD可以减少卡路里的摄入,减少食物的摄入或降低食欲或增加人体的能量消耗。; 43。或其促进剂用作DD药物生产中的活性成分,以减少卡路里摄入和食物消耗,或降低食欲或减轻主体的能耗。


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