首页> 外国专利> (54) Title: COMPOSITE MATERIAL COMPRISING NANOPARTICLES AND PRODUCTION OF PHOTOACTIVE LAYERS CONTAINING QUATERNARY, PENTANARY AND HIGHER-ORDER COMPOSITE SEMICONDUCTOR NANOPARTIC-LES (54) Bezeichnung : KOMPOSITMATERIAL UMFASSEND NANOPARTKEL SOWIE HERSTELLUNG VON PHOTOAKTI-VEN SCHICHTEN ENTHALTEND QUATERNARE, PENTANARE UND HOHER ZUSAMMENGESET2TE HALBLEITER-NANOPARTKEL Wellenl5nge / nm E= Abb. 4 AA _. Nanoparticle Emission spectrum DD... Intensity BB ... Nanoparticle Excitation spectrum CC ... Excitation wavelength EE „. Wavelength (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a composite material composed of at least two constituents, wherein at least one constituent is present in the form of nanoparticles, which are made of at least three metals and at least one non-metal and the diameters of winch are fess than one micrometer, preferably less than 200 nm. The composite maleriaf according to the invention is suited in particular for producing photoactive layers. (57) Zusammenfassung: Fortset

(54) Title: COMPOSITE MATERIAL COMPRISING NANOPARTICLES AND PRODUCTION OF PHOTOACTIVE LAYERS CONTAINING QUATERNARY, PENTANARY AND HIGHER-ORDER COMPOSITE SEMICONDUCTOR NANOPARTIC-LES (54) Bezeichnung : KOMPOSITMATERIAL UMFASSEND NANOPARTKEL SOWIE HERSTELLUNG VON PHOTOAKTI-VEN SCHICHTEN ENTHALTEND QUATERNARE, PENTANARE UND HOHER ZUSAMMENGESET2TE HALBLEITER-NANOPARTKEL Wellenl5nge / nm E= Abb. 4 AA _. Nanoparticle Emission spectrum DD... Intensity BB ... Nanoparticle Excitation spectrum CC ... Excitation wavelength EE „. Wavelength (57) Abstract: The invention relates to a composite material composed of at least two constituents, wherein at least one constituent is present in the form of nanoparticles, which are made of at least three metals and at least one non-metal and the diameters of winch are fess than one micrometer, preferably less than 200 nm. The composite maleriaf according to the invention is suited in particular for producing photoactive layers. (57) Zusammenfassung: Fortset

机译:(54)标题:包含纳米颗粒的复合材料,以及包含季铵盐,五元酚和高阶复合半导体纳米颗粒的光敏层的生产(54)苯乙酮:全脂状全脂状全脂蛋白,其整个蛋白质的分子量为10到10微米。 -NANOPARTKEL Wellenl5nge / nm E = Abb。 4 AA _。纳米粒子发射光谱DD ...强度BB ...纳米粒子激发光谱CC ...激发波长EE„。波长(57)摘要:本发明涉及由至少两种成分组成的复合材料,其中至少一种成分以纳米颗粒的形式存在,所述纳米颗粒由至少三种金属和至少一种非金属制成,并且绞盘的直径为小于一微米,优选小于200nm。根据本发明的复合马氏体特别适合于生产光敏层。 (57)Zusammenfassung:[堡垒


pThe invention relates to a composite material composed of at least two constituents, wherein at least one constituent is present in the form of nanoparticles, which are made of at least three metals and at least one non-metal and the diameters of which are less than one micrometer, preferably less than 200 nm. The composite material according to the invention is suited in particular for producing photoactive layers./p [WO2010138982A1]
机译:本发明涉及由至少两种成分组成的复合材料,其中至少一种成分以纳米颗粒的形式存在,其由至少三种金属和至少一种非金属制成,并且其直径小于1微米,优选小于200nm。根据本发明的复合材料特别适合于生产光敏层。 [WO2010138982A1]




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