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Systems, Methods and software for Extraction and resolution of banks and resolutions together with extraction of events and Relations



For the processing of texts, the Inventors devised, among other things, a system that includes a Tagger, a solver entities, entities, a classifier of text segments and a Puller.The Tagger entities receives a segment of input text, and Label entities designated in the segment of a person, Company, or location. The solver entities access to the registration authorities, and associated persons and companies named in the text segment with specific entries of files.The segments of text classifier determines whether the text segment includes an event as Event relationship, Job change or event of merger and acquisition and, if an event is detected, The Extractor Relations determines the role that in the event of designated entities and Play The segment.For example, The Extractor determines for an event of merger and acquisition, the acquiring company named what was and what is acquired.
机译:为了处理文本,发明人设计了一个系统,其中包括塔格(Tagger),求解器实体,实体,文本段的分类器和Puller.Tagger实体接收一段输入文本,并指定Label标签在个人,公司或位置的细分中。求解程序实体可以访问注册机构以及在文本段中命名的关联人员和公司,并带有特定的文件条目。文本分类器的段确定文本段中是否包含事件,如事件关系,工作变更或合并和收购事件。然后,如果检测到事件,则“提取器关系”确定在指定实体和“播放细分”事件中的角色。例如,对于并购事件,“提取器”确定被收购公司命名为“是”和“被收购” 。



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