首页> 外国专利> The process of avaliau00c3u2020o sensory comfort as a parameter of quality control

The process of avaliau00c3u2020o sensory comfort as a parameter of quality control

机译:avalia u00c3 u2020o感觉舒适度作为质量控制参数的过程


This invenu00c3u2020o refers to a process of avaliau00c3u2020o comfort products T - textiles, which aims to provide users the informau00c3u2020o on the perceived comfort when using the peu00c3a.Through the utilizau00c3u2020o of this process will be necessary to have recourse to experts, since the informau00c3u2020o is provided by a sensory neuronal network that uses the data fufffdsico mechanics of the fabric into sensory input.
机译:此发明是指avalia u00c3 u2020o舒适产品T-纺织品的过程,旨在为用户提供使用pe u00c3a时所感觉到的舒适度的信息。通过utiliza u00c3 由于信息是由感觉神经元网络提供的,因此该过程必须借助专家,因为该感觉神经元网络将织物的数据机制用作感觉输入。



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